
By ClauAnne

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There were two bestfriends, Kathreen Collins and Clarisse Lightwood; Their family had a Road trip because Sum... More

Chapter 1: The Crash
Chapter 2: Search
Chapter 3: Finally discovered
Chapter 4: Surviving High
Chapter 5: Separated groups
Chapter 6: Rivals at war: Too popular?
Chapter 7:Impossibility, A Possibility <3
Chapter 8: Giving up shields
Chapter 9: You're messing with the wrong girl
Chapter 10:Wardrobe Malfunction and more
Chapter 11: Secrets, Lies, and Baiting season
Chapter 12: BE THE BAIT!!!
Chapter 14: No kidding?!
Chapter 15: New Guys
Chapter 16: Welcome to Z Highschool
Chapter 17: "Lost"
Chapter 18: 4 Years... Ago?
Chapter 19: Bestfriends stick together... Like glue
Chapter 20: Losing someone
Chapter 21: Changed
Questions and Confusion

Chapter 13: Whose the Culprit?

194 10 0
By ClauAnne

(Clarisse POV)

Okay so I just came back from Kathreen. I promised that I would watch over her two days a week. My life practically has its own schedule. Monday and Tuesday afternoons I would practice dagger lessons with my group.

Wednesday and Thursday afternoons I would hangout til night time with Jace. We'd go for a stroll on his motorbike or go out for dinner. Fridays and Saturdays are the days I spend just for Kat. She's recovering lately.

Although, since two weeks ago, she's been pretty attached to Jason and they're workin' up nicely. Jason brought her Brownies from C&B once in awhile. He kept her company and took her temperature when she needed to.

So I left Kathreen with Jason and went out of the Infirmary. Jace waited outside of the curb riding on his motorbike. I waved hello as he handed me a helmet. I took it from him and hoped on his back.

I slid my arms on his waist. Jace grabbed my hand and kissed it. After that, He took his helmet and placed it on him and we left the Infimary in a second.


"So?" He asked "How was your visit?"

I placed the table napkin on the right side of my plate and took a deep, exhausted breathe in and out again.

We were eating at his dorm. My favourite chinese noodles were prepared right in front of me. Topped by super refreshing, cold Iced Tea.

Jace sipped some of his tea while staring at me, waiting for and answer.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked his face concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired." I answered.

"You barely even touched your food." He said.

"I'm fine, J.C"

He nodded and went back eating. The rest of the supper was just plain silence. My mind was just packed with stuff. Thinking for hours is harder than, sitting for hours.


After helping place all the dishes on the sink, I walked from the kitchen towards the living room, where, a fluffy black couch was placed tempting me to fall over and sleep. It was tiring and so I did.

Jace sat by my side. He was done placing all the dishes on the dish washer. He looked at me with the same concern in his eyes.

When I think he felt the tension inside me, he straightened himself and took both my hands on his and directed me to look at him. He stared at me with those deep, brown eyes that has been captivating me ever since.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

There are only two people on Earth who knows me better than myself. Jace and Kathreen. Though Kathreen spent 4 years with me, Jace knew my strength better than her. And he was good at sensing my emotions.

"Risse, your my girlfriend. You and I both know that I could tell if your sad. Even if you deny it."

Jace was right. I was on the verge on having a emotional break down. Things that were happening were just giving me too much Anxiety. I don't even know how much more I could keep.

I locked my eyes on his and then suddenly I blurted every single emotions I was presently having.

"I'm just tired and nervous lately." I said

Jace was silent for minutes. He was thinking what he would say to save me from this struggle I was going through.

He sat for minutes trying to think on what to do. Then, He spoke.

"Come on!" He said. Tugging on my hand with a smile on his face.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait and see."


We drove and drove until we stopped on our destination. I wasn't quite shocked or happy to see our destination. Nor was I mad. All I felt was 'oh! Really? The school.'

"What are we gonna do here?" I asked.

"Just wait. You'll see." Jace said.

I sensed that he was slightly annoyed. So I let the matter go and just followed him go inside the building.

We held hands as we passed the hallway. We stopped by the cafteria. We got a tub of Ice cream from the freezer and took out two spoons.

We left the cafeteria and passed every single locker the school had. Passing one wing through the other.

We started walking up the stairs until we reached the fifth floor. Just when I saw the blossoming flowers and the smell of fresh Stargazers just smelled so delicate. I knew instantly where we were. Thats when I let out a smile. We were in the school terrace.

The place we first said we loved each other.

Jace must have sensed the smile that I gave out, cause he let out a side smile as turned his gaze towards me. His fingers laced mine and I stared down at them. This is just perfect. Suddenly, I forgot all about my stress. All I thought about was... Jace and us.

We walked up the balcony. Jace laid out a sheet that, I guessed, we were supposed to sit on. He nicely laid it on the ground and after that, sat on top of it. He reached his arms out to call me over.

I felt the smile that I had been keeping just slowly come out and reveal itself. I held his hand and he pulled me closer as I sat down between him. His arms wrapped around me,as I felt his face on my shoulder. He kissed my neck, then just wrap his arms around me.

The warmth of his body calmed me. The romantic scene was topped with the cool breeze of september.


By this time I was shoveling spoonful of Ice cream inside my mouth. Jace couldn't help but laugh at me. His Native American face that was slightly tan-ish did that cute slits of his wrinkled eyes from laughing. His deep, brown eyes were being covered completely.

We played around with Ice cream and enjoyed our night for ourselves. We talked about the experiences we've had together. The time when he saved me from the zombie. I told him how his Native American heritage spoke so loud, that just by looking at his bad boy look, you'd sense the danger that he was capable of doing if you made him mad.

"Your dangerous looking." I said teasingly.

"Am not!" He said smiling.

I laughed out loud, as I stood. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me down closer to his face.

I saw his eyes just stare at my face with love.

I cupped my hands on his cheek as I gave him the softest of kisses on his lips. When are lips parted, our faces were still close to each other. He paced my face wih his eyes and I just felt the butterflies inside my stomach electrify me.

The sparks I felt when I first found out I liked him just started coming back and just closed over my body. Suddenly, I felt weak.

He moved his lips closer. Again and again we were kissing. His lips moved smoothly and softly, charming me into his spell.

We parted again and this time we hugged tightly against each other.

"I love you and I will do anything just to protect you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I answered stupidly. I wanted to say more, but the tension was just making my body weak. Worse! it also affected my thinking.


Well, the night ended pretty good. He drove me home. The speed of the motorbike was slow so that we still had time with each other.

I kept hugging him. My face was attached to his back I could hear his breathing. It was peaceful. I would never try finding another guy to replace Jace Grant.


Jace and I finally arrived at my dorm. I went down from the motorbike and removed the helmet from my head and handed it to him. I thanked him for the great evening.

For the last time I stared at his Native American face. I was tantalized by his perfect red lips and his deep set eyes and his fine muscular body and his six packs... Oh just name it. He has it all.

I kissed his lips goodbye. The way he kissed was like he didn't even want to let go, but he had to.

"I gotta go. I still have tons to do." I said my thumb rubbing his cheeks. "Besides, we still have tomorow, and the day after that, and the day after that... Forever."

He held my hand towards his lips and kissed it.

"I know." He said. "I just can't let you go. I'll miss you."

I chuckled and kissed the top of his head, messing up his spiked jet black hair.

Just to give you a tip about Jace. He kindda looks like Taylor Lautner... Actually, a repleca.

"Well, if you miss me give me a call. You have my number." I said. "Just call me."

I smiled and he nodded.

"Okay. Guess I gotta let go of my Princess." He said with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, come on don't do that, J.C" I begged.

"Alright! I'll go." He said as he straightened his bike. "Bye."


"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I answered.

He watched me as I walked up the steps and opened the door. Just before I went inside, I looked back and threw him a flying kiss. He captured by clutching on something imaginary. I smiled, then went inside. When I closed the door, I heard him drove off.


I woke up early in this morning. Today was the day Kathreen would be discharged from the Infirmary. Jason would be bringing her home.

I cleaned Kat's room, fixing the sheets and changing them.

When everything was done I sat on the couch and waited for their arrival.

I almost fell asleep, when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran over to open it and discovered it was Jason and Kathreen.

I giggled and hugged her. I was glad she was home. Life alone at the dorm was just boring and scary. Finally, life was back and tension has gone.

We finished eating breakfast together. Jason had to leave before me because of a fight he had to deal with. I helped Kathreen to her room to get changed for school. I went back to my room and got ready too.

I finished changing. I wore my black tank top covered by my gray Gap hoodie. I also wore my skinny black jeggings and slipped my black Converse snickers on. I shoveled my books in my bag and went out of my room.

I saw Kathreen all dressed up. I walked towards the fridge and grabbed two Peanut Butter sandwiches. I handed Kathreen one and she grabbed it and said Thank you.

Jace messaged me at the moment that he would drive me to school.

I wondered if Kathreen was walking or was JASON gonna pick her up. You just don't know.

"Are you walking to school or is Jason gonna pick you up?" I asked.

She continued fixing her bag. "Ah, no. Jason offered to pickmme up and drive me to school. Why?"

I knew it! Held back the smile that was forming.

"Uhm... Cause Jace messaged me that he would pick me up. But, if you were going to walk, I would've told him never mind."

She pouted as she raised a brow.

"That's okay. Jason is coming in just a minute...so... You can just go on with Jace if you want."

"Great! I'll call him now."


We left the dorm and walked down the steps. Jace and Jason were parked over at the curb on their motorbikes. Jace waved at me. He was wearing his black Gap hoodie. His hair was nicely fixed with gel. His Native American face just made him look hotter under the summer sun.

"Hey Babe!" He greeted.

"Hey." I said smiling at him. I reached over and kissed him on the lips.

"How was your sleep?"

"Fine. But, I had to wake up early, so I'm a bit sleepy." I frowned.

"Thats alright. You won't be too sleepy later." He said as he rubbed my cheek.

"Hop on." He said.

I reached over his shoulder and used it as a support to hop on the bike. He handed me a helmet and I wrapped my arms under his waist.


We arrived just in time before opening assembly.

Zombiology shifted its grouping. So now Jace and I are partners. So was Kathreen and Jason.

The class would've been boring if it weren't for Jace being my partner. He held my attention. Our hands were on top of each other as we listened to our lessons.


The class ended and I shoveled all my stuff inside my bag. Jace laughed as he saw me do that.

He stood and so did I.

We were about to leave, when Ryan entered the room. He greeted our professor. There was something with Ryan that looked different. He looked serious.

"Good morning." He greeted us.

The class replied the same.

"Later this afternoon there will be a meeting for each group. Leaders and Members be at the gym by 3:30. Everyone present yesterday is required to be there."

I stared over at Kathreen who was standing beside Jason. She understood my expression and shrugged.

Jace was intently listening to the announcement. His brows knitted. He was confused.

Ryan left the room and everyone went back to what we were doing. Jace and I walked out holding hands. When we reached the hallway, Kat and Jason were talking and we met them.

They decided to get some lunch at the cafeteria, while Jace and I wanted to grab some chinese food. So we split up.


"What do you think that was about?" I asked while picking up a dumpling with my chopsticks.

"The announcement?"

I nodded.

"I don't know. It sounded serious."

"How could you tell?"

"Ryan never keeps anything from us."

I thought about it. True, Ryan never kept anything from us. We were his trusted among all the students. Kathreen and Jason in particular.

"I don't think its something we're goin' to be expecting." I said.

He nodded in agreement.


We arrived at the school grounds exactly on time. Every single group was arranged in rows. I spotted Jason and Kathreen orienting their group.

Our group stood straight as both of us approached.

Alexa and Nica were surprisingly separated. Alexa was listening to something on her Ipod. Nica on the other hand was acting weird. When I mean "weird" I mean -someone-is-chasing-me "weird".

She was sweating beads. I didn't know what was going on with her. Her sister was relaxed. What was going on?

Jace and I talked and planned some stuff.

A few minutes later, Ryan entered the platfrom. Then everyone went silent. The mic shrieked and some groaning was heard.

"Good evening." He said, still looking serious. "I know all of you are curious why we are having a sudden, unexplained meeting."

Jace sighed and sat back. I slipped my fingers inside his hand and they laced. He looked at me and I smiled.

He nodded and took a deep breathe.

"Everyone witnessed the sudden failure of yesterday's Bait Season."

Oooooh. So this is what all of this is about. We were talking about who accidentally shot Kathreen on her bike.

"As you all have noticed, that before Kathreen fell, something shot her right arm. Now we're not blaming anyone. But, we just want to be cautious."

Everyone started mumbling and whispering with each other. Jace glanced at Jason who was already looking at us. He was worried.

"Among this crowd, one accidentally shot Kathreen. All we're requiring is that you come on front and admit your mistake. You won't be expelled, nor be outcasted. We just want the truth."

I looked around through the crowd looking for anyone who would come up front. I gazed at one person to the other. No one seemed accountable.

I was still staring, when my eyes stopped at something. Alexa and Nica were arguing with their expressions. Alexa mouthed 'shut up! They won't notice! Shut up!'. Nica was sweating up even faster and she was now even worse than a while ago.

Somethings wrong.


There was tension in the room. Some of the girls behind us were whispering. "I wonder who the person could be?" Said girl number one. Girl number two hushed her by shushing girl number one.

There were murmuring and whispers soreading across the crowd. Jace was impatiently tapping his finger on his arm rest. His grip was getting stronger. He was getting mad.

One thing you should know about Jace. Aside from being a Native American bloodline and being hot, he has an impatient temper. Meaning he flares up easily.

"Okay. So no one has come up yet." Said Ryan. "You have five seconds to reveal yourself or punishment will occur if we find you."

The murmuring started getting louder. Some were getting impatient already, wanting the matter to end.

The time was running up and Ryan has started counting.







Everyone turned to see who it was. I looked back instantly. Jace's hand relaxed and my jaws dropped when I saw the person who came forward.

I had been right all along.

She stood there tears running down through her cheeks. She sobbed as her tears kept coming down.

"I... Shot... Kat." She sobbed.

Ryan took a deep disappointed and relieved breathe.

"I'lll see you in my office." He said sternly. "Nica Green."


What up readers! Hope you enjoyed reading Zurvivors. Please comment and follow us on our twitter page. You can view the username on our profile. Thank you for spending time on reading our simple book. Please continue supporting us through reading.

Xoxo- Anne & Claudette

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