Chronicles: Second Earth Onli...

By CyrilCular

468 105 2

What would you do if the world you know is not the world it should be? Would you escape to another world? Or... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Two

33 7 0
By CyrilCular

The world is focused only on the outside. That's a reality people keep on denying but they keep on doing.

---Second Earth Online

The smell of air conditioner mixed with anaesthetics and other foreign medicine made Nexus' consciousness fly back to his body. After breathing for a several counts, he felt his head throb like it has been hit with a truck and his whole body received severe hits from the fight.

The door swung open revealing an elderly woman which for sure is his mother and a police officer about her age too.

Her mother flashed a surprised yet happy smile after seeing him in a conscious state. "Thank goodness you're finally awake!" The cop smiled at him. But he has no idea what to reply to the both of them.

After she showed her joyful side, Nexus' mother changed into a fearsome fellow. "And now, would you please explain to me what happened? This policeman surprised me by calling in the middle of the night saying my son and his friend were at the hospital because the t of them were ambushed by some random dirty gangsters!"

She then turned to the police officer. "Make sure those punks will never get to taste sunlight out of prison or they'll meet Satan in just a few hours if they still try to do some nasty business with my son, got that sir?"

Nexus wasn't surprised at how his mother acted since he knew that this is her attitude when it comes to matters like this, but on the other hand the police officer was greatly surprised that he only replied a yes on her statements.

"But I'd like to thank you sir for helping my son and his friend. There's no corresponding value for your help but if you ever needed anything, you are free to ask me since I am in debt to you." His mother said sincerely and the officer went all smiles and said,

"It's okay ma'am, it's our duty after all. Don't worry about it." After he said that, the police officer bid goodbyes to us and left saying he still has work to do.

"Now, explanation. Tell me your side of the story." His mother changed back into a serious woman while taking a chair from the side and placing it beside the bed in order for them to have a good conversation.

And so, Nexus started telling his story from the time when they were eating ice cream, up to the point where he lost consciousness while fighting.

"You're probably wondering where Pierre is right? Well, few hours before you were awake, his mom and dad were here and they took him. You know rich people, they can afford anything, so I guess he's in a private first class hospital." Seeing his son reassured, she took an apple from the basket and handed it to him.

"I hope this won't happen again." She said while Nexus is slowly eating the fruit. "We both know that you have a feeble body and a weak immune system that's why you are vulnerable to any diseases. Why did you even put up a fight?"

Nexus stayed at the hospital for three days as instructed by the doctor. "You know mom, for a mother you are really greatly amazing." Nexus just blurted out. His mother smiled after doing this and doing that. She stopped, sat down and meet her son's gaze.

"Because that's what parents do. It's what mothers do. Whatever happens it is our sole duty to love and to take good care of our child. You're our responsibility. Any mother out there who don't love her son or daughter is as good as a dead woman. You see, how did you manage to bring a baby if you are not responsible enough of taking good care, raising and teaching it values?" She discussed.

"Aw mom. I love you. It's really unfortunate that there are children out there who chose to hate and to be angry at their parents. But don't worry mom, I won't do the same." He said.

"You don't know how I feel right now after hearing what you just said. It feels so reassuring that you think like that."They exchanged hugs and a pair of kisses. That day Nexus was finally able to be discharged and they went home the afternoon of that same day.

When he finally came back to their home, he missed the warm and familiar feeling of his room still equipped with a single bed, a desk full of books on the right aided with a lamp shade and a window above it. He checked the cabinets and the drawers, the storage for his clothes and garments but it was unbelievably clean with no trace of dust.


When he finally came back to school, everyone in the room is concerned in his well-being. Including Alexei. But the teachers were not there for they were called an urgent meeting concerned with the recent happenings about gangs.

"So, how are you?" she asked out of the blue.

"U-uh, me? Are you t-talking to me?" Nexus replied back with a question then looked at his surroundings to check if he really is the one Alexei is talking to.

"Well of course!" She smiled and he felt rumbling butterflies in his stomach.

"Hey, look, look! Nexus's face is totally red!" Then some random classmate of him shouted which made the whole class' attention to him.

"I-I'm okay, we're okay! Haha!" he stuttered while scratching the back of his head and ignoring the class' applause.

Seeing this, Pierre concluded something and grinned. The way he stuttered, how he answered her questions and how he blushed when he's around her. Nexus definitely fancies Alexei and that something Pierre needs to prove to.

Afternoon passed quietly like a calm breeze. Nexus cannot concentrate on each subject that went on because Alexei is seated right next to him and for him, it is really uncomfortable and awkward. 'I think Pierre knew something.' Nexus thought then suddenly the bell rang. The university started to lose its students and the crowd is definitely thinning out.

Unlike the other day, this time they did not went to any shops for stop overs fearing that the same thing would happen again and that is not a good memory to remember. The two silently walked their own path and Nexus' house greeted them first.

"Why don't you step in for a moment. My mom would love to see you here." Nexus happily treated him but he refused.

"It's such a tempting offer since I love your mom's cooking. But sad to say, my family's having a reunion at our house and I needed to be there, why don't you instead, come with me?" Now it's Pierre's turn.

Nexus shrugged and waved his right hand. "I'll pass, like what you said, it is a family reunion and I follow it's definitions that ONLY blood-related family can attend that."

"I knew you would say that. Haha, I'll be on my way then!" The two exchanged manly hugs and waved at each other before Nexus decided to open the door when he saw Pierre's silhouette vanish in a far corner of the street.

Oddle's residence was bustling with rich people. There is a huge party going on occurring at their own household. The Oddles are celebrating a family reunion but as well as the introduction of Mr. Robert Oddle's latest invention. There were even reporters from various TV networks to share the news to the world.

Then, Mr. Oddle with his white tuxedo walked upfront carrying a handful of silver box. All personalities even the reporters' attention are all at him.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" he started his speech with such greetings and the crowd fell silent. "I humbly thank those here tonight to celebrate our family's 17th Annual Reunion and for the personalities here to witness my grand introduction of my latest invention!"

The crowd let out an applause but died the second he continued his words. "For years, mankind has been advancing to higher level of knowledge and intelligence. The world has become busier with the help of the inventions of our ancestors. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Ptolemy, Aristotle, all of the great scientists and inventors of their era is what brought us here to this moment in time."

Another series of applause cut off his speech, yet he still continued. His words were transmitted lively to every television, every radio station in the whole country. Even Nexus is closely watching his father's uncle get featured in a live simulcast.

"The emergence of the computers drove us to a faster living. But we of all people know, that mankind has that sensation or the need of discovery." He paused for a quick moment.

"I present to you, Second Earth Online!" The whole crowd gave him cheers and an even greater applause with the two of his hands holding the silver box up in the air...

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