Warriors Secrets of The Shado...

By BookWriter345

484 48 4

After the warning from ScarClan that AshClan may strike them next, Rowanpaw, son of Stormclaw will do everyth... More

Clans and Allegiances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sneak peek surprise
Chapter 1

Chapter 21

10 2 2
By BookWriter345

Dewfoot head butted him away. "You mouse head!" She spat at the black and white tom and pelted after Swiftslip, who was bounding away. Swiftslip was running like the wind.
Dewfoot had to admit for herself that like her name, Swiftslip was fast, but she was faster;pelting quickly, she caught up with the tortoiseshell she-cat and tackled her.
Swiftslip yowled in agony and surprise. "Swiftslip listen to me!" Dewfoot wailed.
"Why?!" She cried.
"He practically went on about how he saw me with Sharpfrost!" The she-cat yowled. "And he licked my cheek first!" She added.
"So...we both need to go rip his pelt off?" Swiftslip smirked.
"Yes. Because no one makes you upset, and I-I'm sorry I licked his cheek back." Dewfoot mewed flattening her ears. Swiftslip stood up. "It's ok. Let's go rip his pelt off. Together."
"Yes." She purred brightening up. The two she cats started walking back. Coalleap was standing alone, looking awkward.
Swiftslip growled and cats looked on. Even Foxstar looked interested. Swiftslip padded over to Coalleap circling him with Dewfoot. The black and white tom purred when he saw the both of them.
Swiftslip slashed his nose hard. He yowled out.
Dewfoot clawed him down his cheek. "This is for licking my cheek!" She hissed, clawing at his ear next.
Swiftslip slashed his shoulder. "That's for trying to have another mate!" She shrieked.
"That's for hurting Swiftslip!" Dewfoot slashed his leg.
"Use your left! Your left!" Tasha encouraged the she-cats.
"And this is for being a father who's disloyal." Swiftslip slashed him deep across his cheek leaving scar worthy wounds. Dewfoot pressed close to Swiftslip comfortingly. Cats murmured. "What was that about?" Lichenmask asked Rainfur.
His brother shrugged in reply.
"I may have an idea," A voice meowed, and Vlada padded up. "Coalleap broke two hearts." She sneered at him.
"And destroyed a relationship." Dewfoot added.
"Wow.. That's low.." Sharpfrost mewed. "And not only that." Swiftslip gathered their attention.
Cats listened eagerly.
"I'm supposed to be expecting his kits. But now," She looked at Coalleap. "You won't be able to know what it's like to be their father."
"That's low Coalleap..." Clawpelt rasped as he sat by Tasha and Wind. Cats shook their heads and turned to their own business.
The tom curled his lip in fury and stomped away to elsewhere.
Vlada held her head high and padded up to give Swiftslip an encouraging lick, along with Missingdust, Darkpoppy, and Tawnybrook who were doing the same.
"I'm sorry you're having to deal with this..." Tawnybrook mewed, her tortoiseshell pelt pressed up against Swiftslip's.
"I've put up with it. He's always flirted with other she-cats even before we came to our new adopted Clan..." She mewed, looking down at her paws. Darkpoppy looked appalled, her light gray pelt spiking along her back. "I'll feed him to those wolves!" She hissed. Missingdust padded around to stand in front of her. "My mother always says, cats who do wrong, will eventually get what's coming to them, you shouldn't inflict coming comeuppance yourself." She soothed gently.
Tawnybrook shrugged. "She has a point. It's his own fault, have him suffer rather than us getting our paws dirty." The she-cat pointed out.
"Well Swiftslip, you've dealt with Coalleap long enough." Dewfoot mewed, giving a purr, then looked at her nicked ear and grew hot with shame. "I don't think I apologized for that.." She muttered.
Swiftslip put her paw on Dewfoot's. "It's okay." She mewed sweetly and formed a gentle smile.
"I'm glad... I really am." The dark gray warrior purred.

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