FNAF Last Chance Jack's POV

By NinjaSOwlStudios

2.7K 40 597

hai im Sean, but you can call me Jack as i test out a new game with mark. As i get we get emails from the pro... More

Skype /w Email
Hotel/ Lab
Night 1
Bob, Wade and Jelly Yami
Choas Incoming part 1
Choas part 2
Wades pov (death)
Night 5....the Night of are Lifes
Save Mark and friends
Its always my fault
(not story)
Going home....to LA?!?
new book

Emotions of Night 4

248 3 111
By NinjaSOwlStudios

Mark ran out of the room with me following close behind Mark. We run out of the room but unfortunately I triped on my own shoes and fell but right away got back up and closed the room door. Mark ran ahead to the office and motions me to hurry. I hurry up and follow him to the office but careful not to trip over my shoes again.*

Mark: Come on... COME ON.

Jack: I'm coming wait up

(I catch up to mark and see the monitor that he is looking at and see the animatronics getting closer to us. Shit. How are we going to survive?)

Jack: we're dead,  we're sooooooooooo dead meat. Oh my God how are we going to survive in a psycho game with a psycho killer hacking into this game,  omg

Mark: and it's only 2 (then mark whispers)  get in the closet

(I go to the closet and hold it open for mark)

Mark: Don't wait for me. Get in and lock it

Jack: what are you doing?

(This is suicide if he thinks he can fight alone against the animatronics. I saw him look at the ground and back at my soul)

Mark: it doesn't matter what I do as long as your safe. So get in there and lock it

Jack: (my voice breaks down and cracks)  but M-mark....

((I looks at mark and saw lust in his eyes and he walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders and talks with his face about to tear up,  wait is he crying??))

Mark: no tears

(Wait,  what does that mean. I didn't have time to think by Mark pushing me into the closet and closing it. I try but struggle trying to open the door)

Jack: MARK!!!  (I still struggle to open the door) Mark!!  This is suicidal, please (then my voice starts breaking and I slowly give up trying to open the door and I started losing feelings in my legs and fell to the ground) please m-mark..... (I did this to us. I asked about inviting the others and got 1 of them killed and mark is going suicidal) stupid jack, why....

Mark: I'm sorry... I need to make sure your safe. Even if.. (Then mark pauses,  what was he thinking about) even... If... I have to die. Jack I...

(Thats when I lost it. It should be me out there risking my life. NOT MARK. I asked and brought the others here. NOT MARK. all mark did was support me. It's all my fault for getting him involved)

Jack: m-mark no.. Please don't... Please. Don't (I won't be able to say it,  my fucking nightmares are coming true. It's now or never,  hopefully my voice isn't broken enough) dont... Leave... Me (but my voice brakes saying this last line) I love you

(I hope mark hears it.)

Mark: jack I (then I hear a not coming closer) I need to go

(Then I heard Marks foot steps fade away. Not hearing him started to kill me. I was locked up in a closet in a deathly game by a hacker that's wants me dead and my crush risking his life for me. This isn't how this supposed to happen. But hasn't this whole experience today been what nobody,  except Yami, been expecting? I try to slow down my sobs by covering my mouth with my hand then I hear marks faint sceam saying)


(Then I ball up and cry waterfalls of tears. After I clam myself again I get up and put my ear on the door to hear for any other things. Then I hear something coming my way. I grab a broom and hide in coats getting ready to hit whoever,  exempt mark, is coming towards me)

Mark: JACK!

(Oh thank God it's only mark. Then I put a hand on the door)

Jack: mark??? Thank God your safe


Jack: what ya mean?

Mark: the monitor is on the floor in the closet. Wind the music box BEFORE THE PUPPET COMES!

(I look at the ground and got on all 4 and search for the monitor until I come across it)

Jack: I found it!!

Mark: thank god

(I then wind up the music box in the puppets room. Then I went and search for the animatronics)

Jack: it looks like Freddy and Chica are in the second room nearby and Bonnie is in the old animatronics room and foxy is...

(I tried and search for Foxy but couldn't find him anywhere. But I heard Mark take a deep breath. But I got more frustrated)


(Then I heard mark)


(I then change the camera to the office camera and saw foxy and Mark. Mark dodges foxy and goes into the vent. I quickly rewind the music box)

Jack: come on Mark

(Then the door starts banging. Foxy. I get up and slowly back away. Then I hear Mark's voice again)


(please be careful Mark. I then rewind the music box again. Then I hear a loud crash. I tried to look where the crash came from but the office cam and main hallway outside of the office cam are both down. I then started crying fearing for marks live)

Jack: no.... Please be all right

(I rewind the music box one more time. Then someone bangs the door and something is removed. I move and grab the broom and his in the jackets. It opens and their is Mark)

Mark: Jack!

(I see him and drop the broom and run and hug him and I felt tears creating)

Jack: Mark!

(I fell mark hug me back and hold me close)

Mark: Yes, I'm here. I'm here

Jack: don't ever... EVER do that to me please

(Then I let my tears fall on Marks shirt. I didn't care if any animatronics came in here right now)

Mark: Okay. I won't scare you like that again! 

(Then I felt Marks hand on the back off my neck. That helped me clam down. I pull away and look at the monitor and rewind the music box back up)

Jack: I swear this music box is going faster then usual

Mark: and it almost 4 we have two more hours. He made the night longer


Mark: that bitch

Jack: Yami is an asshole for putting yo- I mean us in this situation

(Shit I almost said just Mark. Hopefully he doesn't catch that)

Mark: Yeah,  but he'll. If we have gone through one night, we can go through another

Jack: how many nights do we have left

Mark: One more after this. Next time is night 5.

Jack: so we are so close to beating this game... Good... The sooner the better. Oh and m-mark...

(Should I tell him? He risked his whole live for me. Don't chicken out jack,  not now. Then mark looks at my soul)

Mark: yeah?

Jack: uhhhh.... Never mind

(FUCK,  I chicken out. AGAIN. I went and rewind the music box and hid my embarrassment behind the monitor )

Mark: Was it really nothing?

(I look up and saw him smirking and closer to me. And I'm a too much of a chicken to tell him. But I felt my checks blush hard, SHIT)

Jack: uhhhhhh.... (I scratch the back of my head)

Mark: I guess I'll drop it for now.

(Then he looks back at the monitor. Damn it,  if he would of came closer to me I would of sqeaked it out. At least I would of said it)

Mark: Besides. It's almost six

(I went to the monitor and started hiring my head with it. How stupid of a chicken am I? I can't even say 'I love you' to mark right. I keep messing up. Fuck me. I'm so stupid. Stupid. Stupid I say,  just stupid. Then Mark's voice stops me)

Mark: Hey,  Jack. What is the power at?

(I look and saw 15% and at high use because the wall is using most of the power)

Jack: sheit

Mark: what?

Jack: because that wall is down,  where slowly slipping down at 15%

(I went and press the button to open the door and look down the empty hall then I look at Mark. I DONT FUCKING CARE ANYMORE. I, JACKABOY, IS NOT A CHICKEN)

Jack: Mark?

Mark: Yeah?

(I went and grab his collar and kissed him. After I kissed him I ran down the hall not caring what Mark though of me now)


(I ran to the old animatronics door and slip though)

Mark: Jack, don't youll die!!

(I didn't care,  Mark risked his live. Now let me risk mine. I went and restarted the generator but on my way out I trip on a old animatronics leg and I felt something cut a big length of my skin on my leg. I look down at my leg and see a huge gash of blood forming on a big cut. And the blood was coming out fast)

Jack: shit

(I limp to the door and I see Mark)

Mark: shit Jack... (Then his hand was on my cut) okay... Hold on Jack

(Then he picked me up..... OMG MY CRUSH I JUST KISSED PICKED ME UP LIKE A BRIDAL.  But then he started running to the office. I bit my lip from the pain that was in my leg. I felt my cheeks blush from being held. But once I saw bonnie I started freaking out. But I grab some blood and threw it in Bonnie's eyes and blind him. Then Mark continue to run to the office. I continue wimpering from the blood that was escaping from my leg. Once we enter the office,  Mark closes the door and set me in the closet. Then he went to look in the office and closet for something. Probably a first aid kit. I hold my leg with one hand and the other hand went and grab the monitor and I rewind the music box)

Mark: there has to be a first aid kit somewhere!

(Then I felt something I never felt before. I felt like I should take a nap)

Jack: M-mark...  (I barley got out as I felt sleep trying to get to me and my voice was breaking apart)

Mark: No... NO no no no no!

(The he ran to my side with a first aid kit. My eye sight started blurring around the sides of my eye lids and I felt my heart slowly down as it beated loudly. Am I dying??? Then Mark held me close to him. Well if I'm going to die. I have Mark here to help me pass away easier then by myself like Wade)

Mark: Come on Jack!

(I didn't realize I closed my eye lids as Mark lightly taps on my face)

Mark: Stay with me!

(I feel bad for Mark. A kid that just kiss him and runs of and gets badly injured and about to die in his arms. Gezz I feel bad. But I'm the one that brought them here with Wade,  Bob and Yami. And I would do anything for my crush. Even if that means dying for him. Like right now)

Jack: I'm...... (I tried hard to keep awake)  trying (then I layed down feeling like I'm using my energy to much to keep me sitting up. My eye sight just got worse)

Jack: everything is so blurry

Mark: Come on Jack!  Don't do this to me!  STAY AWAKE

(I didn't know if he was crying or just yelling at me. But he is going to die if he stays here with my dead body)

Jack: the.... Animatronics.... Puppet.... Music box

Mark: that doesn't matter right now just (then I heard his voice for the first time cracks) please.... stay with me

(Then I felt mark put his head on my check and rock back and forth)

Mark: Please!

(Then I felt a couple times where sleep was trying to over come me. I pop open my eyes a few times and my head hurted a few times from slumping back. This hurted really bad for fight with something so hard)

Jack: I'm..... Trying.... It's really hard

(I felt really bad and I hurted soon much so I started lightly crying.  I was afraid of what was coming to me finally. Death.)

Mark: Come on,  just another few minutes,  everything will be fine!

Jack: mark.....  I.... Can't.... I can't focus.... I'm..... Sorry

(Mark and objects become blobs)

Mark: No,  focus on me. Just me...

(I focus on Mark and saw him before he become blurry again for the last time)

Jack: o...... K......

(Then the last thing I heard was 6am chimes. Then darkness)

~ time skip

(Then I get telaported to a closet and then their was a text that said Night 5 in my face. Wait how???  I though I died? Or did I? But then the closet door opens to a familiar face)

Jack: Mark?

Mark: jack (his voice and his body we're shaky and cracked)

Jack: (I tried to smile at Mark)  hey Marky

(Then Mark came and kiss me. Wait. HE KISSED ME. and he huged me. I was shocked for a minute)

Mark: I thought you where gone for sure!

(Then I hugged back Mark. He must be in shock to see me still alive after I saw darkness)

Jack: to be honest,  me too

(Then I pull away and look at my leg which had a long ass scar where the cut was)

Mark: that doesn't look good, but better then it bleeding

(Then I felt my phone ring. I went and picked it up)

Terra: Jack!

Mark: put it on speaker!

(I did exactly what mark asked and put it on speaker. But my anger for scaring Mark got me pissed off)


Terra: Shut up and listen (she talked harshly) bob tried his best, leaving you the door and the generator in one of the party rod with vents. He wasn't able to finish modifying it to where the music box was always wound.  He...  ( then we heard a big breath in)  he's dead as well

(YAMI THAT SON OF A BITCH. not bob, the only one that hack and help me mark get out alive)

Jack: no...

Mark: how did he...

Terra: he chased bob onto the roof an pushed him off

Jack: can we leave the game or do we need to play the last night?

(Please tell me Bob fixed it)

Terra: You need to play the last night

(Fuck my life)

Jack: fuck,  anything else we need to worry about?

Terra: Well, the animatronics don't reset,  and they will stop at nothing to kill you. So there's that!

Mark: *sarcastically* well thanks for that

(Then I started getting dizzy)

Jack: k,  thanks for the information (then I felt my stmick try to come up. Wtf is wrong with me) oh one more thing I need to ask

Terra: go for it

Jack: why do I still feel dizzy?  I keep feeling like I need to throw up but I don't. I feel so werid

( then I lean against the table)

Terra: I don't know. Mark check him for open wounds anywhere

Mark: uhh alright. ( then mark checks me)  I don't see anything

(It might be me imagininf things)

Jack: it might just be me

Terra: yeah, well I'll check your body Herr if I get close to it. Till then I'll see you later, hopefully. See ya!

Jack: bye... ( call ends) so what now Mark?

( I look at mark)

Mark: what else... ( he looks back) we survive the night


Hey guys check out Ablod_here story for Mark's pov

Jack : I almost died

Ninja: it's mark's turn to shine

Jack: but i-

Ninja: No

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