Love Me | Karma Akabane x Ya...

By minimarshymallow

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I'm not insane... I'm just in love. More

Chapter 1: New Beginning
Chapter 2: New Friends
Chapter 3: The Visit
Chapter 4: Im Going To Hell
Chapter 5: Confronted
Chapter 6: Kidnapped [Lemon]
Chapter 7: Project Buddies
Chapter 8: Ass-ano
Chapter 10: Babysitting
Chapter 11: Sisters
Chapter 12: Halloween
Chapter 13: The Visitor
Chapter 14: School Trip
Chapter 15: Final Battle
Bad Ending
Good Ending
True Ending
Story Summary |A/n|
Bonus Chapter [Lemon]

Chapter 9: Jealousy

1K 26 39
By minimarshymallow


A cold breeze that flew by me woke me up.

I opened my eyed and scanned my surroundings.

Finally, I realized I had fallen asleep on a bench while watching the sunset.

But not only did I notice that but I also saw someone else sitting next to me.

I quickly panicked but soon recognized those certain red locks.

Letting out a sigh I got up and stood infront of Karma.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my hands in my pockets trying to obtain any warmth left.

"Just saw you sitting here so I thought I'd keep you company." Karma said while giving me his famous grin that could charm any girl.

"Well I don't know about you but I have a school I need to go to." I stated and started walking in the direction of the school.

"Looking like that?" Karma eyed me up and down with a raised eyebrow.

I looked down to see what was wrong when I realized that I looked like I do every morning. Ugly.

I was still wearing a dirty uniform from yesterday and my hair was in stray patches.

"Oh my god!" I yell and turned the other way running to my humble abode I call home.


It was now 8:27 and I was late for school.

At first I didn't think much of it because it doesn't matter if my grades drop or not but my mother would be pissed to know I didn't improve at all while she was gone.

I shuddered at the thought of my mom being pissed off. You don't like her when she is mad.

I quietly pushed open the door to the classroom without being noticed and took my seat in the back next to the sadistic idiot.

"Look who finally made it." Karma teased.

"Oh hush!" I grunted and folded my arms while turning my body to the front board.

"Alright class, today I have a special surprise for you!" Korosensei cheered.

The whole class groaned, not trusting what Korosensei has planned.

"Just follow me and I'll lead the way!" Korosensei dashed out the room as the rest of us tried to catch up.

Korosensei lead us into the all too familiar woods behind the school.

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz~" I joked under my breath.

We passed by a clearing on the way and I recognized it as the place I met my worst nightmare, Yandere.

I shuddered and walked faster catching up to the rest.

"We're here!" Korosensei pushed the last bush out of the way revealing a large pool of water.

"And what is this?" Kaede asked with the 'boi' expression on her face.

"Why a swimming pool of course." Korosensei said while hopping on a tall lifeguard tower.

"Alright! Let's go!" The class yelled and stripped off their clothes and jumped into the cold water.

I just measly dipped my toe into the water to test it.

Decent temperature. Guess I'll hop in too.

I quietly stripped and hopped in.

I looked around for someone to talk with, for some reason Karma was the first person I thought of.

I spotted him with Nagisa and Kaede.

When I looked over I saw Kaede slip and fall into Karma.

Anger rushed over me like the waves in the water.

Wait, why am I so angry?

I shrugged off the feeling and went over to them.

"Woah Nagisa! Your actually a boy?!" I shrieked in shock.

"Yeah you didn't know that?" Nagisa looked very offended.

"Well we all had our doubts." I sighed.

That sounded like something Rio would say.

I smiled softly at the thought of my friend who is probably watching over me right now.

Karma and Kaede laughed at my comment.

"So (Y/n) what's up? It's been a while since we last caught up." Kaede asked.

"Nothing new." I shrugged.

We all started to talk and get along like normal people and normal friends but I noticed that whenever Karma talked Kaede would get flustered and blush a lot.

I've noticed her 'accidentally' tripping on rocks or something and falling into Karma.

Every time she does it I have to hold back the feeling of wanting to shove her ass down into the floor and holding her there for a few minutes.

What the hell is going on with me?

It's only a matter of time, my dear (Y/n).

Wait, what do you mean?

I haven't been completely honest with you this whole time.

What do you mean you haven't been completely honest with me? Don't I share thoughts with you too?

It's only a matter of time before I have complete control over you and you will have no where to go.

What?! Complete control over me?!

Since day one I've been slowly eating at your soul, and soon you will die and I will become for new soul.

What?! So that was your plan all along! You were just using me to have Karma all to yourself! You bastard!

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) you there?" Karma's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Hm? Oh yeah." I sheepishly said and thought back to what Yandere said.

Is that why I have been feeling kind of off lately?

No, it's all a lie, it's all fake, it's all a dream.

I will wake up soon in my comfy bed ready to live the normal life I had before all this crazy shit happened.

Hopefully, it's all a dream.

But if it is, does that mean meeting Karma was a dream too?


End of Chapter 9


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