Just A Dream (completed)

By cali1girl

6.1K 87 8

The story of how James and Jenna met and how their relationship began. When James met Jenna at that meet and... More

the night they met
The Day They Meet Again
The Day James Asked For A Date
The Night Of Their First Date
The Day They Became A Couple
The Day Their Secret Got Out
author's note
Chapter 7: The Day Jenna's Life Started Changing
Chapter 8: The Day Jenna Was Popular For A Day
Chapter 9: The Day Of Their One Month Anniversary
Chapter 10: The Night They Had A Big Time Christmas
Chapter 11: The First Day Of A New Year
Chapter 12: The Day Of Their First Valentines Day
Chapter 13: The Day That Their Love Was Approved
Chapter 14: The Night Of The Big Prom Disaster
Chapter 15: The Day After The Disaster
Chapter 16: The Night Of The Pop Tiger Awards
Chapter 17: The Night Of Their Perfect Prom
Chapter 18: The Night Of Jenna's Graduation
Chapter 19: The Day Jenna Moved Into Her Dorm
Chapter 20: The Day James Showed His Broken Heart
Chapter 21: The Night Of Their First Argument
Chapter 22: The Night Before Their First Anniversary
Chapter 23: The Night James Got His Feelings Hurt
Chapter 24: The Day Jenna Took Care Of James
Chapter 25: The Night They Went To A Big Time Party
Chapter 26: The Day Jenna Defended The Guys
Chapter 27: The Day They Left For The Big Time Tour
Chapter 28: The Day The Tour Began
Chapter 29: The Night James Showed His Insecurity
Chapter 30: The Night They Spent In Rio
Chapter 31: The Night They Spent In Vegas
Chapter 33: The Night They Went Home
Chapter 34: The Night They Threw A Big Time Party
Chapter 35: The Day Of Their Second Anniversary
Chapter 36: The Day Of Both Love and Loneliness
Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama
Chapter 38: The Day Of Their Big Time Beach Day
Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together
Chapter 40: The Day James Asked A Special Question
Chapter 41: The Day They Made The Announcement
Chapter 42: A Day Of Planning The Big Time Wedding
Chapter 43: A Day Of Paparazzi And Wedding Plans
Chapter 44: The Day James Got A Surprising Call
Chapter 45: The Day They Found Their Perfect Home
Chapter 46: The night of Jenna's Bachelorette Party
Chapter 47: The Day They Said I Do
Chapter 48: The Night They Celebrated Their Marriage
Chapter 49: The First Day Of Their Honeymoon
author's note
Chapter 50: The Day They Got A Special Surprise
Chapter 51: The Day Their Surprise Was Confirmed
Chapter 52: One Day In Her Third Month
Chapter 53: A Day Of Mood Swings Gone Wild
Chapter 54: The Day Jo Returned To The Palm Woods
WARNING: Very angsty ending (Be prepared!)
Chapter 56: The Day Everything Changed
Chapter 57: A Day Of Grieving
Chapter 58: The Day They All Said Goodbye
Chapter 59: The Day They Returned To Their Hometown
Chapter 60: The Day James Started To Move On
Authors Note

Chapter 32: The Day Jenna Gave In

65 1 0
By cali1girl

"Okay, I can't read this anymore." Jennifer says, pushing the lap top away.

James, Jenna, and the other guys look at her with knowing expressions. She's the one that decided to go out drinking at some nightclub where it's easy for someone to see her. Because of that decision, her good girl reputation might be ruined. Of course, this could be a chance for her to transition to a more adult audience, but it's weird to think of a Jennifer aiming for an adult audience. One of the Jennifers! You don't really think of those girls as being meant for adults. They've mostly been aiming toward kids and teens. If she was planning on keeping her good girl reputation, she better think of a good reputation for these articles and pictures.

"Hey, if you didn't want to see articles like this, you shouldn't have been drinking." Logan tells her.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that." Jennifer says with a wave of her hand. "I just can't believe that Jenna over here didn't have a single sip. If the guys want to be goody two shoes, let them, but this girl needs to stop being such a wimp. I mean, Jenna, one glass of wine wouldn't kill you. I understand that you're not suppose to drink before you're twenty one, but I don't think one glass will hurt anyone."

"Which is why we got this." Mercedes says, pulling a glass of wine out of her bag.

Jenna looks at them with surprise. Oh boy, they snuck alcohol onto the bus. Gustavo, Kelly, Griffin, and Freight Train are gonna kill them if they see this. She wishes that she could have stayed at the hotel like Freight Train did. She doesn't mind having a little fun, but she just doesn't know about alcohol. It's not just that it's illegal, but it's also unhealthy and dangerous. People have died from drinking too much alcohol. If people are gonna drink, they should have a little self control. She didn't drink at the nightclub because she didn't want pictures to end up on the internet for her parents to see.

"We are gonna show you how to have a good time." Jennifer tells her. Jenna rolls her eyes and kisses James's cheek, watching as Mercedes hands Jennifer a glass. She motions for Carlos to close the door and, even though he looks rather reluctant, he does what she says. Jennifer smirks as she pours some wine into the glass, proceeding to hand it to Jenna.

"Go on." She tells Jenna.

Jenna stares at the glass for a moment, slowly raising it to her lips. She takes a sip, cringing at the taste. When she sees everyone looking at her, she takes another sip. Wow, this feels really weird. She has never drank before. Lacey tells her to try it all the time, but her parents told her to never follow Lacey's advice. Lacey's mother even told her. While her parents may approve of her friendship with Lacey, they do not approve of some of Lacey's wacky choices. For example, when some girl was being mean to Jenna in seventh grade, Lacey decided to throw down, rather than report it to the principal.

"Hey...Hey, this isn't too bad!" She giggles.

James looks at his friends with disbelief, rubbing Jenna's upper arms. He didn't think that Jenna would give in to peer pressure. He's not gonna judge her for trying alcohol, but he hopes that she won't do this often. He has a feeling that she won't, but he feels weird about seeing her drink. After all, it's something that she has never done before.

He watches as she drinks the last sip.

"Okay, that's enough." She says, handing the empty glass to Jennifer. She turns around and gives James a passionate kiss. James is pretty sure that it's just the alcohol talking, but he likes how she's being so...enthusiastic about the kiss. Her fingers run through his hair until it's a mess and his hands hold her waist. They hear footsteps exiting the room and the door to the sitting area closing. Wow, James is surprised at how much he's enjoying this. Her lips practically attacking his, full of passion and love.

"You're really hot, you know that?" She whispers.

"I know." James says, pulling her back into the kiss.

"What are they doing in there?" Logan whispers, listening to the giggles coming from the back of the bus.

"Making out." Kendall responds, rolling his eyes as James laughs rather loudly. He walks over to the mini fridge and grabs a Coke, taking a sip of the drink. He nearly drops the bottle when he hears the laughter filling the bus. Mercedes and Jennifer look totally amused and, personally, it makes Kendall sick. It's like they're out to drag everyone down to their level. They may be rich, spoiled party girls, but it doesn't mean that anyone should follow the same path that they do. Kendall wouldn't want Katie looking up to them as role models. He doesn't even know how Jennifer has managed to fool the whole world into thinking that she's some innocent little princess that cares about her fans.

"Well, congratulations." Logan tells the two girls. "Jenna is drunk and it's all your fault."

"She's not drunk." Mercedes disagrees. "She's just tipsy."

"And be quiet before Gustavo, Kelly, or your dad hear you!" Kendall tells them. The adults, except for Freight Train, all layed down for a nap. Gustavo told them that if they woke him up, he would personally pound them into a pulp. Therefore, they're trying really hard to listen to him. They don't want to be the victims of a Gustavo beating.

"Okay, I'm gonna check on them." Kendall says, quietly walking to the back of the bus. He gently pushes the door open and raises his eyebrows at the couple. They're both on the couch, Jenna is straddling James's waist, and James has one hand on the small of Jenna's back and the other on her hip. He kisses her lips again, smiling widely. He groans softly as Jenna deepens the kiss. Kendall just stands there, rolling his eyes at the fact that they are completely oblivious to his presence.

"You know, you would look a lot better if you were shirtless." Jenna whispers in his ear.

"Oh, really?" James says flirtatiously. Jenna starts to lift his navy blue sweatshirt over his head, until Kendall clears his throat. They slowly look at him, groaning when he laughs at their messy hair.

"Were you watching us?" James asks, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"Oh yeah." Kendall nods. "You might wanna save the making out for later. You know, when there aren't adults on the bus. Seriously, what if Gustavo, Kelly, Griffin, or Freight Train saw this. Then they could tell your parents and you would both be in big trouble. I'm pretty sure that Jenna's parents told her to behave like a responsible adult and I'm pretty sure that drinking and practically attacking her boyfriend doesn't count as responsible."

"Come on, Kendork." Jenna says, playing with James's hair. "We were just having fun."

"Last night, you didn't even want to go to that nightclub!" Kendall exclaims.

"I didn't want anyone to get any pictures of me." Jenna giggles, squealing as James pulls her down. Her head rests against his chest and she closes her eyes as James plays with her hair. Maybe she does feel a little bad about drinking, but Jennifer and Mercedes kept pressuring her, so she decided to shut them up. You know, show them that she isn't a wimp.

"Uh huh." Kendall says sarcastically before leaving the room.

"Okay, we need to fix our hair." Jenna giggles, kissing James. "Let me do yours first."

She crawls off of him and he sits up, then she sits next to him. She runs her fingers through his hair, then grabs his lucky comb and combs the strands until they look normal again. She frowns as James takes the comb from her, until he starts combing her hair. She smiles shyly as he does, feeling tons of love for her boyfriend.

"Hey, we're in San Diego!" Carlos calls out.

"Awesome!" Jenna responds. James reaches for her hand, leading her to the kitchen. She hugs his waist before they sit at the only empty table left. She sits on James's lap and wraps her arm around his shoulders.

"Oooh, this room is nice!" Jenna says as she and James drag their luggage into their room. They're staying at the Grand Del Mar, a luxury hotel in San Diego. Their suite includes separate sleeping and living spaces and dual master bathrooms. It'll be a fun place to spend the night. They can cuddle on the couch and eat delicious snacks, watch TV, and sleep in a comfy bed. They've slept in some nice hotels during this tour, but this has gotta be one of their favorites. Of course, the hotel in London was a close second.

"It's great, right?" James says, sitting the suitcases against the wall. He watches as Jenna puts her suitcases next to his, then he takes her hands in his. He kisses both of her cheeks, wrapping his arms around his waist. He kisses her passionately, slowly getting closer to the couch until he is finally able to sit down. They sit down and kiss one more time before Jenna snuggles against him.

"What are we gonna do now?" She asks him.

"Let's go down to Amaya for a bite to eat." James tells her. Amaya is one of the hotel's restaurants. James spent some time looking at hotel's website earlier, so he knows a little about the place.

"Yummy." Jenna says, her mouth watering at the thought of food. It's after noon and she hasn't eaten since six thirty this morning. They are all starving and in need of some food.

"Let's go!"

"I'm starving!" Jennifer says.

Everyone, minus James and Jenna, are sitting in some booths and tables at Amaya. Kendall, Carlos, and Logan got stuck sitting with Jennifer and Mercedes. And it's driving them up a wall. They've been enjoying this tour a lot, but they're starting to look forward to the day that it's over. It's one thing just living in the same hotel as Jennifer, but to be forced to share a bus with her? That's just too much in their opinion. But there's nothing they can do about it, so they'll just have to deal with it for a few more weeks.

"We get it." Logan says, rubbing his temples. "Hey, where are James and Jenna?"

"Probably in their suite." Carlos says. "Or never mind."

James and Jenna walk into the restaurant, hand in hand. James waves at their friends as they approach the table, letting Jenna sit down first. Then he takes a seat, giving her a smile. They don't even notice the weird looks they're getting from the rest of the group. Of course, they eventually do notice, slowly looking up. They clear their throats and grab two menus, hiding behind them.

"You see? This is why no one should drink." Carlos sighs, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I know I shouldn't have drank and I'm not going to ever again." Jenna insists.

"Yeah, and I guess I shouldn't have pressured her." Jennifer sighs before getting a smile on her face. "On second thought, I don't regret it at all."

"Jerk." Jenna mutters.

"Hey, let's just try to get along and enjoy the rest of the tour." Kendall says. "We're gonna be stuck with each other for the next month, so let's try to make the most of it, okay? Jennifer, Mercedes, stop trying to force other people to behave like you. Jenna, you need to loosen up. We just need to enjoy the next month and make each show better than the last."

James loves how Kendall can give such good pep talks. He has always admired his friend for that. On the other hand, he would never be able to do that. Kendall always knows just what to say to make everyone feel better, but James most likely wouldn't be able to think of anything to say. His focus is usually on himself or Jenna, rather than trying to solve everyone's problems. He can barely solve his own problems, let alone someone else's. No, he's not selfish, but he just doesn't know how to do much to help other's. He can comfort his loved one's when they need it, but he's not good at giving advice.

"Kendall's right." Jenna agrees. "The least we can do is try to get along."

"Yeah." James nods.

"As long as Mercedes and Jennifer promise to stop acting like spoiled brats that think they're better than everyone else."

Jennifer and Mercedes get expressions of shock as they look up from their menus.

"We don't act like that." Mercedes argues.

"Uh, yeah, you do." Jenna tells her. "Every single day."

"Yeah, do you really have to brag about your daddy buying you a new car?" Kendall asks her. "I mean, James is just as spoiled as you two are, yet he doesn't go around bragging about everything he gets."

"I'm not that spoiled." James retorts.

"Yes, you are." His three best friends say in unison.

James just wants to say that, although he does come from a rich family, he is not spoiled. Yes, he got lots of cool stuff and lived in a nice house, but that doesn't mean that he's some spoiled and snobby jerk that doesn't care about anyone but himself. He knows that Kendall isn't implying that, but some people have made that assumption before and James can't stand it.

"Hey, the waiter is coming!" Jennifer whispers, waving at them to shut up.

"Hello, may I talk your order?" The young waiter questions.

One by one, they give their orders to him, then proceed to engage in somewhat civilized conversation.

Okay, maybe it doesn't stay completely civilized, but they manage to not make a scene.

"Can you believe that we only have a month left of the tour?" Jenna says, laying next to James. "Then we will be back in LA and I'll be starting my second year of college."

It's almost nine and both James and Jenna are getting pretty sleepy. But they are having a little trouble sleeping, so they're just talking until they can finally doze off. That's what they always do when they can't sleep. They talk, laugh, and make out until they're just too exhausted to do anything. Most of the time, it works. Of course, there's been times where they've been awake until one in the morning because they couldn't seem to fall asleep. That makes the next morning a lot less fun, which is why they really want to tire themselves out so they can fall asleep soon.

"You're gonna make all A's, right?" James jokes.

"I doubt it." Jenna says, shaking her head. "I mean, I got most B's my first year. Occasionally, I got an A, but it was mostly B's. College is a lot harder than high school. It's pretty fun, though. Especially since I love on campus. It's a lot easier to have a social life if you do that. You know, you're more likely to meet new people."

"I would probably make all F's." James chuckles.

"Jay, you've gotta stop talking to yourself like that." Jenna says, touching his face.

"Come on!" James laughs. "You know it's true."

"Only if you believe it." Jenna says, giving him a kiss. "For good things to happen, you need to think positive."

James sighs heavily as he stares up at the ceiling, smiling softly as Jenna presses her lips to his cheek. He knows that she's saying the right thing. He just never made very good grades in school, mostly C's. So he doesn't really have a lot of confidence as far as schoolwork goes. He wishes that he did, but it's hard for him. He doesn't want to feel stupid, but he wishes that he had been smart enough to make A's and B's.

"You are very smart." Jenna tells him. "You just need to believe in yourself."

"I guess I didn't make the best grades in school, so I don't have a lot of confidence." James says, kissing the top of her head. "You know, when it comes to educational stuff. I seriously sucked in math."

"So do I." Jenna tells him. "And I suck at science, but I managed to get a B in both. Jay, even if you have a weak subject, it's possible to get good grades if you put in a little effort."

"I wish I had thought about that sooner."

"Oh, you silly boy." Jenna giggles, kissing his cheek. "Baby, I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"No, you don't!" Jenna laughs. "I love you the most."

"Let's just say that we love each other equally." James grins. "I love you as much as you love me."

"Good." Jenna smiles. She rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Okay, since I want this story to be realistic and mature, I decided to show Jenna finally giving into peer pressure;) Not smart, Jenna

Also, this story gets pretty dramatic and intense in the later chapters...Just letting you all know;D

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