Erin the Fire Goddess: The Be...

By LaviniaUrban

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Erin Tait is a 15 year old girl, who thinks of herself as a freak. She's moves to her parents home town of Ga... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Five

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By LaviniaUrban

On Monday, it was the same as the last. Jessica didn't acknowledge me again. I was beginning to feel excited at the prospect of seeing Sean on Friday. I could live with seeing him in secret. It was the closest thing to a real date I'd ever had, and probably would have.

I still saw him now and again, in the car park, but he never looked in my direction, or not that I was aware, because as soon as I looked in his direction I would quickly look away, not wanting to be caught out by Jessica.

By Friday, the teachers had stopped giving out homework, so as soon as I got home I ran straight upstairs to change out of my uniform. Every Friday I'd gone to the DVD rental shop in my school uniform and today I wanted to make an effort. I pulled on a pair of jeans, that was the easiest part, and then I turned to my drawers to find a top that I thought would make me half attractive.

After emptying nearly every drawer and wardrobe, I groaned in frustration as I found nothing to wear.

"We're leaving in a......" Kasey-Ray's voice trailed off as she found me sitting on the floor wearing just jeans and a bra, with nearly all my clothes scattered around the room. "You decorating or something?" She raised one eyebrow as she tried to make me laugh. It didn't work though. I was close to telling her I wasn't going anywhere.

"I can't find a top to wear." I huffed.

"Hmmm..." She raised both her eyebrows as she stared at me thoughtfully. "One sec." She turned and left the room, leaving me to wonder what she was doing. "Try this." She threw a purple top at me when she returned.

Standing up, I pulled it over my head and went to look in the mirror. It was a simple purple, long sleeved top with cuffs that flare out and buttons that started half way up. Smiling at my reflection, Kasey-Ray slipped a silver, sparkly belt around my waist.

"There you're perfect. The belt just added that little extra."

"Thank you so much." I turned to give her a huge hug.

"Now hurry up and do your hair," She flung my favourite silver headband at me, "I'll tell Mum and Dad you're on your way down."

She left me to adjust my hair. After I was happy that enough hair covered my birthmark, I pulled on my boots and hurried downstairs and out of the house, into the waiting car.

Kasey-Ray didn't say anything to me on the drive there. She just kept looking over at me, every so often, thoughtfully. I knew she would be watching me like a hawk tonight, and if he did turn up, she would probably interrogate me.

His car was already there when we arrived. Taking a deep breath, I slowly climbed out of the car, after a quick check of my appearance, under Kasey-Ray's quizzical eyes.

"Anything you want to tell me?" She pried as we walked through the shop's door, but my blushes spoke volumes, as I spotted him by the new releases. "Ahhhh!" Kasey-Ray nodded with understanding. "Is that him?" I'd never actually spoken about Sean. Kasey-Ray had heard through the school grapevine that Jessica was giving me a hard time over someone called Jacko. "He's hot." She added. I would have laughed, if I wasn't trying to steady my heart rate. "If you don't want him, I will have him." I glared at her as she raised her hands up and started to back away. Then with a nod towards Sean, she headed to where our parents were.

Smoothing down my clothes, I took another deep breath and walked towards him. He had his back to me, but I could see that he held a DVD in his hands, and I could just make out it was 'Four Lions'.

"Good choice." I stood next to him, purposely not making eye contact, as I casually pretended to look at the new releases.

"Hi." He smiled, making me turn to look at him. Wow! He is gorgeous, better looking than any movie star or male model I've ever seen. "You've seen it then?" He nodded at the DVD in his hand.

"Yep, watched it last week." I looked down at the DVD in his hands, because if I continued to stare into his eyes, I would probably faint.

"Did you not get the other DVD then?" He actually sounded disappointed.

"I did." I quickly reassured him. "My family and I get 3 or 4 DVD's a week."

"Wow, do you watch them all in one night?" I laughed at this, and never realised how weird it sounded, as rentals were only for one night.

"We try to." I exaggerated the word try. "But we have until seven the next day. Plus it's kind of a family tradition." Embarrassed that he may find me or my family strange.

"That's cool. My family are normally too busy for us all to sit down for more than an hour or two."

"That's a shame!" I didn't know what else to say, so I turned back to the DVD's, not that there was anything interesting here. I could happily spend eternity just watching his face. I wouldn't need to rent a DVD again.

"So was it good then?" He broke my thoughts making me blush.

"Sorry? Was what good?" I cringed thinking I'd missed something he'd said.

"Love and other drugs?"

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it" Nodding eagerly, I probably looked like one of those nodding dogs you found in people's cars.

"I may have to get it then" I wasn't sure if he was teasing or not, but before I could respond his phone went off. "I gotta go." He said pulling his phone from his pocket, whilst placing the DVD back on the shelf. "I'll see you next week?" He asked as he started to walk away. I nodded as he stopped to look back at me, "By the way," He paused as he looked outside then back to me, "You look really nice!"

"Th-thanks!" I stuttered as I blushed so red that you probably thought my whole face was covered by one giant birthmark.

He left then, without another word, as I watched him climb into his car. He raised his hand to wave as he pulled away, all the time I wanted to jump up and scream. He had actually asked to see me next week. Oh my god, I can't believe it. The hottest boy on the planet wants to see me again.

"Wow!" Kasey-Ray breathed out as she came to stand next to me. "I felt like a peeping tom watching you two." I nervously laughed, and then quickly changed the subject.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" I looked around to see them heading towards the counter. "Never mind, I see them. I'm going to wait outside; it's so hot in here." Through all my excitement I hadn't realised how hot I was. Kasey-Ray gave a full hearty laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." She followed me outside.

The night air hit my face with full force, making me feel dizzy as I reached over to steady myself on my sister.

"You okay?" All laughter gone now.

"Think so, I just feel dizzy." My head was spinning, I felt like I was burning up. I'd never felt like this before. I just needed to lie down for a bit.

"Erin love?" I heard the sound of my Mum's voice as she came to stand next to me, but before I could say anything I was sick. "Let's get you home."

Before I could argue my Dad had put me into the back of the car with my Mum, whilst Kasey-Ray climbed in front.

"We're going straight home, no pizza tonight." I knew he was talking to Kasey-Ray.

"Trust me!" Kasey-Ray started. "I don't want pizza after seeing that."

Luckily it was only a ten minute drive home. When we got there my Dad carried me up the stairs and put me on my bed.

"I'll sort her out," My Mum whispered to him. "Ask Kasey-Ray to bring me a bowl of cold water and a flannel please?"

I didn't know what was going on, I just felt extremely hot. I was aware of my Mum taking my clothes off, then I felt something cool press against my head, and then everything went black.


That was the first time I'd blacked out. I wasn't sure why I had been so ill, but when I woke up I felt fine. I looked around my darkened room, wondering where I was. The clock on my bedside table read 4:27am. I knew I needed the toilet, so I sat up and almost stood on someone sleeping on the floor.

"Oh sorry." I almost wet myself with fright when the person quickly got up.

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" It was my Mum and she sounded exhausted.

"Fine, I just need the toilet."

"Okay." She moved out of the way to let me past.

When I returned, she had switched on my lamp and was putting my quilt on my bed.

"Sorry about last night." I told her, but all she did was give me a weak smile. "Everything okay?" I asked, unsure by her reaction.

"Yes, it's just..." She paused for a moment and stood to look at me nervously, "it's Monday."

"You're joking?" It must be a joke. I sat on my bed in shock, but she shook her head. "Wow!" I reeled at the revelation, "I don't..." My voice trailed off, unable to find the right words.

"You had a fever and passed out." She told me very matter-of-factly. I'd never passed out before, but there again I'd never felt as hot as I did on Friday, but I felt fine now. I didn't understand.

"Have you been with me the whole time?"

"Pretty much." She nodded as she came to take my temperature. "You can stay off school today and the rest of the week."

"No. I want to go to school." I said as I went to find a clean uniform, "I only have three more days left!"

My Mum sighed as she realised she wasn't going to win this fight, and was probably too tired to even argue with me.

"Okay, but it's only 5am now." She picked up her pillow, putting it under her arm.

"I'm just going to have a shower and get dressed before breakfast. I'll probably watch TV downstairs, until Kasey-Ray is up."

"Okay!" My Mum yawned, "I'm going back to bed." Then she left me sorting out my uniform.

Once I was washed and dressed, I headed downstairs. I couldn't believe I'd slept the whole weekend away. I'd missed movie night.

After making some toast and a cup of tea, I carried them through to the living room to try and find something to watch on the TV. We had all these channels and do you think I could find anything to watch? Not a chance. Luckily there were a few good things starting at 6am. I thought I could watch one episode of Oprah, followed by Extreme Home Makeover.

By the time the last programme was finished I was in floods of tears, I heard the concerned shushing from my sister.

"No, I'm fine, honest," I said, wiping my tears as I looked at her, "I was just watching Extreme Makeover and you know how I get." I laughed through the tears.

"How can you cry when you got that hot old guy presenting it?" Kasey-Ray laughed as she tried to cheer me up, and it worked as my tears of sadness, turned to tears of joy.

"Trust you to make something sad end up being about a man." I laughed. "I can imagine, if I ever have an accident and need an ambulance, you'd be like 'stuff Erin, where are the hot paramedics'." I mimicked her as she tried to act offended.

"I'm just going to grab some breakfast, you had any?"

"Yeah! I grabbed some toast." I called after her.

It didn't take long for Kasey-Ray to finish her breakfast. Then we grabbed our bags and headed off to school. We didn't need our coats as the sun was shining brightly down on us.

"I can't believe I slept the whole weekend." I shook my head in disbelief. I don't think I'd ever slept longer than ten hours.

"You didn't miss much. We didn't even watch the DVD's we got." I was ready to start apologising when Kasey-Ray started laughing. "I wouldn't worry about it. Mum and Dad picked two DVD's and they both looked guff. You probably did me a favour." She was still laughing as we approached the school gates. "You okay now though?" She gave me a critical once over.

"Never better." I smiled hugely.

"One way to get out of the grilling I was going to give you." We both laughed as I realised she was talking about Friday night, and before she could start interrogating me, someone shouted her. We both looked to see it was Matt and he was standing with Claire. Saved again. She laughed as she waved at Claire and Matt. "I'll meet you after school."

"Okay." I watched as she almost bounced over to where her friends were waiting. I was sure I would hear all about this after school.

Just then I heard arguing, coming from the car park. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I recognised the voice. I wasn't sure exactly what was being said, but I was sure Jessica and Justin had had some kind of falling out, as she barged past me, almost knocking me over.

"Erin?" Kasey-Ray shouted over, obviously concerned for me, but I was fine. Jessica didn't seem mad at me, I just happened to be in her way. I wasn't the only one she had barged into.

Giving a weak smile and a wave, I pulled myself together and walked through the main doors.

Once I got to form room, Jessica was still mad. I heard her say some obscenities about Justin, but one thing was for sure, I would do whatever it took to stay out of her way today. I didn't want to be a punch-bag for her rage against Justin, and if she found out about my Friday nights, then I'm sure she would lose it.

"Is there a problem?" Ms Forrester had just walked through the door and stopped at Jessica's table.

"No Miss." She grunted.

"Well, if I ever hear you," She paused to look at everyone in the class, "Or anybody else, using that kind of language, you will be sent to Mr Jenkins office. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Miss!" We all chorused.

Ms Forrester then headed to her table, pulled out the register and called our names.

Once form room was over, we all picked up our bags and started to leave.

"Not you, Jessica Watson."

Jessica stopped right in front of me and turned around. I froze. She looked right at me, but her eyes were glazed over, like she didn't register my existence, as she seemed to look right through me to Ms Forrester. I quickly stepped out of the way, letting her past, sure that if I hadn't, she would have pushed me out of the way. I thanked my lucky stars that I had no lessons with her today. I was scared to be in close proximity to her. It would only take the smallest thing to trigger Jessica. I felt sorry for anyone who got in her way today.


Today, everything went by quickly. Even at lunch time, when I sat outside to eat, it felt like I'd only just opened my lunch box when the bell rang.

There weren't really any lessons, per se. Mostly we played games, which made time go faster, and the other students actually spoke to me. Not really to make conversation, just because we were put into teams and had to talk. Either way, it was good to have other people to talk to. Most of the time the only conversations I had were with the teachers.

When the final bell rang, I quickly grabbed my bag and went to look for Kasey-Ray. I found her outside flirting with Matt.

"Hi." I said breezily, as I saw my sister blush. "Ready?"

"Give me a second!" She smiled as she turned back to Matt.

"Okay, I'll go sit on the wall." I slowly made my way to the wall next to the car park. I pulled a handmade fan out of my bag, that I had made it in one of my lessons. I started to wave it in front of my face, whilst closing my eyes.

"Someone's watching you." I heard Kasey-Ray coyly say.

"Eh?" I opened my eyes to look at my sister, but she was looking past me towards the car park, as I tried to follow her gaze she stopped me.

"Don't look." She put her hands to my face. "Jessica's there."

"Okay." As soon as she said her name, I quickly looked back at my sister. I watched her for a while as she continued to look past me towards the car park. "What's going on?" I could hear arguing and it took all my will power not to turn around and look.

"Jessica and the red headed guy are arguing."

"That's her boyfriend, Justin." I told her. Mainly so she could use his name and I wouldn't get confused. "Well, he is standing between her and Jacko. She's pointing at him and hurling abuse." She stopped me again, as I tried to turn around to see why. "Justin is dragging her away now." Kasey-Ray finally looked at me. "She's a fiery one, that one!" She tutted as she pulled me to my feet.

"Wonder why she was having a go at Sean?" I mainly asked to myself.

"Dunno. Maybe you can ask him on Friday!" She winked, making me laugh even though I was still nervous and worried. Maybe she'd found out about the Friday nights. Tomorrow I was sure I would feel her wrath and would probably not see Sean on Friday. The sense of disappointment washed over me, making me feel sick at the thought of not talking to him again.

"Anyway," Kasey-Ray breezed, itching to change the subject, "Matt asked me out." She squealed as she squeezed my arm. "He wants to take me out on Wednesday night." She crooned. She was acting like she'd won the lottery.

"Where's he taking you?"

"Bowling and here's the thing."

"Uh-oh." There always had to be something with Kasey-Ray, something that would involve me covering for her.

"Well, there isn't a bowling alley near here, so we would get back late. Ooooo..." She smiled at me, "Claire suggested she could tag along and Matt could bring Liam, mainly cos she fancies him." She laughed as she rolled her eyes, "and then afterwards I can sleep over at Claire's." She smiled like it was a perfect plan.

Kasey-Ray and I both had a curfew of 10pm, which even I thought was reasonable. I couldn't even imagine how late she would arrive back.

"Claire's going to ask her Mum when she gets home and call me. Her Mum's pretty laid back, so she reckons it'll be fine."

I didn't know much about Claire. I just knew she was an only child to a single Mum.

"So where do I fit into all of this?" She hadn't actually said she wanted my help, but I knew I was involved somewhere.

"If Mum and Dad ask, don't mention bowling or Matt. Please?" double close quote mark She dragged the last word out as she gave me her puppy dog eyes. Sighing I gave her a serious expression. I hated lying, especially to our parents. "Look, hopefully they won't say or ask you anything, so you won't have to lie." She moved to stand in front of me. "Please sis?" She begged. "I promise I won't ask you to do anything like this again." I laughed at this statement, because even though she meant every word she had said, I knew there would be a next time.

"Okay!" I sighed.

"Yay!" She picked me up in a bear hug and swung me around.

"You owe me." I raised an eyebrow. "Big time. If you get found out and they knew I was covering for you."

"They won't." She assured me, she took my arm again as we turned into our street.

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