Odd one out- Lucius Game Story

By sanityinsanity7

23.9K 721 488

I'm a 6 year old girl He the 6 year old new kid He sends everything in a hurl He is not a normal boy from wha... More

New kid
Rumor has it
Lights Camera Death!
Mary Sue
My Lover
This is for you!
Red on Family
Author note! Characters!
In One Fell Swoop
Summer time blues
Character Talk: Mary Due
Shorts: Snip snip
Lucius, the 2nd stalker
Character Talk: Peter Dickson
Character Talk: Sanity Todd
The School of Secrets
Isaac Gilmore?
Character Talk: Frank Craze
A Pair Plus One
Uh oh
Character Talk: Wendy Letters
2 Devils + Odd Girl + project = Trouble
Short story: Another day
Character Talk: Sam/Sarah Queer
A/N 100 votes!!!
A/n Wait what?! 251 Votes?! (Special story included)
Halloween scenario #1
Halloween scenerio #2
Halloween special #3
Halloween Scernario #4
Drink me
The drama
Trouble in the back library
Short story: Adventure of the background characters!
The catch up.. Or ketchup?
Author note: Author talk
Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius
Final Murder
Character Talk: Ty East
The last goodbyes?
The End (the extras)
Good news
Editing Report

The stare and the shots

235 7 23
By sanityinsanity7

Sanity Pov

I stared at the board as the teacher droned on and on about our english lesson today. I wasn't really paying attention because this was all review since we have a quiz tomorrow. Also I can't help but feel watched... But then again.. I might had been paranoid because Lucius always seem to stare at me Everytime we saw each other so I guessed it was just the absence of it and my mind wanted to make it feel like it's still there... Yeah, My mind is messed up still... I sigh as I wrote down some
Notes that might help and it helps take off my mind about this whole situation. I kept writing and writing until the teacher finished it. I squeeze my hand slightly to get the pain out of it. The teacher soon told us about what the quiz was going to be like and Wha questions it might have as my eyes gazed throughout the classroom trying to see who was watching me. My eyes caught movement of something and my eyes widen slightly. 'Holy pig fliers! Deron is in my class?!' I thought to myself as Deron write the notes down (or so I thought) he looked innocent enough until he look up at me and I swear his eyes brighten more as a smile slowly crept up to his lips and made a Cheshire Cat grin.. Creepy... I blinked as I felt slightly disturbed and look back down on my notes again. Many thought went through my head as I shook them away... "Not again..." I muttered as those repeating phrases echo in my head. Having stalkers with me is becoming too often now! First Peter, who seem fine because he didn't go extreme.. Lucius is already spying on me and live with with me! And now there is Deron who strangely remind me of Peter but much more stalkerish! I frown at that thought, I should be used to this while thing now but still I'm not..  How long do I need to suffer this situation? Well I guess it can't be helped... Have to live with this I guess.

The bell finally rang as I pack up my stuff and place them in the bag as I begin to exit out the door and walked down the halls. Suddenly I felt someone tapped my shoulder as I whirled around and my eyes widen of who I saw. Deron once again. "Hey! You forgot your book in class" he said as he handed me the book I was reading before class. I nodded as I took the book as I felt the tip of our fingers brushed against each other. His cheek redden a bit as he seem to gaze at me... Or maybe he spaced out? I tugged at the book but he kept the grip on it. "Um... Excuse me? Deron? You're... Kind of still holding the book.." I awkwardly said while trying to pull the book out. I manage to get it out of his hand which caused him to snapped out of his daze like state. I quickly walked away from him not wanting to cause anymore drama for today as I heard him calling out to me but I kept ignoring him as I took a turn and went to my next class. Dammit! Why do I need another stalker that strangely remind me of Peter?!

Deron Pov (*gasp* A Deron pov!)

I watched the love of my life get away from me and disappeared just like that. I felt my hands started to shake as looked at the hand where she touched it. Even though it was just a bit, I felt it still lingering on my touch. I frowned as I recalled what happened earlier. 'Why is she scared of me? I thought she should be used to that! Dammit... I was too sudden... Doesn't she remember me? Well... I did changed and all.. But can't she see that it me through these eyes?! I'm still the same person who was with her! Even before that Lucius kid..' I thought to myself as I felt tear prick my eyes 'Why can't she just accept me? Why... Why.. Why!' I grabbed my hair as I breath heavily trying to calm myself down. Some students looked at me but I didn't care.. They knew I was one of those kid who goes to the psychologist between classes, plus they knew I was 'messed up in the head' as they say it. But that's not true.. My intentions are pure of why I act like this... 'You must be crazy' they sometime said and that's true. I'm crazy.. Crazy for HER. I let out a quiet laugh like it was some inside joke as I calmed myself. Soon I heard the warning bell, signaling me to get to class soon, I quickly calmed myself to prevent the nurses to put me in that room again...

I shook my head as I begin heading to my next class. Once I got there, I open the door to meet face to face with infamous Lucius kid. I disliked the fact he get to live with Sanity, Father told me not to hate people, just dislike them because 'hate' is a strong word. I gave him a forced smiled as he responded with a slight glare. "What's wrong Lucius? Having a bad they today?" I asked like I haven't done anything. By the looks of his eyes, I guess I made him upset. He then lifted up a message from his notebook, everybody in class knows he doesn't talks much and only goes to writing the word down.

'Stop bothering Sanity. It's making her uncomfortable'

I laughed at that comment as he have me a serious look. "Why would I want to stay away from my one and only love?" I asked him as he scribbled more down before showing another one.

'You're like the same age as us! You can't fall in love at that age!'

"Well your the same too and you also seem to be protective of her.... Could that mean your just jealous?" I asked as I realized that as my blood boiled slightly... How dare he laid eyes on her too! I might had struck a nerve on him as the tension around us had thicken. I could had sworn his eyes went red a moment ago.. Creepy.. He step forward and was about to do something until the teacher came in class and told us all to get back to our seats. We both went to our seats (which was at the opposite end of the classroom luckily). We gave each other one last glare as I sat down. He's not going to steal my love.

Lucius Pov (haven't did this in a while)

That Deron guy was lucky. I would had killed him right on the spot and gave his soul away if it wasn't for the teacher. My brow furrowed as I was in deep thought of what to do. I didn't need to take the notes anyway, this was all review and all. Is Sanity really that important to me? Well I guess sometime I was constantly tempted to kill her because of the urge to please my father but most of the time... I didn't... What was preventing me to not doing it? Was it because I still want to figure out who she was? Yes.. That must be it.. I can't kill her because I haven't learn what is her kind? She's not like me nor an angel or I would had felt it... She got to be something but what? I kept thinking as I wrote down names. Soon class was over in such short amount of time to me as I got off my seat and looked at my notebook (the Teddy bear one) and smirked when I read the title.

Victim list

Time to get back to business

Author note

Hello everyone! Sorry if this chapter didn't show much actions and just seem like pointless dialogue,my mind wasn't really that inspire. And I have a surprise for you all as soon as I put up some questions like:

What do you think about the Lucius and Deron rivalry?

Who is Lucius planning to kill?

Who really is Deron and how did he know Sanity?

Would Deron name finally have no misspelling correction?

Where do Sanity get all these stalkers from?!

How in the world does she deal with them?!

Sanity: Oh well, I ju-

Me: -cover her mouth- Shh... No spoilers!

Well now here is the surprise it is...

I'm making Halloween special scenerios! You must be think why can't I just have just one big chapter to celebrate Halloween and here's my answer...






Too many ideas to make just one! So I've decided to just make bunch of events that happen to the characters, like a short story but holiday theme. So far I've made up three so far but I'm open to any request for any scenario as long as it safe to other readers.

You can vote or comment on this chapter and please request for any scenarios for this event, short stories, or even an idea for the next or future chapters! I'll be glad to help write these for you guys!

I hope you enjoy!

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