All Over Again (Liam Payne)

By Dani_Payne_Horan

6.4K 265 42

After many years of friendship Bethany Harris finds herself loosely in love with her best friend which happen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

201 7 0
By Dani_Payne_Horan

Liam's P.O.V.

After Beth and Phoebe left the ice cream shop, I went with Niall to pick up something I ordered for tomorrow's plan.

We were already walking to the house we rented for the time we are staying here; I opened the door and found the rest of the lads playing FIFA in the living room.

"Hey guys" I said placing in one of the tables the gift I ordered for Beth

"Hi" replied Zayn without taking his attention from the T.V.

It did not take to long for Louis to won the game... as usual.

"How did it go?" asked Harry turning off the console.

"Excellent" replied Niall from behind

"Are you ready for tomorrow Louis?" I asked him

"I was born ready mate" he answered making me roll my eyes playfully

"Guys I'm hungry" said Niall throwing himself into the sofa

"Oh what a surprise" Zayn said making the rest of us laugh

"We should order a Pizza" suggested Louis taking out his phone "Oh yeah with pepperoni!" Niall said sitting up straight

"No! Cheese" Harry said throwing a cushion to Niall's face

"I will order the one I want" Louis replied sticking out his tongue, the four of them started to argue about what to order the pizza, I decide just to leave that behind and go out to the balcony.

I took a deep breath and took a sit in one of the chairs that was out side in the balcony, I stare at the sun that was starting to descend from the distance making the sky to take an red-orange color, I needed this time to be alone and think about everything that it's happening right now and make sure I don't spoil everything again.

Harry's P.O.V.

"FOOD IT'S HERE!" Louis shouts from the entrance door closing it behind and walking to the kitchen, Niall was the first to run behind Louis and take a plate to serve his food I walk behind Zayn and we both took a seat in the table when I notice that someone's missing

"Guys were is Liam?" I asked

"I think he is out in the balcony" Zayn replied taking a bite from his pizza slice,

"I'll call him before Niall eats the whole box" I said standing up and making my way to the balcony

I slide the glass door and found Liam sitting in one of the chairs staring at the distant,

"Hey food's already here" I said standing by the door frame

"Thanks, I'll be there in a minute" he said turning to look at me

I was about to go back inside when I remember there's something I wanted to ask him,

"Liam, I have a question," I said calling back his attention

"What is it?" he asked

I made my way to the chair that was next to his and sat down "Liam... you have feeling for Bethany right? Like something more than a friend" I ask looking at him

He look at the floor and took a deep breath, he was quiet for a moment probably thinking of what to say,

"Harry can I trust you with something?" he asked still looking at the floor

"Sure Liam anything" I replied shaking his shoulder

"Harry this is something I haven't told anyone before, and it is the reason why I didn't call Beth when I was in The X Factor" he said now getting in a serious mood, I remain quiet letting him to continue talking "So this happen even before I knew I was having my second audition. One day I started to get feelings for Bethany, I try to ignore them because I thought maybe they weren't real but as time passed they started to raise and I was scare to tell her because maybe she didn't feelt the same way for me so I decide not telling her and keep those feeling for my self, and when I found out that I was trying out for the show again I took that as an opportunity for me to think about those feelings and I thought that if I was away from her they would just go away, so that's when I did the worst decision in my life and I stopped talking to her." he said taking deep breath,

"First I thought  I was doing the right thing but it was not like that because I end up loosing her trust and those feelings never left and until know I still have them but I'm scared of what to do now..." he finished letting out a deep breath

I couldn't believe everything that Liam have been through and I'm glad  he trust me. I didn't say anything 'cause I was thinking on the right thing to say but I'm just going to be honest with him,

"Liam now that Bethany is back you should take that as a your chance to fix everything but mostly, tell her the truth because I'm sure that's what she want to hear. Don't let her go again mate" I said honestly to him

He look at me and a small grin started to appear in the corner of his lips "Thanks Harry" he said 

"Anytime" I replied and both of us stood up and walk inside the house.

Author's Note

Hello guys!! :D I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote. I love you all! :)


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