Pastel Hearts~ Zosan

By erenackerman1225

196K 5.9K 5.1K

Sanji had an abusive father who killed his own wife(Sanjis mum). Whenever he would go to school, he would get... More

Chapter one~
Chapter two~
Chapter three~
Chapter four~
Chapter five~
Chapter six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter eight~
Chapter nine~
Chapter ten~
Chapter eleven~
Chapter twelve~
Chapter thirteen~
Chapter fourteen~
Chapter fifteen~
Chapter siexteen~
Chapter seventeen~
Chapter eighteen~
Chapter nineteen~
Chapter twenty~
Chapter twenty-one~
Chapter twenty-two~
Chapter twenty-three~
Chapter twenty-four~
Chapter twenty-six~

Chapter twenty-five~

3.9K 123 103
By erenackerman1225

A few years later~

Nami and Usopp eventually got together (let's just say that Usopp is older since I'm an author, in the anime she older but I do what I want) and were very happy together, Robin and Franky got married and had a child called Tony and named their dog Chopper, Sanji and Zoro were very happy together. They had a few arguments but none were violent and they got along. They did the 'dirty' a few times. And obviously Sanji was UKE and Zoro was SEME! (Reminder it's not a lemon. It makes me feel uncomfortable, SORRY!)

Today was something Sanji never thought would happen...

He was casually washing the dishes after he ate, Zoro was out in town buying groceries, well.... that's what he was told. He sighed drying his hands before putting the plates and cutlery in their place, he wiped the table and swiped the floor. He walked into the living room after taking off his apron and hanging it in its place, he slumped himself down in the couch after grabbing the TV controller. Before he can turn on the TV, there was a knock on the door, he smiled softly to himself guessing who it would be, he stood up and walked towards the wooden door. He opened the brown door revealing a certain green-haired man. Sanji grinned hugging the man.

"I wasn't gone for that long was I?" Zoro chuckled among Sanji giggle softly. Zoro pecked Sanji's cheek making him blush lightly. Zoro noticed that it has gotten darker, since it was near winter, it gets dark quicker. He sighed rubbing the back of his neck, Sanji stepped to the side allowing Zoro to enter the welcoming and warm house. Sanji closed the door locking it before looking back at Zoro, before Sanji could walk into the kitchen, he saw Zoro knelt on one knee smiling softly. Sanji tilted his head in confusion.


"Sanji... I love the most in this world and you are my everything, so I'm asking you... will you be my husband..?" He breathed smiling before taking out a box out of his jeans pocket, he slowly opened the dark blue/velvet box revealing a golden ring with a small circular diamond glued on top. Sanji covered his mouth as tears filled his eyes and rolled off his cheeks quickly. He crashed down crying in his shoulder.

"Y-Yes! Yes! I'll be you're husband!" He cries loudly as Zoro hugged him tighter.

"I'm glad," he smiled as Sanji just nodded before pulling away and wiping his eyes. He smiled as Zoro grinned.
"I love you, Sanji," he breathed.

"I love you too! Zoro!" He cried as tears started to form in his eyes again. They hugged again for a while in silence. A while later, they pulled away and looked in each other's eyes for a while again in silence. Zoro's piercing eyes staring deeply into Sanji's blue ones. Zoro leaned in to catch Sanji's soft lips, Sanji happily kissed back with as much passion surrounding the two lovers. Zoro pulled Sanji closer placing down the precious box down. They pulled away from lack of air and panted softly.

"I don't need a ring to show you that I love you, I don't need to sign contracts to say that you are mine. I love you..." he brushed the blond's hair and lifted the hair on his side covering his eyes, he pulled the hair behind to get a good view of both the blue eyes and his full face. He pecked his cheek with a smile as Sanji smiled back. He jumped on Zoro knocking him down with his hug, Zoro laughed lightly patting his back before locking the curly-cook in his bear hug. They stayed like that for a while, not noticing Sanji slowly falling asleep in his lovers arms. Sanji slowly closed his blue eyes falling deep asleep. Zoro sighed little smiling to himself, he looked at his lover to see him sound asleep on his chest. He smiled softly watching his lover sleep peacefully.

A few weeks later~

Zoro couldn't be happier in his life, he was next to the priest talking about how much he loves Sanji. He looked around to all the people that were there, Nami and Usopp were next to each other talking about the marriage. He looked over to Robin and Franky who were laughing as they played with Tony, Chopper was running around but the room fell silent as a certain song began playing. Zoro straightened smiling as two large door opened revealing a handsome blond. Zoro's grin widened as the blond started walking on the red carpet towards the green-haired man wearing a dark brown tuxedo and a white button up shirt. The blond wearing a white tuxedo and a light blue button up shirt. Finally, Sanji arrived in front of Zoro smiling. Sanji felt his eyes well up again but quickly wiped them using his white sleeve. The priest began.

"We are here gathered today to celebrate the wedding of Vinsmoke Sanji and Roronoa Zoro." He began. Zoro noticed Sanji bitting his lips as soon as he heard 'Vinsmoke'. Zoro nodded smiling softly to comfort the blond.
"Roronoa Zoro, do you take Vinsoke Sanji to be your wedded husband? in sickness and in health, in richness and in poor?"

"I do.." he breathed smiling.

"Sanji Vinsmoke, do you take Roronoa Zoro to be your wedded husband, in sickness and in health? In richness and in poor?"

"I do," Sanji smiled happily.

"You make kiss the groom," as soon as the old priest said that, Zoro quickly pulled Sanji into a loving and deep kiss making him flush like a tomato. People began clapping and cheering loudly. They pulled away, Sanji threw the banquet of roses and other flowers to a group of women. A lady with black hair caught it. Zoro lifted Sanji bridal-style as he flushed again. That day was something that Sanji had dreamed of, and his wish came true..

As soon as they got home, that night was long but pleasureful night..

(Btw, this is not the end of story! I might do two or one more chapter!)

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