Pulled back in/Teen Wolf/ Lyd...

By voidxsteroline

4.6K 31 9

When Lydia and Stiles move away and start a new life in a new town five years later a big disaster brings the... More

Chapter 1: You and I.
Chapter 2: Coming Back.
Chapter 3: Almost There.
Chapter 4; We Meet Again.
Chapter 5; The Falling.
Chapter 6: The Wakening
Chapter 7: Allison.
Chapter 8: I Can See You.
Chapter 9: Your A Natural.
Chapter 10: He got out.
Chapter 11: I'm Peter.
Chapter 13: And Any One That Comes With Them.
Chapter 14: I Won't
Authors note

Chapter 12: I'm Going To Get You Out Of This Place.

77 0 0
By voidxsteroline

Peters pov,

I sit on my coot looking up at the con-crick ceiling the halls are filled with the beeping of doors opening and closing. I sit and let my mind drift away. I get pulled out of my day dream by the noise of the video camera's turning off. startled I sit up.

The door to my room flys open and a girl with long black hair comes walking in she has on black skiny jeans with a gray flowy shirt and a black leather jacket and long leather high hill boots that go up to her knees.

"Who are you?" I question the girl close the door behind her as quietly as she can.

"All you need to know is I'm the one who Is going to get you out of this place." she says walking over to me.

When she gets to the glass window she grabs something out of her pocket its a black circle that looks like a specker she place it to the door she press a botton on the side of it sending out a high piched stretch. I throw my hands over my ears to muffle the sound. The glass keeping me from the outside world crumbles to the ground before me.

"Follow me." the girl commands waving towards the door but I don't move when she gets to the door and realizes that I'm not following her she stops and turn towards me.

"We don't have a lot of time so are you coming or not?" she ask I haste before following her out the door and in to the hall lined with glass doors as I walk past the doors I look in to see the people inside.

I stop in my tracks when I see that she is walking towards the main entrance.

"We can't go that why they will see use." I say but she doesn't stop she just keeps walking so I just contune to follow her.

When we get to the main entrance the guards are nocked out I stop in shock before walking again. We push open the door and step in to the cold windy air. We contune to walk down the parking lot of Echon house tell we get to a normal mini van that is parked in the parking lot.

When we get to van the girl nocks on the tinted window a few seconds later the back door flys open revling a brown hair guys seating in the front seat his eyes are covered by sunglass even though its night.

The girl jumps in to the car seating in the backseat. I follow her seating down in the seat next to her the door closes behind me and then the car lunge forward and out of the parking lot.

The car slowly to a stop in front of a old abanded house the guy in the front push open the door and jumps out slamming it behind him making the car wiggle back and forth.

"Where are we?" I ask but they ignore me the girl gets up and follow the boy out of the car I stare at her as she jumps out of the van and starts to walk up to the house before I follow letting the vans door click close behind me.

As we walk up the stairs leading up to the house it creaks underneath my weight bowing up around my feet. The door seams to be missing making it so you can see the stairs that lead up stairs to the right of it is a long hallway the girl and boy turn and walk down the dark hallway and I follow. The stop at the end of the hall and open the door to the room in front of use. The door creaks as it fly's open. we enter the room

Seating in a fold out chair is a man with light blond hair when the light hits it just right it looks white he has on black paints on and a white button up shirt with a blue tie. In his lap is a book when he hears us come in he looks up at use with hazel slender eyes a smile appease on his face showing his perfect white teeth. he flips close his book and jump to his feet before throwing the book on the chair.

"Is this him?" the mans thick English ascent takes me by surprise he points to me.

"Yes this is Peter Hale." says the girl stopping right in front of the man she flips around towards me making it so she's standing right besides the man the young boy moves to the other side of the man.

"Who are you?" I point a finger at him.

"Oh I'm Zach" he says placing a flat hand on his chest "and this is Maya" he points to the girl next to him "and this Erin" he points the the boy "and we want you to kill Scott McCall."

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