Mystery on Baker Street ~Sher...

By mystery_peoples

63.9K 1.5K 348

A new mystery has come to Baker Street, one Sherlock just can't seem to solve. She's quick, she's smart, and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The End! Or is it....?

Chapter 1

5.8K 118 38
By mystery_peoples

"Good grief Sarah what have you done now?!?!" the door man to my apartment building Mr. Brown exclaimed as I entered the lobby. I had just finished chasing Vega's newest killer through the sewers and was covered in mud.

"Nothing serious Mr. Brown, go back to your word puzzle." I replied entering the elevator.

"Don't shoot the walls!" he called, I chuckled.

"Did you catch him?" my roommate Joanne asked as I walked in.


"Good, now go take a shower." I laughed as I headed for my room. I took a quick shower before putting on jeans and a t-shirt.

"What are you writing on that blog of yours now?" I asked. Joanne just sighed in annoyance and continued to type. I entered the kitchen to continue my experiment with human eyes. Four hours later I had managed to melt 5 eyes. "I'm bored!" I exclaimed laying down on the couch.

"No shooting the walls!" Joanne shouted quickly looking up from her computer screen.

"I need a case."

"You just had one!"

"But that was only this morning, I need something new!"

"We are not going to go looking for another case! I still have the smell of fish in my hair from the last one." Joanne said sternly. My computer beeped signaling I had an email, I quickly grabbed it, typing my password as I opened my mail.

Dear Sarah,

How are you? How's Vegas? Solved any good cases lately? Of course you have, probably just solved one this morning. Anyways, umm, I was wondering if you and Joanne would mind coming up to London for a bit. We're having trouble with a case that seems to have stumped even our best detective. All expense paid of course. Would you guys be interested in helping us out? Please reply as soon as possible

Sincerely, Lestrade

I smiled, finally a case!!!!! Just in time too, I was beginning to consider my revolver. I quickly began typing my reply.

Dear Lestrade,

Of course we'll help with the case! You're in luck, me and Joanne have been thinking about moving to London. Vegas has become pretty dull, well I guess if you spend your entire life in one place it can get a little boring. Anyways, if you can take care of the air fair me and Joanne will be fine with buying an apartment.

Sincerely, Sarah



"Pack your bags, we're moving to London"

~3 days later~

"Who's picking us up?" Joanne asked as we grabbed our luggage.

"I am." We both turned around to see none other than Sally Donovan.

"Sally, so good to see you." I said, the fake happiness evident in my voice.

"Let's go, freak." she mumbled in annoyance. We climbed into the car putting our bags in the trunk before driving off.

"So what's this case about?" Joanne asked from the back seat.

"Lestrade will tell you when we get there." Sally replied, clearly annoyed.

"Leave her be Joanne, she just started her cycle and is mad at Anderson for taking it slow with telling his wife that he wants a divorce." I said. I looked out the window watching London go by, oh how it's changed since I'd last been here. I wonder who the other detective is that Lestrade mentioned. He'll most likely just get in my way, the best thing to do is to ignore him.

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