The Boy From Omegle {Larry St...

By 1DFan86

249K 9.7K 3.6K

Hi I am Louis! and I thought that me going on a silly website would be okay and nothing would come out of it... More

The Boy From Omegle {Larry Stylinson}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

6.2K 252 75
By 1DFan86

Chapter 22

Louis was so cute last night. He wanted another story to be read to him so I ended up reading he short picture book 'goodnight moon' and he fell asleep on my chest. With a little bit of drool coming from his sexy mouth.

Yes.. I did just say Louis' drool was cute as it soaked into my t shirt. Don't judge me.

I reach to the bedside table and grab one of my old mystery books. I read to around the middle of the book and Louis finally begins to wake up.

"Hey Haz.. Reading again?" Louis mumbles as he rubs his eyes.

"Yea I'm just reading a short mystery book. Only 250 pages." I say as I put it down on the bedside table.

"You read to much." He says sleepily as he looks up towards me and rests his chin on the back of his hands on my chest.

"Sorry boo.. I just like-"

"It's okay Hazza ... I like that you like to read." Louis smiles at me and kisses my nose.

"You make me so happy." I mumble and blush realizing I said that out loud. What can I say his eyes are very distracting.

"Your too cute baby." Louis whispers as his kisses my lips.

I return the kiss and he smiles and runs his tongue along my lower lip. I grant him access and he smiles slithering his tongue into my mouth.

"I love you so much." I mumble.

"I love you to Harry." Louis says.

"Lou.." I mumble as he rests his head back on my chest.

"Yah Haz?" Louis asks.

"I th-think.. I am uhmm.. Never mind." I blush. He never left hints of wanting this so not telling.

"No Hazzy what is it?" Louis asks looking back up at me.

"Is nothing." I say looking away.

"Harry tell me." He says sternly and I look into his serious eyes.

"I think.. I am uhmm.. You know.. Ready for.. Uhmm.. The next step?" I offer and Louis smirks.

"Slow down big boy." Louis winks.

"I uhmm.. I just thought.. It's fine." I blush and shuffle uncomfortably under Louis.

"I was teasing Harry.. I want you to be my first boy." Louis smiles.

"Wait you have had.. It before?" I ask.

"Yes Harry. I had sex before. But with a girl.. I have been so excited to do it with you." Louis says kissing my nose.

"Y-You have?"

"Yea.. Taking your innocence is a huge turn on for me.. But I don't want to unless your 100% sure your ready." Louis says and I nod.

"I think I am." I say and he smiles.

"Good. But it's not going to be a quicky before your grandma wakes up.. Plus I want you to scream." Louis whispers the last part causing me to blush.

We relax for another 20 minutes before my grandma wakes and we meet her in the kitchen. I give her a hug as she gets out ingredients for a English muffin with egg and ham.

"Oh Harry! I forgot to mention yesterday that for a week I'm not going to be here from 5pm until probably around 12-2am." Grandma says and I nod.

"Where will you be?" I ask.

"Old people bingo." Grandma chuckles before saying, "jokes I rather watch the football live."

"No way!" Louis says.

"Yep! So promise me you will be good? That means no parties." Grandma says.

"Don't worry all of our friends life farther away so that won't be happening." Louis says and grandma nods as she goes to the stove. I watch as she continues to make us flat eggs and smile.

"So Lou.. My grandma is going to be away..." I mumble blushing and Louis looks at me and as the words set he smirks at me and winks before getting the table set.

I blush so much more and help Louis. I feel Louis pinch my bum as we go to the dinning room and I yelp a little. I feel myself blush some more and set down the drink glasses.

I feel arms around my waist pull me into a warm chest and Louis voice whisper in my ear, "never thought my little Harry would want it so badly."

I heat up as he rubs the skin above my sweats in small circles with his thumb.

"You want me to make you feel good.. You want me to stroke you good as I enter right hear.." Louis whispers in my ear as he moves one of his hands and jabs my bum crack through my pants and I feel myself rise a little. Uhh.. Stay down .. stay down little Harry.. Pleaseeee.

"You like that idea Harry?" Louis whispers. "Well as I grind into your bum... I will make sure I hold you.." Louis whispers putting his hands down my pants from behind as he grinds into my bum. I swallow back a moan so my grandma doesn't hear as he continues. He grabs hold of me and I gasp a his cold hands reach my warm member. I get harder in his hands and he smirks against my head, "I will stroke you like this.. I will tease your tip and make you throb like right now." Louis whispers as I throb in Louis' hands. He kisses my neck softly as he other hand sneaks into my pants and massages my balls. I feel him blow warm air over my sweet spot before he kisses and sucks on it. I coach myself through it so I hold in my moans and I swallow them back.

I feel myself go cross eyed from the pleasure Louis is giving me. I feel really hot too.. What is the temperature in the house set at?

Everything goes black seconds later.

Louis *POV*

I was giving Harry as much pleasure as I could in the dinning room when he went limp in my arms. I had a mini heart attack before I realized he never took his iron pills.

He passed out from the pleasure. From the exhaustion of not letting out his moans.

I smirk as little as I gently take my hands out of his pants. They are all sticky and wet with his pre-cum. I carry him bridal style to the couch and set him down on his back.

I go to the bathroom and wash my hands well before going back into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is almost ready Lou is Harry waiting at the table?" Harry's grandma asks.

"Okay and Harry passed out so I'm just going to get him some water and his iron pills." I say and his grandma looks at me in shock.

"How did he pass out?" She asks.

"He was diagnosed with low iron so he needs these pills or he doesn't have enough energy." I say and grandma nods.

"Can I help you in anyway?" Grandma asks.

"No I think Harry would rather you not see this." I mumble.

I mean who would want their grandma to see them sky high from ecstasy before they passed out.

I fill up the glass and take his pills to his past out figure.

I wait for a bit until Harry groans waking up and I smile.

"Hey Haz.. You forgot to take your pills." I say handing him the water glass which he takes when he sits up. I hand him the pills and he swallows both.

I watch his cheeks go dark res from embarrassment and I smile at how cute he is. He looks to his southern region and blushes more.

"I-I'm sorry .. I just-"

I decide to cut Harry off seeing as he almost has tears in his eyes from embarrassment, "it's okay Haz.. It's fine.. I understand why it happened.. I don't mind." I whisper as I pull him into my chest and he sits on my lap. I feel his body shake for about a minute after whispering sweet words into his ear.

He pulls away and looks at me so innocent like a 2 year old while biting his lip. I kiss his nose and grandma calls us for breakfast.

"Come alone Harry." I say and hold his hand. We walk into the dinning room and sit beside each other.

"How are you feeling Harry?" Grandma asks and Harry shrugs.

"Waiting for the pills to kick in cause I feel like crap at the moment." He mumbles playing with his food. I look at him with upset eyes as I rub his back.

My new confident Harry may or may not have crawled back into his shell.

We eat the rest of breakfast and clean the plates and pots and pans that were used.

Harry hasn't talked much but he looks like he is slowly gaining back his energy so I will wait to talk to him until he talks to me.


GUYS!! Some good news I have decided to make this into a sequel!!!


Possible trilogy maybe?? Who knows ??????

Anyways thought I would let you know that fun fact!


Smut coming very soon ;) warning xD

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