It's complicated

By Beingmadattheworld

1.3K 48 4

Sometimes parties get wild and things happen. Sometimes it's planned but most of the time it's not. Grace and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

112 4 0
By Beingmadattheworld

"Miss Helbig if you are feeling well enough today you can go home. The doctor is coming by later today to check you and you baby one more time before you are cleared to leave."

"Thank you. I'll start you to get us ready to go slowly." Grace looks at Chester, who is sleeping in the chair next to the bed.

"Can I help you into the shower miss Helbig?"

Grace looks at Chester again and nods. The nurse walks up to the bed and helps Grace out of bed.

"Sit down for a minute so I can wrap a sock around your cast so you can shower by yourself."

Grace sits down on the edge of the bed. The nurse lifts her leg slowly and wraps a plastic sock around Grace's cast.

"Now you're ready to take a shower."

She helps Grace up and they walk to the bathroom slowly. The light turns on by itself.

"Can you help me with my shirt? I can't really raise my arms."

The nurse smiles. She takes Grace's shirt off and places it on the toilet seat.

"Of course miss Helbig. Just call me if you need anything else."

"I'll do that. Thank you."

The nurse leaves and Grace steps into the shower after taking her underwear off too. Grace washes her hair and body with some difficulty. She's still sore but it feels good to clean herself a little bit.

"Grace are you in the bathroom?"

"Yes. I'm in the shower."

Chester joins Grace in the bathroom. He stops when he sees Grace is in the shower and looks up and down her body. He smirks at her.

"I want to join you but you're bruised from head to toe and I will only hurt you if I'll join you. Plus I'll ratter shower together at home."

Grace giggles and winches in pain.

"Sorry Grace. Are you almost done?"

Grace nods. "Yes I only need to rinse off my head right now."

"I'll wait in the other room for you."

"You don't have to. You've seen me naked a million time."

"This is different. I can't touch you now and we're in a hospital. So I'm walking away now."

Grace giggles again and turns the shower off.

"Why aren't you gone yet?" Grace winks at Chester.

Chester leaves the bathroom and sits down on a chair in the other room but he keeps looking at her. He smiles the whole time she is drying herself.

"You say you're leaving the room because you're tempted to touch me but you don't want to touch me because I'm so bruised but you keep staring at me while I dry myself. You're weird."

"Get dressed and stop teasing me. The doctor is coming soon to check you two one more time before we go home together."

Grace pulls her underwear up. She bends down to pick up her bra to put it on too. She reaches behind her back to close it. It hurts but she manages. She relaxes, having a bra on makes a big difference.

She pulls the summer dress Chester picked up for her from home over her head and leaves the bathroom. Chester looks at Grace. Looking at her from top to toe.

"You look good in your new dress I picked out."

"I really like it too. You did good baby."

Grace takes place next to Chester. He picks up her hand and rubs it softly.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Okay I guess. I'm bruised from head to toe and my leg hurts. But I'm feeling better than I did yesterday."

Doctor Jones walks into the room followed by Gabby. Gabby is pulling the ultra sound machine behind her. Doctor Jones walks up to the couple and they shake hands.

"Good morning Grace. It looks like you're feeling a lot better than you did yesterday."

"I do. I'm still bruised and my leg hurts but I'm happy I can go home today."

"We are checking you again now and you're free to go home after that. Can you take place on the bed for me?"

Grace let's go of Chester's hand and stands up. She sighs in pain and breaths out to handle it. She walks to the bed and sits down on the edge.

"Okay I'm going to exam you before we check on your baby."

Grace nods and Jones walks up to the bed. She takes out her stethoscope.

"This is going to be a little cold."

She places the stethoscope on Grace's back.

"Breath in. And out. And in. And out again. Your lungs sound good."

Jones points her finger.

"Follow my finger with your eyes." Grace does as she is told. "No headaches?"

Grace shakes her head. "No headaches anymore."

"Good. You can lay down now so we can check out your baby."

Grace stands up to take her underwear off before she lays down. she sits back down on the edge of the bed and swings her legs up in the same motion as she lays down on the bed.

Gabby moves the machine next to the bed, she place a condom over the probe and sprays it with some lube. She hands it to doctor Jones.

"This is going to cold and it will feel a little bit weird."

Grace takes a deep breath and nods. Doctor Jones moves in slowly.

"Relax Grace. Try to relax for me."

Doctor Jones pushes in further until she's in fully. She turns the machine on to take a look.

"I can't promise you a heartbeat for sure but we might hear it this time. You're about 7,5 weeks pregnant now and we sometimes don't hear it until 9 weeks."

"We can at least look at the little wonder."

A soft beating sound fills the room and everybody goes quit. Grace's eyes fill with tears as she listens to the sound of her babies beating heart. Her tears start to fall down in her hair.

"I didn't know I wanted this so badly. And I can't imagine a live without a little one anymore."

Chester takes Grace's hand and rubs it slowly.

"I'm happy this happened to us."

Grace's smile grows bigger. Chester kisses her hand and the both stare at the screen again.

"Everything looks good. I can see a flickering heart and a steady heartbeat, there is enough amniotic water around your baby and it has grown in the last couple days with is a good sign too. You're ready to go home after we make an appointment in 5 weeks for your next check-up."

"Sounds good. Can we have a picture printed?"

"Of course."

Grace and Chester arrive home together after being away for almost two weeks. Mamrie and Hannah have sorted the mail and everything that was urgent is already take care of while they were at the hospital.

"It feels good to be home. After being in the hospital for almost two weeks."

"It really is a great feeling to be home. Are you tired?"

Grace shakes her head. she walks up to the couch and let's herself fall down and places her leg on the table.

"I am hungry though."

"I'll make you something. What do you want?"

"Just a sandwich would be great. Thanks Honey."

Grace blows a kiss at Chester.

"Coming right up."

Chester leaves the living room and goes into the kitchen. Grace picks up her phone and opens a text to Mamrie and Hannah and types a message.

'Happily home again. Me and nugget are doing great.' Grace places her phone next to her and turns on the television while she waits for Chester.

Her phone pings and vibrates to indicate that Grace has a message. She picks up her phone and looks who has texted her.

'Good to hear. Will be coming over later this week.'

'Just message me when you're coming over.'

'I'll probably join Mamrie when she is coming over.'

'That's fine Hannah.'

Chester walks back into the room with two plates.

"Here you go princess. Your food is ready to eat."

"Thanks Sweetie."

Grace bends over and kisses Chester on the cheek and takes a plate from him

"Hannah and Mamrie will probably come over later this week."

"Oh that's fine. I was already thinking that they would."

"I'm that predictable?"

"You are a little bit yes."

Grace takes a bite of her sandwich while giving Chester the dirty eye.

A/N: And that is two! I hope you guys enjoy reading my stories. I'm always open for suggestions. 

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