She's The Tear In My Heart {M...

By GeekySenpai

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[COMPLETED] Your life would be pretty boring if it weren't for friends, boys, and - for Miss Marinette Dupin... More

Chapter One: Pretty Boys
Chapter Two: Blushing Brides
Chapter Three: A Peculiar Peregrine
Chapter Four: The Rookies
Chapter Five: Purrrient Feline
Chapter Six: The Party {Part One}
Chapter Seven: The Party {Part Two}
Chapter Nine: Boy Problems
Chapter Ten: Pretty Little Stalker
Chapter Eleven: The Fault in Our Kiss
Chapter Twelve: Choose Wisely
Chapter Thirteen: Time
Chapter Fourteen: Loss
Chapter Fifteen: Call Me Maybe?
Chapter Sixteen: One Last Time
Chapter Seventeen: Fin {1/3}
Chapter Eighteen: Fin {2/3}
Chapter Nineteen: Fin {3/3}
I'm Moving Accounts!
New Book Published!

Chapter Eight: Yandere Cracks

278 12 40
By GeekySenpai

I spent the rest of the party with Alya and Nino. Adrien was pulled away by fangirls.

I didn't know where Quinton had gone. I went down first when no one was paying attention, and slipped off. I didn't have time to see when Quinton came down, because Alya pulled me into a corner and prodded me with questions about what happened upstairs.

I may be an okay lier to the boys, but with Alya I had to tell the truth. She could tell when I was lying all the time, and so I answered with short versions of what happened. She could clearly tell I liked him.

When I noticed it was ten o'clock, I said goodbye to Alya and tried to find Adrien through the crowd of people. I finally noticed him talking with Chloe, clearly not enjoying it. I rolled my eyes as I saw that Chloe was wearing a deep V-neck, showing way too much cleavage.

I cleared my throat and tapped Chloe on the shoulder. She spun around, an annoyed expression on her face. When she saw it was me, she became even more annoyed. "What you you want?"

"I need to borrow Adrien," I said, putting my hands behind my back innocently.

Chloe 'humphed!' and then glared at me. "And what makes you think that he wants to be with you, huh? You're a nothing, Marinette, and never will be anything better than that."

Usually, at a retort like that, I would have just shrugged it off. But something inside of me cracked, and I could feel my eyes burning up, tears hiding behind them. I didn't know why I was like this, but I guessed after all the times Chloe had bullied me, finally made its mark.

Chloe had a smug look on her face, and then spun back around to Adrien. I looked down, not wanting Adrien to see a small tear slip down my cheek. I couldn't see what was happening, but I could feel Chloe's gang of girls laughing at me.

"Uh, excuse me Chloe, but that is no way to treat someone!" exclaimed Adrien. My head spun up in surprise, and the look on Adrien's face gave me chills. He was mad, and not just mad, but furious.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"A-Adrien..." Chloe stammered. "I was just trying to protect you from a little freak. Did I ever tell you that she has a picture shrine of you in her room and-"

"Look, Chloe, I don't care!" Adrien exclaimed. "That's still not a way to treat anyone, even someone you hate. Do you see Marinette talking to you like that when she hates you? No. So back off."

Chloe looked furious, and heartbroken. She was about to respond, probably another stalker-ish thing I did with Adrien, but someone in the crowd interrupted her. "Chloe, you bully other kids to make yourself feel better. Who's the weak and desperate one now?"

The crowd that had gathered parted to show Quinton standing with his arms crossed, glaring at Chloe. Before anything got out of hand, I got in-between Chloe and Adrien, holding my hands out. "Look! It's totally fine! I'm fine! Lets just forget about this and enjoy the party!"

I looked at Quinton and he nodded, signaling that I could go now. Chloe grumbled and stormed off, Sabrina following her. I was about to pull Adrien along with me, but he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd himself.

People had gone back to their normal party activities, seeming to not even care what just went on. I spotted Alya and waved with my free hand. She smiled back and gave me another thumbs-up, and I rolled my eyes but smiled.

We burst through the door, and I wrenched my hand free from Adrien's. Nathalie hadn't arrived yet, so we had to sit outside for a little bit, the wind nipping at my nose.

I rubbed my wrist, not realizing until now that he was holding it so tight. "Adrien," I said, as he stood near the curb with his arms crossed, waiting for the car. "You...You didn't have to do that, you know. It was just Chloe, you know that."

He turned around, and opened his mouth to speak. But then it closed, like he changed his mind on what he was going to say. He then noticed me rubbing my wrists, and his once fierce eyes turned soft and full of concern.

He walked over near me and held my wrists gently in his hands. They were warm, and soft, and my skin tingled where he touched it. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, turning my wrists over in his palm.

"Oh! No, no, it's fine!" I said, trying to reassure him. He didn't seem too convinced, but he then let go of my hand and placed a hand gently on my back, pushing me a little forward. We were standing so close that I almost forgot the chilly wind.

I wrapped my hands around my arms, shivering. Adrien noticed and leaned in closer, after all, he didn't have a jacket to offer me. I leaned into his shoulder, taking in all the warmth I could get. I took in a deep breath, Adrien smelling like lemongrass.

Adrien continued to wrap his arms around my shoulders, almost like he was protecting me from the cold. "Sorry for my outburst, its just Chloe can cross a line sometimes and it really ticks me off," Adrien explained. I could feel his warm breath on my ear.

"It's okay," I replied, closing my eyes. I wished I could just pause time and stay in this moment forever, with Adrien close and the distant hum of the party going on behind us. "Just...I can stand up for myself as well, you don't have to, okay?"

"Okay," he whispered, his cheek rested in the top of my head.

I heard a car pull up and I opened my eyes. Nathalie rolled down her window and smiled at us. "Get in, you two lovebirds."

*Quinton's POV*

I watched from my front door as Marinette got into Adrien's car and pulled away.

I held a tiny case of lipgloss in my hand, a tube that Marinette had left in my room on accident. I clenched it in my hand, the tube's head almost popping off from the forceful movement. My face burned.

I was going to return the lipgloss, but seeing Marinette so comfortable with another boy made something inside of me flare, and I froze to watch the scene unfold. I had tried so hard not to let my jealousy show, stifling it whenever I would see Marinette stare at Adrien with her adorable little heart-eyes.

I wished she would do that more to me.

I would have never guessed that I would develop feelings for the young Parisian girl, even after I had been told from Him never to get too close to the targets. But now I had, and that would make my mission so much harder than it already was.

I was catching feelings when I shouldn't have any.

I could already tell who Ladybug and Chat Noir were, Adrien and Marinette of course, but I didn't want to make the mission shorter than it was. I wanted to give Mari a chance to figure it out and help me and what will happen.

My mind was steering off topic, and I shook my head out and ran my fingers through my hair. Then an idea sparked into my mind, and I smirked. If it worked, I would most likely have Marinette on my side and she'll develop feelings for me as well.

Jeez, I thought to myself, chuckling. Was I really becoming a Yandere-ish person? Doing anything for my 'Senpai'.

All I would have to do was tell Him that I wasn't getting close enough to Marinette, who I would just say knows a lot about Ladybug and Chat Noir, and I needed Her to get Marinette jealous. I was proud of myself, and I went back into my house to the party.

This would make everything better, right? I thought.

Or worse.

[OMG! This is so late and short! I'm so sorry guys!

Anyways, can you guys guess what Quinton means with "Him" and "Mission" and "Her"? I hope you can't because that would ruin the surprise! And you might be able to guess the "Her" part if you payed attention to the last chapter carefully!

Also, this has almost 200 views! What!? Thank you all for the support and love!

Make sure to comment, vote, and add to library!]

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