Bullied by Harry Styles

By prettylouiss

220K 4.6K 1.4K

Will she get her Harry back? More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y - O n e
Authors note..ugh
Authors note!! (SORRY)
I love you.
Last chapter
Sequel Information.
Chapter 1 (sequel)
Chapter 2 (sequel)
Chapter 3 (sequel)
Chapter 4 (sequel)
chapter 5 (sequel)
Thank you.


1.2K 41 13
By prettylouiss

Haylee's p.o.v

"Harry, I have to tell you guys something" I spoke up .

We are all in the living room Sarah was tired and ended up falling asleep on the way back.

Everyone looked up expecting me to speak.

"Well first Harry please don't make any noise" I warned as his eyebrows furrowed.

"In the police station...Sarah mentioned you...and she called you daddy." I said trying to hide my smile. I know Harry has always wanted a baby before. He always said he wanted lots of them.

All the boys grin as Harry stood up and picked me up.

"Oh my gosh! She called me dad! Haylee she called me dad!" He cheered.

"I know Harry shh" I laugh at his behavior.

He grinned as he placed his lips on mine.


Harry and the boys left about two hours ago claiming they had important things to do.

So currently the girls and I are getting ready to go to the mall. I took out black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

I placed my TOMS on my feet and rushed to Sarah's room. She was still out cold.

"Hey Sarah, baby wake up" I shook her softly as she rolled over.

"We are going shopping! You love shopping love" I cheer and she squeals getting up.

"Is uncle hawwy coming?!" She exclaims.

"Not today love. It's only gonna be girls night okay?" I asked her. She nodded excitedly as we rushed to her bathroom.

Sarah undressed herself as she hopped into the bath.

"Could you sing to me?" She asked sweetly.

"Um. Sure love what would you like me to sing?"

"Any song" she smiles.

"Okay I'm going to sing a song that uncle Louis,uncle Harry,uncle Niall,and uncle Liam wrote okay?"

She nodded as she looked at me.

"For your eyes only I show you my heart for when your lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me

when we're apart now you know me for your eyes only, for your eyes only I show you my heart for
when you're lonely

and forget who you are in missing half of me when we are apart now you know me for your eyes only for your eyes only for your eyes only" I finished the small part.

She cheered and squealed.

"They wrote the song?!"

"Yes love and many more! I have a CD they gave me. We should listen to it in the car!" I smile down at her.

She nodded.

The whole time she was in the bath she hummed part of the song I sang. She instantly loved it. Just like I did.


So we found out the the boys took the car so our palms were runnier and ion top of that it started poring so we couldn't walk either.

"Let's bake a cake!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Sure" I shrugged.

"Hey Nicky could you get the CD of the boys. It's in my suitcase" I smile at her.

She nods running upstairs.

"Okay so I'll get everything out while you guys wash your hands" Ashley commented as we nodded.

Nicky came running down stairs with the CD in hand.

I ran to the living room and put it in blasting it.

We decided on making the cake chocolate. But half way through somehow steph and Ashley slipped and brought the flour with them and it flew all over the place.

Let's say we had a huge mess to clean up.

-1 week later-

Harry has been very sneaky lately. He would whisper to the boys and once I'd enter the room he'd shut up.

I'd try to get something out of him but he wouldn't say anything.

I gave up on trying but we were suppose to be home two days ago but Harry wont even budge. It's honestly kinda making me worried Harry was never really good at keeping secrets for long or lying to people.

But I'm pretty sure he's hiding something big from me. And it's making me go crazy!

My mom is probably freaking out. Scratch that she IS freaking out.

"Hello Niall you know you're my favorite right?" Nicky went up to him.

"I'm not going to tell you what we are planning, and of course I'm your favorite I'm your boyfriend" he scoffed.

We all huffed as Niall smirked.

Nothing works! Ugh.

We heard a door open and we all snapped our heads towards it.

There standing were Louis and Harry.

As my eyes land on Harry they instantly widen as everyone gasps.

"Harold Edwards styles you did not!" I screamed at him.

"I'm sorry I wanted to I was tired!" He exclaimed. Everyone else was gaping still.

"YOU Had not RIGHT!" I was literally about to burst into tears.

"I did! It was mine!" He argues back.

I went up to him and resisted the urge to slap him.

"BUT it was YOUR hair Harry! I LIKED YOUR CURLS!" I whined.

"Babe it's hair!" He throws his hands in the air.

"But what am I gonna mess with now?! I liked braiding your hair!" I stomp.

"Yeah! And what is she gonna hold on to when you guys are having se-" but Louis was cut off with a loud pitch scream.

We all snapped our heads towards the sound that came out of Sarah's mouth.

She ran towards Harry and he picked her up. We could all see the horror in her eyes.

"Where's the hair!" She squeals.

Harry groaned as we all just laughed at him.

"It's gone love. I donated it to help other kids. Someone else will now have the privilege to have my hair now. Plus mine will grow out" Harry speaks and I feel myself about to cry at his words.

"Aww harreh" Liam coo's.

Harry sends a playful glare towards him.

"So it'll grow back?" Sarah asks.

"Of course it will babe" Harry nods.

"That's actually really sweat of you Harry," I smile towards him. "You cut your hair that you took years to grow out and now a little kid will be having it as there own how sweet"

"Thanks babe" he kisses my cheek.

"How about we go out to dinner?" Ashley suggests.

"Yeah" we all nod in agreement.


We were all sitting on a big round table.

"Guys we need to be home by next week" I bring up.

"That's enough time for the surprise!" Harry shrugs.

"What surprise?!" All the girls say in unison even Sarah.

"And why would we tell you? Then it won't be a surprise anymore now would it" Louis smirks as he ruffles Sarah's hair. We all groan.

A couple minutes later our food comes out.

After the dinner Harry didn't seem into it. He was thinking about something and it seemed like he was debating on something.

I let it slipped but we all seemed to notice it and I was getting real curious.

By the time we got 'home' it was 11:45 and Sarah was fast asleep. I went upstairs and tugged her in while I kiss her forehead.

I turned to find Harry leaning on the door way.

"Damn Harry you almost gave me a heart attack!" I put my hand on my chest.

He chuckles as he takes my waist pulling me towards his chest.

"You love Sarah don't you?" He whispers.

"More than anything. And in freaking out cause I don't know what's gonna happen when we leave" I sigh.

"Everything's going to be okay baby I promise" he kisses my forehead.

"I hope so Harry I really do" I nod hugging him.


The next day during breakfast everyone was screaming. We were all so anxious for some reason.

If someone didn't stop us I swear we would end up on the floor pulling each other's hairs out. Sarah and Harry had something to do this morning. So they left.

"Okay everyone shut it!" Harry comes in his voice booming through the kitchen. We all instantly shut our mouths.

"We have an announcement. Now take a seat everyone" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusions but all the boys had a knowing smirk on there faces.

Moments later Sarah came in with something- that looks like paper wrapped up with a bow on top.

She walks it over to me and puts it in my hands.

I looked at Harry with a questioning  look.

"With this paper in your hands it shows how much I care for you. How much I care for all of you. It shows how I actually want to spend a long time with you. It shows how much you mean to me. It shows that no matter what happens I'll be here. It shows that all I want is for you to be happy. It shows that I love you," and I let out a gasp. "It shows that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't change anything because I love you so much. And I know it took a pretty damn long time for me to realize it. I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. And I want you to know that everyday I think of all the horrible things that I did in the past. And I'm truly sorry for everything. I regret it every second of the day. But then again I wouldn't take it back. Because what if I did? There's I possibility that I wouldn't be standing here telling you this. I just I love you" he finished as I jumped on him giving him a kiss.

"Oh my gosh Harry I don't even know what to say. I-i-I love you. I love you so much" I kiss his lips again. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Now love open the surprise" he smiles as I looked around to see everyone watching in awe.

I slowly undid the wrapping paper. As I got to the paper I took in a huge Breath. 

I read over the paper and my eyes widen as tears spill and spill.

"You didn't. Oh my gosh Harry you didn't!" I screamed jumping up and down.

"It's official baby" he nods now crying as well.

"Oh my gosh! Harry she's ours now! She's mine!" I screamed jumping on him.

"She is baby she's ours" he nods.

I jumped off him and ran to Sarah I gave her a huge hug.

"Are you my mommy now?" She asked innocently .

"I am baby. But you're real mommy is in here" i point to her heart. "And she will always look after you" I kissed her forehead.

"Wait so you guys are parents?" Angel asked.

I nod smiling.

"Oh my gosh babe congratulations!" She jumped hugging me and everyone else did the same.

I turned to Harry with Sarah in my arms.

"You don't know how much I love you. I love you so Much thank you for this. Thank you for everything" I kissed his cheek as he kissed both of our foreheads. "I love you both so much" and it sounded like he meant it.

There was no trace of lie in his voice. And for once I actually don't regret anything in life. Because like Harry said we might not be here in this very moment . And all I know is that I won't trade this for anything.


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