No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

274K 11.6K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.9K 187 106
By MsChryssieE

Next update depends on comments received on here.

And for the LAST time please take y'all time and read because I'm tired of the dumb questions when shit is as clear as crystal😒😒😒

Fuck around and get mute!!!



"Babe just stay home."

"Kev I'm fine."

Hearing Nita throw up again in the bathroom caused me to get out of bed. Pulling up my slacks, I walked in to see her sitting on the floor by the toilet as though she had a hangover.

"You're staying home."

Approaching her, I helped her up.

"I can't babe, I have some paper work to do." She sighed.

Flushing the toilet, we walked over to the our his and hers sinks and I sat her on the counter.

"Let Faith do it. Ain't that what y'all hired her for?"

"Yea but you know me."

"Yea you OCD when it comes to work."

"I'm not." She whined.

"Yes you are, now rinse."

Putting out my hand with the cup of mouth wash, she took it from me.

"Talking in my face with that hot ass barf breath." I mumbled.

"Really Kevin?" She spoke as she gargled.

"Stop talking and spit."

Mugging me, she gargled a bit more before spitting in the sink. Handing her some water, she rinsed.

"I just want you to be relaxed for when we go back to the doctor later today."

Taking her time off the counter, she turned and washed her face.

"And I will be." She turned to me as I dried her face. "I'm not a baby you know."

"I know but can't a man cater to his wife?"

"You're too good to me." She frowned.

"What?" I paused.

Out of nowhere she just began to cry.

"Calm down baby." I hugged her.

"For real Kevin. You're too good to me. All I do is whine and bitch and fight you on everything." She looked up at me with tears streaming. "Why are you even with me. You've seen my crazy, I even pulled a knife on you a couple times yet you're still here. I don't deserve you."

I was lost at where all of this was coming from. I figured it was just her emotions out of sync but damn.

"Stop crying babe. I love you that's why we're married and if anything, I should be asking what I did to deserve you." I cupped her face. "You've done everything and more to make me comfortable and show how much you love me so don't ever doubt what we got. Even though you pulled a knife on me a couple times."

Gaining a smile and a light laugh from her, I kissed her lips gently.

"Thank God this little one is a boy." I rubbed her belly. "I scared for if we ever get a girl."

"At least she'll be feared." She snickered.

"See, now that's the shit that be scaring me. I love you crazy and all but this baby be having you act outta pocket."

"You love me still so that's all that matters." She smiled.

"Uh huh." I narrowed my eyes at her. "C'mon let me go feed my babies."

Walking out of bathroom, she stopped and got her prenatal medication before going down to the kitchen.

"What you want?"

"Pancakes and pickles."



"That's nasty Anita."

"You calling our baby nasty?" She pouted.

"Now you know I ain't said that."

"Well that's what we're feeling for."


Taking out the stuff for the pancakes, she sat there just staring into space.

"I take it you're staying home?"



"Kevin." She mocked me.

"You know what, I'm not even going to fight you."

"Thank you."

"Just don't come asking me to rub your feet for you."

"What?" She whined. "You can't do that."

"Watch and see."

"But its your fat ass baby that cause my feet to hurt."

"If he is fat, then that should tell you to keep your ass quiet."

"Fuck you."

Soon as I opened my mouth to answer, I felt something hit me.

"Ah fuck Anita." I rubbed the back of my head.

Looking on the floor, she had thrown one of the salt shakers at me.

"You may need it anyway." She shrugged as I looked at her.

"If I only say anything you gonna cry."

"Say it." She provoked. "Say it let me cut you." She got up in my face.

"Man...go sit in the family room." I turned her away."

"That's what I thought."

She raised her hand to hit me but I caught it.

"Don't ever put God out your thoughts." I looked her in her eyes.

"Kevin you're squeezing my wrist." She whined.

"We may joke and toss shit, but don't you ever raise your hand to hit me." I let it go.

Holding her wrist, she stared at me as I stared back. Turning around, I went back to making breakfast as she left.

It was one thing for her to threaten to cut me, pull a knife and even throw something because pregnant or not, that's how we be but from the moment you raise your hand to hit me, shit goes south instantly.

I've never raised my hand for a female and I'll never do it because I was raised by a man, but at the same time, I'm not going to let a female disrespect me by putting her hands on me.

Finishing the pancakes, I set out our plates. Getting the pickles out, I placed her plate on a tray and took it for her.

"Here babe."

"Thanks." She said lowly.

Getting my plate, I went back in the room only to see her crying.

"Stop crying Anita. I didn't mean to squeeze your wrist."

"I know. I'm sorry for upsetting you."

"Ok. Now eat."

Nodding she took out one of the pickles and bit into it. As we sat eating, she flipped through the TV.

"What time is our appointment again?" She asked.

"Three but I'll come pick you up from work at two."



"She driving me crazy yall." I sighed.

Me, Trav and T were at our fitting for our suites for Aug's wedding.

"Its that bad?" T asked.

"Man I had to put her in check this morning because she raised her hand to hit me."

"Bruh you serious?" Trav asked.

"Yea and that was after she hit a nigga with the salt shaker."

"Damn Nita a violent pregnant woman."

"She is and its making me second guess having anymore after this."

"Nah don't say that." Aug spoke as he tried on his jacket.

"I'm serious man. I really can't take this shit."

"Woe its just her emotions outta sync." T spoke up.

"Emotions? Man she only got two. Its either she sad and crying or she angry and violent. Like where the fuck my wife at."

"It will be worth in man. You got what, four more months."

"Yea and that shit should hurry and go by fast."

"What y'all think?"

Looking up at Yung we all nodded.

"Damn nigga, you look sharp." T said.

"Yea casket sharp." Trav joked.

"Man fuck you."

"You think Kei gonna be cool with you wearing white with her?" He asked.

"Me and her are the only people who gon be in white. Everyone been told if they come in anything white the gonna be denied entrance."

"Well damn." We laughed.

"Nigga I ain't playing. Black people ain't shit when it comes to weddings. Everybody wanna out stage everybody. This me and ma baybeh's day we tha only two people everyone should be focused on."

The way Yung talk bout Kei makes me happy that I told him it was cool for them to get together.

"E you good?" He shook me out my thoughts.

"Yea man." I nodded.

He looked at me before talking to the tailor.

"Can you take this in a lah more?" He asked.

"Fool if you take yo shit in anymore, we gonna have to grease ya ass down to get into it." Trav yelled. "Man leave that suite as is."

"Whatever. Who's next?" Aug ignored him.

"Big guy!" The tailor said referring to T. "Need my special measuring tape for you." He joked.

We all fell out laughing.

"You got jokes huh little man." T mugged him but laughed afterwards.

"Hey man, let me talk to you real quick?" Aug approached me.

Getting up, we stepped away from everyone.

"Bruh you sure your straight?"

"Yea man, why?"

"You was looking at me with this kinda look."

"Nah, it's cool. I just remembered something."


"But hey, you doing good with all this for Kei."


"Yup. She gon be blown away."

"But?" He looked at me.

"It's gonna make her miss our pops." I admitted.

"Shit. Did she say something?"

"Not to me but I've overheard her and our moms talking and she admitted to missing him."

"Aight, I'll talk to her."

"Ok cool." I nodded.

Heading back over, we busted out laughing seeing the tailor on a stool checking and measuring T's arms.

"Shut up!" He pointed.

"Say goon!" Aug laughed as he took the pic.

"Man you better delete that shit." He pointed.

"Keep still." The tailor fussed.

"Well ain't this a bitch y'all. Ma nigga getting fitted."

We laughed as Aug recorded for Snapchat.

"Keep messing with me Yung." T threatened.

"Nigga you ain't gonna do shit."

"You think so. Aight." He nodded. "Trav pass me my phone." He laughed.

"Yea whatever."

We watched as T typed out something on his phone then began to laugh.

"Three, two, one. Bingo!" He pointed at Aug.

At that moment his phone began to rang. Looking down at it, he looked up at T.

"Nigga what you did?" He slightly panicked.

"Answer it." T laughed.

"Man I ain't playing with you? What did you tell ha?"

"You know she don't like it when you don't answer goon." He provoked.

Same time the phone cut off.

Sighing, he called her back.

"Yea baybeh?"

"Why didn't you answer the first time?"

"What shit T told ya Keira?"

"When you get home we gonna talk." She said and hung up.

T was laughing as Aug had this scared look on his face.

"Man what you told her. You know how she gets?"

"I guess you'll see when you get home." He laughed.

Knowing my sister, all I could do was shake my head.

"If she only come at me on some dumb shit, that's on you T." He pointed but all T did was laugh.

Finishing up our session, we headed out. T had showed me the text he sent Kei and shit was nothing. All he did was tell her to count to three then call Aug and act like she mad at him.

"Anyway y'all. I gotta go get my wife and take her to our doctor."

"Aight man, see ya around." We dapped.

Getting in my car, I texted Nita letter her know I was on my way to her.



Rubbing my belly, I was trying to get through the hunger grumbles. As much as I've been eating, I really didn't want to over do it.

"Knock knock."

Looking up, Sarah walked in smiling.

"Hi hi." She said excitedly. "I brought food."

Holding up a Whataburger bag, she approached me.

"I figured my best friend and godson would be hungry."

"We are but I want to slow down on the greasy food." I sighed taking the bag from her.

"Yet you're eating it." She laughed.

"I'm hungry." I shrugged taking it out the bag. "It have pickles in it?"


"Thank you." I smiled.

"You gonna get in trouble over all them pickles you be eating." She shook her head.

"Don't say that." I pouted.

"Since when you eat them anyway? You hated pickles."

"I know but its all I crave for."

"Well you gotta slow down."

"Why are you here Sarah?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh attitude change I see." She too rolled her eyes. "You lucky its because of my baby boy in there I'll allow it."

"Ok and..."

"You got one more time."

"Sarah you're getting on my nerves now so just talk."

Biting into her burger, she looked at me.

"You finish."

"Yea. I'm sorry."

"Mhmm. Now I've been doing some checks and balances for our first quarter."

"Tell me you have good news?"

"I have great news. We not only broke even on what we put into this place, but we've made a huge forty percent profit alone from our day time services."

"Oh wow." I smiled.

"Why aren't you as excited as I thought you would be?"

"Because I have this doctor's appointment today to find out if my son's heart is ok."

"Nita, why are you still worrying about that. You've been doing what your doctor told you to do so relax babe."

"I'm trying but this been bothering me. Like I've googled irregular heart beats in unborns and I honestly can't deal if something is wrong with him."

"Now why you gone and do that? You know Google would make you feel like you're ass is dying when you just have an itchy nose."

"I couldn't help it." I tried fighting back my tears.

"Don't cry babe." She came over and hugged me.

As I went through my emotions she hugged me till her phone rang.

"Just now babe."

I watched as she went over to her purse and got it.

"Urgh. Give me a minute. Its my mother, AGAIN!" She huffed.

Same time Faith knocked and came in.

"Hey bosses." She smiled.

Sarah gave a wave as she was on her phone and I responded.

"What's up?"

"Nita, I'll come by tonight." Sarah spoke to me.

"No problem babe." I smiled before she left.

"I got a couple payments for you to sign off on."

Handing me the folder, I rubbed my belly as I flipped through.

"All the necessary deliveries were made today, including the alcohol."

"Ok good."

Rotating my neck, trying to work through the tension, I exhaled.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea, its nothing." I looked up at her.

"You sure boss, you look a bit tense."

"I'm sure?"

"You know I also have my license in massage therapy and I can see from over here the tension in your neck and it will only move further to your shoulders and back." She said getting up.

Walking over to me, she came to the side and proceeded to massaged my shoulders and neck area. I'm not even going to lie, it felt heavenly.

"Oh wow!"

Feeling the tension easy up I was beginning to relax.

"Boss you sure you're ok because these knots say otherwise." She continued.

"I've just been worried about this doctor's visit I have today."

With my eyes closed just completely relaxed as we spoke. Everyone knew I was pregnant at this point and they all be working hard to make sure I wasn't stressing or under any kind of pressure.

"Well you need to take it easy."

Rolling my chair back a bit, she continued. As her hand reached midway on my back, she gently but firmly pressed her thumbs into the center and upwards causing a slight cracking sound.

The amount of pressure that was released after that felt fucking amazing.

"Oh my God." I let out lightly.

"Doesn't your husband do this for you?" She laughed lightly.

"He does but its different when your licensed to do it." I joked.

Working her way to the sides and up, I directed her to the other tense spots. One spot in particular caused my eyes to shoot open same time there was a knock on the door.

"Open." I called as she stood straight.

Smiling, Kevin walked in.

"Hey babe, you ready to get going?" He came over as Faith shifted. "Wassup." He gave her a head nod.

"Ummm. Yea let's go." I finished signing off on the paperwork. "Faith can you put away these for me."

"Sure thing boss." She smiled as I got up.


Putting my attention on Kevin, he held out his hand for me to walk ahead.

"Have a good evening Mr. Cox." I heard her tel Kevin before we left.


"Nita you ok? You've been quiet since we got here?"

"I'm fine. Just ready for this to be over."

"It will be babe, don't worry." He kissed my temple.

After waiting about five more minutes, we were called. Doing my usual checks and tests, our doctor finally came in.

"So how have we been doing?"

"I've been fine." Kevin spoke. "She been stressing." He sold me out.

"Really Kevin." I mugged him.

"And she been going crazy."

"All that is part of the process Mr. Cox. You're wife's body isn't hers now." He chuckled.

"Thank you." I agreed as he prepped me.

"Alright then, let's check on this little one here and see."

Moving around the transducer, he hummed in approval.

"Well everything seems to look fine, let's take a listen shall we."

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. Hearing the rapid sounds of his heart I tried not to think to much.

"Well then."

"Everything ok?"

"It seems that way." He looked at us. "Everything sounds just how they should."

Exhaling heavily, Kevin leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Good, now that that's over, you can relax and continue with you prenatals and I'll see y'all in three weeks. If you need to see me before just drop by." He handed me a tissue for my belly.

"Thanks doc." Kevin smiled as he cleaned my belly.

"Thank God that's over." I stood up with his help.

"Yea now let's get you home."

"Yes let's do that please."


Bet some of y'all didn't catch it

Humm humm, anywho😁😁😁 good night.

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