Her Adventures on the Red Lion

By HoodedSam

4.9K 182 76

Signe is considered Royalty as she is a soon to be Duchess, on her way to visit her future husband. But seas... More

The Sinking of the Tetris
The Difficulties of the Captain
The Overheard Conversation
The Misspoken Words
The Light of the Moon
The Comforting Ship Mate
The Emotions
The Opportunity
The Lowlands
The Struggle of the Sail
The Ache of Shock
The Troublesome Laces
The Harbor
The Dagger
The Assassin
The Brigade
The Wound
The Attack
The Commodore
The Tears of a Captain
The Second Time
The Hall
The Gallows
The Beginning of Her Adventures
The Author's Note

The Rigid Chair

244 8 2
By HoodedSam

 Although the lolling of the ship under her felt comfortable, the ropes biding her did not. They were beginning to rub her skin to a burn on her arms, and were a little too tight for comfort across her chest. If she could just stand up, she was sure her back would feel much better as well after sitting in that chair for what felt like forever.

 Signe could still hear the shuffling behind her of the Captain at his table. What exactly he was doing, she wasn't sure. They both were in the room for a long time without interruption, but remained silent. He wanted to know her name, but she didn't want to give it. The more she thought about it though, she realized they were going to do whatever it is they wanted to do whether they knew her name or not. The lack of knowledge of her name wasn't stopping them from doing anything.

 "What is your name, Captain?" Signe asked quietly, but the room was silent enough that he picked up on it.

 The Captain looked up at the back of her head, but didn't move from his seat. "My name is Jack." he answered. "What's yours?"

 "Signe." Captain Jack gave a small laugh, but the room filled with silence soon again. After a short while Signe had a question, "Is that man's name really Seananners?"

 "What?" he paused for a moment before realizing what she was referring to. "Oh. No. We all have nicknames."

 Signe thought about what he said, "So...if Seananners is not his real name, is Jack your real name?"

 "Oh she is a fast learner." Jack laughed. Signe heard him stand up. He walked around and stood in front of her. "So why the change of heart on your name?" he asked.

 "How do you know I didn't just give you a random name...or a nickname." she teased with a fake smile.

 Jack laughed a little, "If you managed to just pull a name like 'Signe' out of your arse, then I applaud you." he smiled down at her, "But really. Why?"

 Signe sighed and looked away. She had the feeling that this Captain Jack could be a ladies man, as most Captains seemed to be. Perhaps she could charm her way to what she wanted?

 She looked back up at Jack, batting her eyelashes, with a subtle smile, "Would you believe me if I said these ropes were uncomfortable?"

 She could see Jack's eye glimmer a little. The fact she was being a little nicer to him was certainly not lost on him. It seemed to excite him even. "Well, Signe, if I could trust that you wouldn't try something stupid, perhaps I could untie you."

 "And what would I have to do to prove myself to you, Captain?" Signe asked. She leaned forward as far as the ropes would let her, looking up at him.

 He bent down to her level to look her in the eyes. "Well, I'm sure I could find a way with... such a pretty lady like yourself."

 Signe had no intentions of actually doing anything with the Captain, she just needed to get out of the ropes for a moment. So she cocked her head to the side and smiled, "Oh yeah? And what ways are you thinking of?"

 Jack almost seemed giddy like a child with a wide smile. "Well, one way I can think of..." suddenly, his entire demeanor shifted from childlike excitement, to anger. His smile fell off his face and his eyes no longer looked excited, but rather bored. "You could cut the shit." He stood up and walked back to his table again.

 Signe sighed defeated and leaned back against the chair again. "Okay fine. That didn't work." she admitted to him, "But I would still love to be untied."

 "And what makes you think I'd be willing to do that since you lied to my face just now?" he rebuked.

 "My genuine discomfort and my word I will not leave this room."

 Jack couldn't help but scoff, "Your discomfort does not bother me like it would the others." Jack walked back in front of her, "But how about this. Maybe I could put you in the cells in my haul. Then you'd have all the room you'd want." A twisted smile crossed the Captain's face, "But I cannot promise the conditions of it, I can't remember the last time we cleaned the dead corpses from them."

 Signe's face instantly twisted in disgust. She couldn't help but consider it though. It would be nice to sit and stand or even lie down, and the corpses were probably all just bluff to scare her. Signe sighed, "Fine. I'll go there."

 The Captain was instantly taken aback by her answer, "What?"

 "Well I'm getting rope burns, and I'm stiff from sitting for what feels like forever. So I want to go somewhere I can lay down." she answered.

 Captain Jack said nothing, he just stared at her for a minute. Then, without a word, he began going around the room, picking up things that were weapons or could be used as such. When he made a small pile, he placed everything into a chest and locked it up. Then he locked the door into the room. He silently moved behind Signe, untying the ropes.

 As soon as she was released, Signe quickly stood, rubbing her arms. "Are you taking me to the haul then?" she asked.

 Jack tossed the ropes to the side, "No. I've never heard anyone ask to be taken there. I guess you really were desperate to stand." he moved to stand directly in front of her. Looking down into her eyes, "If you try anything though, you will go to the haul though. Understand?" Signe only nodded in response. Jack backed up, "Good."

 Now that Signe was free from her chair, she could see the other half of the room. Sure enough there was a window directly behind her. Out it, she could see the sun setting into the ocean, making the sky a bright orange. It was captivating.

 She could also see his table and its contents. Although there was a couple things she didn't recognized, like trinkets, but the majority of it was maps, charts, and some letters. At this moment, Signe cursed herself for not pushing her father to teach her the way of maps. She felt like her destination was on that map in front of her, but she had no knowledge of the strange lines and markings that decorated the paper.

 "If you would like to lay down, feel free to." Jack said, walking back to his seat.

 "Um...where?" Signe questioned, looking around the room. There wasn't exactly a cot. Jack motioned to the bed on the right of the room. "Your bed?"

 "Would you prefer the floor?"

 Signe took the hint and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. Already she could tell it was far more comfortable that the chair, but she was sure anything would be. A wave of unease hit her though. How could she be sure she could be safe with just sleeping in a room with a pirate? He certainly could not be trusted. Perhaps the haul would be better for safety. Although she didn't know who would be there either. There could be other prisoners, the crew, anything down there. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to take her chances with just one man busy in his maps than the complete unknown of the haul.

 She sighed as she leaned back on the bed, laying down. It was certainly comfortable and she could feel the sleepy haze overtake her. Before long, she fell into sleep, although much more restful this time.

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