" Who are you ""

By ichaz-117

1.2K 75 57

She thought she had found her love of her life until she met him but problem was she had a boyfriend what wo... More

Wildest dreams
Authors question
Not an update but read
The uncle
The meet
Not again
The plan
The fight
The secret
The emergency
I didnt know
Suprise vistor
The serenade
Heart break , ice cream and secrets
Love is weird
Are littel secret
Lucky number 3
A tribute❤️❤️❤️
Hearts are ment to be broken


18 3 2
By ichaz-117

Ivanna's POV
After a while of thinking hard I figured that I would go to the gift shop to see if they had pop trays because I mean who doesn't like pop tarts even tho it was literally one in the morning . As I was waking down in the hallways of silent hotel I started to wonder were was Steven while Zoe and Shawn were at dinner ? At this moment my suspicion grew bigger and bigger . So like the person I am I deiced to become Sherlock homes for this two I need to know what happened between them two . Once I reached the vending machine I deiced to just get something from there . Once I get my red velvet pop tart ( there amazing !!❤️) I deiced to just sit in the little lounge area while eating my pop tart since I wasn't really tiered . After a few minutes of enjoying my delicious pop tart I feel someone sit next me ." Steven ?" I ask ." Couldn't sleep ?" He asks . " ya to much drama to go to bed ." I reply " ha !" He says making me give him the death stare . " lemme guess Josh + girl = kissing which lead to ivanna running away ." He says " you got that with just the word drama ?! " I shockingly ask . " no Josh came into our room a bit mad ." With that it made me feel a bit better to know he was also upset . " it didn't because he kissed her ." " no she kissed him !" He Said ." Wait how do u know that !" I Asked ." Well I was kinda behind you and um Josh also told me ." He said ." Plz don't tell Zoe then she gonna want to to lecture me . Again !" I said almost pleading ." It's ok I won't ." He said while taking a piece of my pop tart ." Hey hands of the tart !" I siad while playfully slapping his hand . He led out a small laugh ." Hey I am tiered so I better get going !" He said while standing up ." Hey thxs for telling me about Josh !" I said ." No prob " he said while waving goodbye as I also did . ........
Time skip to the morning 🌺🌵🌺🌵🌺🌵🌺🌵🌺
Finally after nearly sleeping for 5 hours I woke up and decided to get a head start on breakfast since Brandy and the rest would probably wake up a little bit later . Once I entered the not so crowded lobby I went to the nearest restaurant that was open . After a while of deiced on what to order I went with pancakes because I mean who doesn't like pancakes ? After a while of being on my phone and waiting for my breakfast I realize someone had been sitting next to me the whole time , Josh . He looked tired with bags under his eyes and his hair messy . Like the person I am I deiced to join him because why not ? " hey " I say as I sit next to him . When he looks up I can see the shock on his face ." Oh hey !" He says a bit more cheerfully then me ." Hey about the kis-" I inferior before he could finish his sentence." It's ok Josh I over reacted and plus Steven kinda explained everything ." " thanks for understanding !" He says while making me smile ." Hey wanna go explore I mean it's more like a lazy day today ." Josh suggest while finishing his peanut butter pancakes ." Ya that would be fun !" He says as we head into lovely sunny city .......
Zoe's POV
I felt like a bad girlfriend . I kissed Shawn well he technically did , but also,keeping a secret form my best friend also made me feel like a piece of 💩. And the worse part is I think I like Shawn . After repeating those words in my head I deiced to start to get ready for the day . As I was doing my hair Steven comes to tell us to be down in 20 mis . Then I her my phone ring . Then I see Steven walk our a bit angrier then he was what was gong on with Him ? Anyways I check my phone to see a text from Shawn .
S- what are we gong to do about the kiss thing !
Z- I don't know it's not that big of a deal .
S- well maybe it's for me .
After the last text I just finish getting ready .
Stevens POV
When I went into Zoe's room I heard her phone ring so I deiced to check who it was .
Shawn : what are we going to do about the kiss thing !
After reading my body filled with anger making me storm out of the room . After that I deiced to just go outside to get some air . I felt the cold air but it as sunny as home . As began to walk the sidewalk I find myself looking at familiar girl sitting on a bench crying her eyes out . I approach her and see it's Brandy . " hey what's wrong !" I say as I sit next her ." Nothing !" She says while wiping the tears away and sitting up . " tell me !" I beg her ." Well I feel like I can't talk to anybody because everybody is to busy I feel like nobody cares ." She says and begging to lightly tear up ." What do you mean u u have Ivanna and Zoe and Lauren and Josh and me " I say trying to make her feel better " I know but y'all are to lovey Dovey that you guys don't have today attention to any thing else . " she says as her tears begin to stain her cheeks ." Next time just tell sombody what ur feeling !' . , " thanks I will . Hey what are u doing here anyways ?" . " I don't wanna talk about it !" I say ." It's ok I understand ." She says ........
Ivannas POV
Josh and me deiced to go this Mexican restaurant . Once we sat down me Josh talked for a while ." Josh can I ask you something?" . I say a bit nervous ." Ya of course !" He says sounding happier then I was ." Do I know. Anything about Zoe and Shawn ?" Iask as son I say those words his face turns pale and face has no expression ." Pleases Josh ?" I ask more like I beg him ." Well they had making me look him in the eyes with s hock ." Wow I did not expect that .! "" plz don't tell. Zoe !" He says a bit nervously ." I won't thanks for being honest." I say............. after a while we left as we were walking a lady passed by and said " you to make a cute couple !" Say says
" were n-not together !" I say a bit nervously
" someday ." Josh say as he look me right in the eyes
At that moment my heart had dropped I felt like I could not breathe . Those words would forever be in my head .
" someday "
Hope u guys like I will may or may not be uploading in the next days due to fall break because I may going on vacation.
Also comment if u think Steven and Zoe should break up or nah !

Love y'all 🌵🌺🌵

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