Twelve Hours

By horizonsummer

6.1K 366 377

What if you had twelve hours to stay alive during the hours every crime is illegal? Would you survive? Would... More

it has to be a joke...?
i'm dead serious
the night is still young
she's bleeding
morning trouble

lost kittens

795 45 100
By horizonsummer


I stood in the long line in the nearby grocery store with Momo on my left. Both me and her had load down our grocery cart with yummy snacks and drinks. I made sure to at least get me a frozen pizza since I didn't get any the night before.

"So who did your dad hire as a bodygarud?" Momo asked reaching behind a man to get two packs of her favorite pink strawberry gum.

"Some man named Johnny, I don't know why my parents can't just stay with me. This is just crazy." I gripped the shopping cart in my hand as we waiting for the couple before us to get through. I guess we weren't the only ones to go shopping because this store is loaded in people. Mostly families. There is a little girl behind me with her stuffed animal. She is holding onto her mother's hand for dear life. Like I wish I could do my own mother's. But no...both her and dad have to leave today. This is just messed up.

We thought we would be the only ones in the store but it seems like everyone is preparing for tomorrow night. See that's my other question...WHY THE HELL IS IT AT NIGHT? Like really, so it just makes it more scary, makes it harder to see, and makes it more difficult for me to even try and sleep. Not saying I'll get a second of shut eye, but at least I could try and fool my brain into thinking so.

"What time does your parents leave again?" Momo asked as we finally were able to start placing our items at the cash register.

"Around six. Their plane leaves at seven thirty but they are taking a taxi to the airport. Dad said they shouldn't be back until Sunday so until then they are leaving their car behind. Tonight before I go the bed I have to park it inside the garage just in case some kids try and mess with it. You know my dad worries more about his damn car then his only child." I reached down picking up a pink flashlight looking back up at Momo.

"What? You said to get a flashlight. I got pink. Please don't tell me you got that ugly yellow one." Momo asked snatching the flashlight from my hands.

"No, but maybe a black or navy blue one would have done good. Pink and yellow will stand out really bad if something would-"

"Nothing is going to happen Sori. Man you sound more like Sehun by the minute. By the way are you still banding Sehun from your house?" Momo asked. We started grabbing our bags as the cashier lady started placing them in the bag. I heard a few moans and growls from the other people behind us, but we just ignored them getting our stuff. You can wait like the rest of us did.

"Yes." I said annoyed.

"Maybe Sehun needs a friend. I actually would let him stay over if my parents weren't home. Who knows maybe having Sehun around will be good? I mean do you really wanna be all alone?" Momo asked smirking.

"I don't know. I'll think about it tonight and give Sehun my finally answer tomorrow." I pulled out my wallet paying for the items we had. Wow just for one night I got over sixty items and we still have one more place to stop by.


"Are you sure this is a good neighborhood?" Momo had her arm clinched tightly around mine as we walked down the creepy street. It wasn't helping that the sun was going down and it was getting more colder by the minute.

"Yeah. Wonwoo use to know this guy down here named Rick who use to sell these...weapons for a good price." I looked down at the old piece of paper I had. I can't believe I found this address after all this time.

"Well Wonwoo was a creepy guy himself so I could see him luring around these streets." Momo said. I pulled her with me as we crossed the street passing by a group of guys who stared at us like we were some lost kittens.

"Rick's ice cream shop? Are you kidding me?" Momo let go of my arm looking more closely at the large yellow and blue sign in front of us.

"What do you want it to say? Illegal guns for sale." I spit grabbing th old rusty door. As soon as we stepped inside I got the smell of three things. Beer, cigarettes, and something fishy. No for real, something smelled like dead fish.

"Hello how may I help you. Wait is that little Sori? Oh my it sure is! What gives me the pleasure seeing you again. I haven't seen you in this neighborhood since..what...July of last year?" Rick said standing behind his disgusting counter. He wore a old faded white tank top with what looks like old grease stains mixed with a little blood. Or pizza sauce, yeah lets go with pizza sauce.

"You know damn well what I'm here for. I need a gun and maybe a knife." I snapped crossing my arms. Momo was to busy looking at the swords nearby.

"Well just hold up a second now miss. What makes you think I'll just sell a minor a gun-" I cut Rick off by placing a elvelope on the counter.

"Five thousand dollars for a gun and knife. Plus if everything goes right tomorrow night I'll walk back in here Saturday and return the gun and knife..and you can keep the money. Sounds good?" I snapped back making his mouth dropped wide open.

"You scared little kitten-"

"Get me a damn gun Rick!" I shouted making Momo behind me drop a sword she was touching.

"Alright little Sori, be right back." Rick left me behind as he disappeared into his back room. Momo picked up the sword she dropped giving me a crazy wicked smile.

"Don't tell me."

"I'm buying it." Momo walked toward the counter pulling out her wallet.

"Okay I've got you a nighthawk colt 1911 with a pack of bullets, and a for you little Sori I'm giving you my new and only best friend. I just ask if you do keep her-"

"I'll probably not." I cut him off getting a eye roll from him.

"But all I say is treat her with kindness, this girl didn't coast cheap."

"Then why are you giving it to me?"

"Let's say I kinda like you, you remind me of my ex wife. She died about ten years ago to a intruder in our house. If she had something like this...things might have went a different way." For a second there I could see a tear run down Rick's face but once he pulled out that creepy knife it was replaced with that wicked smile.

"This here is a Jagdkommando Tri-Dagger one of my newest and favorite toys. If someone was stabbed with this they wouldn't even last ten minutes. All I say is be extremely careful with this knife. It may not be as big as your friend's sword over here, but it's just as deadly." Rick went on.

"What's this sword called?" Momo asked swing it around in the air. "I like it!" She cheered still swinging it around. Both me and Rick took a step back as we watched the crazy girl swing around a huge sword.

"A Kanata. Very dangourse sword." Rick said.

"How much?" Momo asked with pleading eyes.

"For you miss...three thousand." Rick said smiling.

"But..I don't have three thousand." Momo walked over sitting the knife back down.

"Get it. Just think of it as your sweet eighteen present from me, alright." I said rolling my eyes. My mom gave me this money for EXTREM emergency last year...well I guess this is one.

"Are you serious Sori, that's a lot of money." Momo ran over to me grabbing my arm. Behind her eyes I could see her excitement that she might really get this sword.

"Yes I'm being for real. Your birthday is in a few months and I was already trying to find you a present so this should do." Momo grabbed me tightly picking me up off the ground.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" She screamed jumping around.

After paying for all our items we ended up going home. I hid my gun and knife in my book bag while Momo said she was just going to straight up tell her parents that she bought a Kanata. Once I got home I felt sad seeing my parents suit cases next to the door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I walked into the kitchen sitting my bags down. I could hear my mom running down the stairs talking on her phone about some hotel.

Hi sweetheart. My mom mouth walking pass me into the living room. Next my dad walked down stairs and grabbed a bag of my food.

"Frozen pizza?" My dad question pulling out the pizza I bought.

"Yeah because the other night when I orded some, two people who names I will not release ate it all before I could even open the box." I joked taking out the cans of soda I had.

"Well sorry about that sweetheart. Look here. Don't tell your mom I said this but I left you some cash in the safe upstairs. Okay. Just in case you need it. The password is 08211996 got it." My dad whispered.

"I think I'll remember my own birthday dad, but why are you leaving me money behind?" I asked.

"Just in case something were to happen. You take that and run to your friend's house. I mean I really doubt anything will happen. I'm just saying-"

"Honey where did you put my purse at?" My mom yelled from the living room.

"On top of your suitcase dear!" My dad yelled back.

"I know dad. I believe everything will be okay too." I said pulling him into a hug. Even though I'm lying I don't want my dad to know I'm scared shitless. Or the fact I just bought a gun illegally. I ended up placing all of my food items away before grabbing my book bag and heading towards my room. I closed and locked my door behind going straight to my closet to grab some more comfortable clothes. After changing I flopped down on my bed looking at my phone. Once I heard the car horn from outside I knew it was time

"Sori!" My mom called yet I didn't move a inch. Please stay with me.

"Sori come down stairs!" My mom begged. A few minutes later I could hear her heels clicking up the stairs. I can't believe my parents are leaving me behind.

"Sori open this door!" My mom shouted knocking on my door. I knew I would have to face it either way so I got up walking to the door.

"Now Sori please act like an adult and come down stairs. The cab is here and we want to say goodbye." My mom said smiling. I could see the worry in her eyes but knew it was just temporary. I mean she's not going to be here to face this. It's just gonna be me here all alone.

Once I walked down stairs I saw my father helping the older cab driver put mom's last suitcase in the trunk. Once he was back inside both my mom and dad pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel my mom's tears go through my sweater as she held onto me.

"Lila it's time dear." My dad said pulling away. My mom looked up at my dad telling him he could go on towards the car. My dad hugged me again leaving me behind with my mom. A few minutes later she pulled me back into another tight hug.

"There is some money in my right dresser if anything happens. I couldn't tell you father because he might get mad at the amount I'm leaving behind. But please only use it if you need it." She whispered rubbing my back.

"I promise mom." I felt the urge to hid the fact dad did the same thing. Hey maybe I can spend some of it Saturday...that's if I make it out alive tomorrow night.

"And another thing. Please go to school tomorrow as well. I don't want to get some phone call that my daughter skipped school...again." She laughed grabbing her purse.

"I'll go to school tomorrow. I'll park dad's car inside the garage later, and I'll even cook me some dinner tonight, okay. Now go before you miss your flight." Even though inside I'm crying for you to stay, like she said...I need to be an adult. I'm almost eighteen.

"We love you Sori." My mom said before leaving. As soon as they were gone I felt a sense of emptiness. I swear I hate this house.


After a few hours I walked into the kitchen grabbing a soda can popping it open. As soon as the cold drink hit my throat it burned like hell. But after the second sip I was fine. After grabbing the soda I walked into the living room flopping down on the couch. I turned on the tv to see a car commercial.

"Dad's car!" I yelled jumping up. I grabbed his keys walking outside to see his pretty new red car. Walking to the car I swear I heard a noise from behind me. Look at me already getting creped out, and it's not even purge night. Once I got my dad's car inside I walked back inside setting the alarm system around the house.

After that the rest of the night was fine. I even ended up sleeping like a baby. Very shocked on that one. But once morning came the urge to hide in my basement came.

Today is the day. The day of the first ever purge. I can't believe I'm going through with this. I can't believe I actually have a gun in my bedroom. I grabbed my book bag pulling out the gun and small box of bullets. Holding the gun in my hand didn't feel right. It was heavy and scary looking up close. I hid it under my blanket along with the knife. No way I'm bring that to school, even on today.


"Sori!" Momo called out as I walked down the hallways. Along with Momo was Jimin and Sehun. Yeah. Just what I need so bright and early.

"So how was your first night alone." Momo said dragging out the word alone.

"Not as bad as I thought. But it's not even going to compare to tonight. I'm going to be up all night scared out of my mind." I open my locker for a blue note to pop out.

"Looks like someone got a love note." Momo said smiling brightly. She popped open her own locker for the same note to pop out.

"Maybe double crush." Momo said picking hers up as well.

"No everyone got one. It's this creepy message by this guy named J. He says he's going to pay everybody a visit tonight during the purge. He says he is going to start down the alphabet. I guess starting off with Aerona." A classmate of mine named Rina said. She pulled out her same note as both her and Momo started unfolding hers together. I opened mine to see my name with a stamp of a red rose beside it.

"Sori got a red rose stamp. I got a sun." Momo said.

"I got a pig." Rina said looking down.

"I'll be right back!" Sehun said running to his locker. Jimin walked across the hall to his locker opening it up to see a black letter.

"Wow what the hell is up with the black letter?" Momo asked. We all started walking toward Jimin as he open his letter.

"Your that a bullet?" Rina asked.

"Yeah. Doesn't really mean anything." Jimin said throwing the letter back in his locker but then took it back out. He grabbed his books slamming the locker door closed.

"You'll never guess what I got?" Sehun said running back to us already out of breath. See why I don't want you as a bodygarud.

"What?" Momo asked trying to reach up to Sehun's leaval to read the letter.

"I got a rat? Plus mine is in a black letter." Sehun said.

"Okay this is weird, everyone else got a blue letter. Is something up with you two guys? Why did you two get a black letter?" Rina asked taking a step back. Before anyone could speak she was running for the hills.

"That is weird though. Who do you think this J person is?" Momo asked us all.

"Probably some nerd who hates everyone in the school." Sehun laughed throwing away his letter. Jimin did the same followed by Momo. For some reason I kept mine placing it back in my locker.

After our first few classes it was our favorite time. LUNCH! As always we walked to the now famous ice cream shop. Today I ordered a chicken salad with fries on the side. Momo ordered a bowl of soup with bread on the side. After we got our meal Sehun was back at his table waving us over to his. Unlike the other day we walked to his table without me complaining. Maybe Sehun is starting to rub off on me.

"Oh Sori got the yummy chicken salad. And Momo got the yummy soup like me!" Sehun said smiling like a kid. I looked over at Jimin who seemed to be in his own world. I looked down at his plate to see he had chicken but instead his looked extra spicy.

"Can you guys believe it's only six hours away? I guess since it's getting down to the hour I'm creeped out." Momo said grabbing her spoon.

"Jimin." Momo started waving her hand in front of Jimin's face which just made him angry.

"Will you stop?" He snapped standing up. He got up from the table we were sitting at and started heading towards the door with that look on his face.

The look I seemed to not be able to figure out.

"I'll be right back." I sat my phone down following after Jimin. He started walking out the ice cream shop as I followed him.

"Jimin." I called out trying to get him to stop but instead he started walking faster.

"What the hell is your problem?" I shouted as I stopped walking. But before my very eyes he was long gone. "Weirdo." I said before turning around screaming.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just saw you running out the shop." I sometimes forget Wonwoo goes here as well. Mostely because he stays with his little group...and I mean only two...friends.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked trying to walk passed him but instead he held out his arm blocking the way.

"I just want to talk about us-"

"There is no us! Never has been! Never will be again! Now move!" I shouted jerking his arm down. I walked back inside the ice cream shop to see both Momo and Sehun digging in their food.

"Where did Jimin go?" Momo asked.

"Don't know. Now I don't care either." I snapped eating my food. Screw you Jimin.


After school was finshed I found Sehun talking with some of his friends at the school gates. Instead of asking him to follow me I grabbed him by his book bag pulling him with me towards the other side of school.

"Why you so harsh?" Sehun asked as I let go of his book bag. He pulled it more up on his shoulder looking down at me.

"I'll let you stay." I mumbled looking down.

"What?" he asked.

"I said I'll let you stay, okay."

"You have to speak more louder Sori."

"I SAID YOU CAN STAY AT MY DAMN HOUSE!" Just as I shouted that a group of our classmates walked by giving us a weird look.

"You mean it! I can stay over at your house!" Sehun picked me up swing me around in circles as he hugged me tightly.

"Put me down!" I shouted.

"Well we better get going. We've only got...three hours until it starts. Where's Momo?" Sehun asked.

"She had to clean the classroom today. She should be out in just a few mintues. Oh wait that reminds me, I'll be right back!" I left Sehun behind running back inside the school. I ran to my locker grabbing the blue letter. Maybe I should bring this just in case. I looked down at the letter once again. All it says is..

Hi...this is J. But soon you'll know my full name. Why? Because I'm making sure to stop by your house tonight to pay you a visit. Look forward to hanging out with you.

Love, J

After that I ran into Momo before we walked outside to see Sehun back talking with one of his friends. Once he said goodbye he walked with us as we walked home.

"Did any of you guys see Jimin after the ice cream shop?" I asked Momo and Sehun.

"No. He didn't show up to any of his other classes today. I don't know maybe the kid is having scary thoughts about tonight. I know I am." Sehun said rolling up his jacket sleeves.

"Sori if you can try calling me every know just to make sure you are okay. I don't like the fact you'll be alone tonight." Momo had a worry expression on her face as we walked down her street. As we walked we could already see people boarding up their house. We even saw a women bring in her dog and slam the door shut like we were the killers.

"Actually Sehun is going to stay with me." I mumbled.

"Really! Well okay! I feel a little better. But look here Sehun, you better watch over my Sori or else." Momo hissed pointing at Sehun.

"Or what?" Sehun mocked. Both of them went at it as I watched a group of guys with skateboards run right passed us. Only one of them stopped to talk to us.

"Do you guys by any chance know where a Park Jimin is?" One of the guys with short blonde hair asked. Some of the guys just started skating around us.

"" I spoke up.

"Are you sure? Last I heard he was in this neighborhood trying to get into school." The blonde hair guy said. Another guy with black hair started riding circles around me while a red hair guy ran circles around Momo and Sehun.

"Look. We don't know anyone named Jimin. So if you don't mind we are-" I stoped talking when I felt one of them touch my hair.

"Okay that's it!" Sehun snapped walking in front of me. "You and your little friends need to leave. Like right now. It's almost purge hour and we need to get home. We don't know a Jimin so please leave us alone. If you are looking for a person named Jimin I say try the next street over. Kids like you mostly stay over there anyways." Sehun snapped. The black hair kid who was doing circles around us stopped looking at Sehun.

"He's funny." The guy smiled showing off his actual cute bunny like teeth.

"Then sorry for disturbing you guys. We will be on our way." The blonde hair one said jumping back on his skateboard.

"Creepy." Momo said walking up to me and Sehun.

"Let's just get you home Momo." Sehun said wrapping his arm around me and Momo.

Once we got to Momo it took us twenty mintues to sit there and hug each other. "I'm going to miss you." I cried as I held onto her.

"Not as much as me." Momo cried back.

"Oh will you two please stop. We've got a hour and a half until the purge starts. We need to get to your house Sori. Look, the sun is already going down." Sehun wined.

"I'll call you around nine to see if you are okay." I said before watching Momo walk into her house. Once I heard her parents speak I felt calm. Then a little sad. I wish my parents were here.


"Frozen pizza!" Sehun cheered as he started digging through my fridge.

"You can eat anything else but that! You go it!" I snapped walking back into the kitchen. I just got through taking a shower and changing into some black pants and a oversized olive green Nike hoodie.

"Okay. Then how about this bag of-"

"I said anything." I cut him off by grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

It was now ten mintues until the start of the purge and me and Sehun were trying to get us something to eat. After I cooked my pizza and grabbed my drink I headed to the living room flipping on the tv. Sehun followed behind me with his dinner as he sat down on the floor beside the couch I was sitting on. We started off by watching some old cartoon but then it happen.

"Commencing at the siren any and all crime including murder will be legal for twelve continues hours. Police and medical services will be unavailable until 7 am when the purge concludes. Bless be our new founding father and South Korea a nation reborn, may God be with you all."

"You kidding me right?" Sehun said laughing. Out of nowhere we both jumped up from the loud sieren.

"Okay. If that isn't the cherry on top of scariness I don't know what is?" Sehun yelled.

And so it begins.


And if there is a error somewhere....please just give me a break. I'll fix it later

But I can just take some medicine and go to bed. But even though I did say this chapter would have the purge happening I felt like the characters needed a little more welcome...if that's the word I'm looking

Thanks for reading


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