
By cejaker

26.8K 873 48

This is the sequel to Mortem, so I'd recommend reading that first. "I'm evil to the core What I shouldn't... More

part i
part ii


1.2K 43 1
By cejaker

Nyx was thrown awake as the car suddenly flipped over; the group they were running from had finally found them "Finally!" Enchantress whispered. She quickly pulled herself out of the wreckage, the Joker close behind. She helped him up as they watched the army helicopter land. The squad walked out of the helicopter, battle ready. I can't fight them, she thought. "You don't have a choice." Her siblings replied. She turned to the Joker, looking at him in panic. He wrapped his arms around her, before kissing her roughly. As he let her go, she put her hands in the air, taking all the weapons from the squad, floating in the sky around Nyx and the Joker. The weapons then broke into little pieces, showing around the pair. He laughed at the shocked expressions of the squad, wrapping his arm around Nyx again. "I love this girl!" "Get your hands off her!" Rick growled, before nodding towards El Diablo. He stepped forward reluctantly, shooting flames at the girl and her capturer. Nyx brought a shield of water up around them. When she felt the flames stop, she sent the water as blast, knocking the team off their feet. "How do we defeat her?" Deadshot asked, turning to Rick. "I don't know. I don't want to hurt her any more than you do." While they were talking, Nyx started to grow vines at their feet, trapping them in their place. She walked towards them, kneeling in front of them. "I'm sorry." She whispered, putting her hands on each members head, trapping them in a trance. Noticing Rick's communication device, she crushed it with the red tendrils.

"Come on, honey. Let's go home." Nyx turned to the Joker, before hopping on to the helicopter, waiting for him to follow her. "Why did you do that, Sister? We would have been safe with them!" Incubus asked, annoyed that they had to go back with the Joker. "I think she likes having the power she does in Gotham..." Enchantress thought. "Do you two want to go back to Belle Reve?" Nyx asked them, "Because I sure don't." Her siblings shut up after that, secretly agreeing with her. She jumped as a hand was placed on her shoulder. "You did good back there." The Joker told her. "Thanks," She grinned back at him, "Now, let's go back home." "No, no, no." He shook his finger at her, "It's too dangerous. We have to go into hiding." The conversation died out as they flew off, leaving the squad behind.


"Hey, hey. Wake up!" Rick awoke from his dream like stated with a slap to the face from El Diablo. It was no surprise that he was the first to awaken; he had done the same when they fought Enchantress. "Get us out of here, Rick," Digger complained, rubbing his forehead. Nyx's witchy magic was just as bad a hangover. Rick went to grab his communication device, only to find it broken. "Damn it!" He cried. Untangling himself from the vines, he stood started walking towards the black car ahead of them. "Come on, guys. We've got a long drive ahead of us."

It was quite comical to see the villains and Rick cramped into the small black car. Suddenly, the car started to putter out. "You have got to be kidding me." Deadshot groaned, before getting out of the car, walking along the side of the road. "Hey! Where are you going?" Digger asked after him. "Unless anyone wants to show us some new, unheard of powers that can get us out of here, we've gotta long walk." The group sighed, although they tried to hitchhike some of the way, they knew no one would pick them up. After all, who'd pick up a group of villains from the side of the road?

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