White Rose: I'm in love with...

By Akumucapt

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Weiss Schnee is a well-known cop in all Vale. She stopped many crimes, big or small. Along with her friends... More

Chapter 2: Who's more excited than me?!?
Chapter 3: What will happen now?
Chapter 4: Red's secret reavealed? Maybe not.
Chapter 5: Red's secret revealed! Or maybe not Part 2
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Prison Break
Chapter 8: The past's gonna hurt you (part 1)
Chapter 9: The Past's gonna hurt you (part 2)
Chapter 10: A choice to make
Chapter 11: Sister's Reunion
Chapter 12: The future is gonna bring back memories
Chapter 13: Ultimate Prison Break!
Chapter 14: Convertion
Chapter 15: The End is just the Beginning!
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Chapter 1: Not a good way to start the day!

12.4K 170 189
By Akumucapt

~~Hi guys, This is my first time to write about RWBY related. I hope you guys like it. Have Fun!~~

~~Weiss' POV~~

It's a good day to start Weiss' work. It's all good until this happens. "Oh no, I'm 5 minutes late!", Weiss screamed, "Gonna go hurry to the station!" Weiss was getting dressed until her phone rings so loud, BEEEEEEPPP! GOT A CALL ! BEEEEEEPPP! ~Ugh! What now?!?~ Weiss thought to herself. It was her Boss, Chief Vasilias, "Ms. Schnee, I know you're the best of the best in the HQ but, DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!!" "I'm on my way Sir!", Weiss said. ~Alright Chief, What do you have in store for me?~ Weiss thought.

~~End of POV~~

At the HQ

"Alright, I'm here. Reporting for duty Sir! Now what is my next assignment Chief?" Weiss said. "Please drop the formalities, you do know you can call me Neptune right?" Chief Vasilias said with wink to Weiss. "I do know that. It's just less respectful when calling you on your first name Chief. So what's my next assignment?" Weiss said rolling her eyes. "Oh right. Well, you and your friend, Private Belladonna is handling the No. 1 Gang in the streets of Vale, the J.C. Led by that Jaune Arc Idiot!" Neptune said furiously. "O-only u-us? Weiss said very scared at the angry Chief. "No, you will have another partner. I assure you she is the best like you and Private Belladonna. She almost got to the top 5 of her school apparently." Neptune said. "What happened to her? why she didn't got to the top 5?" Weiss asked. Neptune reply to her with a sigh saying, "Her mother died in an accident and after that she leaves her sister alone with her father." "Oh. I'm sorry to ask Sir." Neptune gestured at the girl at the back then said, "This is Yang Xiao Long." ~That's the girl?~ Weiss thought to herself.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Weiss Schnee." Weiss said.

"He-hello. " Yang said.

The two talk about each themselves and after a while Weiss convinced Yang to go see Blake for their lunch break. As the two are going outside they heard a police siren and then a police car drifted to them and the door opened. As they watched, it was Blake.

~~Blake's POV~~

"Get in the car, NOW!" Blake Yelled.

"Ok. Yang Let's go." Weiss replied.

Yang agreed and followed Weiss inside the car. The three talked about each other while catching up at full speed. They followed the tracks of the Rose petals but something didn't feel right. They stopped as the rose petals fade away and they find themselves on the gate of an abandoned House.

"Blake, secure the perimeter. After you're done securing, follow us inside. Yang, Let's go inside." Weiss said.

"Copy that." Blake replied.

"Yang? What's wrong?" Weiss asked.

"N-no,nothing." Yang replied scared. She had the serious clue of who this is. "No one leaves a rose petals unless" Yang was stopped by Blake shutting the door loudly. Blake immediately apologizes.

~~End of POV~~

~Please tell me it wasn't you Ruby!~ Yang's thoughts was shouting.

"Are you ok Yang? It looks like your mind was somewhere else." Blake asked.

"huh, Oh It's nothing." Yang lied.

They were searching for clues until they heard someone having a conversation. The three went to find out what it's all about. Two men dressed black and white guarding a door with a tarpaulin that says, "This is not a secret entrance".

"Well, It is not a secret entrance when there are men guarding it." Weiss whispered.

"Bro, do you hear that?" A man said.

"What? Oh you mean the door? It's just the wind." the other man replied.

"No, not that. I heard someone whispered." the other man replied back.

"Sorry bro, didn't hear it. Maybe It's just your imagination." the other man said while laughing silently.

"Maybe. Or maybe you're just paranoid!" Weiss said before shooting the men with Myternaster.

"That was harsh Weiss." Blake said while Yang was holding a grin in her face.

"Oh please. They won't shut up." Weiss yelled.

Jaune heard all the yelling and immediately went outside while laughing. Ren, His rights hand man shoot his pistols upward to get the attention of the three girls.

"HAHAHAHAHA!..! You know it's hard to hide a grin when you're watching three cops screaming at each other. Nora, Hit them with the hammer." Jaune said ending his laugh.

Nora, another of his henchmen (more like of a henchwoman) comes charging up to the three girls. But, the girls easily dodged her attacks. After the three cops came back to their focus, they were surrounded by the other members of the gang.

"Looks like you're on the circle of death. HAHAHA.." Jaune said laughing.

They ignored his words and immediately fight their way out on the swarm of enemies. They were outnumbered but, They finished them all, but not Jaune, Ren and Nora.

They fight like it was a 3 v 3 match between cops and gangs. They were clearly matched, but Weiss, Blake and Yang were exhausted because of the last fight between the members of the gang.

"Blake, I'm kinda tired." Yang said in a low tone voice while passing out in the side of Blake.

"Yang wait. We're not done ye, AGHH!" Blake said when Ren shot her in the waist.

Yang was out in the fight and Blake can shoot but can't stand. So the fight was like 1 v 3. Weiss. shot Ren on the foot and near the heart, He clearly cannot move. Nora was angry and charged herself to Weiss which she easily dodged. Because of Nora's choice of weapon, a hammer, she moved very slowly so Weiss easily dodged her attacks and shot her at the back.

"Aghh!" Nora said in a high pitched voice, It was like she was screaming in pain. This leaves the battle in 1 v 1 fight. Weiss shoots at Jaune but he deflected it by his shield. Jaune charge onto Weiss making the girl flew away by the impact of his shield.

"Agh. You're tougher than you look Jauney boy. I meant it." Weiss said pleading for her life.

"AHAHAHA, everybody I killed has that kind of begging for their life plead kind of thing. I'm used to it, so YA CAN'T FOOL ME! HAHAHA so good bye to your chief and your fame Schnee!" Jaune said with a grin on his face. He swung his sword onto Weiss eye making it bleed.

"AGGHH!!!" Weiss cried in pain.

"HAHAHA, But before that, I'll make you suffer. I don't really know the reason though. HAHAHAHA." Jaune laughed. He swung his sword onto Weiss'arm to cut it off. But before he almost cut it off, a Scythe is thrown in his direction making him flee away.

"Oh, Welcome to the fun Red! Send my Regards to your mother, Oh wait, I killed her right." Jaune said to the girl.

The girl Jaune was talking about was about Weiss' height. She was wearing a combat skirt, a mask, a hood and holding a Scythe. She stared at Weiss and then focused her attention to Jaune.

"What's that look Red?" Jaune asked.

The girl didn't reply. But the girl's scythe turned into a gun and she shoots Jaune which makes Jaune flee while grabbing Ren. Nora followed but Weiss stopped her by shooting her at the back... again.

"Nora Valkyrie, You're under arrest for murder, kidnap, and homicide. You can either come to us or die here. So, what's it gonna be then?" Weiss said.

"Ok, you win this time. But Jaune will get me out of this hell, Remember that!" Nora screamed.

"I'll take note of that." Weiss replied.

Weiss handcuffs Nora and put her to the car. The girl in the red hood grabbed Yang and put a rose petal under Yang's hand, she then put Yang into the car. Weiss helped Blake get inside the police car.

"So, who are you?" Weiss asked the red girl.

"I'm Red, Red Reaper." The girl replied.

"That's a great name." Weiss said while she put Blake inside the car.

"You're Weiss Schnee right? The famous cop." Red asked.

"Yes, I am" Weiss replied.

Red walked towards Weiss and cornered her into a tree, "What are you doing?" Weiss said with a blush. Red unmasked her face, but only the lips part, " You're beautiful Weiss" Red said then she kissed Weiss on the side of her cheek. Weiss pushed her and quickly made a red blush. Red quickly ran. ~Wow, She's fast.~ Weiss tought to herself.

After Weiss brought Blake and Yang to the hospital and put Nora the prison, She head to the HQ. She headed on the criminal records. She was finding about Jaune's records when She saw a folder with a "CLASSIFIED" sign. Weiss checked at it and then read the name: Red Reaper.

~~She's a Criminal!?!??!!~~ Weiss'mind was shouting and fooled. "The greatest enemy of the police since the gangs began? How old is she? The gangs was formed five years ago?" Weiss whispered while thinking. Weiss remembered of the rose petals that Red put under Yang's hand.

"Maybe It'll be a clue." Weiss said.

She headed to the hospital were Yang was awake, but why? "Hey Yang, How are you?" Weiss asked.

"Hey Weiss, do you see a girl in a red hood after I passed out?" Yang asked.

"Uhm. Yeah. She's kinda sweet actually, I think I had a slight crush on her. But she's on the CLASSIFIED FOLDERS of the police department. Why do you ask?" Weiss said.

Yang looked at the rose petal on her hand. She saw a paper which seems to be a letter. She read the letter and hand it to Weiss while crying. "I think, Sh-she's my sister which I-I left 5 years a-ago" Yang said while sobbing.

Weiss read the letter:

"We meet again dear sister. I thought He killed you too. Go to our house, our Old house. Me and Dad still live there. Our uncle was finding you too, good thing I found you first. Go to our house, we need to talk.

Your sister

"This is not a good way start the day!" Weiss yelled.

"I know, but please. Please help me just this once." Yang begged.

"But you're hurt." Weiss said.

"Please! You also said that you had a crush on her. Why don't we see her together?" Yang said while crying yet had a smile on her face.

"Ok fine." Weiss said blushingly.

"Thank You" Yang said happily.

"I'm coming too!" Blake said. She appeared to be injured but not really bad.

"OK fine. But don't tell Chief Vasilias about this." Weiss said.

"OK!" Blake and Yang said in unison.

~~This is gonna be bad.~~

~~Hey Guys. This is my first Fanfiction. Please write your comments if you like it. If you don't like it, Please write it on the comments. Tell me if there's any things you don't like. Thank you guys. Love you all.~~

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