
By MJsGirl1987

64.6K 2.7K 3.4K

Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on

Don't go

807 28 13
By MJsGirl1987

Leanne's POV

I'm in the shower thinking about everything that's just happened and even though it hurt me to talk about it and I'm angry with the way Michael yelled at me and made me feel like I had to tell him, I'm glad I did because now everything between us is out in the open and we no longer have any secrets from each other, except for one and that's how a truly feel about him, but that's something I'm not ready to tell him yet, because I really don't think I could handle that kind of rejection of he doesn't feel the same. I know he feels sorry for me and cares about me, but I doubt he loves me the way I love him.

After my shower I go into the bedroom and Michael is lay on his side on the bed. "Your still not ready yet?" I say walking over to him and see he's crying. "What's wrong?" I ask softly, gently wiping his tears. "I'm sorry" he sobs. "If I'd had gotten there earlier you wouldn't have had to go through that. It's all my fault and I'm so sorry" he sobs and I take his hands lifting him up off the bed so he's sat facing me. "Michael, you need to stop blaming yourself. none of that was your fault. That was Mary and those men's doing not yours" I say softly and pull him in close to me. "You saved me from who knows what else would have happened to me if I was still there. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now" I smile slightly through pursed lips and he smiles back the same way. "Now come on. It's time to get ready. You don't wanna be late for the opening" I smile changing the subject. "We don't have to go if you don't feel up to it"

"Well I do and you need to be there. This is your grand opening remember? Plus you don't wanna leave tomorrow on a downer"

"I can't leave you! Not after what's just happened" he shakes his head and I sigh heavily. "But it hasn't just happened. It happened almost a year ago. Its in the past. Just like that conversation now is. And you need to go to rehab tomorrow. You've put it off for too long now"

"I know and I will get help. I promise, but I don't feel right leaving you alone after what you've just told me"

"Which is one of the reason I didn't want to tell you"

"What's the other reason?" He asks "because I knew you'd get upset and blame yourself for something that wasn't your fault"

"But it was. Because I pointed you out that day and..."

"And that's also in the past" I cut him off "And just like everything else you need to leave it there and move forward... and you can start by getting dressed. Because you have a hotel to open in a few hours" I chuckle that last part changing the topic.

Lisa's POV

I'm in my room packing for my overnight job tonight, when Mary walks in.

"There's a client waiting downstairs that's asked for you"

"But I though I was doing an over night job tonight?"

"You are the customer didn't request you stay clean. So you can work up until it's time to go" she says casually. "But it's Saturday and it's supposed to be my day off and..."

"And now your working" she cuts me off. "But I haven't had a day off all month and..."

I'm cut off when out of nowhere, Mary slaps me hard across the face. "Are you answering back to me!?" She snaps and I don't say anything holding the side of my face. "Incase you've forgotten you belong to me now and I decide whether or not you or any of these other little whores that belong to me get a break. Do you understand!?" She frowns and I nod. "Good. And you should be greatful I'm such a nice person and let you have days off and even hour long breaks between men in the first place. Now clean yourself up and get downstairs. You have 5 minutes or you'll be getting alot more the a little tap on the face" she says sternly and walks out of the room.

After working most of the day, I finish up with my last client then quickly rush to get ready to leave for the overnight job.

"You all ready to go?" Shasha smiles walking into my room and I nod and walk with her downstairs.

We both put on our best fake smiles as where introduced to the two men waiting for us and I fake a smile at the disgusting, over weight old man I'm going to be stuck with all night.

"So what exactly is the event for?" I ask George my client for the night. "It's for an opening for the Jackson hotel. It's an exclusive and very classy event so you better not show me up"

"Of course I won't" I say with a slight attitude and Shasha nudges me and frowns and I turn and fake a smile at George. "So who owns this Jackson hotel? I've never heard of it before"

"Are you gonna talk this whole time?" He sighs, Rolling his eyes. "I was just asking" I shrug again with a slight attitude

"I rented you for the night for two reasons only. To make me look good and for me to fuck and do what I want with. Not to have a conversation. If that's to much for you then I can always take you back and ask for another one"

"I'm sorry" I mumble not wanting to be sent back, knowing what Mary will do if a client complains "good, now since this is gonna be a long drive you may as well suck my dick to keep me entertained"

"Umm.. we in the back of a car... With people" I point out looking at Sasha and her client. "It's fine. Don't mind us" Sasha fakes a smile at George as he undoes his trousers then she  nudges me and frowns and I sigh heavily and go down to my knees, not having much choice and begin sucking.

"Can I ask you a favour?" Shasha's date nervously asks her completely ignoring what I'm doing. "My ex wife is gonna be at the event and so is my boss. So could you like... big me up in front of them and act all lovely dovey towards me and stuff? They think I have a girlfriend and..."

"That's no problem" Shasha cuts him off. "What kind of girlfriend would you like me to be. Chatty? Shy? Flirtly?..."

"Just act all cute and shy. That'll look really good" he smiles at her and I glance over and frown at Shasha from the corner of my eye as her client continues talking to her and I'm seriously pissed that yet again I got stuck with the ass hole.

Michael's POV

"Everythings going great I see" Joesph smiles looking around "You did a good job"

"Thanks" I smile "I knew you could do it. Im proud of you" he adds then walks away and goes back over to my mother and my smile grows even bigger hearing those words come out of his mouth.

I'm looking around and I look over and see Leanne smiling and talking to Randy and go over to them.

"That's great!" Leanne smiles giving me a hug when I tell her what Joesph said. "And you should be proud too" she adds "yeah, you did a great job" Randy cuts in.

We all continue talking then Randy frowns looking towards the entrance. "Who the fuck let her in?" He says and Leanne and I look in the direction he is and see Lisa walking through the door with George a buisness partner of Joesph's.

"Why the fuck did she have to be here!?" I panic and Leanne puts her hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down. "Just relax and ignore them" she says softly and I nod turning away from them.

Randy walks off to go and talk to some other people and Leanne and I are sitting at one of the tables talking and I sigh slightly hearing a familiar voice call my name and I turn and fake a smile, getting up from my seat.

"George! Glad you could make" I fake a smile as he introduces me to his 'date'

"this is Michael. His father and I do alot of buisness together. He's the one responsible for all this" he smiles "nice to meet you" I shake Lisa's hand, pretending not to know her. "And this is Shasha. My girlfriend" Carl a guy that works with my dad smiles and again Leanne and I shake her hand pretending not to know her.

After that very awkward introduction. Leanne and I try and continue with the night and I notice her every now and then looking over at Shasha. "Is everything ok?" I ask "that's Sasha. She started a month before I left... You know" she mumbles that last part, whilst look in over at her sitting alone at a table while Carl continues sucking up to Joesph. "Were you two friends?" I ask and she nods. "Why don't you go and talk to her while she's alone?" I suggest. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. You can talk to her if you want to" I smile, seeing how much she wants to go over there and she smiles back and makes her way over and I look on as Sasha gets up from her seat smiling and gives Leanne a hug.

Leanne's POV

"Hi!" I smile walking over to Shasha and she smiles getting up from he seat and gives me a hung. "Hey!" She says excitedly. "You have no idea how bad I wanted to do that earlier" she says finally letting go of her tight sqeaze. "It fine don't worry about it" I smile joining her at the table. "I just wasn't sure because... You know"

"It's fine don't worry about it" smile. "I'm glad to see your doing well. We were all so worried after what happened"

"You were?"

"Of course! We all heard about... You know... your time out and Michael buying you" she mumbles. "Are you ok? Is he taking care of you?" She asks sincerely and I nod smiling. "I'm doing really good. Michael's really been looking after me. Even got me back in school" I tell her leaving out the whole getting kicked out part. "That great! The other girls are gonna be happy to hear your ok and probably jealous I got to see you" she chuckles slightly. "We miss you alot"

"I miss you guys too" I smile through pursed lips. Even though my time at the brothel was the worst time of my life. I actually made alot of good friends there and me and the other girls were more like sisters sometimes and always made sure we had each others backs.

"You um... You and Michael? You two still.. You know?" She wiggles her eyebrows playfully. "We're kinda together if that's what you mean" I smile "kinda?" She looks at me confused and I explain to her about us waiting for each other until I'm 18.

"He must really love you too wait for you" she smiles through pursed lips and I smile back at her the same way wishing that what she said about him loving me was true, which I doubt since he's never said he loved me. "So what's going on with Lisa?" I ask changing the topic slightly "I'm guessing since she's here she's working there now?"

"Yup. An she's a real pain in the ass too"


"Oh yeah! She walks around the place like she's top dog or something. Even tried to take on Emma" she chuckles. "I'm guessing that didn't go well" I chuckle back. "Hell no! The only person that's ever been close to Emma's status was you and Lisa sure as hell ain't going up the ranks that fast" she giggles and I smile at her through pursed lips. "How is Emma? And Mia?" I ask "their good. They still fight like cat and dog, but still good they'll be happy to hear your doing good. We were all really happy for you that you got to leave. We really were" she smiles the sighs slightly "it's just a shame what you had to go though before you left" she mumbles and I don't say anything.

Lisa's POV

I felt so embarrassed when I found out that Michael was the one that owns this place and even more stupid for not putting the two together. The hotel is called 'Jackson's' of course it would belong to one of them, I just never knew Michael was interested in going into the hotel buisness.

The whole time I've been here I've noticed Michael's family members giving me the side eye then look away when I turn to face them.

I'm standing by the corner of the room alone, waiting for George to come back from the restroom and what I've been dreading all night, finally it happens and one of Michael's family members comes over. Janet to be precise.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here" she scoffs. "And to bring some wrinkly old man as your date? Tonight is a really big deal for Michael. can't you just leave him alone?"

"It wasn't like that. I didn't know that he was the one that owned this..."

"Yeah right" she scoffs cutting me off. "You need to get it through your thick skull that Michael has moved on and doesn't want you anymore and you showing up with some old guy as your date isn't gonna make him feel jealous or want you back. It just makes you look like a hoe. Which we all know you are!" She scoffs and I don't say anything and she walks away back to her friends. As much as I want to say something back to her, I'd rather she thought that than know the true reason I'm here and what I'm doing now.

"There you are" George says, bringing me from my thoughts. "Upstairs"

"For what?" I look at him confused still kind of in a daze. "Why do you think? I didn't book a room and rent you for the night for no reason" he shrugs and walks off and I follow behind him.


Michael's POV

"I can't believe this is happening" I say to Randy. "It's fine. Nothing's happened and everythings still going great" he reassures me. "Nothings happend yet. Do you think it was a bad idea to let her go over there?" I ask unsure, looking over at Leanne and Sasha. "She's fine. Leanne was at that place for a long time remember? Of course she would have made some friends and it's just one night. It's not like she's gonna start hanging out with her" he tries to reassure me, but I continue looking over still unsure then see Carl walking over towards Sasha and walk over to go and get Leanne.

Leanne's POV

"So.. what were you guys talking about?" Michael asks when he brings me away from Sasha. "We were just catching up and she wanted to know how I was doing and said the other girls have been wondering the same thing"

"You didn't switched numbers or arrange to meet up with her did you?" He asks and I shake my head. "Of course not. It was nice seeing her and talking to her again, but I doubt I'd be seeing her again after tonight. I wouldn't go anywhere near that place ever again" I tell him honestly. "I'm sorry. I just got a little worried is all" he sighs. "It's fine don't worry about it" I shrug. "Do you wanna go upstairs for awhile? It's getting kinda crowed on noisy down here"

"You booked a room for your own hotel?"

"Of course! What kind of owner would I be if I didn't check out the rooms myself" he chuckles slightly.

"These rooms are amazing" i smile, looking around then go over and sit with Michael on edge of the bed. "What's wrong?" I ask sensing something and he sighs heavily. "I just feel really weird about leaving tomorrow" he mumbles and I wrap my arms around him, and we lay down on the bed cuddling, knowing this is the best way to get Michael to talk about his feelings and he feels more relaxed when he's being cuddled.. plus I love cuddling with him too.

As we lay there, Michael tells me how he's feeling and about his worries.

"Michael, I promise you i'll be ok" I reassure him. "I know but..."

"You promised me you'd get help" I cut him off. "And I will. I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

"You've done enough for me already and you need to do this for you" I smile and  peck his lips and he kisses me back.

We lay on the bed kissing and cuddling and I break away slightly. "Do you want me to stop?" He asks worriedly and I shake my head. "Would you really do anything for me?" I ask and he nods. "Of course" he smiles and kisses me softly. "There is one thing you could do for me?" I say nervously on his lips "anything you want"

"I want you to make love to me before you leave tomorrow" I whisper onto his lips and he doesn't say anything for a moment "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod "ok" he whispers onto my lips then kisses me soft, yet deeply.

We slowly undress each other and Michael kisses me softly, leading us both back onto the bed then positions himself on top of me. "Do You really this?" He asks again an again I nod. "I have to hear you say it"

"I want you to make love to me" I whisper onto his lips and he presses his lips softly against mine and positions himself against my entrance then takes my hands in his as he slowly and gently pushes himself inside of me.

Michael's POV

"Are you ok?" I ask shakily onto her lips and she nods as I contuine thrusting slowly inside of her making sure to be as gentle as possible. "Mmhmm" she moans softly onto my lips and I can feel her getting close and turn her over so she on top I me and she slowly moves her hips in sync with mine, brining us bother closer to the edge. As I get closer I sit up slightly, taking her hips and moving her slightly faster into me and we both moan loudly into each others mouths as we come together then collapse on the bed.

We lay cuddling for awhile and I turn as see she's fallen asleep and peck her lips softly "I love you" I whisper, then get out of bed and get dressed. "I wish I was able to tell her that when she's awake, but I still haven't been able to work up the courage to do that yet. I've came close to telling her a few times, but that uncertainty of not knowing if she feels the same way scared the hell out of me.

After I get dressed I locked the hotel door leaving Leanne to sleep amd head back downstairs to check on everything.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you" Janet smiles walking over to me. "I was just upstairs. Why has something happened?" I ask nervously, looking around. "No I was just wondering and quit worrying. Everything's going great!" She smiles "where's Leanne? I haven't seen her for awhile either?" She asks looking around. "She's upstairs. She um.. she was a little tired" I tell her and she looks at me suspiciously for a moment then takes my hand leading me into another room so we're alone. "What's wrong?" I ask confused by her sudden change in mood. "Have you just had sex with her?" She blurts out getting straight to the point. "What!? No" I lie. "Oh my God! You did!" She gasps slightly. "No. She was tierd and.."

"It's written all over your face" she cuts me off "is that why you made sure one of the rooms didn't get booked? Because you were planning on..."

"It wasn't like that" I cut her off "I wasn't planning anything. It just happened and..."

"She's 16 Michael! And your supposed to be her guardian not..."

"She's almost 17"

"Which is still underage!" she says sternly "how long have you been sleeping together?"

"We haven't. That was the first time" I lie "but you have been seeing her?" She raises an eyebrow and I sigh heavily and nod. "It's not like you think"

"Then what is it like!? Because to me it looks like..."

"I love her ok!?" I confess and she looks at me shocked. "I'm in love with her... ever since she came into my live everything's changed and for the better and it's all because of her"

"How do you mean?" She frowns confused. "It just has and she makes me want be a better person and I never would have done all this tonight if it wasn't for encouraging me and telling me how much she believed in me. She's even..." I pause unsure if I should tell her. and she looks at me confused "She what?"

"She's convinced me to get help" I mumble and sigh heavily and tell her about the pain killers.

"Your taking them again!? After everything you and the rest of this family went through last time!? And.."

"I never stopped" I confess and she looks at me disappointed "But I'm going into rehab first thing tomorrow. I swear" I tell her and she doesn't say anything for a moment. "And how can I be so sure your really will get help this time?" She folds her arms unconvinced. "Because I promised Leanne I will and I'd do anything for her" I tell her honestly. "You really love her, huh?" She mumbles and I nod. "Does she love you?"

"Probably not" I mumble "she told you that?"


"Have you told her?" She asks and I shake my head. "Why not?"

"Because I'm scared she won't love me back" I mumble and she sighs heavily and doesn't say anything for a moment. "I shouldn't condone this... but you need to tell her how you feel"

"I can't do that. I'm not ready for her to tell me she doesn't feel the same" I shake my head nervously. "You won't know that unless you tell her and if you and her are together then why are you so sure she doesn't love you back?"

"I just do" I shrug not wanted to tell her how we really met or what's happened to her.

"You need to tell her Michael, and you need to tell her before you leave tomorrow"

"I can't do that" I shake my head nervously and she smiles at me sympatheticly "I know your scared an you've been through alot, but from what you've told me, it sounds like she loves you too and you need to be brave and tell her before you leave" she smile at me through pursed lips and I nod "now go" she motions me to leave and I nod and make my way back to the room.

The whole way up to the room, I go over it in my head over and over how I'm going to tell her and the closer I get to the door the more nervous I get.

I stand outside the door and sigh heavily to myself and take a deep breath and brace myself and as I'm about to open the door I hear a familiar voice say my name and I sigh rolling my eyes and turn around.

"What do you want Lisa?"

"I just wanted to talk to you" she mumbles timidly "why did you have to come here tonight?"

"I didn't have any choice" she mumbles then looks at the ground. "I'm sure Leanne told you what it's like in that place"

"I told you to leave and so did Leanne and everybody else"

"I know and I should have listened to you all.. please help me. You helped Leanne"

"That was different. Leanne didn't have any choice on being there and was a 15 year old little girl that couldn't defend herself and you have no idea what she went through" I frown defensively. "And you don't think I'm helpless? I know I should have listened to you all and I'm sorry I didn't. Please. I'm begging you"

"What am I supposed to do? Mary won't let me anywhere near that place again"

"But you could book me tomorrow and say it's and over night thing and then..."

"I can't. I promised Leanne I'd go to rehab tomorrow"

"You can go rehab any time. If I dont go back tomorrow i'll be punished because Mary knows where I am right now, but..."

"I'm gonna be gone for a few weeks. At month max and after that i'll try and.."

"A month!? Michael I can't wait that long. I'm glad your getting help, but You go rehab anytime. Please?"

"I really need to go into rehab and I promised..."

"Leanne. You already said" she cuts me off and I don't say anything "if things had been different and you hadn't met Leanne. Would you have ever taken me back?" She mumbles looking at the ground and I don't say anything for a moment. "Probably yes.. but I wouldn't have been happy" I tell her honestly. "But how do you know for sure?"

"You really hurt me Lisa.. over and over to the point I didn't even wanna live anymore"

"And I'm truly sorry for that and if you help me and give me another chance, i'll prove that to you"

"I will try and help you, but that's it. I'm with Leanne now. I love her and she makes me happy. I'd never leave her for anybody" I tell her honestly. She's about to speak when we hear George call out Lisa's name.

"What the fuck do you think your doing just walking wondering around like... Michael? Hi" he smiles when he sees it's me she's talking to. "Sorry it was my fault. I was just asking umm.. Lisa right?" I turn to her and she nods, going along with me. "I was just asking her what she thought of the place. I wanted to get the opinion of the guests" I fake a smile. "Well this place is amazing" he smiles then turns to Lisa. "I think it's time we retire to our room for the night" he says and she nods faking a smile as he walks down the hall then she quickly turns to me. "Please don't go tomorrow. I need you"

"I'm sorry. I promised Leanne I would. I will try and help you, but I have to get better first"

"Lisa" George calls "I'm coming!" She calls back then turns to me "Please don't leave tomorrow. You can get help anytime and..."

"LISA!" George snaps from down the hall. "I'm sorry. I can't do that" I shake my head and unlock the door and go into my room.

I close the door and quietly walk over to the bed, seeing Leanne is still fast asleep.

I do feel bad for Lisa and I will try and help her, but I promised Leanne i'd go to rehab tomorrow and I meant when I told her I'd do anything for her.

I get undressed then get into bed with her and peck her lips. "I love you" I whisper but this time a little louder than I usually do while she's sleeping, but not loud enough to wake her then switch off the bedside lamp and lay down and put my arm around her and close my eyes.

"I love you too" I hear Leanne faintly say and I switch the lamp back on and turn to her and see she's still fast asleep. She's defintly asleep and It was really faint, but it was really clear she said she loved me back!

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