My ten over protective big br...


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Milly's parents died when she was 9 years old. She now lives with her ten older brothers. This is Milly's st... More

Character list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

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(Skip to Art) Milly's POV:

"So, how are you liking this year yet Ruby? Having fun! If not than I can get you some chocolate or something?" I ask Ruby, nervous about her response.

"I'm fine Milly. Just a bit bored, but we have art now so hopefully we'll have fun!" Ruby states, trying to sound optimistic. I play along to make her happy.

"Yeah, I heard from other students that Ms Willis is really nice and hippy, so hopefully we'll be able to have fun!" I say back enthusiastically. The last lesson we had was Maths and we weren't together, Me being in the advanced class. Her teacher was really boring so Maths was a drag for Ruby. I felt bad because my math teacher was wonderful.

"I think that Aiden's in our Art class.' I told Ruby, expecting her to be happy. She sighed, wearily and told me in a tired voice, "Yeah. He was nice but so not interested in me. He was more interested in finding out how i was in relation with you." Ruby telling me this made me sad. Why couldn't he make her happy like he's supposed too? And what's so amazing about me? Ruby's an amazing gal!

I think Ruby could tell I felt guilty because she quickly added, "It's not your fault Milly. I guess he just likes brunettes? Plus, you are really pretty." Ruby told me, with a sad smile.

She finally had gotten someone who could take her mind off of Grace's departure, and he fudging blew it! Hopefully he had a good reason. I wonder why he wanted to know how Ruby new me, probably because i was frantically looking for her this morning!

"I'm gonna ask him why he doesn't like you Rubs, because your the most amazing and brilliant girl I know!" I tell her with determination. Ruby looked a little shocked but at the same time was smirking. She seemed to find it funny that I didn't know the new boy liked me???

I walked up to Aiden who was talking with Dylan. Dylan and I were pretty good friends, although not that close because he always seemed to be cautious about what he did around me?

"Hello guys. How are you? Excited for gym?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. " Umm.. Yeah. Aiden and I were just talking about trying out for the football team this year." Dylan told me, nervously.

"Ohhh... really! My brother Mike is captain of the football team! If you want i could ask him when try outs are?" I told them enthusiastically. I didn't see Dylan as one to try out for football, he seemed like more of a soccer player, but oh well!

"Sooo, anyways. I was wondering if i could ask you something, Aiden?" I asked Aiden, my facial expression wondering. "Uhhh, sure." Aiden replied.

"Why don't you like Ruby?" I asked him, generally curious. "Because I like someone else." He told me, he looked nervous but was smirking. "Oh, well can you tell Ruby that you want to be friends?" I ask him politely.

"Why?" He asked me. "Because I think that Ruby likes you and if your friends than it's better than nothing. Plus, she's really kind and funny, great friend material!" I tell him, trying to sell the idea.

"Ok, I'll be friends wit her, but only if I can also become friends with you." He told me, thinking I wouldn't agree to it. Of course I said ok, which surprised him. I mean, who wouldn't want more friends? Win Win situation.

"Well Bye guys, nice talking but Ms Willis is here, so Bye!" I told the two of them.

I walked back to Ruby and explained the whole thing to her and she looked happy afterwards. For the rest of Art we just got to know each other throughout the class and talk about art.


"Hey Milly, Ruby." Marco says to Ru and I, being the first one to get his lunch. "Hey Marky. How's your day been so far? Do you have any classes with Luca or Dan?" I ask Marco, curious about how his day has been.

"My days been good. And yeah, I've got Science and Maths with Luca and Science and art with Dan" Marco replied quietly, then took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Hey guys, how's your day going so far?" I ask Mike, Luca and Dan as they join our table. "Oh, It was great except the fact that I only had 2 classes with Mason! 2! And to add to that, A guy was flirting with our LITTLE sister!" Mike told me, furiously.

"Nobody was flirting with me? what are you talking about Mikey?" I was really comfused. This day has been really confusing. "Really, because that's not that's Joe told us?" Luca and Dan screamed, accusingly. I had that look on my face which asks "What?" so my most helpful brother Marco explained it to me.

"Milly, they're talking about how the new kid thinks your pretty and asked Ruby about you. Joe told us in form." Marco told me. I made an O with my mouth. "He doesn't like me in that way guys, he just wanted to be friends. He even asked if he could be friends with Ruby and I in Art, just then!" I told my silly brothers, they got confused this time, not me!

"Well, It better be him just wanting to be friends with you, if he tries anything on you, tell us and we'll deal with it, got it?" Mike warned me. I just nodded my head, used to them behaving like this.

"Ok, now that that's settled, Milly and I need to go get our sport uniforms, so bye!" Ruby reported, before grabbing my arm and pulling me behind her to the uniform shop. I tell Ruby that I don't need a new uniform and she tells me she doesn't either, she just wanted to get away from my brothers as the tension was too high.

The bell rings and Ruby and I go to the locker rooms to get changed. Hopefully were not playing dodgeball.

Luca's POV:

After Ruby and Milly went to get their uniforms, The boys and I went to our lockers to get our gym clothing.

The good thing about gym, apart from the fact my brothers and I excel in sport and we get to check out girls, is that we all can watch over Milly and make sure no monkey business happens. Of course, Milly being in her first year of high school, the boys don't know not to touch, look or think about Milly yet. Mike will definitely be fighting others big time in today's lesson.

It wouldn't be so hard to keep guys away from Milly is she wasn't so pretty and nice. Look, I know I'm her brother, but even I can tell that she's attractive in that innocent and adorable way. It would be a lot easier if she understood what guys were implying when they talked to her, she just thinks they're trying to make friends. But, My brothers and I know what guys are like, we are guys for gods sake!

When we get in the gym, we notice that Milly and Ruby aren't there yet. I know it isn't Milly keeping them waiting, it's probably Ruby. Milly get's changed faster than all of us guys and still looks amazing.

Dan, Marco and I are all talking in a group when all the boys start wolf-whistling. We turn around, expecting it to be the school "sl*ts" wearing hardly any clothing, but are greeted to the sight of Milly and Ruby walking in.

We all understood straight away why they were wolf-whistling. Milly looked good in her sport uniform, so did Ruby. (Yes, I can say that because the way I mean it is not in a peverted way).

Masons POV: (I know we haven't talked much about him, but he's Mike's best friend)

Damn it! Why did she have to be so pretty! If she wasn't that cute, all the guys in our class, taken or not, wouldn't be wold whistling at her! I look around at all the boys in our class and they're all looking at Milly with lust in their eyes.

I tell Mike that I'm gonna go and get Milly, because 1) I know if I don't Mike will, and would probably punch each guy on the way and 2) I don't want all these guys staring at Milly like she's a piece of meat. I've always been protective of Milly. Maybe a little over protective, ok, I get crazy angry whenever guys show interest in her. I've always liked her. I know she's 3 years younger than me but I'm not gonna tell her or the others so it's fine.

I start walking up to Milly, but brad and scott from my class beat me to it. Oh. No.

Milly's POV:

"Hey Milly. How are you today? liking highschool so far? How bout you and your nice friends hang out with us in gym?" Some tall guy asked me. He looked around Mike's age, and I knew that he probably knew I was a lot younger than him.

"Um... I'm ok thank you. School's good so far! Thanks for the offer but I would like to hang out with my brothers if you don't mind!" I tell them, placing a smile on my face.

"Actually, we do mind, so come with us. You don't wanna make us sad, now do ya?" The other guy asked. It's true, I don't like making people sad, I like making people happy, but at the same time, these guys seemed a bit weird.

"Leave them alone you two. She said they don't want to hang out with you so just go away." I look behind them and see it's Mason that made them leave us alone. Once they walked away I jumped on too Mason and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks so much Masey. They were kind of creepy. I know it's mean to say, but they were weird. Where's Mike?" I asked Mason, unsurely. He hugged my tightly, then put me on too the ground. He lead Ruby and I to where Mike was standing, stiffly and angry. I wondered why he was angry. I hugged his waist tightly, being a whole foot shorter than him. he hugged my so tightly back, that I couldn't breathe, but I sacrificed breathing for a while, because I know from experience that when Mike's angry he needs to hold something to calm down. He let go off me and in return i was engulfed with air.

The twins and triplets quickly joined us and we all went down to sit in a big group. Jayden and Taylor (Sam & Joe's best friend is Jay, Luca and Dan's best friend is Tay) joined our group on the gym mats and we all talked while waiting for Mr Davison to arrive.

When he arrived he announced we would be playing... you guest it! dodgeball! A sport I'm pretty terrible at. The teams were chosen, balls were thrown, I was hit multiple times and am gonna have bruises tomorrow.

Ruby and I quickly got changed when gym finished. Once we were done changing, We walked towards one of my brother's cars and we drove out of school. We dropped Ruby off as she lived on the way to our house, and then we went home. Once we got home I went into the living room and did my homework. My brothers couldn't believe we got homework on the first day, but Marco and I just did it anyways. Once I finished my homework, I didn't realise how tired I was, before i found myself blacking out, into a peaceful, black dream.


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