Ehsaas....a feeling

By warishaahmed

440K 27.3K 1.3K

#11 in What's hot list so far 20/07/2018. Thank you so much my beautiful readers. A simple middle class girl... More

uff!! these schools
home sweet home
dinner party
The Worst Day Of My Life
Trying To Be Strong
Not Again
Shopping time
Authors note
Silent Treatment
Honeymoon time
Goodbye time
Date Night
I'll Be There For You
Back To Pavilion
Birthday Party
Long drive
Feelings Unsaid
A Meeting With The Past
Remember That Promise??
Author's Note
Get Together
Trust Issues
Baby Boy
Aqeeqa Party
Gold digger
I Love You
Broken Souls
Life Goes On
Do I Love Her?
Thinking About That Day


8.3K 615 23
By warishaahmed

It's been a week since we had talked to each other or you can say he has replied to my texts or calls. First, I was very angry with him so I didn't took the initiative to contact him, but after two days, my heart melted and I started calling him or texting him. But he ignored all my calls.

Days came and passed just like the soft breeze, who doesn't stay with you. A time came when I stopped calling or texting him. I used to talk to my mother in law and Maha but never had a chance to talk to him. He was either in office or was busy with some work. I started feeling that he himself didn't wanted to talk. So I left him in peace.

But the thing that hurted me most was I was not at peace. I was restless...can't sleep, can't if he was a fire, burning inside me and only he can stop the fire!! Atiqa always teased me by saying that I'm falling in love or I might have started loving him, but I have no idea about it. Like always, I rolled my eyes.

The truth is I don't know that I'm in love or not, all I know is, is that, this burning needs to be stopped!!

Today the weather is so good. Why? Because it's raining and I love rains!! When Mom was alive, we both use to get wet in the rain. But now my getting wet in the rain partner is changed, now my partner is Aatiqa, who is also a big fan of the rains.

"What is wrong with you girls??" Mami shouted at us, because we bumped into her and all her vegetables felled down.

"Mom, we are going to take rain bath..." Aatiqa said quickly.

"Mami, move Na...the rain will stop anytime now, and then we won't be able to get wet." I pouted.

"No, I won't move and you both are not going to get wet." She ordered.

"Why?" I pouted

"Because, you my dear easily catch cold." She smiled

"Oh..nothing will happen." Aatiqa said holding my hand.

"We'll see but then don't come and start sneezing!!" She yelled. But we were already half up the stairs.

"Yeah...yippiieee!!" Aatiqa was jumping and she felled down.

"Hahahahahaha...." I kept on laughing.

"This is what I get for being your best friend!!" She taunted rubbing her back.

"Who told you to jump in the water!!" I said as a matter of fact

"I was enjoying" she pouted

"But now you hurted your back!!" I said.

"Doesn't matter...come let's sit, it feels so good to sit in the rain" she said sitting down on the terrace.

"It does!!" I said and sat down. My thoughts again went back to him. Why he hasn't called once also?? Am I really nothing to him?? And just like that my tear broke free, but that's the best part of the rain. No one can understand that you're crying unless your eyes are blood red and swollen!!

"Seher, what happened??" Aatiqa asked.

"I also don't know Aatiqa" I said

"Did he said anything?? Did you guys fought??" She asked

"No, Aatiqa...No. He didn't said anything to me, nor he fought!!" I sighed

"Then what's the problem"

"I also don't know. After Maha's birthday party, he was behaving strange and when I asked him the reason he just unnecessarily shouted on me. When I was coming here, he didn't even said anything, as if me staying with him or not doesn't bother him!!" I said and cried

"Shh...calm down. Everything will be fine" she said hugging me.

After freshening up properly, praying...I took my cell to see if anyone has called. Surprisingly there were fifteen missed calls from him. My eyes bulged out, I did a double take and yes he has called me. I started screaming and jumping like a kangaroo.

After behaving like a kangaroo for sometime I finally calmed down and decided to call him back. That's when negative thoughts hit me. What if he has called by mistake? But how come someone calls you by mistake fifteen times, my heart answered. What if he has called me to say that he Doesn't want to keep any relation with me?? And who you are a Victoria Secret model?? Again my heart answered.

Arguing with myself for sometime I decided to finally call him. I waited for him to pick but he didn't, sighed I was about to hang up when he picked up.

"Hello?" His voice was deep and raspy at the same time.

"Assalamualaikum, you alright?" I asked.

"Walekumasalam, yeah I'm fine. In a meeting, will call you back" he said and hang up. How dare he cut the call on my face!!! I glared at the cell.

"Seher, get ready fast, you do know that today we're meeting our SQUAD" Aatiqa shouted.

"Yeah..." I yelled and threw the cell on the bed.

I quickly changed into black denim, white top. Moisturised my face, did a winged eyeliner and applied some pink lipgloss. Didn't bothered to wear any accessories. Just dumped all my essentials in my purse, pinned my white hijab and got out of my room.

"Com'on they're waiting for us. Everyone has already came" Aatiqa shouted.

"Yeah yeah, Sorry" I said getting in the car.

"So are you alright?" Aatiqa asked driving.

"Yes, I am" I smiled

"Wao..what happened?"

"He called"


"He cut the call on my face!!" I scowled and she burst out laughing!!

"I deserved better from you" I muttered.

"Sorry sorry...Don't worry he'll call you back soon."

"In Sha Allah"

"In Sha Allah" and with that we drove off to Ayeza's place.

After driving for twenty minutes, we reached her house. And yes everyone was there.

"Assalamualaikum" we both yelled as we got inside Ayeza's room.

"Walekumasalam" they replied in a monotone.

"Ohkaayy, I'm sorry, I'm late...kind of stuck. But seriously, I missed you all. Com'on guys this is the first time we're meeting after my marriage" I said as I bounced on them for a group hug.

"We love you tooooooo..." they all screamed as we did a group hug.

After calming ourselves down and filling our stomach we settled down.

"So how's your married life going??" Ayeza asked gulping down her coke.

"Allahamdulilah" I replied.

"Did you two???" Rida wiggled her eyebrows

"Shut up" I threw a pillow at her

"That means you both have done" Naima screamed

"Guys calm down, they both haven't kissed yet!!" Aatiqa said

"Sheesh guyssss" I said covering my face with my hands.

"Aww...someone's blushing" Rida winked.

"You girls don't have anything else to do??" I asked

"Nope, we're unemployed" Naima said taking a big gulp of coke.

"You all are horrible" I said.

"On a serious note, how are you both as a couple??" Ayeza asked seriously and everyone was now looking at me even Aatiqa. I rolled my eyes.

"We're trying to get used to each other. But I don't know why, he always try to push me off away from him. As if, this marriage is only a liability to him. I don't why bit he makes me feel as if he's disgusted by me" I said honestly.

"I don't think that he's this bad...give him time and I'm sure you'll both will get along well" Rida said.

"In Sha Allah"

"What about now, the other day Aatiqa was saying you both are not in talking terms??" Naima asked

"Nothing of that sort, but yeah to be honest I don't know why he's giving me silent treatment" I sighed.

"Chill, don't take tension. Everything will be fine." Ayeza said. And just like that the topic got changed and we all talked and laughed. Today I really had a good time with them.

It was eight when we reached back and I directly went to my home and told Aatiqa that I'll come up after sometime. She understood that I need some time alone so she didn't forced me.

After freshening up and changing, I was relaxing when my cell started ringing. First I thought Aatiqa was calling but when I looked it was him calling. I quickly sat up and picked up on the fourth ring.

"Assalamualaikum" I said.

"Walekumasalam" he replied. It felt so good to hear him.

"How are you?" I asked

"Good but just tired"


"You can say that"


"How's everyone over there?" He asked

"All good. Today, I went to my friends' place. It was a small get together" I said biting my lips


"Kind of!!"

"When will you be coming back?? It's already fifteen days" he said

"You really want me to come back?" I blurted.

"What kind of question is that? You're my wife, you're real place is by my side" He said and paused, might be thinking that what he has said.

I tried hard not to blush and laugh loudly.

"Umm..I meant to say is, come back now!!" He sounded desperate and this time I couldn't hold back my laugh.


"Way to embarrass myself!!" He muttered.

"I heard that" I said laughing

"Ha ha ha...very funny. Enough now!!" He said

"Okay okay...say!!"

"I'm sorry"

"Say what?" I was shocked.

"I said I'm sorry, I shouldn't have behaved like that with you. It wasn't your fault but I still punished you and said what not!! Seher just give me time and I promise that I'll make everything all right!! And when the time is right you'll get your answers" he said

"Hey, It's okay...yes, I was angry with you but that doesn't mean that I wanted you to apologize. No need to apologize" I said

"Why? Is it now too late to say sorry?"

"Did you just quote Justin Bieber??" I laughed.

"Honestly, I'm sorry for my rude behavior"

" drop it down!!"

"I'm coming to pick you up tomorrow" He said.



"No way..."

"Yes way....." and with that we kept on chatting.

Allahamdulilah, at last everything is fine and I'm finally happy.

Assalamualaikum my beautiful readers. How are you all?? I know you all are angry with me that I wasn't updating, I was caught up in many things...but from now on I'll try to update as soon as I can. And I'll try not to take this long in updating.

But still thank you everyone for staying with me...and for being patient with me. I know that many of you must have been disappointed with me and I have lost many readers, but all I can say is I'm Really Really Sorryy...

For now here's the update...and In Sha Allah, the next update will be up very soon.

Keep voting and commenting guys...
Love you all...


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