THE HYBRID'S MATE, sterek [bo...

By squishychey

141K 5.9K 631

[ COMPLETE ] โthere is no such thing as fate in this world. it's simply a combination of one person circumsta... More

[ story details ]
[ main cast ]
[ spotify playlist ]
o. prologue
[ author's note โ€ข one ]
i. pack meetings
iii. presents and a sourwolf
iv. drinks, drugs, and truth & dares
v. coffee and confusion
[ author's note โ€ข two ]
vi. loving the revelations
vii. twins and apologies
viii. we all have perspectives
ix. you're a better person
x. breakdown
[ author's note โ€ข three ]
[ author's note โ€ข four ]
xi. we've always been mates
xii. turned, for good?
xiii. mask your human scent
xiv. witness the transformation
xv. female fox's claim
xvi. emotions and a helpful hale
xvii. puppy pile and foxes
xviii. marked?
xix. who's the true mate?
xx. kate argent
xxi. let the nogitsune free
xxii. the bond will dominate
xxiii. semi-expected conscience
[ author's note โ€ข five ]
xxiv. blood fox
xxv. the fox pup
xxvi. blood of truth
xxvii. rebirth of the phoenix
xxviii. mr. comatose over there
xxix. proposals and stretched bonds
xxx. fire and water, two sides
xxxi. one of them
xxxii. two sides of the same coin
xxxiii. better left unspoken
xxxiv. first shot at love
xxxv. half bloods
[ E4 โ€ข LIAM PAYNE ]
xxxvi. breaking point
[ E5 โ€ข TRIBUTE ]
xxxvii. scream [part one]
[ author's note โ€ข six ]
xxxviii. scream [part two]
xxxix. scream [part three]
xl. smile
[ E7 โ€ข SEQUEL ]
[ author's note โ€ข seven ]
[ author's note โ€ข eight ]

ii. who ordered a puppy?

5.6K 246 4
By squishychey

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰: 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘺?

↳                                                                                   ↲


     I take one look at the screen of my phone and narrow my eyes. Liam has been avoiding the entire Pack for days, and so has Hayden. Just as I am about to pick up the phone and bite Liam's head off, I remember that Liam and Hayden got permission from Derek himself to go to New York to visit family or something for a birthday.



     I almost fall off my bed as I realise that it's Scott's birthday tomorrow. I grab a random hoodie and run out of my house, not even bothering with my Jeep, and run to the drug store. I check the shelves for something that my friend might like when I see the perfect gift. I grab it off the shelf and pay for the gift, running as quickly as I can back to my room.

     I print off handfuls and handfuls of photos from my computer, occasionally going onto social media sites to get some that I don't already have, and rushing around my room to get the gift completed. I have a bit of an issue with the photos and accidentally rip a few, but I eventually get the gift finished just before Scott turns up at my window.

     I shove the gift under my bed and open my window, letting the Werewolf in without a fuss. Scott and I sit on the my bed and talk about the fact that the twins are going to be joining the Pack within the next week, about how Peter as been more friendly than usual, about Liam and Hayden finally coming back from New York, and about Derek - a subject that I have never wanted to talk about in case he said something.

     "Why won't you talk about Derek anymore?" Scott asks, hitting the pillow off his face that I tried to suffocate him with when he brought up the subject of Derek.

     I groan. "You know why, and nobody can ever guarantee that he's not outside my room at any given moment."

     "You talk about Derek with Peter and Isaac, but not me. I'm hurt."

     "What did they tell you?"

     "A lot of things. I get why you never told me them in the first place, and I get why you told Isaac, but Peter? Really, Stiles?"

     I shrug. "Peter approached me about it because I was apparently 'staring at his nephew with heart eyes', which I wasn't, and I kinda told him everything."

     "What about Liam? You told him."



     I puts in my pass-code and ignore Scott when he laughs at how obvious it is. I open the messages and stare at the phone for a good five minutes before the words on the screen sink into my brain. Scott must notice that something is wrong because he moves closer to me and reads the messages on the screen.

     From: Liam
     Hey Stiles. We're on our way back. Bad news though.
     Hayden got hurt and her cousins flipped out when she
     healed right in front of them. We had to tell her family
     what we are. My cousins and aunt know too. None took
     it too well but they eventually got used to it.

     From: Liam
     Hey Stiles. I kind of left some important stuff in my room
     at yours. Can you make sure it's still there? If it's not there,
     or something is wrong with it I am going to rip your throat
     out. Okay maybe that was a bit too far, but please check.

     Just as I am about to reply, another message comes through.

     From: Liam
     One more thing, DO NOT LET SCOTT SEE IT!

     Scott and I share a look before I type back a quick reply of 'okay' to the kid. Scott stays in my room as I go down the hall to Liam's room. I open the door and the first thing that hits me is the smell of wet dog. I quickly close the door and walk over to the small bathroom that is connected to Liam's bedroom, slowly opening the door to reveal the 'important stuff' that Liam left behind.

     The small bundle of dark brown fur launches itself at me and starts licking whatever part of skin it can reach. I crouch down in front of the bundle and blink in surprise at the golden eyes that are looking up at me happily. A small yip escapes the bundle of fur and it starts jumping at me, trying to play with my clothes.

     I wait until the bundle tires out before checking the food, water and litter tray that were sitting under the small sink. I refill the water bowl and give the bundle more food, but decide that the litter tray could wait until Liam came back - which would hopefully be tomorrow - and he could clean it out then.

     I quietly leave Liam's room, being sure to shut the door behind me, and walk back to my own room to find Scott gone and a piece of paper on my bed. I shut my window and plop back onto my bed, scrambling to catch the piece of paper before it went somewhere I couldn't get it out of. I unfold the piece of paper to see Scott's block handwriting, and a groan escapes me when I see Derek's name.

     Sorry I had to go so soon. Allison and Chris have a minor emergency and need me to sniff something out. I'll tell you about it later. Just because I had to leave doesn't mean that you're going to get out of telling me about Derek. I'll make sure you tell me soon enough, maybe sooner than you think. I need to know, Stiles. You can't blame me because you did the same with Allison and Kira, and probably with the person I like now. Anyway, you're going to tell me eventually, hopefully it's by your own choice.

     I curse quietly and scrunch the note up, throwing it to the corner of my room. I rub my eyes and groan, my mind going overdrive trying to figure out when Scott is going to make me tell him about Derek. My stomach drops when I realise that it is probably going to be tomorrow night, after Scott has gotten me drunk - and possibly high.

• • •

     Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

     I groan and shut my alarm off, sitting up. I yawn and rub my face, trying to wake up and stay awake so I can get out of bed. I finally decide that it's best to throw myself out of bed. So, I do. I land on the floor with a thud and a couple choice curses, but at least I'm more than half awake now.

     I get up and stumbles towards my bathroom, running into the door frame and then banging my hip on the corner of a cupboard. I blindly reach for the taps to turn on the shower, but yank my hand back when the hot water turns on first, burning my hand. I then manage to turn the cold water on without doing much more damage to my body.

     I strip down and then get in the shower, goosebumps covering my entire body until I get under the warm water and my body gets used to the temperature change. I am pretty sure I spent five minutes just standing in the hot stream before I reached for the shampoo to start washing my hair. I get shampoo in my eye and let out another lot of curses until the stinging subsides.

     Once I am finished with my shower, I walk back into my room - not noticing the person standing near my window - and drop the towel from around my waist. I pull on a pair of boxers and a pair of blue denim jeans before turning around and noticing the person standing near my window. My eyes blow wide when I realise that it is Derek.

     "D-Derek?" I stutter, a red flush covering my face in an instant. "W-When did you get here?"

Derek barely blinks. "About five minutes ago. I called out and you said you'd be out of the bathroom in a minute. Then you did, and then you-"

     "Derek! I know what happened after that!"

     "I'll just tell Scott that you're getting ready then."

     "Ready for what?"

     "His birthday party that Lydia set up."

     Oh shit.

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