Happy as Heck,

By idk-nutella

1.4K 8 5

HI. THANKS FOR READING. This is a really cool Fanfiction so don't kill me ;-; /.\ Basically Christian Novelli... More

Happy as Heck,
What's this?
A thousand views,
We're not going to VidCon, Shelby,
I don't wanna do this,
She's not here,
More boring life,
Going home,
A familiar face,
Playlist Live,
The end of vacation,
Everything okay?
Overly excited,
Face to....screen,
You did what?
Two Weeks,
Playlist Live,
The dream, again,

Dvd player,

17 0 0
By idk-nutella

"So, Connor.." I try to start off.

"So, Shelby." He replies.

"You're like my favorite youtuber." I say awkwardly.

"Really?" He chuckles. I nod. I hear a door close and realize Faith and Christian left.

"Where'd they go?" I ask.

"Probably up to one of their rooms." Connor says. I laugh at the thought of what he was implying. He gets up and reaches his hand out. I take it and he helps me up. Before our hands can drop he runs, with me in tow, inside.

"Your room first. Floor?" He says when we enter the elevator.

"Eighth." I say. We ride up to the floor and I show him our room.

"Faith!" I yell.

"Christian?" Connor calls. No response.

"Shit, they're not here. I walk over to my bed and sit down, patting the area next to me.

"I'm too lazy to go find them." I pull out my phone and text Faith.


'IM WITH CHRISTIAN U WHORE. I'll be there soon -.-t'

"She's with him, I suppose his room." I lay back on the bed and realize how much food we brought. "We brought a shitload of food. Want some chips or something?"

"Sure." Connor's face lights up at the sound of food. I smile at his enthusiasm and grab a bag of cheesy garlic bread Lays. I grab a bag of barbecue twists for myself and toss the other bag at Connor.

"Those are some sexy chips. Eat them with pride." I chuckle.

"I will, trust me," he replies with a laugh.

Then the door opens revealing an excited looking Faith.

"Food!" She exclaims and rushes to the food stash on the counter. "You guys are nosy, you know it?"

"How?" I retort.

"I was just fine with Christian."

"You can see him tomorrow." I complain. She rolls her eyes.

"Well, I um.. I think I'm gonna go." Connor looks up at me and there's something about the way he does. He asks for a hug and I'm quick to comply.

"You give nice hugs," I say.

"Thanks." He laughs. He goes to Faith for a hug next and she hugs him, but there's something more friendly about the way she does it. Friendzoned him.

'Thank you," I mouth to her. She winks.

Then we're left alone.

"He's so cute oh my god," I fangirl. "I think he really likes me.."

"He does! I can tell." She says and it makes me want to jump on the bed.

"Let's make a video. I'm excited." Faith smiles and gets out her camera. She turns it on and makes an awkward face.

"Hey Dreamers!" She says enthusiastically. I jump into the picture, knocking Faith on the bed.

"Hey guys! We're at the hotel for Playlist Live. Who's excited?" I smile at the camera and Faith shoves me aside.

"I am but obviously not allowed to show it." She takes the camera from my hand.

About half an hour later of majorly useless footage, we complete the video. Time to edit.

"Editing is a lifesaver.." Faith mumbles.

"Yeah." I agree. "So what were you doing with Christian?" I have to pry, sorry.

"Well..he took me into the elevator and we went to his room. I swear it was like the elevator stopped. But then he showed me his room which was identical to ours, but he made it 'special' anyway. It was cute," she babbles.

"What? What do you mean by taking you to his room?" God I'm nosy.

"We were just hanging out!" She sighs. "We talked for a bit, then he figured out how ticklish I was so he murdered me with tickles. Then you texted me."

"Yeah, I'm a nosy bitch." I say. "Hey! There's a DVD player!" I point out. There's nothing else said before Faith grabs the keys to our rental and we head out.

"Are there no redboxes?" She complains.

"Guess not. Just go to walmart whore." I say.

"Do I look like I know where Walmart is in this place?" She shakes her head as if I'm the stupidest person on earth.

"Look," I point out a giant sign that says Walmart just down the road.

In the store, we find a few movies to keep us busy for the next week.

"The Hangover." Faith says and throws it into the cart.

"The Purge." I say. We keep naming movies and throwing them in.

"We might not even need this many movies." She comments.

"Too bad." I toss another DVD in the cart. We go to check out and get gummy bears and Monsters.

"Hey, you look familiar." The cashier says.

"Shelby," I say.

"Faith." Faith says, holding her hand out.

"Oh, you're youtubers! I knew it! I'm dying oh my god." She sounds purely ecstatic to see us.

"Glad to see a Dreamer in the flesh! We haven't met too many, really." Faith tells her. The girl blushes like mad and starts to stutter.

"Can I- can I have your a-autographs?" She asks.

"Oh lord I've never signed anything but school papers." I say and take her pen. I try my best to sign a decent signature and so does Faith. They both look okay and the girl seems pleased. We thank her and go back to the car.

"Our first Dreamer!" I enthuse.

"I know!" Faith says half-heartedly. She looks totally consumed in her phone.

"So what movie do you wanna watch first?"

"I um.. Was kind of hoping.."

"Christian wants you to go see him doesn't he." She nods shyly. I understand. She's really been falling for someone she's never met and she needs to be around him.

"Okay. But keep it G." I joke. Her face becomes fifty shades darker.

"There won't be anything to put that in danger." She says. "Thanks for letting me go."

"I can't tell you to stay," I state obviously.


Within about ten minutes we arrive back at the hotel.

And guess what? The key card doesn't work.

"Maybe I accidentally switched with Connor.. Y'know, when we put our cards down."

"How? He would've come back by now."

"Maybe he had an extra?" Faith rolls her eyes and checks her phone.

"We could just go to Christian's." She suggests.

"One, I'm not intruding on what will be going on in that room. Two, we have a shitload of DVDs." I say. She sighs and checks her bag.

"I don't have another one. Check your bag," she instructs. I do so, and no luck either. I lean up against the door in defeat and something catches Faith's eye.

"Look," she says. I stand up and look where she's pointing. She's pointing under the door but I don't see anything. "No. Push up against the door again." I put my hand on the door and she what she's pointing to. There's a sliver of plastic right under the door. Now I remember slipping the card there in case I forgot it!

"Oh my god, it's a card." I bend done to retrieve it but my stubby fingers don't help.

"Move, dipshit. I have fingernails." She pushes me out the way and easily slips the card out. "Success!"

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