Sparks Fly

By Kateelizabeth19

119K 954 459

Harry and Louis have always been close, really close. But lately something has been getting in the way of the... More

Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen - part A
Chapter sixteen - part B
Chapter seventeen.
Chapter eighteen.

Chapter one.

18.3K 95 23
By Kateelizabeth19

Title: Sparks Fly

Pairings: Harry/Louis

Summary: Harry and Louis have always been close, really close. But lately something has been getting in the way of their friendship... Louis' girlfriend.

Authors Note: This is my first ever fanfic... please be nice!! :) x

Saturday Morning

A cold, crisp wind was whipping through the air, and snow from the night before was settled on the ground, beginning to melt. It was one of those days where you want to lay around and do nothing, and in Harry and Louis’ apartment, that's exactly what was happening. The rest of the boys had come over and were accordingly making themselves at home. Zayn was sprawled on the couch watching Saturday morning cartoons, with Niall sitting on the chair close by. Liam was in the kitchen making himself coffee, as Harry drowsily stumbled in. 

"Morning sleepy!" Liam said cheerfully, offering Harry a tea and ruffling his younger band mate’s hair. Harry accepted with small grunt, walking over to a sit in a bar stool.

“What are you guys doing today?” Harry asked curiously. Maybe he and Liam could spend some time together. Harry was closest to Louis in the band. The two boys did absolutely everything together, which made the fans fall head over heels for their relationship, which they had labeled “Larry Stylinson”. But he wasn’t very close with the other boys. So today, he wanted to spend some one-on-one time with Liam.

“Well, I promised Niall and Zayn that I’d take them to the movies. You’re more than welcome to come if you like, Haz,” Liam said offering Harry a small smile and placing a freshly made cup of tea in front of him.

"Oh yeah, sounds alright… is Lou up yet?" Harry mumbled, gratefully accepting the cup and taking a small sip, before placing it back down on the counter. 

"Hmm, not yet. You should probably go get him up, it's almost noon." Liam said, glancing at his watch. 

Harry sighed and slid off the stool, before stretching and heading towards the stairs. Reaching the top, he turned left down the hallway to Louis' room. He quietly opened the door and looked around the room. He saw Louis sprawled across his bed, snoring loudly. Harry snuck over to the bed and lifted the sheets in order to slide in. He positioned himself comfortably beside Louis, intertwining their legs and resting his head on Louis' chest. The movements in the bed made Louis awaken. Opening his eyes slowly, he saw a familiar mop of brown hair lying on his chest. He put his hand up to stroke the hair, and heard Harry sigh with content. Smiling, he moved his hand onto the younger lads back, resting it there. A yawn escaped his lips, and Louis remembered that he hadn't gone to sleep till 6am. Feeling his eyes get heavy, Louis drifted back to sleep, feeling rather happy. 

Harry, on hearing Louis begin to snore again, rubbed his eyes and decided that a little nap never hurt anybody. He nuzzled Louis' chest and the feeling of love he shared with Lou returned. 


It was 2:27pm when Harry woke again. Liam had run in shouting something about someone being over, and asking if Harry was going to come to the movies. Harry shook his head and repositioned his head on Louis back. Louis was lying safely in Harry’s arms, rolled on his side with Harry lying on his side behind him. His arm was draped protectively over Louis' side, and Louis fingers where intertwined with his. And you know the best part? They both loved the closeness. 

Harry was just drifting back to sleep, as the door crashed open. Startled, he sat up, also feeling Louis awake with a sudden jolt. He looked towards the door and saw the shape of a female standing in the dim room. He could just make out the facial features, but to be honest he still had no idea who it was. 

"Oh, hello boys!" the figure said brightly. Harry suddenly knew who it was. It was her.

"Lou bear, are you still alright to come shopping with me soon? You didn't forget our plans, did you?" Eleanor said, turning her attention to Louis who was now sitting up against the head of the bed. 

"No no no, of course I didn't forget. I'll be out soon, meet you downstairs alright love?" Louis mumbled back in his husky morning voice, trying to sound as eager as he could. Eleanor nodded, smiled and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Louis' head fell back against the wall with a groan. 

"Ugh, I totally forgot about that," he said to Harry, lifting his hand to run his fingers through the younger band mates hair. "I don't even want to go, Curly. I've got a rotten headache," he said, whining. Harry suddenly felt a surge of sorrow for the older male. He knew there was no way Louis could get out of going shopping with his girlfriend, simply because Louis wouldn't let himself let her down. He cared too much about other people to let them down, even if he was vomiting, which he looked like he was going to right about now. Making a sudden leap off the bed, Louis threw the door open and ran to the bathroom, holding his hand to his mouth. Harry sighed and got up to go assist his friend. 

Walking into the bathroom, Harry saw Louis kneeling over the toilet bowl, clutching the side so hard that his knuckles had turned white. Actually, his face looked rather white too. Grabbing a glass from beside the bathroom sink, Harry filled it up and handed it to Louis as he sat down and began to rub the older males back. Louis was shaking, and he was looking even more exhausted than before. 

"Mate, you can't go out feeling like this. Go back to bed, and I'll go tell El that you aren't feeling well, okay?" Harry said reassuringly, still rubbing Louis' back. But Louis shook his head, refusing to go back to bed. Still shaking, he got up from the floor, using the toilet to help himself up. He flushed the toilet, wiped his mouth, and slowly headed back to his room to get dressed, not at all fazed by Harry's protests. 

10 minutes later, Louis emerged from his room still looking rather pale, but dressed nonetheless. He headed to the stairs, clutching the railing to steady himself and slowly walking down the stairs, ignoring the spinning in his head. As he walked off the last step, he headed into the kitchen to find Eleanor making him a cup of tea. He smiled to himself, she really was amazing. 

"Aw Lou Lou, you don't look too good..." she said in concern, placing Louis' tea in front of him and placing her hand on his head to feel his temperature. "You want a panadol?" she asked him, cautiously waiting a response. She knew Louis would never admit to being sick, so it was to her surprise that he nodded and pointed her to the cupboard where the painkillers where. She leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead, before walking over to the cabinet and getting out a box of panadol. Louis gave her a weak smile as she placed 2 tablets in front of him. He picked up his cup, put the tablets in his mouth, and swallowed them with a large gulp of tea. 

"Thanks El," he said putting up one of his hands to stroke her face, before returning to drinking his tea. 

"Louis, I really think you should go back to bed... We can go shopping another day. Its fine, I promise." He heard the concern in Eleanor's voice, but he also heard the disappointment. That's the reason why he quickly responded, saying "No Eleanor, I WANT to come. I'll be fine, I promise.” he reached out grabbed her hand, looking at her reassuringly. She smiled doubtfully and suggested they get going. Louis smiled back, trying his best to keep down the next round of vomit.

Harry walked into the lounge room to see Louis and Eleanor walking from the kitchen to the front door, their fingers now linked. Louis put his hand out to open the door, but stopped and turned to Eleanor instead. 

"I love you," he said softly, leaning down and giving her a passionate, long kiss. 

"Love you too Lou bear," she said shyly as their kiss ended. Louis flashed her a meaningful smile and opened the door, disappearing out it and pulling Eleanor behind him, unknowingly leaving Harry standing there broken. As the door shut, a tear escaped from Harry's eyes and quietly rolled down his face. He choked, catching his breath as he felt his heart be completely shredded in two. 

Harry didn't seem to understand, that the longer he kept his feelings to himself, the faster he was silently falling apart. 


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