Bad Blood // Z.M A.U

De HoneyCocaineXO

17.6K 948 171

"We in this together. You and me baby. All the way." 》 》 》 - For ages 16+ - Contains violence, strong langua... Mais

Prologue and Disclaimer


237 13 1
De HoneyCocaineXO


Would any of you lovely people want a prequel to Bad Blood (The beginning of Zarmelita, her life before the gang etc.) and you would read it? IF YOU WANT IT – Comment in this section 👈👈👈

If you guys might be wondering, I am far away from ending this story. Mama still has A LOT in store. Roughly and thinking under correction, there will probably be sixty chapters for Bad Blood. Don't fret my dears; we still have a long way to go!

Anyway, proceed with caution 😝


Trust nobody.

One of the main rules in being gangsterism.

But it seems to be that even our normal crowd of people that we have been with for four years can't be trusted either.

Sophia and I stare at this person in utter shock; unable to wrap our minds around that person has been feeding Sirus information for quite a while behind our backs.

"I have been waiting for this day to see our strong Carmelita not so strong huh?" Whitney smiles triumphantly.

For once she is the one that has won the battle instead of me and it's clear by that ugly smile of hers that she is rejoicing.

How she got in contact with Sirus is a mystery to all of us but the fact that she was the one telling Sirus all information about us, has made our trust in her gone to zero.

Does she even realise what she is doing? We might see eye to eye but this is her biggest mistake she has possibly made in her entire life.

If the others have to hear that Whitney has been associating with Sirus, they will kill her in a heartbeat but also, Louis will force Timothy out of her life.

"Whitney? How can you do this?" Sophia asks flabbergasted. The devil's eyes land on me, glaring her blue eyes into mine, harshly.

"All this time, I had to see my son wanting you Carmelita. I am his mother, not you, you stupid biṭch! It makes me so damn angry that he looks up to you and not me. Just because you can't have children of your own with Zayn, doesn't mean that you take claim of others!"

"Ouch." Sirus taunts the two of us.

"You know what else; you are in the way of me having Louis back. I love him but I can see how he admires you because you are taking care of our son! You are just creating problems between my family and I don't like it!" She yells out at me, her face full of anger.

"So when I found Sirus, it became a blessing because I can finally get you back for what you have been doing to me for two years! Revenge has never tasted so sweet now." Her angry features are now replaced by a smirk.

Whitney has done this out of jealously? Yeah, maybe Timothy does want me to his mother instead of her but I am no way keeping her away from Louis.

It's not like Louis likes her anyway so she is just disappointing herself. She doesn't realise that her jealously is going to pay the price dearly.

Apparently I am the stupid one but clearly not.

"I am just giving Timothy the love and attention he needs that you don't give. As for Louis, I am not interested in him and you have to believe me Whitney. You can have him all you want."

"Then why did you sleep with him?!"

"It was a fuckíng mistake!" I retort.

"Oh no Carmelita! I know you and you are better than that!" Sirus says in disbelief as he continues to taunt me.

"Shut the fucķ up Sirus! You know nothing about me!" I say and immediately I regret those words coming out my mouth.

Not the fact that Sirus that might actually know everything about me because he has been watching my every move for twenty years but in the tone I just spoke to him will give him the chance to strike at me again.

Sirus raises his eyebrows then looks at Whitney. "You want to take this one?"

"With pleasure." She grins deviously.

He walks over to me once again and shoves me into a corner away from Sophia. Whitney has the whip in her hand this time, her grin on her face not leaving for one second as she looks at me along with Sirus.

Before I can beg for mercy, she strikes the leather whip against my bare skin. An ear-piercing scream escapes from my mouth from the burning sensation along with tears flowing freely down my face in pain.

'I promised your dear mother that when I get hold of you, I will make sure she suffers ten times worse than I what I did to her'

That goes through my mind as Whitney continues to strike me with the whip continuously, shouting out hateful things that she has kept to herself for the past two years. She has become Sirus's puppet and there is no way she can stop.

This has become my fate – facing the horrific past of my dear mother.

By the time she finishes, she drops the whip on the floor next to her. "God that felt great." She says sweetly but I am unable to look up as I continue to weep but mainly the fact that my whole body is numb from the excruciating pain of stinging.

"Welcome to my world honey." Sirus says to Whitney and I can hear the happiness clear in his voice.

"Carmelita." I hear Sophia shudder through her cries.

I continue lying on the cold concrete ground, crying more than I probably cried in my whole life in fear and pain caused by people who have no decent bone in their body.

Finally Sirus has broken the Carmelita that held her ground. I am so scared and hurt right now that I am so vulnerable to Sirus to do absolutely do anything to me.

At this moment, I am desperate to go back home where I am safe.

"My sweet Carmelita, we are not Zayn. You can't talk to us like you want to but I think that now you got the message hmm? No more snide remarks about any of us." Sirus murmurs, touching my aching shoulder that has been freshly whipped.

"Same goes to you Sophia."

All of a sudden, the shrill of someone's phone goes off, interrupting the four of us. "Hello?" Sirus answers.

"Why hello there Liam! How are you my dear friend?!" He says excited. Finally, I peak my head up slightly, having a bit of hope that they are going to get us out here very soon.

"Like I told you, don't leave your precious girls unattended. So far we had quite a bit of fun, haven't we Carmelita?" The bastarđ teases while smirking.

You are going to be killed soon.

"Good luck with that. I can assure you that your pathetic gang stands no chance against me." Sirus laughs hysterically.

"Ooh feisty. Sure, speak to your worthless bítch." He walks over to Sophia and holds the phone against the ear while she talks to Liam.

As much as I am angry towards Zayn, all I am wanting is to hear his soothing voice through this troubled time.

"It's not your fault. Just please come as soon as possible." Sophia murmurs through her cries which make me cry more.

None of the guys must think it's their fault. The only person who is responsible for this mess is Whitney and she will pay for what she has done.

That's if we make it out alive and the gang comes in time.

Sirus takes the phone away from her and places it back against his ear to talk to Liam. "He does? Do you hear that Carmelita? Your lovely ex-boyfriend wants to talk to you."

Zayn actually wants to talk to me.

That's music to my ears.

Sirus passes the phone to me as I am still able to keep the phone in hands even though I am continuously shaking from what just happened moments ago.

"You better shut your mouth about what has happened." He threatens.

"Carmelita?" Zayn asks quietly and all it does is make me cry further, wanting nothing more than to be in his presence instead.

"Zayn." I cry into the phone, unable to hold back my emotions.

"God, I am so sorry for everything that has happened this week. It's my fault and-"

"Please don't." I interject him, not wanting to hear him apologise on the phone right now.

"Babe, just hang in there. We will get you and Sophia out as soon as possible. I promise. We are going to kill him and it will be all over. You can go back home and live your life just like you want to." Zayn says in reassurance.

"Just come quickly. Please." I beg quietly. "We will. Carmelita?"


"I love you." Zayn murmurs, making my breathing hitch in my throat.

His words are unexpected but reassuring at the same time. In this very moment, all the shít that has happened between us has been momentarily forgotten as I say it back to him.

"I love you Zayn."

Sirus yanks the phone out of my hold, pressing it back against his ear. "Time is ticking Malik. You have twenty-four hours to save your precious girl and Liam's before I kill them. Good bye."

He hangs up, placing the phone back into his pocket. "Always sappy shít in situations like this. It makes so fuckíng sick. Anyway, Whitney, let's have a drink to celebrate."

"But of course."

Both of them walk towards the door until Sophia calls out Sirus's name.

"What Sophia?!" He spits annoyed, making her wince at his harsh tone.

"What about Carmelita? You can't leave her like that."

"I can do whatever I damn well please."

Sirus and Whitney leave the room, locking it behind them, leaving Sophia and I alone in the poorly lit room.

"Carmi." Sophia calls out as she tries to shift herself closer to me. Eventually after struggling being tied up all around she is right in front of me, shuddering as her eyes look up and down my body.

"You're bleeding." She whispers scared as she tries to place my pyjama top back on me to cover most of my body. Slowly moving my hands through the top, the restraints cut into my skin, making me wince.

"Thank you." I mutter as I take my time, trying to regain myself to sit properly but my body remains to sting in pain.

"I can't believe Whitney done this to us." Sophia says quietly. "How can she do such a vicious thing to us? We are both innocent but yet she holds something so petty against you."

"You have seen it for yourself Soph. You can't trust anyone anymore. Now we have to pay the price of her jealously."

"A price that will cost us our lives if the guys don't come in twenty-four hours." She says scared. Laying my head back down on her lap, I look up at her.

"They will come. We just need to hope and pray that they will come." My voice comes out as whisper as I reach for my cross necklace that still hangs around my neck.

"On that note, let's pray." She looks at me half-heartedly then closes her eyes.

Look at me, the girl preaching about how praying is going to help us but I am nowhere deserve to say such things because of my new life.

"Dios, Sophia and I need you more now than ever. I know I have betrayed you countless times but in a time like this, please protect us from Sirus from causing any more harm upon us. Please bring Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis to come save us in time and make sure that when they carry out their plan, may it be successful and that no one gets harmed in the process. Dios, please be with us."


"We are going to keep it like that for now. I'll make the phone calls to Sirus's men to help us later. I think it's best we get some rest. It's three and we need to be well rested for this mission to be carried out successfully." Patrizio says and everyone stands up from the big table, shuffling out the room while I remain in my seat, gazing at the wall in front of me.

I can't think straight after that phone call.

She sounded so scared... vulnerable... desperate...

I wouldn't put pass Sirus. He must have begun his games with her, breaking her strong wall against him.

I just hope it hasn't gone far as raṗing her because that's going to be a major issue for me but mainly herself who will be scarred for the rest of her life.

"Zayn?" Liam and Patrizio calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You have not gotten any sleep for the past few days. You need it now more than ever." Liam says quietly, patting my shoulder in reassurance.

"How can I fucķing sleep knowing that Carmelita is not okay?! How can you sleep knowing Sophia is not okay as well?!" I snap at him but Liam doesn't wince at my outburst.

"I am worried just as you are but we just have to leave it for a few hours Zayn."

Twenty-two hours.

Twenty-two hours we have to save them before Sirus kills them.

"I am not tired!" I mutter profusely.

"Zayn, listen to me. I know you are worried sick but right now, there isn't much we can do. You have my word that we will get them out there before Sirus kills them. Just charge that energy pack of yours to kill Sirus. Come on! Sirus is going to be killed in less than twenty-four hours. Doesn't that make you happy?" Patrizio adds.

I can't fuckíng wait to kill him. This is going to be over in less than twenty-four hours then we are all free from his captive.

Free from this misery and bullshít we all have been through for seven years.

It's all coming to an end.

"I guess so."

"Now get your ass off that chair and sleep!" Patrizio says sternly before he walks out the boardroom, leaving Liam and I alone.

"I know what you are thinking. You want to get Carmelita out of there as soon as possible and you are wondering what Sirus has done to her so far." Liam breaks the silence between us.

"You should have heard her on the phone Liam. God, she was in a state, begging me to come quickly to get her out of there. What does that say Liam? Sirus has begun his games and it's driving me insane."

"Sophia is the same but Zayn we need to get rest. I know it will be difficult to sleep as we think of them who need our help but take Patrizio's advice and word." He says in reassurance.

Finally, I stand from my chair and follow Liam out the room. He pats my shoulder as he heads into his room while I make my way to mine to try and get sleep.

Taking ten minutes to prepare myself to attempt to sleep, I slide into the empty bed. My eyes are glued to the celling, over thinking about everything in this moment.

How could I let this happen to her? I just can't believe that Sirus actually got a hold of her.

All of us go through large extents to make sure they are protected from but just one night of letting our guard down became an opportunity for Sirus to get what he wants so badly.

For once in my life, I have never panicked like I am right now. I am so desperate to get Carmelita out that I would leave this house and get her out of there by myself but it can't be that way.

Unfortunately, I have to suck it up and wait a few hours and hope Sirus doesn't do anything unspeakable to her.

I watch Carmelita towel her hair as she sits on the bed with her legs crossed.

Making my way over the bed, I lie down on my usual side and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her on top of me.

She giggles as she looks up at me with her beautiful smile that is extremely contagious.

"You know I love you my lita." I say to her.

"I know. I love you too my beloved." She replies as she doesn't tear her gaze from me once.

"However this is random of you to say."

Chuckling, I pull her up towards my chest, making her lie on top of me. "I am just saying it because I want to. No occasion babe."

I wish she could be in my arms right now to keep her safe and warm.

"Zee?" Carmelita murmurs into my neck as I hold her close to me, her hand fitted perfectly in mine, both of us outside away from the rest of the party goers.


"When we get out of this shit, I want us to be more. I want to get married to you, have a family and grow old with you. That's my dream to have all of that one day with you." She says silently.

"Do you want the same? Do you feel the same?" Carmelita asks, finally looking in me the eye.

I want to get married to her, I really do but the part of having a family puts me off completely. I don't think I can handle that responsibility and I feel like parenting is not fitted for me.

As for Carmelita, I know she wants a baby so badly from me. Little does she know that her desire for a family freaks the fucķ out of me.

Instead I keep my thoughts to myself like I usually do.

"Of course I do, just not now babe. I know you tired of waiting but unfortunately for the circumstances we can't just do that yet. One day you will be my Mrs Malik."

"Promise?" She whispers.

Moving my hand to her face, I tuck her lose strands of hair behind her ear before I caress her cheek.

"I promise."

Empty promises I have made to her and now with our current situation of me cheating on her, I want to somehow try all my best to carry that promise out.

"I am sorry. I think that this album is shít." She says as she continues to hose the soap off the car.

"You are so wrong and that is so offensive because this is my favourite album of all time." I say in disbelief as Carmelita criticises my music taste.

"I never liked Drake to be honest. There are a few songs I like that he has made but I am no big fan like you."

"Oh my god! Take that back!" I say offensively making her frown.

"What the hell is your problem?" She waves her hand in the air, unintentionally wetting me with the hosepipe.

Her eyes widen as she drops the hosepipe on the ground.

"I am so sorry! I never meant to wet you!" She says frantically as I wipe the water droplets from my face.

Time to catch her out.

I don't say anything as she continues to apologise for her mistake. Slowly I make it over to her side and with every step I take closer to her, she steps back.

"What are you doing?" Carmelita asks confused.

Grabbing the hosepipe from ground, I continue to hose the car off to trick her but I flick my hand in her direction and she screams, jumping back away from me.

Continuing to wet her, she runs around place while screaming to get away from me but she comes out unsuccessful as I finally have her in a corner.

Smirking as she continues to beg for mercy, I tug her t-shirt away from her chest and spray the water down her chest.

Carmelita shrieks and jumps up and down from the ice cold water cascading down her chest but all it does make laugh until she lifts her knee up to my groin.

Dropping the hose on the ground, she takes the opportunity to get me back. We are going back and forth at each other for who knows how long and in the end we both up sitting on the porch, soaking wet.

"At least we don't have to shower today." I joke.

"So funny I forgot to laugh Zayn." She says dryly that I end up laughing at it.

"But it was fun right?"

"Maybe." Carmelita giggles and a big grin tug on my lips.

I end up smiling about that memory, how we did something so silly but laugh about it at times. If only could there be better times like that instead of times were we things were downhill between us.

Like right now she is captive under a man that does foul things to women and he couldn't care less how it damaged them. It's all for his satisfaction at the end of the day.

I need to get her of that place before he kills her otherwise I know I will never be able to live with myself ever again.


Sophia and I could barely sleep.

We are so panic-stricken by Sirus because we know he can do anything at any time.

The voices of his men, their footsteps, their foul comments and laughter have us wincing in pure fear that is behind the locked door.

Both of us have been wondering when Liam and the rest of the men are coming to save us from this place or at least hoping that they come as soon as possible.

Everything is up to them and Dios but mainly Dios. He is the one that will determine our destiny.

It's probably late morning, probably ten or eleven and I am feeling a bit hungry and hydrated since I haven't had anything since last night at six.

Sophia sighs above me, closes her eyes and takes short breathes in. "Soph, are you okay?"

"I am feeling a little nauseous since I haven't had anything to eat since last night."

"Same here. Don't get your hopes for Sirus to give you something. I doubt he would." I murmur, making her shake her head in disbelief.

"How can one be so cruel towards women? I get that there are some men in this world that are wolves but is this their behaviour? I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I have become a victim to a man that is like this. I don't deserve this and neither do you or anyone else."

"These are things parents are trying to protect us from right in the beginning already, so for both of us, it's overwhelming."

I totally understand why now my parents were overprotective of me. They did not want me to be another victim to Sirus but I was just too careless by running off with Zayn, making me an easy target for Sirus to do this to me.

I can't believe that my parents kept this secret away from me. I get that they wanted to protect me but they could have at least told me the truth about their rough past.

I wonder if Ronaldo or even Alfredo knew what mami and papi were hiding from us.

"I am sorry Carmi." Sophia whispers sincerely but I shake my head and muster up a smile on my face.

"Don't apologise. I understand why they hid that away from me and why they were overprotective. I don't blame them. Look at me now; here I am stuck under the captivity of Sirus because I did something reckless."

"Hopefully it will be all over very soon." Sophia sighs and we hear the jiggle of keys interrupts us. The door opens and in steps Sirus with a smile on his face.

He locks the door behind him then steps further into the room, settling down on the chair. I feel Sophia become tense under me and a quiet whimper comes out of her mouth.

"Buenos días Senoritas. How are we doing on this very fine morning?" The snake taunts us with his irritating smirk.

"Can we please get something to eat? We are both feeling dizzy from an empty stomach." I ask him as kind as possible but all he does is laugh me off.

"What am I? A bed and breakfast? The answer is no."

"We will pass out you idiot!" Sophia answers with annoyance clear in her voice. Immediately she regrets it as Sirus stands up from his chair, pushes me roughly away from her and slaps her hard against her cheek.

"Watch your mouth. Seems like you have not taken the hint yesterday."

"Leave her Sirus!" I shout at him but he ignores me as he glares at Sophia who is crying silent tears.

How can one start so early with this shít?

"You know what actually? You two might be hungry but guess who came to the party with a bigger appetite hmm?" He smirks at her as he brushes his fingers over her face and I watch how she shakes in fear.

Sirus stands up, walks over to a chest of drawers and opens one of them, retrieving something. He comes up to me, roughly grabs my arm and stabs my arm as he injects something into me.

Hissing in pain, he looks at me blankly and then heads over to Sophia doing the same thing.

"What is this?" I ask as I feel my arm stinging with pain.

"You'll find out soon." He grins; discarding the empty syringes in the bin then picks Sophia up, lying her down on the table.

All her ropes are taken off her body by Sirus and he cuts her clothing off her until she is stark naked in front of him. He then ties her down to the table with difficulty as she tries to fight against him.

"Fight all you want but it's not going to make the situation easy Sophia." Sirus mutters then begins to loosen his pants in front of us.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stutter as he continues to undress himself but I already know what he is going to do.

"Please don't." Sophia begs but Sirus shakes his head. "Time to teach you a listen baby girl."

"Sirus! Take me! Don't ŗape Sophia!" I plead through my cries, begging Sirus to not do this to Sophia.

"It's a bit too late, don't you think Carmelita?" Sirus chuckles at me.

"You don't have to do this!" I shout at him but he ignores me as he forces himself into Sophia as she cries hysterically along with me.

My eyes are shut tight close as I continue to cry through Sophia's cries and Sirus's moans, trying to shut myself out from this repulsive actions of Sirus.

Sophia shouldn't be the one being rapeđ by Sirus, I should be the one.

None of us actually should be rapeđ in the first place and the fact that I am witnessing this before my very own eyes, I will never be able to wrap my head around this.

With every thrust Sirus does into Sophia, her dignity slips away from her, degrading herself down as a human being.

I can't imagine how it feels to be forced to do something like against your own will with a person that wants to take away her pride of being a person.

Sophia's cries have somehow quietened down and so have I by now. My eyes can't stay open any longer as I become drowsy along with everything becoming dizzy around me.

Sirus must have druggeđ us to come into this state.

I try my best to fight against it but I can't stay away any longer as I close my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.


Anyway, yikes, things are not getting any better. Zayn, you better get your ass to Carmelita ASAP Boi!

I hope this has made up for the lack of updates. No idea when I will be updating again though...

Hope you are doing well and big love to all of y'all

And a thank you to @Zayn_M_xxx  for reminding that I had to finish up this chapter a little while back when I was playing Playstation LMAO 😂😂😂

Bye bye


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