Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto...

De Iridescent-Isabelle

6.8K 486 190

[NIP season one] Isabelle Evergreen is a Pokémon nurse, travelling around Kanto to give health care on the ro... Mais

#001 Bulbasaur
#002 Ivysaur
#003 Venusaur
#004 Charmander
#005 Charmeleon
#006 Charizard
#007 Squirtle
#008 Wartortle
#009 Blastoise
#010 Caterpie
#011 Metapod
#012 Butterfree
#013 Weedle
#014 Kakuna
#015 Beedrill
#016 Pidgey
#017 Pidgeotto
#018 Pidgeot
#019 Rattata
#020 Raticate
#021 Spearow
#022 Fearow
#023 Ekans
#024 Arbok
#025 Pikachu
#026 Raichu
#027 Sandshrew
#028 Sandslash
#029 Nidoran♀
#030 Nidorina
#031 Nidoqueen
#032 Nidoran♂
#033 Nidorino
#034 Nidoking
#035 Clefairy
#036 Clefable
#037 Vulpix
#038 Ninetales
#039 Jigglypuff
#040 Wigglytuff
#041 Zubat
#042 Golbat
#043 Oddish
#044 Gloom
#045 Vileplume
#046 Paras
#047 Parasect
#048 Venonat
#049 Venomoth
#050 Diglett
#051 Dugtrio
#052 Meowth
#053 Persian
#054 Psyduck
#055 Golduck
#056 Mankey
#057 Primeape
#058 Growlithe
#059 Arcanine
#060 Poliwag
#061 Poliwhirl
#062 Poliwrath
#063 Abra
#064 Kadabra
#065 Alakazam
#066 Machop
#067 Machoke
#068 Machamp
#069 Bellsprout
#070 Weepinbell
#071 Victreebel
#072 Tentacool
#073 Tentacruel
#074 Geodude
#075 Graveler
#076 Golem
#077 Ponyta
#078 Rapidash
#079 Slowpoke
#080 Slowbro
#081 Magnemite
#082 Magneton
#083 Farfetch'd
#084 Doduo
#085 Dodrio
#086 Seel
#087 Dewgong
#088 Grimer
#089 Muk
#090 Shellder
#091 Cloyster
#092 Gastly
#093 Haunter
#094 Gengar
#095 Onix
#096 Drowzee
#097 Hypno
#099 Kingler
#100 Voltorb
#101 Electrode
#102 Exeggcute
#103 Exeggutor
#104 Cubone
#105 Marowak
#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan
#108 Lickitung
#109 Koffing
#110 Weezing
#111 Rhyhorn
#112 Rhydon
#113 Chansey
#114 Tangela
#115 Kangaskhan
#116 Horsea
#117 Seadra
#118 Goldeen
#119 Seaking
#120 Staryu
#121 Starmie
#122 Mr Mime
#123 Scyther
#124 Jynx
#125 Electabuzz
#126 Magmar
#127 Pinsir
#128 Tauros
#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados
#131 Lapras
#132 Ditto
#133 Eevee
#134 Vaporeon
#135 Jolteon
#136 Flareon
#137 Porygon
#138 Omanyte
#139 Omastar
#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops
#142 Aerodactyl
#143 Snorlax
#144 Articuno for DragonFelicis
#145 Zapdos for Dragon Queen
#146 Moltres for PrincessLostSoul
#147 Dratini
#148 Dragonair
#149 Dragonite
#150 Mewtwo
#151 Mew

#098 Krabby

31 1 0
De Iridescent-Isabelle

Krabby, the River Crab Pokémon. Krabby live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into the sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food, these Pokémon can be seen squabbling with each other over territory.

Back at the beach again, where she met Shellder, Nurse Isabelle was training with Dewgong in the water. From one of the stores at the promenade, she had borrowed a wetsuit. Then together with Dewgong, she had entered the water. The coastguard were aware of her planned training and would keep an eye out in case she ran into trouble. Pidgeot was also flying around, somewhere. The independent bird could take care of himself.

Despite the sun being warm, the water was surprisingly cold. Dewgong didn't seem to mind at all, bouncing joyfully in the water, splashing Izzy. Submerging her entire body, she just got the acclimatising over with. Gasping, she came up again, cursing under her breath.

It took a while to convince Dewgong to lay still enough, but when he was finally ready to work, Isabelle climbed on his back.

Or at least, that was the plan. Dewgong's fur, normally so soft, had turned slick when wet, and Izzy slid right off when she tried to get on. Wrapping her arms around his thick neck, she managed on the second try. Squeezing his sides with her legs a tad tightly, she sought a place to hold on. Unfortunately, there were none. Her legs would be her only security not to fall off.

Together they swam around. From casually swimming along the shore, to racing as fast as they could and then coming to a halt. They also practiced staying in one exact space, pretending Izzy was treating some Pokémon. It wouldn't do to float away.

Only then did Isabelle notice someone on the beach. They had ended up in one of the lesser known parts of the beach without Izzy noticing. A girl sat on the beach, surrounded by little creatures. As Izzy and Dewgong set foot and flipper on the beach, the girl slowly looked up. The sandy hair and brown eyes were very familiar to Isabelle.

"Hey Wendy. Fancy seeing you here. What ... are you doing?"

All around her curious friend were Krabby. They were burrowed in the sand around her, they climbed over her lap. She even held one in her hands, stroking its pincers tenderly.

"Nothing," was the reply.

"Right..." Isabelle said slowly. She truly cared for the weird girl and her gift with Pokémon was seemingly unique, but sometimes, she was a weirdo. It was obvious she preferred the company of Pokémon over humans. Izzy did too, at times, but to sit surrounded by Krabby for no particular reason?

"See ya, Wendy," Isabelle said, since she felt hungry, possibly intruding on some complex Krabby ritual.

"Sleep tight."

After another frown directed at hers, Isabelle and Dewgong left her to do her business.

Only late at night did Wendy return to the Pokémon centre. She had seaweed in her hair and her clothing looked a bit torn and ragged, but she was beaming the brightest smile Izzy had seen in weeks. Isabelle, on the other hand, felt less like smiling. Her face and arms were pretty sunburnt, having spent inside for too long. She hadn't bothered using sunscreen either, today. Joy was lecturing her as she smeared some herbal ointment on her skin to help her heal faster. It would be a long night for Izzy.


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