Harry Potter- A Book 8

By harrypotterlover_23

13.8K 295 69

A book 8,is the battle really over? Another prophecy has been made that once Voldemort is defeated the people... More

Harry Potter- A Book 8
Chapter 2 All better on the outside.
Oh My they're alive?
Date,snogging and Other Stuff!
A birthday you can never forget!
Demolishing and rebuilding a future
The hogwarts express.... for the last time
Starting Hogwarts..........


1K 24 4
By harrypotterlover_23

Harry started living like a normal teenage boy apart from being a wizard..and saving the whole wizarding community. His parents and himself had rented a small two bedroom house with a kitchen a 2 bathroom/toilets a living room and a study until they re-set the house in Godrick's Hollow.

It was no the start of the last week of july and The Potter's had been invited to the Weasley's for dinner,

"Harry lunch is ready"Lily called,

Harry was in his room playing with the snitch Dumbledore gave him he heard his mother called he walked into the kitchen

"what's for lunch" asked Harry,

"just some leftover roast chicken from last night"

Harry grabbed a plate and put two chicken legs and started walking back to the the living room, Lily grabbed his shoulder and made him come back,

"what" he asked puzzled,

he walkeed back to his mum and she dumped a whole lot of chicken in his plate

looking satisfied with herself

'you may now eat"she said

Harry walked back into the living room which had a t.v he remembered Lily and him trying to explain what a t.v was to James, thinking about his dad Harry wondered where James was as lily walked into the living room with a bowl of steamed vegetables

"Where's dad" Harry asked as Lily dumped some vegetables in his plate,

"He went to'The Leaky Cauldron' with Sirius and Remus, he'll meet us at the burrow,


Harry started digging into his plate of chicken and veggies as Lily got her own plate of food,sat down next to Harry on eh sofa and switched on the t.v,the weather report came,

In the past year the weather has been pretty corrupted but now it is very hot for the rest of the week as predicted, it looks hot outside so for once the predictions were right .....

Harry smiled, and thought about how pretty much the whole of London's weather,

he finished most of his plate and went to put in the sink,

he did that and then went outside into his back garden he sat on the bench nearby and listened to his surroundings

(an hour or two later)

Harry was stillon the bench he heard footsteps approach him

"Harry start getting ready we are leaving in an hour,

Harry got up and went back inside he went to his room grabbed a fresh pair of Jeans and a brown t-shirt, he went into his bathroom and slid of his clothes and stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down his body he had a few scars still here and there and a bit of bruise where the killing curse hit him, he shampooed his hair and put soap on his body he washed it of and stepped out and dried himself then he put his clothes on and went back into his room, he somewhat flattened his hair then went to meet his mum

"I'm ready" Harry called out from the hallway leading to the door,

Lily came out of her room and walked up to Harry,

"lets go"

Harry and LIly apprated to the Burrow as James was about to knock on the door,

"James" Lily called out he turned around and walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek

"How was your day?" Lily asked,

It was great, shall we go inside?"

"Lets go"

They walked up to The Borrow and Harry knocked on the door

'knock knock'

Ginny opened it "Harry" she exclaimed and grabbed Harry's hand and led him to the living room,

James started laughing

"Sorry about that, all she talks about is harry now days," said mrs. Weasley

"please come in make your self at home"

Lily and James came in, Lily helped Mrs. Weasley with the cooking and James sat with Remus andstarted arging about not telling each other they were coming, Bill and Fleur were also there,

In the living room was Tonks who was holding Teddy in his arns he was sleeping and his hair was a neon green,

Ron and Hermione were arguing about something or another, as Ginny and Harry walked in,

"Are they always arguing?"Harry whispered to Ginny,

"Apart from snogging,yes they are always arguing" Ginny whispered back,

Tonks left the living room to find Lily, Harry and Ginny sat on the couch in front of the fire,Ginny rested her head on Harry shoulder and Harry put an arm around her waist, they looked at each other and their eyes connected

Ginny leaned in and their lips made contact, after a while of that they broke apart for breath Hermione and Ron were so engulfed in their argument that they hadn't realised they kissed,

"Wow" Ginny commented

Harry grinned

they started to listen to Ron and Hermion's argument

"i had every right to hide hat in the griffyindor common room--

"Dobby ws the only house-elf that would clean the common room the rest were to scared--

"and how would you know this---

"Dobby told us"

"oh-what do you you mean by us?

"Harry and i"

"speaking o Harry where is he?"commented Hermione

"Right here" Harry announced,

Hermione and Ron looked up and both turned red and smiled sheppishly,

"awkward" Ginny commeted,

"Dinner's ready"Mrs Weasley announced from the room Ron bolted into the kitchen,

Ginny and Harry started laughing as Hermione rolled her eyes and thy also headed to the kitchen,

"mmmm smells delicious" Hermione commented on Mrs.Weasley's cooking

"oh thank-you dear"

they all sat and at roasted lamb with mashed patato and gravy, then they had toffee cake and caramel syrup for desert,

"that ezz very deliziouz" Commented Fleur, before Mrs. Wealsey could thank her Bill spoke up,

"We have an announcement to make"

the rom went quiet

"Fleur is pregnent!"

cheers erupted around the table

"when are you expecting" asked Mrs. Weasley,

"i think it ezz the ztart of april"


Fred grabbed a bottle of firewhiskey and popped it open George passed cups to him and he poured the the firewhiskey, as soon as it reached Ginny-

"Ginny your not of age yet you shouldn't not be having a full glass of firewhiskey" Mrs.Weasley scolded,

Ginny started at her mother then skuled her drink down, then fred refilled it


"Anyway"said George ignoring his mother's out burt he raised his cup

" To Bill and Fleur and a soon to be born baby" he beamed

"Bill and Fleur" everyone said in unsion,then skuled down their glasses, they all sat on the table drinking many more cup of fire whiskey and to Mrs Weasley's annoyance Ginny had drank the most and started babbling about the randomest stuff:

"Remember that time where Ron asked Hermione out to the Yule ball like he didn't even realise she was a girl"Ginny babbled

Ron went a dark shade of red and Harry fell of his chair laughing,

Ginny poured herself another glass of firewhiskey,Mrs. Weasley tried to stop her but it didn't work she just took Mr.Weasley and went up tp bed,

It was nearing 1:00 and at the table was Fred, George Hermione Ron, Harry and Ginny, James and Lily had gone home and let Harry stay the night, Bill and Fleur had gone home so had Remus and Tonks.

Ginny took the bottle of firewhiskey and drained it down

"Blimey if she has another drop she'll probably pass out" Ron muttered so so oly Fred, George, Hermione and Harry could hear him, Harry got up and went to Ginny's side, she got up and asked Harry to dance but when she started to walk she felt dizzy and fell luckily Harry caught her

"I don't feel to well" She muttered and attempted to get out of Harry arms but once she got out but as Ron said she passed out,

She's gonna feel horibile in the moring" commented Fred,

Harry picked Ginny up one hand under her knees and the other resting above her shoulders he walked into Ginny's room and layed her on the bed he took of her flates she was whearing and put her blanket over her kissed her on the forehead and was about to leave when Ron barged in the door,

You can sleep in Hermione's bed she is going to sleep in your bed in my room" he walked out again then he came back

"no funny business"

then walked out again

Harry went back out and grabbed his back pack he had gotten when he realised he was sleeping over, he went into the bathroom and changed his clothes her wore black p.j pants and a grey t-shirt, he walked back into Ginny's room and settled in bed and fell asleep imediatly

(the next Morning)

Harry woke to the sound of Hermione walking out the door with clothes in her hands he turned over to Ginny who was sleeping like a baby, he checked his watch that he had gotten for his 17th birthday party, it said 10;30 he realised he heard Mrs Weasley in the kitchen aPercy talking to Arthur he got up and went to the kitchen

"Good morning Harry had a good sleep?" Mrs Weasley asked

"yeah i did"

Hermione came down stairs in a skirt,legging and a top,

I have to go to the Minstry of Magic and inquire about my parents"she said,

And walked out the door, Harry heard a faint pop, he then sat at the table and Mrs. Weasley served him some bacon, eggs, toast and a glass of orange juice, he started eating

(15 min of eating)

when Harry finished eating he took his plate to the sink with the other dishes who were cleaning their self,

he heard a groan from Ginny's room and chuckled Mrs. Weasley grabbed a potion from a cupboard and walked into Ginny's room he heard a pop outside and he went to see who it is,

"hey Harry thought we should pop in.... again" James chirped,

Lily who was next to James smiled, they walked inside,

Ginny was sitting at the table looking half dead,

"Maybe you should go for a walk Ginny it's nice outside" suggested Mrs Weasley,

"Fine Harry can come as well, Let me change"

Ginny headed to her room,

"I should change too" Harry said and he grabbed his bag and headed to the bathroom,

he sllippled on  a red top and some brown pants and headed back to the kitchen, Ginny was still changing he walked outside and up to a bench next a rose bush, he plucked a rose just as Ginny came out he handed her the rose she took and kissed him on the cheek


she rubbed her temples

"To much fire whiskey"

"yep, way to much,"

Harry chuckled

They started walking and happily chatted,


Everbody gathered in the living room and took places on the couches and chairs

"Ok its Harry's birthday in a week and he's been through a lot and this is is first birthday with his parents" Mrs.Weasley spoke and gestured to Lily and James

"so a special one is needed, Ginny said we should have it at shell cottage on the beach I talked to Bill and Fleur and they're happy with it do you all agree?"

a murmer of "Yes" were heard,

Ok we need everybody to have taskes

- Fred and George you can Buy heaps of sweets and butter beer and other junk food

-Arther Bill, who is not here, James Sirius and other strong men can put all the heavy and handy stuf like the tent shade for the food and conjur a few water activites,

-Lily Fleur Andromeda and I will cook a big feast,

-Ron,Hermione and Ginny you can organise the decorating

and i think that's about it" concluded Mrs. Weasley,

Wait, where is Harry gonna be all this time?" asked Ron

"Ahhhh that's where all  our co-operation will be needed now listen carefully,   Lily and James will take him to breakfast, and a bit of an outing then He meets up with Ron and Hermione for Lunch after that he'll meet Ginny and Gin will take somewhere then bring him here as a suprise so Lily, James, Ron, Hermione and Hermione you've got a week to plan what you want to do with him and don't let him eat too, much cause of the dinner"

" How are we going to tell Ginny about this"asked Hermione,

"who do you think put that much effort into planning this thing" Mrs. Weasley answered.. with a Question....

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