Finding Me

By QueenBenique

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"You can pretend it isn't true, but I turn you on, without even trying to" I quoted confidently to Valentino... More

Finding Me (Once called 'Turning Points')
Chapter 1 - New schools & Old faces
Chapter 2 - Cheering up & incident exposure
Chapter 3 - Returns & Random Dancing
Chapter 4 - Classic moves & Reincounters
Chapter 5 - High School Parties
Chapter 6 - Secrets & Spaghetti
Chapter 7 - Memories & Abnormalities
Chapter 8 - Tutors & Questions {Part 1}
Chapter 9 - Tutors & Questions {Part 2}
Chapter 10 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 11 - Rides & Plans
The Story So Far...
Chapter 13 - His Crib {Part 1}
Chapter 14 - His Crib {Part 2}
Chapter 15 - Cupcakes & Close-Calls
Chapter 16 - Footballs & Forgotten Things
Chapter 17 - The Hols {Part 1}
Chapter 18 - The Hols {Part 2}
Chapter 19 - The Hols {Part 3}
Chapter 20 - Eyes & Spies
Chapter 21 - Quaking & Confiding
Chapter 22 - Cocoa & Confessions
Chapter 23 - Can't Be Friends
Chapter 24 - Implications & Cross-Examinations
Chapter 25 - What Can I Say? I'm A Teenage Guy
Chapter 26 - Picture Imperfect
Chapter 27 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 1}
Chapter 28 - And The Truth Comes Out {Part 2}
Chapter 29 - Where's Wally? Cassie Edition
Chapter 30 - The Sleepover from Hell
Chapter 31 - Peaks and Troughs
Chapter 32 - Not So Secret Secrets
Chapter 33 - Fighting Temptation & Uncomfortable Revelations
Chapter 34 - I Misplaced My Hispanicness
Chapter 35 - Masters & Movies
Chapter 36 - Books & Looks

Chapter 12 - Seeing You & Eating Food

128 6 0
By QueenBenique

"No no" Talia laughed "You're supposed to fold it not mix it, it needs to air out"

I was currently in home-ec with my new partner, Talia. Since both of our partners hadn't shown up at the beginning of class. Someone had said that they were both ill but Talia had said that she'd seen her partner earlier today. I had my suspicions though, the fact that as I was making my way to this class I heard some very heated make out session.. noises coming from the disabled bathroom and there was only two people from this class missing...

It's just the process putting two and two together.

Lil nasties

I picked up the bowl and weighted it with my hand before I put it back down again

"It's a little too heavy for a cheesecake. Maybe we should start again" I admitted

"No, there's no time! We only have 30 minutes left. Lets just throw it on to the base and put it in the oven" Talia took the bowl from me and prepared everything.

I could cook foods from stir-frys to complete thanksgiving meals. Heck, I wouldn't have taken home-economics if I couldn't. But one thing I could never do was bake.

I think it was the measuring that I could never be bothered to do that made every to be baked thing I put into the oven turn out so bad. But I was working on it.

After a few minutes me and Talia sat in front of the oven, waiting for it to cook

"Is it supposed to look like that?" I questioned looking at the cake, tilting ,my head to the side.

"I'm just glad that this doesn't count towards our final grade"

For a while, while the cheesecake cooked Talia and I talked about the upcoming Christmas holidays. After 20 minutes Talia took the cake out of the oven


"Yeah as presentable as a hobo at a wedding" Talia replied

Strange analogy

She huffed "Let me go see if I can buy us some more time" Talia stated making her way over to the front desk

I looked back at our failed attempted at a cheesecake, looking at it was just depressing. I grabbed a wooden spoon from the drawer in front of me and tried to lift some of the cheesecake back onto the pie base. Nope it didn't help.

"Hey" a voice called behind me

I turned around, identified the voice and smiled genuinely. Aaron and I had been studying once a week for about three months. Although there was a lot of learning and studying involved there was also lots of fun. We'd talk, have a laugh and generally enjoy each other's company. I would say he's becoming a good friend. However the thing that we had bonded over the most was dance.

"I never knew you took this class"

"I didn't choose this it, Valentino signed me up for it, as a joke, then I couldn't get out"

I paused for a second when I heard Valentino's name. Aaron hadn't been the only person I had been having lessons with. Me and Valentino had been practising every now and again for his salsa competition and vice versa with him teaching me Spanish. That wasn't for another three months but I still needed him to learn basic moves, hanging out with him was really good too.

"You and Valentino used to be friends?" I questioned, flabbergasted

"Yeah me and him used to be quite tight until..." he trailed off

"Until what?" I asked

"We just had a misunderstanding and well we never got past it " he sighed "But I guess this class isn't so bad" he switched subjects "-and it's never short of girls".

With only two boys in the class, he being the only one present today, and sixteen girls I could understand how this was like a boy's wonderland

"Perv" I rolled my eyes and looked back at my cake

"Your cheesecake looks like it's been run over" he stated "multiple times" he added "then stomped on by a stampede of elephant and-"

"Yeah I get it" I laughed, this was a complete fail

"Here" Aaron picked up his cheesecake, came around his counter and replaced his with mine. His looked so much better than mine. The edges were perfectly smooth had been decorated with sauce and berries. I'd say it's good enough to sell

"You take mine and I'll see what I can do with your err- can I even call this thing edible?" He joked looking down at my cheesecake it horror

"I can't let you do that!" It was a nice gesture but it wasn't fair on him

"Nah it's fine, I'll work something out" he said going back to his desktop and placing my cheesecake on his stand

I smiled "Thank you"

"No probs" he smiled back then got to work on the cake in front of him. He was just too sweet.

"Bad news, Mrs Donovan isn't going to give us any longer, she thinks-" Talia paused and looked at bake on the cooker "how the hell did you do that?" Talia said astonished

"Aaron gave me his" I explained "I told him that I couldn't do that but he did anyway, he's just too sweet"

The astonishment on Talia's face dropped and was replaced by a frown and clenched jaw "This is Aaron's?"

"Yeah he really-"

"What the hell Aaron?" I had seen that Talia had turned around to face him

"What I was just help-" he started

"We don't need your help I--We were doing just fine without it"

"I was just fixing it"

"There you go always trying to fix things, why can't you just leave things be"

"Talia, Talia! It's fine it's just a cake" I said trying to cool her temper

She let a long sigh "Yeah whatever" she concluded but annoyance was still evident on her face

We continued prepare the cake in silence.

When the lesson ended and after we were all cleaned up Talia walked away with a goodbye.

Kinda rude


"Can I have..." I said looking at the wide range of food in my sight. I had no free periods today with meant I was stuck at school till 3:30pm. But I guess it was alright since after lunch I only had Spanish, Chemistry and P.E.. I eyeballed the spaghetti bolognese but my eyes soon drifted to the cheeseburgers. Unlike my old school the food here actually looked and tasted appetizing, Gourmet even. There were many perks to going to a private school. The lockers were bigger, the teachers actually knew what they were talking about and the students weren't actually as stuck up-

"Hurry up before I turn like 30" Some dude yelled from behind me

I rolled my eyes but also did acknowledge that I was delaying the queue. I quickly picked up a burger and placed it on my tray next to the sugar doughnut and orange soda.

Who loves orange soda? Cassie loves orange soda. Ahh how I missed Kenan and Kel

Carried my tray out of the line and looked around to see if I could find anyone I knew. I sighed when my eyes wouldn't lock on to anyone familiar. I couldn't just sit by myself that was just sad.

"Yo Cassie!" My head turned 180 degrees to where the voices came from. Relief spread through me when I saw my friends sitting around a table beckoning me towards them

"Hey" I greeted sitting on a part of the bench that was cleared for me

"You looked like a lost puppy standing up there" Valerie stated 'mimicking' what was supposed to be my face

I shook my head but laughed all the same "Shut up, I did not"

"Yeah you did" Bree agreed "You are too cute Cass"

"Sure" I said

My "Clique" consisted of most of the cheerleaders and jocks. Looking around the cafeteria you could see the different groups in the school but as opposed to the cliché idea of high schools where you have distinctive groups like goths, band geeks, computer nerds, mean girls, dancers, hockey team etc. everyone was mixed in our school which I found quite refreshing. And I know that the fact that all us girls that do cheerleading and the football team hanging out together seemed stereotypical but it was because most of us bonded over the same things, and not just the sports we did.

"Did you hear about Adrian?!" Sophie exclaimed to the group

"Oh I heard about that" Aleesha and Bluu chorused

"What?" I questioned with curiosity, I wanted to know the juice

I'm a girl, I like to hear gossip, don't judge me

"Jessica caught Adrian and Dylan all over each other in the locker room" Jason interjected into the conversation

I dropped my burger on the plate, stunned

"Don't lie to me Grey" I spoke seriously referring to Jason's last name

"I'm serious" Jason nervously laughed "Ain't that right Jess" he nudged Jessica who was furiously tapping on her phone

"Urgh look what you've made me do" Jess furrowed he eyebrows looking at Jason, annoyed. "I was about to beat my high score!" She squealed

"Flappy Bird again?" I smiled knowingly

"Uh huh, I almost got to five points" Jess moaned

"Laaaame" Ryan snickered

"Shut up!" Jess shouted flinging a few fries in his direction, unfortunatly for her, he caught one in his mouth and chewed, smiling smugly. Jess rolled her eyes and begun to unlock her phone

"Is it true about Adrian and Dylan?" I asked, but I had a feeling that I already knew the answer to the question

"Yeah it was not a pretty sight" Jessica frowned

"And there was me thinking Adrian and Austin were perfect for each other" Bluu sighed.

Austin was Adrian's boyfriend but I guess not for long. I knew how it felt like to be cheated on and it defiantly wasn't a nice feeling. They were supposed to be the couple of the school and I got on with her, she seemed like a cool girl, but I guess my instincts were wrong

I detested cheaters, I wished all the two timers in the world would get together and fall of a high, HIGH bridge. How could they go on with what they were doing knowing that it would break someones heart?

"Maybe Austin wasn't enough for her" Kayla added "Perhaps Austin was just her bit on the side" she looked in my direction and smirked

I could detect the hidden message that was in what Kayla said. She was hinting at the fact that maybe I wasn't enough for Cameron. I clenched my fists at the thought of it. Was she asking for a slap? Too bad she was on the other side of the table for me else I might have lost it.

"What's wrong Cassie?, You seem a little tense" Sophie asked

I closed my eyes and opened them back up after a second, "Nothing, I just can't stand cheaters" I admitted

"They're so desperate that they have to find someone who's already taken, who probably only want them for... physical pleasures, most of them are just hoes" I stated purposely directing my statement at Kayla who blushed and looked back to her phone

Good riddance. Symbolically, her body was still here unfortunately

"I definitely agree with you" Bree said

"Same" Aleesha agree "I hope Austin finds out what a slut Adrian is, he deserves better"

After that was cleared up we all started to talk about the football game on Friday next week, before we break up for the Christmas. We were all required to got and pep up the crowd and the team, since there was no actual pep team. But I didn't mind, 'cause I actually found football interesting.

"Thank God i'm going to Florida for Christmas" Bluu smiled in relief "It's starting to get chilly 'round here"

It was true. This morning when I stepped outside in my cheerleading outfit, I had to go back in and Put a long sleeve white shirt on under my top and actually put on my coat instead of just holding it for just in case purposes. Although it got slightly hotter during the day I knew that winter was coming hard this year and it would just start getting colder and colder.

"Maybe it'll snow.." Sophie proposed

"Ha, I doubt it not once have I ever seen snow in California, come to think of it i've never seen snow in my life" I thought out loud

Everyone heads turned to me and looked at me like I was something that landed from space. Was there something on my face? I didn't eat that messily...

"You've never see snow?!" They said all at different time but it was still kind of freaky

"Umm, no what's the big deal it's just bits of ice falling from the sky" I reckoned

"No, Cassie" Sophie laughed "It's much more than that, it's like small white shining crystals gracefully falling out of the sky, building up to make a soft white blanket beneath us, transforming the plain landscape into something truly magical..."

We were all quiet for a second soaking up all what Sophie had said. Ryan was the first to break out of it, clutching his stomach in chuckles, then Aleesha, then Bluu then everyone else started to explode with laughter

"What?" Sophie cried "What's everyone laughing at?"

"You are so adorable, Sophie" Aleesha said, being the first one to sober up "You look like a child on Christmas day. "To make something truly magical" "Aleesha mimicked bringing her voice up a few octaves

"Shut up" Sophie said but laughing all the same "But seriously Cassie, one day you've got to see it, it's like a missing part of your childhood" Sophie concluded

That wasn't the only part of my childhood missing.

Just as I was about to reply, the bell went of signaling the end of lunch. That had gone pretty fast.

Everyone started to evacuate the cafeteria.

"See you at practise Cassie!" Valerie fare welled

"See you" I smiled

Oh I love my friends


My tongue burned as I swallowed down the Kentucky fried chicken. I could feel the spice flavours dancing on my tongue but loved every second of it.

I'm a spicy kind of girl.

Oh are you now

I was talking about what kind of food I liked

Anyways I was walking home which took forever so decided that I'd stop by KFC and gets some hot wings

And man do I love me some chicken.

When I finished devouring every piece of meat on the bone I deposed the bag of bones in a bin and pulled my jacket more securely over my body. Since lunch the temperature suddenly dropped and the sky got a lot darker. It was December which meant all the Christmas decorations were up, lighting up the streets making the atmosphere seem almost jolly. I could actually kind of see where Sophie got all of her christmas spirit from.

The wind was starting to pick up and I could feel myself shivering and so I search the nearest inn to go to. I quickly located a corner shop 10 minutes from my house I sighed with relief when the cold wind stopped nipping at my bare legs. I picked a bad day to wear a skirt.

I walked about the shop trying to warm myself up as before I had to depart again. I passed the frozen pizzas which were Diego's favourite and remembered that he'd be home soon so I'd better get going

I pulled my phone out of the inside of my charcoal colored leather jacket and located Diego's number before calling it.

I can't believe it, he's 10 years old and owns a phone, facebook account and TV in his room. When I was 10 I had bratz dolls and pokemon cards...

This generation just gets too much.

"Hello" Diego picked

"Yeah what do you want for dinner?" I asked

"Who is this?"

I rolled my eyes, was he seriously playing dumb "Well who would ask what you want for dinner?"

"I'm joking" he laughed "But I'm kind of annoyed since you interrupted my game".Of course he only used his phone for games

"What do you want for dinner squirt?"

"I told you not to call me that, buy me pizza"

I knew it. "What the magic words?" I teased

"Buy me pizza, now? I gonna be home soon, I'm on the school bus"

The boy had no manners, but it was anything I wasn't used. "Okay when you get home DON'T go anywhere near the kitchen, we don't want a repeat of last time"

"Yeah whatever, oh I know what you did with my bathroom and I am not happy"

It took me a second to understand what he meant, I smiled deviously

Cassie:2 Diego:1

"That's what you get for putting hot sauce in my toothpaste!"

"Yeah well just beware, I am the prank king and, and I will get you" Diego warned

I laughed to myself " Yeah whatever, I'll be home soon, remember the door's not locked and I repeat, STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN. bye squirt".

"Don't call me-" I hung up before he could finish.

I looked at the pizzas and picked up two BBQ meat eaters and looked around to see if I could see anything to go with it.

When I couldn't see anything else that I needed to buy I made my way to the line when I saw someone familiar on my right. My eyes widened.

Golden blond hair. Emerald green eyes which could make the strongest of girls melt like chocolate on a hot day.

Cameron. Twice in 3 days.

I quickly grabbed the newspaper from the person next to me, opened it up and hid behind it. My heart beat sped up erratically and my throat dried up. He couldn't see me, he just couldn't

"What the heck?" I jumped at the voice but it didn't sound like Cameron.

I turned to meet an annoyed face.

"Oh hi twin boy, are Darnell or Kyrell today?"

"It's Tyrell just Tyrell and I want my paper back" Tyrell put out his hand

"No I can't"

"And why is that?"

"I er..well need to catch up with the news, oh look at that Obama is presenting a speech in Idaho, God bless America!" I lied

"Yeah okay now tell me the truth" Tyrell deadpanned, does this guy have some kind of multiple personality disorder? One day he's telling jokes like it's his job 24/7 like in class and then the next minute he's has a bad attitude like at that party all those months ago.

I resisted a sigh but decided to tell the truth anyway " My ex-boyfriend is here and I really don't want to see him at the moment so can you just let me borrow this for a second until he's gone?" I pleaded

It looked like he was actually thinking about it for a second before looking back at me "No" he answered

"No?" I queried

"Yes" he replied


"No I mean yes you can't have it, go get your own" he told me

I looked down to see where he picked it up from. "That was the last one, there are no more"

"Well it sucks to be you now give it back to me" He said grabbing one side of the paper

"No I just need it for a second, geez I liked you a lot better in math class"

"Math class? We're not in the same class for math!" he said pulling the newspaper towards him

"Yes we are" Pulling the paper towards me

"No we're not, that's not me it's Darnell" he said aggressively pulling it back towards him

"Stop telling me you have a twin brother, you do not have a twin brother!"

"Yes I do you don't even know me"

We spent the next minute playing tug of war with the newspaper. I soon gave up and let him have it.

"Just take it, he's almost out of the door anyway" I looked towards Cameron who was very nearly out the door. Thank God he didn't see me.

"What's his name?" Tyrell asked

"Cameron" I replied slowly "Why do you-"

"Hey Cameron!" Tyrell yelled, my eyes widened and I quickly put my hand over his mouth "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered

Please don't turn around, please don't turn around I prayed in my head.

Unluckily fate, not that I believe in it, was not on my side

Cameron spun on his heels and searched for where the voice came from and fortunatly, note the sarcasm, his eyes soon found mine

His stare made me freeze on the spot as he started to smirk and make if way towards me. I turned and flicked Tyrell in the head

He rubbed his head his eyebrows creased "What was that for?"

"For being a douche!"

"Long time no see Cassie" a voice said bringing shivers up and down my spine

At first I didn't think I would ever turn around but I knew I had to do this, not just for me but for every single girl in the world who have ever been cheated on and show that we can face anything!

Yeah, every other girl whose been cheated have no idea who you are and that you're doing this so...

That's not the point I had to do this for me. After giving Tyrell or Darnell or whatever this guy's name is one venomous stare and taking a deep breath, I hesitantly turned around keeping my eyes glued to the floor

"Yeah" I answered

"Looking as sexy as I remember I see"

My head shot up a little too fast as I felt my neck click. After a few seconds of rubbing it where it hurt my eyes found Cameron's. I recalled what he had just said and furrowed my eyebrows

Did he just say sexy? To bad he missed out on being with me. Why am I saying this in my head when I could tell him straight up?

"To bad I broke up with you, we could have been something..special" he smirked

I suddenly just went from slightly shy to downright confused and irritated. What the hell was he talking about?

"Excuse me? I'm not sure if there's something wrong with you or you just can't remember but it was I who dumped you" I corrected

Cameron scoffed "Tomato, tomato" he said in two different ways, making me roll my eyes

"Whatever" I huffed "Anyways what do you want?" I inquired

"Can't a guy catch up with an ex he hasn''t seen for 4 months?" he asked

"Not when that guy is a cheating scumbag who actually wants to know more about his ex after they had broke up than when they were still together"

"You know that's not true Cass, I loved to hear about you" he assumed

I rolled my eyes. Back then I was blindly in love, not realizing that the relationship was like 90% about him.

I laughed coldly "But I know it is, don't pretend that you wanted me for anything more than..." I trailed off not able to complete that sentence

"What? Sex? You don't honestly believe that that was the only reason I went out with you"

I looked away not being able to hold a stare with him any longer

"Cassie? Cassie?!" I felt his hands on my chin twisting my head back to meet his eyes "I'm sorry about what I did to you, it was stupid and I just want to start a new slate, how about it?"

I stepped backwards, unable to believe what he said. 4 months ago if he'd said that that sincere I'd be putty in his hands jumping at the chance to rekindle that flame

How cheesy

But I had had 4 months to give myself more self worth and to get over him. Just then when he touched me I felt nothing, no tingles at the pit of my stomach and shivers running up my spine. I felt it when I first saw earlier this week but that was only natural.

"Yeah I'm gonna pass on that offer" I said causally taking him back a little

His hand dropped to the side and he raised an eyebrow

"Are you implying that you're over me?" he questioned

"Implying? No no more like telling. I'm am completely 100% over you" I smirked

"Is that so?" His smirk faltered and his jaw clenched making my smirk widen

"Yup, I want nothing more to do with you"

"I don't believe you"

My eyebrows furrowed once again, it I kept doing this I'd get wrinkles before I turned 20, I really needed to get out of the habit.

"Well I don't really care what you believe, I'm done with you" I concluded walking away in the opposite way he was facing, it was the wrong way as I was getting further up the isle instead of closer to the check out but I didn't want to look stupid by turning around again so I continued.

"I still don't believe you!" he called after me.

Proof, how could I prove it? I didn't mean to care but I had to prove once and for all that I was done being Cameron's little toy. An idea quickly popped into my head. I had to act fast before I could change my mind.

I marched up to Tyrell, who I hadn't even realized had wondered off during my talk with Cameron. Just before he left the isle I hurriedly spun him around

"Have a good chat with your ex?" he smiled


His smile dropped but before he could answer that I pulled his collar down so that our faces were on the same level. Not even giving it a second though I dove in for a kiss.

Surprisingly he responded for a few moments. The kiss may have been out of spite but I had to admit he wasn't bad, it was a plain kiss, no adrenaline rushes or anything. After a few more moments I pulled away. Tyrell looked completely fazed but after a second roughly wiped his mouth.

"What the hell was that about?" he asked I was surprised to not hear anything but confusion in his voice

I looked around to see if Cameron was still there but there was no sign of him. I smiled in victory.

"That is what I call payback for putting me in the awkward situation of talking to my ex boyfriend" I declared "But I promise you that next time your punishment will be a lot more painful"

For the first time since I met him today he smiled genuinely. At first I was taken back because it wasn't everyday that you see someone smiling at a threat.

"However" I added "I have to thank you for the closure, seriously though if you ever do that again I won't hesitate to push you into a hole to die" I finished and walked away to towards the check out. I had spent long enough at this place and need to get home before we have to call the fire department again.

Tyrell closely followed, I guessed he also had finished

"Valentino was right you are feisty, no wondered he has a thing for you" I heard behind me

I came to halt, sure that I heard that wrong. I spun round 180 degrees

"What did you say?"

Tyrell looked down at me, since he was at least half a foot taller than me. He coughed slightly and looked into his shopping basket. "I just said that er...Valentino has a thing for loo? You know loo roll he prefers super quilted, haha who doesn't?"

I raised an eyebrow but soon let it go. There was no point believing in what I thought I heard


One question: Do you believe that there are actually twins (Tyrell and Darnell) or that Cassie is right and it's just one guy with two personalities or is trying to mess with Cassie's head?

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating for ages but hopefully I'll be able to post another chapter this half-term (in the UK) and another one before I go on my trip to Italy

I don't have many readers yet but that's okay, it takes time to build up the amount of readers the best writers on this site get.

It's about the love of writing isn't it?

Remember 1 vote makes a happy Queen :)

And please please please comment!

I promise when I have gotten to Chapter 15 I will proofread the last chapterss as it is hard to spot mistakes when you know what the text is supposed to say. So please excuse any mistakes, I hope there aren't many

Auf Wiedersehen

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