again -jc caylen- discontinue...

By ashclit

28.7K 899 450

The saying goes, if you love something, set it free. If it comes back then it's meant to be. After 3 years o... More

Authors note


1.3K 46 21
By ashclit

Like and comment. And this chapter gonna be sappy af :))

We pull away from the hug "three years is a long time huh?" My dad asks.

I can't help but laugh a little "yes. A very long time." My dad wipes the tears from my cheeks and smiles at me as tears fall down his.

I return the favor and wipe his tears.

"I'll make coffee yeah?" I state rather than ask and walk over to the old coffee pot.

My dad sits at the little table in the kitchen "how'd you get in here anyways?" I asked him as I put coffee grounds into the coffee maker.

"I saw Trevor at the airport and we talked. He gave me the extra key after scolding me for hardly talking to you." He starts getting quieter at the end.

"Why did you hardly talk to me?" I ask and push start on the coffee maker "and are you hungry?"

"Your mother told me that she talked to you everyday, so I listened to her." He said "and a little bit." He added, answering my question about being hungry.

"She never talked to me after I moved. Except for last night. Why didn't you just talk to me? Why did you have to rely on information from her? Do you know how hard it was for me to move here with little to no money, huge ass student loans, and no support from my family except Kyle?" My voice cracks at the end as I put a bagel in the toaster.

"No I don't, but I tried sending money out here for you. Your mom would always take it to the mail box for me before she left for work. I've also tried calling you but your mom said that you changed your number."

The bagel popped and I took it out of the toaster, trying to think how to reply to him.

I took peanut butter out of the cupboard and cream cheese out of the fridge, mixing a little bit of both into a bowl and spreading it onto the bagel.

"She's a lying bitch." I whispered angrily while giving my dad his food.

The aroma of coffee filled the apartment, I'm hoping it tastes good, I ran out and before Jc drove me home he gave me some of Connors coffee to try. I think it was Common Culture or something like that.

I sit at the table across from my dad, and look out the window watching the cars go by on the side streets. Little kids were running out to bus stops and moms and dads were waving goodbye to their precious children. A smile snuck to my face as I thought about that being me out their with a little family of my own.

"So how's your boyfriend? JJ right?" My dad asks trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"The little shit cheated on me more than once so we broke up." I look at him with a straight face. An emotion is missing from me. Happiness? Joy? Anger? Sadness. I wasn't sad anymore. I was confused, hurt, happy, angry.

My dads jaw clenched. "Are you alright?" He asks softly.

I nod "we were falling apart anyways. Our relationship wasn't healthy anymore. I just don't know why he felt the need to cheat on me instead of talk to me. But I can't talk cause I kissed Jc."

My dads eyes grew wide right as the coffee maker went off signaling it was done. Instead of waiting for him to be angry or disappointed at me I get up and fill two cups of coffee. My dads black, mine with a little bit of milk.

I bring them back to the table and set his in front of him.

He stares at me with a huge ass smile on his face "wow he really had the guts?" He shook his head not believing that Jc would actually kiss me.

"What do you mean?" My face held a slightly confused expression. I wrap my hands around the hot mug smiling at the warmth it sent through my body.

"When Jc got out of jail and his father told him about the company, he came to me asking if he could find you. The boy asked me for permission if he could look for you out here. We talked for hours about what his intentions were with finding you and I told him yes. So he took his fathers company out here." My dad confessed, then took a drink of his coffee.

"Honey you're going to catch flies if you don't close your mouth." I close my mouth and look at my dad like he just told me he murdered someone.

Did Jc really go through all that trouble to find me? I couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were. Wait. Isn't he dating Lia? Lia has kids. Does he have kids with Lia? I can't help but to jump to do many conclusions. Holy shit, a man with a girlfriend and kids cheated. With me. I'm his fucking side Hoe. But I couldn't stop wondering if that for some reason the kids aren't his, and he's not with Lia.

My phone dinged and I looked at it. "Shit" I hissed after reading the message and putting my phone down.

My dad gives me a confused look "I have class today I totally forgot." I look at the analog clock in my kitchen and groan.

I've got like 15 minutes to get there.

"I've gotta go, but feel free to eat anything/use anything. I'll see you in 2 hours." Before he can agree I run into my room and rip Jc's clothes off of my body and throw on a pair of joggers and a baggy shirt.

I leave my hair down and quickly wash my face.

After slipping on my shoes, I grab my camera "bye dad I'll see you later." I place a beanie over my messy hair and run out the door to my car.
I head to the right door and open it. Every ones head turns towards me, including the teacher.

"It's good to see you decided to come to class today." I blushed and quickly got to an empty seat.

"So, today is your presentation day! The project was to take pictures of the one person or thing you love, and to tell us why you love them."

My eyes widened. I don't think I did the project. I'm going to fail this class.

"And, since Mrs.Moore decided to skip the first part of class, she can go first." The teacher told us.

There were snickers heard and people were whispering. I shook my head and grabbed the memory card out of my camera and walked to the front of the large classroom.

I put the card in the laptop and the pictures to show up were of Jc. I remember all of these. Some of them were from years ago, and some were recent.

I connected the Laptop to the projector and the pictures of Jc showed.

"He's cute." Some girl yelled out.

"Yeah? Well he's mine so." I said back. She raised her arms in surrender and I smirked.

"Why do I love him?" I began. "Why did I choose him to be my inspiration? I didn't actually. It came naturally if you could say. He was the only person I ever took pictures of that wasn't for a job or for school. The two of us went through some pretty fucked up shit." My teacher glared at me for cussing but I kept going.

"He stayed with me through everything, though, the ups, downs, even the side ways. Jc, made me smile with out even trying at all, he dealt with my bitchy stages, my whiny stages and my annoying ones. He was someone who gave me a chance but I broke it. Three years and he searched for me. Three years he was living in the oblivious not knowing if I was hurt or okay. He finally found me and showed me what love was in a day then what my ex could do in 1 and a half years. This is the person I loved, love and will love 50 years from now when I'm peeing my self." People chuckled at the last sentence.

Vitaly stood up and started clapping, then followed the girl who called Jc hot, then more groups of kids, and even the teacher who hated me.

My face blushed bright red and I covered my face with my hands. The cheering subsided and the room went absolutely quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

I uncovered my face and everyone was staring at me smiling. "What?" I asked. Vitaly nodded his head to look behind me and I did.

Jc was there, he started clapping his hands as warm tears rolled down his face. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso and he wrapped his around my waist.

"Why are you here?" Is the only thing I could spit out.

"You forgot your keys and I remembered you telling me about your classes and hopped I got the right time." He kissed my head and we pulled away.

"Awe! You guys are the cutest couple ever!" The girl who called Jc hot yelled.

"We ar-" I began but Jc cut me off "thank you!" He cheered and kissed my cheek. He handed me my keys "I have to get to work. Can I pick you up after?"

"Uh, my dads there. I wanna try to catch up ya know?" I say.

Jc nods understandingly "I'll just text you. I love you Sam."

A smile forces it's way to my resting bitch face "I love you too Justin." He kisses my cheek and leaves the class.

I sit back in my seat as the next kid sets up his presentation.

I rest my elbow on my desk and my head in the palm of my hand and start thinking about Jc and how much I love him, and how much he means to me.
Woah 1,699 words full of sap. Lmaooo I hope you like it

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