The Last Immortals

By uriahplumb

198 16 12

This book and everything in it are as original as I could make them. I have taken much inspiration from my ow... More

Heart of a Hero
Just Beyond the Horizon
A New Beginning
A Born Legend
Black Roses

A Whole New World

19 3 0
By uriahplumb

I sat where I was on that gigantic horse as we continued through the country side with only my silence in response. My world was flipped upside down and broken sideways all in one day. The best part of all this was I didn't have much knowledge about magic yet but what he said he had done and the fact that no one even thought about challenging him, but, I had the wrong idea about his true power.
My first idea of him was that he was either really good at telling bullshit or he really was insanely powerful. The fact that all of those warriors obeyed him without question influenced me to believe that he really was that powerful. Then something crossed my mind. This guy I was riding with was massive without a doubt, but, the one I saw come crashing through the ceiling was way bigger. I couldn't help being curious as to what or who it was.
"Freedin was it? Where did the other guy go? " For a moment he looked a bit confused raising a single eyebrow as his deep amethyst eyes were set on me. He smiled after a moment when a few of the others laughed heartily. I was totally lost at this point but Freedin stayed silent. That was when Luka came closer and dropped a bombshell on me. "The other guy you're talking about, was none other then the man you're riding with now. Ma'am you're riding with one of the top four most powerful beings in all of known existence. " With that I was dumbstruck yet again.
Luka went on to tell me that Freedin was actually second only to the divine witch herself. I had heard my own fair share of stories about her. It was said that she is as beautiful as she was powerful. I looked up and realised that Freedin was starring at me. "What? Do I have something on my face? " he just laughed a bit "Don't worry. Mother isn't as scary as all the stories say she is. " Yet again I was completely dumbstruck. The divine witch is this guy's mother. I mean holy shit. I wasn't really sure how to react to it all. I mean, he was like the most elite of the elite of royal nobility and I was just some girl that he'd saved twice now. For some reason though I got a feeling of safety from him. He definitely wasn't going to hurt me and I was certain he wouldn't let anyone else either.
I found myself randomly running my hands over his muscles because let's face it. He was amazingly gorgeous. It was almost like everything about him drew me in and made me want to stay longer. His eyes were intense but so soft. They were filled with pain and wisdom, both rage and clarity at the same time.
"so what am I going to do for clothing? I can't just run around naked can I? " Freedins eyes were once again set on me and I felt my body blush bright pink. He smiled and pulled a gem from his hip pouch and held it against the center of my collar bones then let go as the stone liquefied and slowly spread over my body until it spanned from my shoulders to my toes. Before I knew it I was wearing a pair of skin tight suede pants with a black leather undercut corset with a white satin shirt top complete with a set of knee high ranger boots and Archer gloves and a cloak. I was amazed that he had just used magic so effortlessly.
All of a sudden the horses slowed and everyone stopped moving and dismounted their horses and began to arm themselves. I looked down the path and saw a town on fire crawling with armored figures advancing on us. I watched Freedin get off the horse and saw what looked like fog envelope him for a second then he stood fully armored from head to toe in that same set of armor from the day before. He lifted his right hand about as high as his naval and a blood red summon circle appeared just at his fingertips. He reached in and withdrew a wicked looking claymore that I'm judging was about a six feet long and three feet wide. The sword itself seemed to emit it's own energy as if it was on its own, a living entity.
With one single handed swing of his massive sword the ground split and ruptured like and explosion with the sheer force from his swing. Within seconds the armored figures were gone. As in he totally splattered them into all directions.
Just then Freedin turned back toward us and told them to take me to mother. He said not to stop or rest until we got there. He told them there was something there he had to handle on his own. With that, I was hoisted up into Lukas arms again and was back on the road.
After a minute or two Luka told me to look over his shoulder. He felt like we were being followed. I wished I hadn't looked as soon as I did. "What's behind us?" I honestly didn't know what they were, but, before I could answer Dyne piped up and said they were a pack of razor fists and advised everyone to shift and hightail it.
Luka tossed me high into the air and jumped off his horse shifting into the form of a massive wolf catching me on his back in mid-air. One of the others took to transporting Dyne. I remembered my own power and weapon at that point and willed it back to its sword form just in case the creatures got close enough for me to strike.
Dyne took to a more classic type of magic. He was standing on the back of one of the big wolves letting loose with fireballs, light blades, and ice lances at the persuing beasties. All of a sudden Dyne dropped to a riding stance and I did the same noteing the wolves eyes began glowing blue. I was right to hold on tight because they took off like rockets in the night running at speeds I didn't even know were possible.
The night air was cool on my face as I tried to catch glimpses of my surroundings. We were moving way too fast to really catch anything. The wind whipping around my face started stinging my eyes after a while so I buried my face into Lukas fur which I discovered was surprisingly soft and warm. He didn't smell like a dog at all either, to be honest, he smelled like oak and pine. Both were always pleasant smells to me.
We started slowing down after a while as we came to a cliff edge and they stopped for a moment to catch breath and take note of locations. Far below there was a dock and a large ship anchored in port. It was a grand galleon with huge sails and four gold crests on all three of them.
With that moment of surveillance we were back on our way down to the docks. We made it there in just a couple hours and I met the captain and some of the crew and was shown to our cabins. The inside of the ship was like a manor due to the particular spells put on it. I got to my cabin and took a hot shower and changed into a satin night gown that I found in the closet of the cabin and crawled into the bed. It was soft and warm and made with thick heavy blankets and silk sheets. The bedding smelled like roses and lavender puting me into deep sleep in mere minutes.

Ok guys sorry this chapter was delayed but here it is. It was kind of boring so I'll have to make the next one epic. Love you all and thanks for the reads

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