Tirus Severia (Discontinued)

By SkittlesTheDrifloon

421 118 14

My childhood was a blur. I can't remember much of it, just emotions and colors. Abstract things. My earlie... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

91 11 3
By SkittlesTheDrifloon

My childhood was a blur. I can't remember much of it, just emotions and colors. Abstract things. 

My earliest memory was when I was about nine years old. I remember screams, and tears. All around me my city was burning, up in flames. I wandered in the crumbling city, lost and confused. My family was nowhere to be seen.

Then, the sky set aflame. The fire was green, and the heat was so intense that I couldn't think, couldn't see. My skin blistered, and I crawled away from the flame and into a building. It  was a small house, and most of it was broken down. At least there was shelter from the flame. 

I sat curled up in the corner, crying. What was happening? Where was my family? "Mom... dad... Vera... " I sobbed.

"Tirus?" A voice rasped. "I'm here, Tirus." 

I ran over to a pile of rubble where Vera sat, buried. Her blonde hair was covered in dust and blood. "Vera..." I attempted to remove the rocks that were pinning her down, but they were bigger than I was. "Don't... Tirus, go hide." 

"No, I can't leave you!" 

Vera looked at me sadly. "If you don't go, you'll die. Please, go run! Go hide!"

"No!" Tears streamed down my face. 

Vera's breaths became shallow and forced. She stared into the distance, eyes glazed over. "Tirus..." She said as she gasped one last breath of air, then she stopped. 

"Vera! No, Vera..." I sobbed, and continued to try in vain to remove the stones trapping her. 

A shadow loomed behind me. I turned, and saw a tall, slender lady with jet black hair. Her eyes were on fire, and she smirked at me. "A little child, of all the people, is the last survivor of this city?" 

The last... "Mom? Dad?" I muttered. 

"All dead." The lady said, green fireballs forming in her head. "And soon you will be too." 

Something roared up inside me. An emotion, a rage I could hardly control. "No..."

I rose, and picked up a piece of a broken steel beam from a fallen building. I raised it up, and looked the lady in the eye. "Did you destroy my city?" I asked, my confidence returning. 

The woman grinned. "I did, little girl. What are you going to do?" 

"I'm going to avenge my city." I raised the beam, and charged at her. 

That's the last thing I remember. 

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