
By MJsGirl1987

64.6K 2.7K 3.4K

Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on


688 36 36
By MJsGirl1987

Lisa's POV

"Come on Mia. How long does it take to get ready?" I say impatiently. "I'm almost done. What the big hurry?"

"Nothing. I just wanna get going is all" I shrug innocently. "What's so great about this place anyway?"

"They have thee best clothes and stuff there. Trust me you'll love it" I fake a smile. "Well it better be of your dragging me two towns away so early in the morning.

After a few hours of walking around the stores and keeping my eyes pealed. I smile to myself finally seeing her! It's taken all day of walking around the stores, but I knew I'd see Kathrine here eventually because she comes here every Sunday.

After what happend that day at the mall with Michael, it made me realise that what Mia and Emma have been saying is right and that Michael really does only care about Leanne and she's the reason for all this and for what's happened to me. If it wasn't for Leanne then none of this would have happened and it would be me Michael is with because he may not realise it right now because he's so blindsighted by Leanne and feels responsible for what happened to her, he can't see that it's me he should be with because no other woman will ever be able to make him feel as good as I can and once Leanne is out of the way he'll finally be able see how he really feels.

Thing's may not have gone so well with Michael at the mall, but even though he refuses to listen to me, I know he'll listen to his mother and if I can't get rid of her I know she can and one way or another that bitch is going.

"Can we go now? We've been her all day" Mia sighs rolling her eyes "Why don't we get something to eat and then we'll head back" I fake a smile seeing Kathrine heading towards the Café.

"Fine" she sighs and we make are way to the café.

"So what do you wanna eat?" Mia asks.

"Lisa! What a surprise" Kathrine smiles, walking towards us. "Hey! I didn't expect to see you here!" I fake a smile. "So how've you been?"

"I'm doing good. And yourself? I haven't seen you in so long"

"Umm... it's So so" I shrug casually "I moved away awhile ago. It was getting so hard seeing Michael and..."

"Umm... aren't you going to introduce us?" Mia cuts me off with a slight attitude. "I'm Kathrine. Lisa's ex mother in law" she smiles then turns back to me. "It's such a shame thing's didn't work out between you both. I really thought thing's were going so well" she sighs sympatheticly. "It was. And then unfortunately Leanne came along and... well you know the rest" I shrug. "Lisa" Mia frowns hinting at me to stop talking. "Leanne?" Kathrine frowns confused. "His girlfriend. I saw them together. That's why I left" I sigh "oh, Leanne's not his girlfriend" she chuckles slightly. "He's her carer. Poor girl lost her parents and the agency gave him custody" she sighs "is THAT what he told you?"

"If that's what she said. C'Mon we need to be heading back... nice to meet you" Mia smiles at her through pursed lips and gets up from her seat. "He's lying he..."

"Lisa!" Mia frowns motioning for me to leave with her

"What do you mean?" Katherine asks confused, ignoring Mia. "I mean, when I say I 'saw them together' I mean I caught them having sex"

"That's ridiculous! Leanne's a teenager" she frowns shaking her head. "Of course it's ridiculous. Lisa quit trying to cause drama" Mia says taking my arm. "It's true! If you don't believe me then ask him yourself" I say as Mia takes my arm, pulling me from my seat. "I don't need to ask him because what your saying is ridiculous! Michael wouldn't do something like that" she snaps as Mia is pulling me towards the door. "ask him! Look him in the eyes and ask him! And you'll see for yourself! And ask his how he met..."

Before I can finish Mia drags me out of the door cutting me off before I can finish speaking. "You knew she was gonna be here didn't you!" She frowns as we're heading towards the exit. "How many fucking times do you need reminding? STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM!"

"Why should I!? That bitch destroyed my life. Why shouldn't I do the same to her, huh? I'm where I am because of her and..."

"Your where you are because of yourself! And if you EVER pull a stunt like that again, it'll be the last thing you ever do!"

Kathrine's POV

I was really surprised when I saw Lisa at the mall. At first it was slightly pleasent to see her after all this time, but when she started making those disgusting accusations about Michael really shocked me.

I'm actually on my way over to see Michael today, but I'm not sure if I should mention about what Lisa said to me or even seeing her. She obviously is lying because there's no way that Michael would do anything with a 16 year old girl, especially a girl that's in his care.

As I'm on my way over to Michael's house and as much as I'm trying to put what Lisa said to the back of my mind, the more I seem to be thinking about it and actually begin to question what she said. Like why she would randomly say something like that? And how she even knew about Leanne in the first place.

Michael's POV

"Leanne not here today?" Janet asks standing in the kitchen with me. "No she went out with some friends for the day"

"Girl friend's?" She asks in a slightly suspicious way. "Two of them are and I think that kid David went to. Why?"

"Just wondered" she shrugs smirking slightly. "Why?" I ask again slightly irritated by her tone. "I've just noticed her and David seem to be pretty close these days is all"

"Their just friends"

"Really?" She raises an eyebrow "why? has she said something to you?" I frown. "No. I'm just saying maybe there's a little more that 'friendship' going on"

"Well there's not. She doesn't have a boyfriend" I shake my head "what's the matter with you? Leanne IS 16 you know. Maybe you should have a talk about the birds and the bees" she giggles slightly. "What's that got to do with anything? And we don't need to talk about that stuff. What exactly has Leanne said? That her and David... you know?" I ask trying not to seem pissed. "If she has she hasn't told me. I was just making an observation is all"

"Well don't" I frown. "If there was something going on she'd say"

"Don't you remember when you was 16? The times gonna come eventually" she smirks slightly. "Time for what?" I frown confused. "When.. you know?... she wants the D"

"WELL SHE CAN'T HAVE IT!" I snap. "Lighten up. I'm just messing with you" she chuckles "that's not funny" I mutter under my breath "aww... look at you getting all protective" she chuckles. "Seriously though, how's she doing?" She asks changing the topic. "She's fine" I shrug, still pissed at her comments.

"Is she still having trouble with that girl?"

"Not since that fight. The girls kinda backed off"

"I wish I could have been here to see that" she giggles. I'm about to speak when there's a knock at the door.

Kathrine's POV

"Hey!" Michael smiles giving me a hug as I walk inside. "Hi" Janet smiles coming out of the kitchen with her phone in her hand and gives me a hug. "Sorry I'm gonna have to go" she says quickly leaving while dialling a number "What was that about?" I turn to Michael confused "no idea" he shrugs. 

"So how's things? I haven't seen you in a few days" he says sitting on the sofa opposite me. "Things are fine. I did a little shopping today"

"Buy anythig nice?" He asks and I go silent for a momen, unsure whether or not to say anything.

"Is everything ok?" I looks at me concerned. "Is Leanne home?"

"No she went out with some friends. Why? Is something wrong?" He asks looking a little nervous and I take a deep breath and decide to just come right out with it and tell him about Lisa.

"And you believe her!?" He frowns "no. I just.. I just don't understand why she would just randomly say something like that and how she even knew about her. Because Lisa wasn't around when Leanne came to live with you"

"Because she's a manipulated bitch and she did know about Leanne. She came to the event remember?"

"Of course she did" I sigh remembering. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have asked" I sigh feeling awful for even asking him.

Michael's POV

It's getting late and Leanne still hasn't come home yet. I've tried calling her, but she isn't picking up.

I'm sitting on the sofa thinking about what's happened today. I'm really pissed about Lisa saying that stuff to my mother, but luckily my mother believed me, but I'm more pissed about what Janet said. I know she said she was joking, but it really bothered me and I can't help but wonder if maybe there is something going on between Leanne and David. We said we'd wait for each other untill she was 18, but it's still possible she could have changed her mind and I wouldn't blame her if she did. I'm part of the reason she suffered for so long at that place and I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to be with me.

I put on a movie trying to shake those thoughts from my mind and I hear I car pulling up. I go to the window and see Leanne in a car with David. She doesn't get out straight away and sits talking to him and suddenly anger rushes through me when I see the two of them smiling and laughing together and I head outside.

"What's going on!?" I snap opening the car door. "Nothing. We were just talk..."

I take Leanne's hand cutting her off and once she's out of the car, I slam the door shut and walk inside with her.

"Michael! What the fuck!?" Leanne snaps once we're in the house. "I thought you were going out with your friends today? And how come you wouldn't answer my calls?"

"I did and my phone's in my bag. I must not of heard it. Why are you so mad at me?" she frowns confused. "Then how come I only saw you and that guy?"

"Because David already dropped the others off home and.."

"What were you doing with him?" I cut her off. "Nothing! We were just talking. Why are you being like this?" She asks getting pissed and confused. "If you wanna be with David, that's fine and I wouldn't blame you if you did, but you don't have to rub it in my face like that!"

"What!? David's my friend and that's it and even if he wasn't, do you really think I'd bring him here and rub it in your face!?" She snaps "Why would you even think that?" She asks looking upset and I sigh heavily. "It's just something Janet said about you two being close and... I wouldn't blame you if you if you wanted to be with him and not me" I mumble that last part. "Well I don't"

"I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have acted that way" I sigh sitting on the couch "no you shouldn't. You should have trusted me" she says softly coming over and sits beside me. "Michael, I already told you... there's only one person I wanna be with" she says softly moving closer to me and presses her lips softly against mine.

"Don't" I whisper onto her lips. "I thought you wanted to be with me too" she says moving away slightly, but still close to my lips. "I do... more than anything" I tell her honestly "then what's the problem?" She says and kisses me softly once again and I kiss her back slightly deeper then stop. "We can't do this... not yet" I say shakily onto her lips "It's not illegal to kiss" she whispers onto my lips and I don't say anything for a moment.

"That's true" I whisper then press my lips softly against her's and our kiss quickly deepens as I lead us both down on the sofa, positioning myself on top of her and we continue making out.

Kathrine's POV

I felt awful leaving Michael's house after what I'd said about Lisa and I could tell by the look on his face that he was upset that I had even felt i'd have to ask such a ridiculous question.

I don't normally keep things from Joseph, but I haven't told him about any of what happened today because I don't feel there's a need to. Clearly Lisa was lying and was just trying to cause trouble.

It's getting late and I've been looking for my phone for what feels like forever and Joesph comes downstairs. "Are you still looking? You sure somebody didn't take it while you were out shopping?"

"Of course not. I would have noticed of someone stole my phone"

"Not necessarily. It happens all the time. It only takes you to turn around for a second and..."

"But I've had it since then. You called me earlier remember? When I was... of course!" I roll my eyes remembering and he looks at me confused. "The last time I had it was when I was at Michael's house. I must have left it there" I say getting my coat. "You can't go over there now. It's getting late. Just get in the morning"

"It'll only take a minute to drive over" I shrug making my way to the front door.

Since the roads are pretty much empty, It only takes me about 5 minutes to get to Michael's and when I get there I see the lights are still on which means he's still awake.

I knock on the door and stand waiting, then knock again when nobody answers. Assuming he's just watching TV or something and hasn't heard me knocking, I go round the side of the house and I'm about to knock on the living room window, but stop suddenly and stand shocked seeing Leanne and Michael asleep on the sofa and Michael is lay with her in his arms and pretty much has his body wrapped around her.

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