pictures of you ― sebastian s...

By rogertayIors

644K 12K 3K

❛ i've been looking so long at these pictures of you that i almost believe that they're real ❜ [ social med... More

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10.8K 229 99
By rogertayIors

Ever since Karsyn's post on the upcoming movie the Internet had been going wild for Bailey Alvarez. So Marvel had agreed to set up a special interview between some of the marvel cast and a reporter for some magazine.

"Hey," The sound of the door opening made all the actors look up, all of them coming to look at the leggy blonde reporter who had just walked into the room. She smiled and hugged her clipboard to her chest, taking a seat at the table where the actors were placed. "I'm Holly Miller. I'm with Status Magazine."

"So you're the reporter?" Sebastian grinned, his elbows resting on the wooden desk top beside Karsyn. "I wasn't expecting some so..."

"Young?" Holly tried.

"Beautiful, actually." Seb shrugged like he wasn't hopelessly flirting. Karsyn rolled her eyes as Chris whacked Sebastian's shoulder, laughing under his breath.

Holly laughed, "Well I thank you for trying to flirt with me, Sebastian, I'm here to do my job." The blonde placed down her clipboard and phone, sliding to unlock the touchscreen. "I hope you all don't mind if I record the interview so I can make notes later?"

"It's fine." Anthony assured her, "All apart of the business."

Holly looked at her notes which, from where Karsyn was sitting, looked like a list of questions. "I suppose I'll start by asking what you can tell us about the upcoming film?"

"Well there's not much, I'm afraid." Chris laughed. "All we can say is that the Avengers are facing their biggest threat yet, and the fans are going to be on the edge of their seats by the time the credits are rolling."

"What about the new Marvel hero, Bailey Alvarez?"

"She's only in the movie for a short cameo." Karsyn told her, "But I can say that Bailey is a very strong woman. I don't want to give anything away but she is a very complex character with an interesting past. And I think that the fans might be pleasantly surprised by her future in the MCU."

Holly smiled, "So I guess it's fair to assume that we'll be seeing more of Bailey Alvarez in the future?"

"Definitely." Sebastian nodded. "Bailey is really a key figure in the evolution of Marvel from comics to the big screen and I know that everyone on the cast is as excited to have her on with us as the fans will be to see her in the film."

"You guys are particularly known for your connections with your fans. Do you have any upcoming events to get them on side with Bailey?"

"We have a tour happening in about four months time." Chris said, "We'll be premiering the movie in a few different states and attending meet and greets as well as signings in between interviews. I know that the next years comic con is going to be hectic for us all as well."

Anthony nodded I agreement, "Our fans are really important to us and the way they've supported us just blows us all away. We're looking to do some extra greets and whatnot over the next six months in the lead up to the release."

"How has meeting the fans helped you all connect with your characters?" Holly asked, making a quick note on the side of her page.

"The fans are everything." Karsyn quickly said. "Meeting them on the street and over the Internet has really helped me understand what they need from a female lead and I hope that they see how I channeled that into Bailey. Her personality is an honest reflection of how real people act in real situations and I think that people will really be able to relate to her development throughout films in the future."

"For me Bucky has really allowed me to explore myself and the fans really helped with that." Sebastian said, "The way that they connect with him really inspired the way I portray him and I think there's a little bit of him that everyone sees in themselves - that desire to improve yourself and become better than your past."

"Alright final question." Holly tapped her fingers against the desk. "How do you think that this movie has affected your personal lives, between relationships and developing friendships?" Holly looked up at Karsyn.

Karsyn sat there, slightly shocked by the sudden personal interest. The question had been directed at her, she knew. Holly was trying to bait her into talking about her past relationships.

"We've all grown closer as friends and coworkers." Anthony finally relieved the suspended silence, "After living and working together so long it's hard not to feel like family."

"These guys have become my best friends that's for sure." Chris agreed quickly, "As annoying as they are they're all I see from morning to night. We don't really have time to form other relationships." Karsyn leaned back in her chair, relieved that the guys had taken the spotlight away from her.

"So now new love interests?" Holly acknowledged.

Sebastian smiled, "Why? Are you looking for one?"

Holly smiled and turned off the record on her phone. "Would you like that, Sebastian?"

"I think- Crap!" Sebastian swore as Anthony's boot kicked him roughly in the back of the leg.

"Sorry." Anthony said sarcastically, "I didn't see you there."


dun, dun, duuuun
ladies and gentlemen i give to you holly miller - the love interest.

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