Am I Strong Now? (Creek Story)

By Rally_With_Me13

54.2K 2.5K 1.5K

"Tweek, let me put it this way," Craig started, turning towards me. I became nervous of what he would say. Wa... More

My Hero
Quick Author's Note
Kisses Can Heal
I am...Weak?
Nighttime Thoughts
Coffee Deprived
Possible Mistakes
Just Like You
From Bliss To Tears...
*A/N* Please Read
A Worried "Friend"
So That's Where It Started...
Fuck Off Cartman
Why Do I Even Bother?
Why Did I Do That...
I Promise Protection
3am Nightmares and 6am Suprises
A Plan
Don't Cry
Escaping Your Problems
"I'm done."
He Said It
The Hospital


1K 40 3
By Rally_With_Me13


         Thank you all so very extremely frickin much for commenting your votes for the ending!! Sometimes I have five bigillion ideas at once and I get so frustrated that my motivation for writing flushes down the toilet so THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know exactly what to do now!

            Since I am a mean person, I am not going to tell you which ending is coming. I want it to be a suprise!! And thanks a loads to callmekennyyy for suggesting to write both endings, which I will do! But the official ending is frost, the alternate will be at the end.

         I will tell you that the ending you did choose is longer than the other so this is going to be so much fun!

          Also Thank you all so much for so many views, comments, and votes! I am not used to so many people liking my stuff, I am not used to a lot of notifications either.

          I even came to school  and when I checked them there were like 22 and I was like "WHAT THE HELL, WHY ARE THERE SI MANY???" And my friend looked at it and was like "Dude that's awesome!" I was still flipping like "NO, IM USED TO LIKE 5 NOT FUCKIN 20 MAN!" XD

        SO! I will be updating so hopefully soon, sorry it's been like 3 weeks since. I started school and it sucks serious ass. They are mean with giving us homework, i mean I haven't gotten a good night sleep since August. So I will try super hard to finish the next chapter and update a.s.a.p.!!

         THANK YOU AGAIN!!

         (Dylyn Out!)

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