Sink or Swim

By InThisDeathPunch

792 20 5


Sink or Swim
What's The Point Of Living Life If It Just Contradicts
What If The Devil Was Alive?
Bios (SKIP ME)
I Just Wanna Kiss Your Lips, The Ones Between Your Hips.
Hi, My Name Is Ronnie, and I'm An Addict
How Does It Feel?
I Wrote This Song To Make You Smile

Feet, Don't Fail Me Now

19 2 0
By InThisDeathPunch

"What the hell was that?" Melica came storming into my room just as soon as I walked in. 

"What do you think, dip shit." I just went on cleaning my room as she babbled away.

"How long were you guys even here. did you guys do anything that you shouldn't have? I should probably tell mom." She went on and on.

"We didn't do anything, and if you tell Cassidy that Derek was here, you're dead. I'm fucking serious. Got it?" I guess the tone of my voice terrified her just a bit, but she shook her head yes and walked out the door. Wimp.

I texted Hazel

You owe me my band tee and a hairband, you bitch xD

Meh. You'll get it back on Monday.

Why not tomorrow? I'm lonely tomorrow

I got me some plans tomorrow

Oooh la la. What be your plans?

Movies with Ron

ooooohhhh!! Someone has a crush!

shut up, you ass hat

Well I'll let you go fantasize about tomorrow. Cya. Night

Shut up. Ni Ni

I threw on some shorts and a random tank top that I happend to find. My skirt smelt like Derek's room, and strangly, I liked it. I like the smell of him, the way he lingers on my clothes.

I had sweet dreams of how the evening went with the boys. I could really get use to having them around.

I woke up around 10 on Saturday. I crawled into my bathroom, per usual. I fixed my hair and did my make up. I laid in the living room and turned my Xbox on, debating whether to play Mine craft or Black Ops 2. Ghosts turned out to be crappy, so I gave it to Cody for his birthday. Cassidy must've been still sleeping, so I turned the volume on the television all the way up and played Black Ops. Melica came skipping by singing. I couldn't hear was she was saying until she got closer.

"Alex has a boyfriend, Alex has a boyfriend," she said over and over again. I tripped her as she came by.

"Shut up," I said. She got pissed.

"Mom!" Melica screamed from the living room. "Mom, she tripped me and called me a bitch!"

"If the shoe fits," I retorted from the couch. She huffed and rolled her eyes. I was on a kill streak when there was knocking at the door. "Answer that," I said as Melica went pouting by. She opened the door a crack and kept going to her room. Hazel crept through the door. "Where's all the glitter and gleam? Aren't you going on a date with Ron?"

"Can I borrow one of your casual dresses?" Soda about came out of my nose when she said that. I rolled over on the couch dying.

"Hazel.. In a dress...?" That was all I could manage to get out in the hysterical laughter. "What's even funnier is the fact you think I have casual dresses. You're gonna have to hit up my sister on that one. You guys probably wear the same size. Hazel gritted her teeth. Melica and Hazel don't get along real well, especially since Hazel bruised Melica's face at lunch the other day. Putting aside all the hate, Hazel started towards Melica's room. I had to follow, so I put down the controller and followed. Hazel knocked on her door.

"What do you want?" Melica said, flipping her hair, giving Hazel a disgusted look.

"Can I borrow a dress?" Hazel said in a monotone voice. Melica started cracking up.

"You want to wear a dress?" She said laughing. I started rolling on the floor because even Melica found it funny.

"Yes, now, may I borrow one?" Hazel said, her face turning bright pink. She threw the band tee she borrowed last night into my room.

"For the sheer fact that I would like to see this, go ahead." Melica opened her door the rest of the way, displaying her spotless, pink room. She opened her closet. "Casual or fancy?"

"Causal," Hazel said behind Melica. I sat on the side of Melica's newly made bed. Her room smells like a mixture of perfume, febreeze, and nail polish. She pulled out a portion of her closet and laid it in the bed.

She looked up at Hazel's features. She couldn't give Hazel a white dress because she would look almost albino with her pale skin and almost white hair, so she pulled out all the white dresses and hung them back up. She pulled out all the black ones too because that's all Hazel really wears. She still had the yellows, purples, blues, and greens.

Hazel tried on most of the purples. They didn't really stick out, so she moved on to the yellows. None of those worked either. Just when she was about to give up, she found a pretty tropical blue one that looked really good on her. "I love it," I said. Hazel smiled.

"I'm kind of jealous. I hate you and everything, but you're really pretty," Melina said, going over to her jewelry box.

"Thanks.. I think," Hazel said, stiffing a laugh. Melina brought over a small, pearl necklace put it on her. Melina gave her lace wedges to walk in. "I'm sorry I punched you. You started it," Hazel said to Melica. I laughed because that wasn't much of an apology, but she was right. Melica did start it. "I suppose I should get home to do my hair and make up."

"Nope. I got this portion," I said, taking her hand and dragging her into our God-awful bathroom. Melica followed us.

"Nothing too fancy, please. I don't want to make it look like I tried," Hazel said. She sat down on the back of the toilet and I did her hair. I pulled the crown back and teased it. Then, I pulled the rest of the hair into a high pony tail and curled the ends.

She hopped up on to the side of the sink and I did her make up. I used my cover up on her face and a light blue shadow to cove the lid. She picked a light pink lipstick shade. Also, I put on a thin line end eye liner and lightly brushed her lashes with mascara.

"Your gorgeous," I said smiling. I fixed the front, which was parted to the left and made to look slightly like fake bangs.

"Thank you guys," Hazel said smiling. "I have an hour to kill before he picks me up." I looked down at my phone to check the time. Derek texted.

Wanna see a movie in an hour or two? I figured we'd go stalk and possibly cock block Ron and Hazel

Seems fun. I'll see you soon.

I touched up my hair and make up to look a bit fancier. "I have shit I've got to do. Don't wanna be late for that date." I winked at my ridiculous rhyme. Hazel said her goodbyes and left.

I threw on my tight, black and lace skirt and a light green tank top. I had a green, button-down too over top of it. I slipped on my black wedges and finished up my lipstick when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and Derek took my hand. He led me outside and I closed the front door behind me. He pushed me against the car and kissed me.

"Well, hello there," I said, a little shocked.

"Hi," he looked down at me a smile. His smile made my heart melt. "You look lovely. I might have to steal that skirt sometime. It looks comfort enough to wear to a party," he said recalling our conversation at the pizza joint. I laughed. I don't think we'll ever move past his obsession with wearing skirts.

He opened my car door, and I slid inside and buckled my seat belt. He got into the car and Dead! by My Chemical Romance was playing.

"You listen to MCR?" I asked.

"Do you think I listen to Falling in Reverse all the time?" he said, looking over laughing. "I met Gerade and Frankie once. I think I fangirled harder than Hazel did when she sat next to Ryan," Derek said.

"Oh my god! I wanted to meet them so bad, but they broke up the year I was going to warped!" I said, with jealousy.

"Would you say that it's on your bucket list?" Derek asked.

"Most definitely!" I practically screamed.

"Alright then," Derek said, smiling. "Ron reserved a whole theater for Hazel and himself, so we'll have to quietly sneak in."

"Oh jeez," I said. This was going to be fun.

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