Coincidentally, You

By Ethmvz

6.7K 491 212

Laura's Pov: Why is it when you want to avoid someone or something it just...appears no matter where you go... More

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Lasagna is basically meat flavored cake. Think about it.

637 52 19
By Ethmvz

Laura's Pov

When given a good opportunity, one usually contemplates the pros and cons before diving into it.

When given a great opportunity that you just can't refuse, you take that shit faster then Usain Bolt and just run away with it.

Of course if Usain Bolt also got the opportunity and it was first come first serve, we all know who would snatch that up.

Anyway, I have been offered a great opportunity myself. It's a small cameo in a movie.

I know what you're thinking. "Why would that be a great opportunity, it's barely an opportunity in the first place."

Well let's just say Jennifer Lawrence is the lead role and I have wanted to meet her since I first laid eyes on her in Silver Lining's Playbook.

With that being said, sometimes you need to read over the small print on that little ticket your opportunity came on. Because what you might find could possibly make that great opportunity into a measly moment that wasn't worth it in the end.

If I would've read that fine print I wouldn't be in this janitors closet hiding.

From whom you may ask. I think you already know so I'm not even going to waste brain cells by thinking his name.

When I walked in it was all daisies and clear skies until I spotted an unmistakable head of blonde hair.

I could be over reacting though. Considering I didn't exactly see his face.

Rather safe then sorry.

It's been 4 days since our last encounter and I was hoping it would stay known as our last and only encounter.

I should've fucking read the list of cameos. Now I'm stuck in a closet that smells oddly similar to lasagna.

You know, lasagna is basically meat flavored cake. Think about it.

I don't want to hear any bullshit on how it's technically a "casserole". You can kiss my ass(erole), while I eat my meat,cheese and noodle cake.

Aw man! Now I want lasagna. Maybe there's some in here somewhere.

"I'll get it." I instantly freeze as I hear footsteps come closer and soon I can see a shadow under the door.

Well shit. How will I explain to whoever is out there that I'm hiding from my ex. And from all I know the guy might not even actually be him.

Remember how I talked about that list of "Dumb things that could've been Avoided"? Well, this is one of them.

The door knob jiggles and soon the dark, lasagna smelling, closet is filled with light.

My eyes are met with hazel ones that I know all too well.

I guess I wasn't wrong. It is him. Great.

"Laura? What are you doing here? No wait, better yet, why are you in the janitors closet." He looks shocked, confused, and slightly amused.

I shrug and move past him so I'm not pushed against the wall and turn to face him.

I've already been spotted, so I might as well do what I came here to do.

Meet Jennifer Lawrence and get paid. Then afterwards I can go get some meat cake from that really good Italian restaurant down the street from my house.

"I was just looking around the set a bit and got locked in there." My lie is kind of choppy, but believable. I hope.

His infamous smirk replaces the small frown that was once on his face.

"The door was unlocked, Laur." Fuck! Guess he's smarter then he looks.

And did he call me Laur? Who does he think he is. Only friends, family, and loved ones can call me that and he's none of the above.

"Hm, I didn't know that. And don't call me Laur." I turn to walk away but his words stop me.

"I used to always call you Laur. You didn't have a problem with it then, why is it such a big deal now?" The nerve of this imbecile. I ball my fist and take two steps forward so that I'm right in front of him.

"Lynch, we aren't friends, we aren't aquatinted, we are just two people who used to know each other. That's all, it's all in the past and I'd rather not go digging it up. You wanted to pursue your dream, and in order to do that you said you had to let me go because you said and I quote "I don't want you getting in the way if my success, if anything you'll ruin my chances." I let you leave , but on the one condition that we would cut everything. Including nicknames. That's all I asked for when you broke my heart in the most embarrassing way possible. I'm over us, and you should be too. So fuck off you wanker." I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

Hold up is that what I think it is on the food table? By golly it is!

I've spotted the lasagna! Oh yea, he's still holding my wrist.

"Laura, I-i didn't mean to hurt you. I loved you more than anything. I just knew that if we stayed together the hardships of fame would corrupt our love. So I let you go. That was the biggest mistake of --"

I cut him off with a yawn.

"Yea, okay Ross I understand. I'm really bored and over it so I'm gonna go get some of that lasagna over there and wait for my cue. Nice chat though, lets not do that again. Chao."

I walk away with a smirk but on the inside I can't help but feel guilty for treating him the way I do. I turn around to apologize, but he's gone.

Why does fate keep bringing us together? Wait, fate? What the fuck Laura? Get it together. You guys aren't meant to be. It was just another coincidence.

You'll be fine. Maybe if I keep telling myself that, it'll come true.

Enough with the sappy shit, in less than 5 minutes I'll be eating meat cake with Jennifer Lawrence. And that's an opportunity I never want to miss.

Dreams do come true. But then again, so do nightmares.

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