Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

9.1K 1.7K 95

Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 17:

162 31 0
By thebadgirl05

       I stared wide eyed at the creature who was diving down after me, intending to bury his claws into my flesh and kill me. Those black tears have finally stopped streaming down his beautiful ivory skin.

       For a moment there, I thought that I saw life and pain in those soulless and empty eyes, but when I looked again, it was plain white and nothing else.

         Whose voice was it that I heard? The wind whistled through my ears as my body did nothing to go against the deathly fall and I stared at the demon.

        Was he even really a demon?

         "I'm in pain... Please... S-save me.------"
        The creature shrieked loudly, his hands holding his head as the soulless eyes blankly stared at me, the black tears making me wonder all the more. Now, I was sure that the voice came from him.

          "Save you?! How?!" I shouted back, feeling stupid at what I was doing.

         I heard nothing from him as I continued to fall from the sky. Shiznits, I have not enough strength left-----

         "Why do I trouble myself with humans?" I heard a voice say as powerful arms made me wrap my arms around his neck. It was no other than Leirum. Last time I checked, I was invisible, how did this guy find me?

          "Kyaaahhhh! Oh my God! I'm flying!" I heard another familiar scream, full of energy and excitement, shouting as we evaded the demon and flew upward into the clouds.

      "Sister?" I blurted out. True enough, I saw her in the first rankers arms and happily waving her arms around excitedly which kind off annoyed the first ranker.

      "I think I'd prefer it if you were just screaming your lungs out in panic rather than acting like a kid right now." Leirum said with a blank tone as Muriel momentarily stopped to search for my voice and ignore the first-ranker's comment.

        "Kevin?! Are you alright?!" She asked, her eyebrows raised as her eyes scanned around, trying to look for me. Oh, yeah, I was still invisible.

       "I'm fine Muriel. I'm actually on Leirum's back but you can't see me since I'm under a spell which made me invisible." I informed and she nodded in understanding as she tried to look straight at me but ended staring at nothing.

         "I'm glad you're okay. What happened? We just felt a strong and powerful power a minute ago and came here when we thought of you. Wher-----" she stopped talking and gave a yelp as Leirum ducked and zoomed backwards suddenly.

          "Save me... Please... Destroy me."

      My eyes widened as I stared at the demon in front of us. The black parts of it's wings and hair spreading slowly as it floated in mid-air.

       "Prince... Janus." Leirum blurted out and I was in for a shock.

        I stared at the demon in front of us. My eyes glued to the soulless empty eyes. Every now and then, I could see pain and agony in them. It's hair was golden, the same color of Kevin's eyes but his hair was streaked with black.

       A sinister powerful dangerous aura was coming from him as we flew face to face with it, it's eyes, blankly staring at us.

       "Prince Janus." Leirum stated in a low tone and my eyes widened. This was the brother of who we were looking for? A royalty?! How did this happen?

       "Please kill me. Please---" there it goes again, that voice I heard from him even though he wasn't moving his lips at all to talk.

         "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" The so called Prince suddenly gave off a pained shriek as we watched it hold it's head like someone having a migraine.

         "Muriel, Kevin. Hold on tight." Leirum cautioned us with an icy cold tone. Without a warning, he ricocheted upwards like a rocket ship but that didn't stop me from looking down at the demon pursuing after us, forgetting all the excitement about flying.

         My eyes were glued at the empty lifeless eyes, the horn protruding from it's head, the beautiful golden hair and those pure white wings being eaten away by darkness.

        His silent pleads for us to save him by killing him were being repeated little by little, as if the sanity left for him was slowly dying away with his will. Darkness was slowly taking over him.

        "Kill me while I'm still sane. Leirum, I beg of you." It hissed in agony as we flew up towards the dark storm clouds above.

        "We need to kill him." Leirum said, despite what his eyes said otherwise. "B-But!" Kevin tried to protest as he looked down at the creature, screeching and flying fast towards us.

       "Can't you hear his voice?" Kevin asked while looking down at the demon hot on our tails which Leirum insisted on as a prince of Idris, a continent in Azeroth.

        "I can, that's why I'm telling you that we need to do what we must. He knows that he can't be saved. The darkness has already spread through his body and is slowly eating away his soul. The least we can do now is set his soul free and end his physical torment." Leirum said in a grave tone and raised a hand to the sky, which left him holding me only by the waist as I made no effort to hold on to him.

        "I'll finish him off, you don't need to see it. Just close your eyes." Leirum commanded but it wasn't like we could just obey him like that at all.

          I covered mouth with my hand and cut off a sob when bright deadly lightning bolts descended from the sky and squarely hit Prince Janus' frame, stopping him from his pursuit of us as he screamed in agony.

        As the seconds passed by slowly and painfully, his tormented screams were becoming more and more painful to the ear that I couldn't bear hearing anymore.

          "No. Leirum! Stop!" I choked out as I watched in terror, watching the prince scream loudly in pain as lightning struck him.

         "Leirum! Stop! Please!" I suddenly screamed as I turned to look at him, his sapphire blue eyes with the golden specks seeming to be stars in a deep dimension.

       His eyes were a little brighter, like you were looking closely at the universe, the golden specks like twinkling eyes.

         "Don't kill him!" I screamed at him as I tried to reach for his arm that crackled with the same lighting but I withdrew my arm when it burned and hurt me. My eyes widened, his lightning wasn't like Lydia's, his were more charged and of another different level.

       I stared at him as the fallen prince's screams rang in my ear along with Leirum's firm and serious tone.

       "I need to do this. If I won't, I'll forever regret letting him turn to a demon which he would've probably never forgive for." He said, his eyes grave and I stared into those eyes that were cold but held sadness in them for the first time, his eyes making it clear to me that he didn't want to do it but was left no choice.

        "I-I don't want him to die. If anything, your voice sounded like they were pleading me to tell you that this is all a dream." I slowly declared as I stared at his blue orbs that flickered momentarily. Without a warning, I pushed myself away from him and removed his arm around me as I dove down, towards the Prince whose screams were dying down.

        "Muriel!" My brother and the first ranker shouted my name but I gave no notice as I grew closer to the prince. My hands reaching out to the prince who was being tormented. One more second and those deadly lightning bolts will kill me.

         Before they touched me though, Leirum seemed to have deactivated them as I grabbed for the prince's hand and we both plummeted downwards.

         I gasped out almost immediately with the chilling coldness of his hands against my skin but refused to let go as we both throttled downwards.

       I don't know what stupid thought came in my mind for doing such a stupid thing but it was too late to turn back now. Besides, there was no way I was letting a person in front of me die without me trying every possible way to save him.

       "Prince Janus!" I shouted, hoping against hope for him to answer back but his lifeless eyes only stared blankly up at the sky and my eyes widened when clear tears came out of his eyes and flowed down his beautiful face as his other hand seemed to reach for the sky.

        "N-Narsus. God. P-please forgive me." He muttered---more like cried as a pang of pity pierced my chest along with pain at the sight of his crying state.

        His eyes flickered to wonderful golden orbs for a moment before they turned white once again and I reached for his hand and tightly held it as his face turned to look at me, the clean tear drops sparkling in the fiery red setting sun.

      Everything felt so nostalgic to me. Anger and pain rising in me as I held his hands firmly and stared at his eyes with a glare..

        "You aren't turning into a demon you hear me? You'll fight along with me, I won't allow it." I firmly said with a hoarse voice as he stared back into my eyes, those white soulless eyes mirroring no emotions at all.

        I looked up when suddenly, a black sphere enveloped us and we were covered in a blanket of darkness.

           "Muriel!" I screamed in horror as Leirum and I watched my big sister and the prince being covered by a black sphere that crashed into a meadow a few miles away from the city.

         Leirum flew faster than before towards the sphere of black and landed greatfully near it as I jumped from his back and raced towards the black sphere, about to pound on it when a shockwave pushed me back with such force that I literally flew.

          I was about to hit solid hard ground if it were not for Leirum who controlled the wind to set me down gently.

        "Muriel and Prince Janus won't be able to hear you, Kevin. That's a black sphere that somehow trapped them in a dimension." Leirum told me as I felt frustration rise in me.

       "Give me back my sister!" I screamed in rage and summoned the last of my energy to combine all of my elements and blasted it at the sphere but the sphere merely repelled my attack and didn't break.

         My knees buckled under me as the exhaustion of today's events took it's toll on me and I slumped down on the grass, the last light of day disappearing and leaving us in a completely dark surrounding that we couldn't see our surroundings anymore.

          "Don't move Kevin." Leirum ordered me and I couldn't even feel my voice to argue as flames flew in mid air around the sphere and illuminated our surroundings, giving us light.

         Against my will, my body gave in, my energy drained as my eyes drooped dangerously. Threatening to rob me off my consciousness. 


         "Just where are those three?" Harumi worriedly asked as she paced the floor and kept walking in circles in front of us that was starting to make us dizzy already. We were here at the living room. Waiting for Leirum, Kevin and Muriel haven't returned yet.

         We shouldn't be worrying right now if it weren't for the sinister and dangerously powerful aura that we had sensed earlier. The sun had already set outside and the darkness had already scattered.

        Unless Leirum summons us, we can't go out on our own for his commands were absolute. But seriously, we were really worried at the moment adding the fact that at the same minute and second that the sinister aura suddenly vanished, so did Muriel's. That alone was setting us on edge.

        Harumi made another circle as the others silently waited while lost in deep thought and anxiety.

       "Stop walking around in circles Harumi, you're making me dizzy." I said with a frown and she turned to look at me.

        "I can't help it Mikael! I'm worried! That aura was no joke!" She blurted out in frustration but nonetheless slumped down on the seat next to Cyan.

         Cyan sat with Rex and they were awfully quiet. I don't know how but I had a hunch that they know something of what was happening regarding the few glances that they exchanged with each other earlier. It was nearly 6:10 pm in Earth time and the others were growing restless by the minute.

         We suddenly stopped when someone tapped into our minds and we felt it coming from the first ranker as we allowed him into our minds for a telepathic conversation for the second time this day.

         "Where are you? Where's Muriel and Kevin?" Came Harumi's worried voice as we listened.

         "Something happened and I'm in no mood to explain, just hurry and come here." Leirum's voice, unusually bore an emotion for the moment besides irritation and coldness this time as Rex's face turned solemn which only made my palms sweat in anxiety.

         He suddenly passed us an image with his mind, it was deep within the woods, at a meadow to be exact and that was all that I and Jack needed as Leirum cut off the connection.

         As soon as that happened, Cyan and Rex disappeared, leaving us behind much to our irritation but nonetheless, we all held hands and followed after them as I guided the others into nothing but air and our feet leaving the ground.

        A few moments later and we landed on hard ground as we looked around and broke the circle. First thing that I noticed was the beautiful flames suspended in mid-air illuminating the area we stood in and casting off ghostly shadows among the trees.

       "Kevin!" Harumi and Antoinette hurriedly ran towards a figure lying down on the ground, appearing to be the unconscious twelfth ranker.

       "Rex, heal the boy, he drained up all of his energy. If they turn zero completely, he'll loose he's elements." Leirum, who was standing in front of something ordered and the second ranker obeyed instantly and rushed to the boy's side to treat him as the rest of us made our way forward to where the first ranker was.

       "Leirum, where's Muriel? We couldn't sense her------" Alfreed stopped mid-sentence as we all stood there, stunned while facing something that all of us knew too well what it was. A black sphere was buried half way to the ground like it fell from the sky... which might have possibly happened.

        "She's in there together with... the first prince." He muttered and Cyan suddenly gasped while we all said "What?!"

      "He turned into a demon." the first ranker stated again and we widened our eyes as we bombarded him with questions which went on unanswered by the sheer number that Leirum couldn't possibly answered all too easily.

          "All of you shut up and let the man tell the story." Antoinette blurted out angrily as she and the other two, Harumi and Rex came into the picture.

        When I looked around, it seems that Cyan took Kevin back to the condominium as of the moment to place the guy on bed. At Antoinette's outburst, everyone shut their mouths and we all stared at the first ranker blankly staring at the sphere.

        "Muriel and I and probably everyone else here sensed the aura from earlier, I was planning to check on it alone myself when Muriel remembered about his brother searching the sky and she insisted on going with me. That's when I saved the boy and we met Prince Janus..." He said and took in a deep breath to continue his story while the rest of us waited silently.

        "He was stained by darkness, his hair and wings with patches of black, horns grew on his head. He was slowly consumed by the darkness and turned into a demon as his will and consciousness slipping away as his golden eyes became nothing but white." I widened my eyes for the umpteenth time today. A royalty? Turning into a demon? Prince Janus? What in the world?!

       "The darkness already spread into his soul, that's why he pleaded for his death... He wanted me to kill him." He said and trailed off as we saw his fists clenching, a glare in his eyes as he stared at the black sphere.

       We kept silent. Prince Janus was a good and close friend of Leirum's. And we all know that there was still no way to save someone from being consumed by the darkness if that person was already stained.

       With his words, we knew then that Leirum never had a choice then but to fulfill the Prince's wishes but we still couldn't figure out who created that sphere of darkness in front of us or how in Idris did Muriel end up in that sphere along with the prince who was slowly turning into a demon.

        "The foolish girl... told me she couldn't let me kill my own friend against my will..." the first ranker added, along with a chillingly cold laugh that made the hairs on my nape stand up.

        "She pushed me and fell towards... Janus which I struck by lighting and I was forced to withdrew. Kevin and I flew for them both. We watched as Janus reached out to the heavens, begging God and Narsus to forgive him." He stated and we cringed at the spite and venom in his words as he mentioned the word God.

         "That's when Muriel spoke to him and the next thing we knew, Janus unconsciously created a sphere. The boy tried to break the sphere with the last of his remaining energy and that's how everything happened." He finally ended, silence following thereafter as we all stared at the black sphere.

       An impenetrable and indestructible barrier that nothing could break unless a miracle is used or unless the conjurer wills it to break or the conjurer dies.

       No matter what, I only wish to wait since the first option is impossible and the other two... I do not wish to happen.


        Well guys, hope you like it.

       Please vote, comment and follow.

      -thebadgirl05 at your service.

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