Well Kid's, It All Started Wi...

Od Claire_201

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Well Kid's, It All Started With Aunt Maggie Getting Drunk (1D)
Chapter One: We're Going To London!

Chapter Two: We're Going To A - Oh, I Guess I We Are Now... Great...

919 119 32
Od Claire_201

"Amy, c'mon!"

"If you don't leave me alone to sleep I will through you from the Apartment balcony if you're not careful" I mumbled into my pillow.

"No, please! Please Billie, I want to go out tonight!"

"Where?" I grumbled into my pillow.

"To a Rave..."

"No" I scoffed, "You're not coming to London to get drunk" I snapped at her before I reburied my head into my pillow.

"Please Amy!"

"If I say yes, will you shut up?"


"What will you do if I say no?"

"I'll keep whining and annoying you!"

"And if I throw you out of the Apartment?"

"I... umm... I... I'll find my way back in, you can count on that"

"Why won't you leave me alone?" 

"Come with me-"

"FINE!" I yelled before I sat up, glaring at her.

"Woah, Medusa is terrifying when she's angry" I glared at her even more and she rolls her eyes before she grabs onto my arm and shoves me into my bathroom, "Shower, I'll get you dressed"

"No Maggie, I will dress myself-"

"You're not wearing sweat pants to a Rave" she snaps and slams the door on my face... I should have never agreed to moving to a different country with her - or to live with her. 

Stretching I stripped and climbed into the shower before I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me before I brushed my teeth and walked out of my bathroom to find Maggie grinning at me as she held up a red and black dress with a zipper going down the front, "No"

"OH COME. ON!" she screams while she stamped on the ground and jabbed her finger at me, "You're wearing it and that's final" she gave me a dark look and I flinched before she throws my clothes at me - and the dress.

Mumbling some not-so-nice-words I pulled on all the clothes and the dress before I walked out, only for Maggie to attack me with make up and a hair brush.

After some straightening, slight teasing, eye liner, mascara and red lip stick attacked me, she slapped some heels on me and then made me wear my black earrings and three rings, "DONE, NOW COME ON!"

"Wait... you're wearing that?"

"What's wrong with this?" she asks me angrily.

"Well... it's a boob tube... and short shorts..."

"I got a jacket Amy" Maggie laughs and pulls an small jacket that looks like it was meant for a four year old, "How do I look?" she asks me.

"Uh... you're going up on the sexiest women alive list" I smiled at her awkwardly and she nods.

"Brilliant, come on" I turned and opened a draw to find my old clutch in there and I stuffed my iPhone, my credit card and the make up Maggie threw at me.

Walking out of the apartment I slid into the back of a taxi as Maggie - well... she almost popped her way into the taxi. Awkwardly I sat next to Booberella as she blabbed and blabbed about how she was going to 'get all the boys numbers so I can string them along'.

She wouldn't be the best role model for children, that's for sure... but I still love her to pieces and all.

"Bye" I muttered to the driver as I climbed out of the taxi and hurried after the girl who pulled glow sticks out of her pocket and put them up her entire left arm.

She runs to the crowd and motions for me to follow her, coming to a stop next to her she grabs onto my arm and pulls me closer to her to whisper in my ear, "Look  at all those nice looking-"

"OKAY. You go on ahead, I'll go to the Mcdonald's over there and when you're ready to come out, go over there I'll be sitting there with some ice cream, maybe even a pie-"

"You're coming with me"

Oh god dammit, I'm not going to get out of this now, am I?

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