I Want To Do Bad Things With...

By Seager99

2.8M 58.3K 15.6K

Drake and Jace have always been best friends, that is until the day that Jace told Drake that he is gay. It... More

I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy X Boy)
(2) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy X Boy)
(3) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy X Boy)
(4) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy X Boy)
(5) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy X Boy)
(6) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (BoyxBoy)
(7) I Wan To Do Bad Things With You (BoyxBoy)
(8) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(9) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(10) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(11) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(12) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(13) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(14) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(15) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(16) I Want To Do Bad Things With You
(17) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(18) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(19) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)
(21) I Want To Do Bad Things With You
(22) I Want To Do Bad Things With You
(23) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (Boy x Boy)
(24) I Want To Do Bad Things With You
(25) I Want To Do Bad Things With You

(20) I Want To Do Bad Things With You (boyxboy)

80.6K 1.7K 539
By Seager99

I Want To Do Bad Things With You

Chapter 20

The hearing didn’t take too long since we didn’t really need to convince anybody of the proof. They played the tape and I had to take deep breaths to calm myself down as I watched it. It was very clear and the expression on Brian’s face caused me to shiver.  Maybe he did intend to kill me after all. When we finished watching the tape I had to testify. I didn’t quite understand why it was necessary but I told them what happened and answered all their questions anyway. Once that was done my lawyer and Brian’s lawyer addressed the court and then called him to testify.

To everyone’s surprise Brian admitted that he knew what he was doing, I thought that maybe he would try to blame it on temporary insanity or some other lie but he didn’t.

“If you could go back in time and undo what you did, would you?” My lawyer asked.

“No, I would just make sure to kick him harder. Being gay in a sin,” he answered, causing the jury to gasp in response.  He really is acting stupid I thought to myself, shaking my head. How dumb can one person be? He seriously destroyed any chances of the jury going easy on him by saying that.

When the lawyers were done questioning him the jury was adjourned to go make their decision.  Jace, my dad and I went to go grab lunch during this time. I could tell that my dad was really upset about everything that was going on but he wasn’t taking it out on us, instead he was being extremely kind and understanding. I can’t say the same thing about my mother though. She showed up at the hearing with my dad, but was crying and complaining all through it and when he told her we were going to go get lunch she refused to go with us.

 My dad looked really upset about it but what could he do? My mom was obviously really angry at him and me and Jace for what was going on. It didn’t make any sense considering Brian is the one who tried to kill me but once again there was nothing I could do. If she wanted to choose his side over ours than I guess that’s just the way it is going to be.

The air was filled with tension as we ate but the food was good so I didn’t complain, I did try to eat as fast as humanly possible though.

When we were done eating we headed into the parking lot but my dad stopped us before we could get into the car.

“Here, this is for you,” he said, holding a bank card out to me.

“Thanks,” I said taking it from him and eyeing it curiously.

“I opened it in your name so your mom won’t’ be able to freeze it. She has access to your other account so I suggest you transfer everything you have in there into this account. I know you two are going to battle for a while with money so I’ll pay whatever I can into it every month,” my dad said with a strange expression on his face. It was a mixture between love, concern and anger.

“Thank you,” Jace said, probably because I was stunned into silence.

“Yeah, thank you dad,” I replied, not really knowing what else to say.

“Ok then, let’s get going. I can’t wait to get this whole thing over with,” my dad said, giving us a smile and then getting into his car.

We followed him back to the court and then waited around outside until we were called back in.

Once everybody was seated the judge called the court to order and then asked the jury if they had made a decision.

“Yes,” they answered and held a piece of paper out to one of the officers, he took it and handed it to the judge. The whole court was quiet as the judge read the verdict and then announced that Brian was found guilty of assault and attempted murder. My heart flipped in my chest as the realization of what just happened settled in. I thought they might find him guilty of assault and put him on probation and order him to go to anger management classes but I never thought he would be convicted for attempted murder. It was never mentioned in the hearing and that’s not what my layer had asked for but apparently the jury had other ideas. I’m not even sure if they were allowed to rule it but the judge didn’t object so he was obviously agreeing.

My mom started screaming and crying next to my dad, he tried to calm her down but it wasn’t working. Brian started yelling at his layer and his layer started yelling at the judge and jury, all the while I was just sitting there in stunned silence. Jace squeezed my hand and gave me a nervous mile.

“Are you ok?” he asked, sounding really worried.

“Yeah, just surprised,” I replied and then turned my attention back to the judge who was now pounding his little hammer and yelling for the court to come to order.

“I understand that your client was never charged with attempted murder,” he told Brian’s layer when everybody eventually settled down.

“But the jury obviously saw something in that tape and heard something in his answers that made them make that ruling. I can however not sentence him for attempted murder but I can give him the maximum sentence for assault,” the judge stated, looking from the layers to me and then focusing his attention on Brian.

“Herewith I sentence  Mr. Robert to five years in prison for assault. In this time Mr. Roberts will be evaluated by a physiatrist on a weekly basis as well as attending anger management classes. Mr. Roberts will be given the chance of early release for good behavior which will be determined by a council at that time. When Mr. Roberts is released he will have a probation officer which he will have to contact on a regular basis. A restraining order will be reached out against him, stopping him from coming within 100 feet of the victim and his partner” the judge ruled, causing Brian’s layer to object furiously.

“I suggest you keep quiet before I change my mind and consider this attempted murder charge,” the judge said, shutting up the lawyer instantly.

“This is a very serious case and if we don’t take extreme action against people like Mr. Roberts it will set a bad example and let member of the public think they can get away with beating people up just because they don’t agree with their sexuality, that I unacceptable and will not be tolerated in my court room,” the judge stated before hitting his hammer again and announcing that the court was now adjourned.

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