Doin' My Thing

By lukebryan_country03

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By lukebryan_country03

I opened up with Rain is a Good thing and ended with all my friends say. My mind wasn't fully towards the crowd the whole night it veered off thinking about that magazine and I was really mad about it. I shouldn't be thinking about that right now not during a show.

I ended up messing up on a song and the whole crowd just laughed. I was trying to sing Doin my Thing and i just got the words wrong. I tried to make it a joke so that was the highlight of the night. Denver was fun is was the most fun show so far on this tour.

I took off my hat as sweat dripped from my hair and set it on the table on my bus. I needed a shower I thought. I locked my bus door and then got in. I rinsed then shampooed and then rinsed and put man conditioner in then rinsed and washed body and then got out. I put on some black basketball shorts and a red shirt then laid on my bed.
"Thanks Denver for letting me do my thing. The words gotta little mixed around but I had a blast😂"

I immediately got favorites and retweets along with comments. I laughed at some comments because they joked with my mess up. I got up and grabbed a beer and decided to check out this one girl. Caroline.

I scrolled through her Twitter. She had a good sense of humor I thought. Her retweets and favorites are kinda funny. Alright, that's enough stalking it's not right. I chuckled.

"Knock knock." BM and Carter said as they knocked on my door.

"Hang on." I got up and opened it. "What's up?"

"Beer?" They asked.

"Yeah but aren't we taking off here in a few?" I asked.

"In a hour." Carter said.

"Alright." I said.

"So ya messed up on the words tonight?" BM dug at me.

"Yeah" I just chuckled.

"Yeah that's shits goin on LBTV you know that right?" He joked.

"Oh I don't doubt it."

"Hey Luke you aren't the only one that messed up." Carter said.

"I know you ass." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah during Rain is a Good thing I totally played the wrong chords right before the 'farmer Johnson does alittle dance..' That part until you started singing."

"I know it, ya almost messed me up!" I said we all just laughed.

"Oh well no one noticed but you guys and the band. Hell I didn't even notice." BM said.

We just laughed and talked more about the show and the. It was time to leave.

"Alright see you guys in a few!" I said. "Night."

"Night!" They said back.

Usually we ride together and just party and hang out but it's already 12:30 and we got a long few months. I just went back to my bed and watched soem of the old LBTVs and the. Dozed off. Tomorrow night is Souix Falls.

I woke at 9:30 the next morning. Usually I was a early riser but I guess I just was real tired. I got up and we were in Sioux falls already. I walked to the arena and a lot of stuff was set up. The chairs, the stage, a lot of it. I don't know what I'd do without my crew. I helped finish setting up the chairs and then headed back to my bus.

"You're on in 10 Luke. Tyler just got done." Kerri came in.

"Alright." I said taking a couple swigs of miller light like I did before every show and then headed out.

"What's up Sioux Falls?!" I said into the mic. "I suppose y'all have crazed by how dry it is up here!" The crowd just yelled. Then the opening song came on Rain is a Good Thing.

The crowd cheered and yelled once I left the stage so I came out and played Doin my thing as my last song. "Thank y'all! See you soon!" I said and my crew and band and tour mates all bowed and waved and we walked off.

"That was your best performance I think so far." Kerri said. "Well done."

"Thank you!" I said. I took my hat off and ran my hand through my hair and it just dropped sweat. Kerri grabbed and handed me a towel. "Thanks." I said smiling.

"It's my job." She shrugged and then walked off.

I love her and I have no idea what id do with out her here. She's been amazing through this all. No not love romantically but as a friend like family almost.

We got back on the busses and before we knew it we had played 7 different shows. We parked out busses at an area that we rented to park for like three days locked them up grabbed out luggage and walked into the airport. We were headed back to Nashville and then Alabama.

I slept on the plane and woke up when we landed. We took a taxi back to Dovers bar where we all stopped for a drink and then went to the arena to set up for the show tomorrow night.

"Morin Luke, band." Jack said as we walked in.

"One beer for everyone in this group." I said. "Put it on a tab and I'll pay it before we leave."

Jack got the beers and handed me mine last. "So what are y'all doin here?"

"We play a show tomorrow night here and then fly to Alabama for another in two nights and then we got back west." I said. "We just wanted some fuel this morning." I said it was 12:30.

"I see. I saw that magazine." Jack said.

"Yep. Me too that pissed me off." I said.

"Would have me too. Just know your names getting bigger. That stuff is going to happen whether or not it true or not. You know the truth and that's all that matters."

"Yeah I know. I just don't get I think it was the scones one about the brunette?" I took a drink. "I never had a brunette girlfriend." I shook my head.

"Yeahh. It's funny what stuff people make up. But it happens."

"I guess you're right."

We finished out beers and then we were off to the arena. "Thanks Jack!" I said and we left.

Hey y'all! Sorry I have been busy with school and everything! Im going to start trying to update more again!

Why do you think about Luke stalking Caroline?
How do you think Luke is enjoying your?
Any more comments?

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