Still Alive (Book 4)

By 9Harry9

10.5K 366 46

" 'Draco!' Hermione screamed. Her hand was the only thing that was holding him. He knew that there was no hop... More

Messages through time
Wtf Happened...?
When old enemies confront...
Back to Hogwarts
A chat with Hermione
Worst Idea Ever...
Return of the Dark Ages
Unexpected News!
Hatred... Never dies
Dallas Rogerson
∆ Malfoy ∆
Fighting together..
The Dimension Library
The last adventure ever..
The Bloody Defect: Part 1
The Bloody Defect: Part 2
Losing a bet
A Weird Conversation
The Best Kiss of All Time
I love you

Not Da Real Draco

359 13 4
By 9Harry9

A/N From now I will refer other dimension Draco (old one) as 'NDRD' to avoid confusion. (Means 😂 - Not Da Real Draco)

Draco Pov
'Where were you these two months?' asked NDRD, boldly.

The flying Supergirl laughed her shrill pathetic laugh again. Draco was getting tired of that.

'How inane you are! You think I am suffering in Askaban for the past twenty five years!? Ridiculous and Outrageous... But I forgive you for the fools you are..'

'Of course you went to Askaban. It was in the prophet. In the news- everywhere. Even I had seen you from far- wait, you seem different.. Had a makeover for the past 2 months?'

The girl smirked 'You were foolish. You remain foolish. I was never in Askaban. I had seen you just two months ago—'

'When you escaped?'
'Same point again. Let me tell you the story. It seems you may be a good pawn.'

Scorpius and NDRD's expression tightened but they didn't comment.

'It happened so, that twenty five  years ago, I was sent to Askaban by a bloody harry potter. But an hour ago before they dragged me into Hogwarts there was a mis-hap if you remember?'

NDRD and Scorpius nodded.
'Well I got my chance.' she cackled.
Scorpius was left wordless...
NDRD seemed like he was starting to understand this shit... Draco was left clueless.

Twenty five years back meant 2020. That was a time he didn't know.. Hence, the confusion.

'You escaped? How?' asked NDRD.
'Snatched a muggleborn from somewhere and changed her appearance—'
'How did you make it permanent?'
'I know certain dark aspects of magic which you unaware about.' she smiled.
She showed him a time turner which made NDRD gasp. Scorpius almost fainted in shock.

Suddenly the door blasted apart.
No one was there.
The breeze was quite fierce outside.

'Was it you?' asked Scorpius.
The girl narrowed her eyes. 'Of course, not. Don't play dumb. Who have you alerted?' she sternly asked.
'No one. No, i- wait.' NDRD and Scorpius turned to look at James.

'No. Not me. I swear—'
'I told you not- you have passed your limits. Who is it or' NDRD pressed his wand in james's neck.
Draco caught harry by the arm.
'Don't create a mess' he hissed at him.

Harry glared at him but stopped.
The girl smirked. 'I thought you would be fiercer.. guess I am wrong.. for once'

'I am more fierce than you think'
NDRD said expressionlessly.
'Don't make me regret it. Who was it? Who apparated?'

'I swear—'
'Or it is the cruciatus'
'I swear—'
Draco didn't know what happened next but harry suddenly jumped in and front of James, pushed James away and got hit by the curse.

He lay on the floor writhing in pain..
'Who is this? This is outrageous—' screamed NDRD. Then stopped suddenly recognising the boy...

'Wtf!? It - no it can't be.. That is H-Harry Potter- the teenage one'
His words brought a silence in the Malfoy household..

NDRD muttered something which Draco caught 'Things can't be more weirder'
Draco forced himself from saying 'Welcome to my life'.
Draco knew that Hermione was here.. No doubt, he recognized that well...
He could right an essay on her perfume. But that's not the point..
Now Draco had one job - and that was to let the drama unfold...

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