You And I | BTS V

By realcoxl

373K 14.3K 3.4K

Living alone in this world is not easy for 17 year old girl , Jane . Jane Park might be look like a normal t... More

Chapter 1 New School
Chapter 2 My Bestfriend
Chapter 3 Weird Guy
Chapter 4 He Saved Me
Chapter 5 Volleyball Game
Chapter 6 The Secret Revealed
Chapter 7 Twin Brother
Chapter 8 The Pain
Author Note
Chapter 9 Am I Fallin In Love With Him
Chapter 10 He is here
Chapter 11 Sparks of Love
Chapter 12 Siblings Fight
Chapter 13 Unbelievable
Author Note
Chapter 14 Bitch
Sorry Author Note Again.
Chapter 15 Uncontrollable
Chapter 16 The Show
Chapter 17 Peace
Chapter 18 Ex-boyfriend
Author note .
Chapter 19 Its Not Easy
Chapter 20 Misunderstanding
Chapter 21 Surprise
Chapter 22 Broken
Author Note
Chapter 23 Break Apart
Chapter 24 We're Over
Chapter 25 Dying Inside
Chapter 26 Reason
Chapter 28 Bond
Chapter 29 Wake Up
Chapter 30 Turn off the feeling
Chapter 31 Gone
Chapter 32 Kidnap
Chapter 33 Hi Dad
Chapter 34 Death
Chapter 35 It's Back
Bonus Chapter Part 1
Bonus Chapter Part 2

Chapter 27 Regret

6.3K 272 34
By realcoxl

Taehyung's POV

I ran through the busy hallway to the emergency room. As soon as I arrived , I saw Jane laying unconsciously on the bed . Her body was full of wires . But the good thing is , she looked so beautiful yet peace . She looked like a new born baby.

I was about to touch her but in a blur , I was pinned against the wall.

" What are you doing here Kim Taehyung ? " Junior asked as he grabbed me by my neck.

" I want to meet her . I need to meet her. " I replied as I tried to get out of his grip.

" For what ? Do you want to hurt her again ? " He snapped as his eyes turned to black .

" No . Please let me explain . " I replied as I pushed him away with all of my strength.

" Do you think I'm dumb ? She hurts alot because of you . I know I shouldn't have let her be with you . See what happened now . " He said angrily as he pointed at the unconscious Jane.

" No Junior . Please listen to me. I have my own reason why I hurt Jane - "

" No . I don't wanna hear your shit . Get out from this room now. " He cut me off.

" Please Junior . I- "

" NOW !! " He yelled made every attention in the emergency room turned to us.

" I think its time for you to leave boy . " The doctor said calmly as he rubbed my shoulder. I wanted to growl to him but I knew it would draw a lot of attention and I didn't want people to freak out when they knew there are a vampire in the emergency room.

Junior shot me a death glare , telling me not to argue with the doctor.

" Fine but I'm not going home." I sighed heavily and dragged my feets out of the room. I settled myself down on the bench in the waiting area and I leaned deeper into the chair.

I let out a heavy sigh as I ran my finger through my blonde hair. Yes I changed my hair colour. Its all Yerin fault . She said I need to look good to be with her . What the hell ? Just because of my dad on her side , she thinks she can do whatever her wants to me and I'm too dumb to follow all of her order.

Damn Taehyung !

I ran my finger through my hair frustratedly. Suddenly a smell pf dog filled the air and I knew who was coming .

" What the hell are you doing here ? " He asked as he stood in front of me.

I got on my own feets , looking at him eye to eye . This mutt is really getting on my nerve. I never like him from the very first. He claimed Jane as his and that's really made me mad.


" I want you to stay away from Jane. I don't care if you're her ex-boyfriend. " I said as I pushed him out of my way .

After sending Jane home , I went straight to home . But unfortunately I had an uninvited guess . I could smell him a miles away. Gosh his smell is really annoying. He asked me just to tell me to stay away from Jane . Who the fuck he thinks he is ?

" You don't have a right to ask me to stay away from her. Who are you ? Her father ? " He said ,trying to mock me.

" I'm her boyfriend , stupid. " I snapped as I swung my fist to his jawlines caused him to fall to the ground.

He groaned in pain as he stood up slowly .

" Just because you're her boyfriend , that doesn't me I can take her away from you . She is mine . Always mine. " He yelled and his body shaking uncontrollably.

" Listen here mutt . I don't care who the hell you are but I want you to stay away from her . She would never be yours , again . " I said as I got into my house and slammed the door right in front of his face.

" None of your business. " I replied as I rolled my eyes to him.

" It always be my business when it comes to Jane. She is my girlfriend now so I want you to stay away from her. "

" So she is your girlfriend now ? Really ? " I snapped as I clenched my jaws and my fist.

" Oh she didn't tell you ? Of course she didn't tell you because you're so busy with that bitch . " He said made me to punch him in the face.

He just chuckled in return as he wiped the blood away .

I was to punch him again but I was stopped by my brother.

" Taehyung . " He shook his eyes slightly , telling me to stop. But something in his eyes , made me worried.

" What's wrong ? " I asked him .

" Jane - " Before he could finish his sentence, Mark rushed into the room. I think one of his friend , already mind-linked him about Jane. I didn't waste any time to walk into the room.

When I got into the room , I frozed in my place. The room was in chaos . The doctor was yelling to the nurse. The sound of the machine was really irritating.

" Bring the defibrillator now . " The doctor shouted and the nurse quickly gave him a pair of electrode paddles.  I saw the doctor put the paddles on Jane's chest and he started yelling something that I didn't understand to the nurse.

I couldn't even processed what had happened to me . I couldn't even move my body. My life went down when I saw Jane was dying right now. All I could do was praying for her to be strong.
Mark also was frozed by my side. Junior was crying and fighting to be at his sister side but the nurse blocked him.

The nurse noticed us and then she shooed us out from the room. I was about to fight back but Jin shook his head.

" Let them do their work. " He said as he dragged me out.

After a half an hour of waiting , the doctor came out with the nurse .

" Where is the patient family ? " He asked me.

" I'm his brother . " Junior said as he walked to the doctor.

" I have a good news and a bad news for you . The good new is she made it but there is one problem. " He said as he kept his head low.

" What it is doctor ? " Junior asked nervously .

" She is in coma . "

* Okay two chapter for a day . I want to update another one chapter but I have to sleep since I have a seminar tmr. So I hope you guys like it and don't forget to vote and comment if you want . XOXO

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