The Alpha and his White Wolf...

Bởi whitewolf3xoxo

26.8K 1K 227

There wasn't many who dared to be so close to this forest. When I was a child I had heard about the stories... Xem Thêm

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Red Eyes
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 4 - Scarred face
Chapter 5 - Blood
Chapter 6 - The new guys

Chapter 3 - Monster

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Bởi whitewolf3xoxo

I looked up to see who the voice belonged to.


He was probably the hottest, most handsome man I have ever seen.

The white snowflakes were falling on his short dark-brown hair.
He was a lot taller than me and had a lot more of muscles too.

His posture made him look very... powerful.
He looked pretty intimidating.
I don't think anyone would ever be stupid enough to pick a fight with this guy.

Looking into his eyes I felt like I had known him my entire life. His eyes connected to mine.

The moment our eyes connected.
I saw a flash of the beast, the red eyed wolf. But there was something more.

A beautiful white wolf with green eyes, standing by the beasts side.

"Diana! Look what I bought!" Abigail's voice interrupted.

I turned my head seeing Abigail walking happily towards me, with even more shopping bags.
When I turn back around the guy was gone.
Who was that even??

"Where did he go?" I questioned confused.

"Who?" Abigail answered curiously.

"The guy standing in front of me about two seconds ago"

"I didn't see anyone" Abigail said, giving me a weird look.
"I think you're loosing your shit" she laughed. I laughed with her, I think I am.
"Come on, I want to have my chocolate cake." I said, not wanting to think more about the stranger or the wolves.

After we had ordered, we sat down on a table for two.
The café was small and cozy with dark wooden walls. They had already started to put up some christmas decoration.
The whole café smelled like coffee and new baked cookies.
I took a sip from the cup with Latté I had bought.

"So did you go to the beast's forest yesterday?" Abigail asked me a little concerned.
She wasn't in on the bet, she was actually against it.

"I did... but as expected nothing happened" I said not wanting to tell her about the wolf.

"But something could have happened. It was stupid to bet on it" she looked me in the eye.

I knew it was stupid, I could have been killed.
But I did not for a second regret it. If I would not have done the bet, I would have never met the wolf.

"Okay mom" I answered with sarcasm, breaking the tension.

We talked for a couple of hours before we  left the café and went outside again.

Outside stood Abigail's brother parked with his red pickup truck.

"You sure you don't want a ride home?"
Abigail asked me as she opened the car door.

"No it's fine! It's not that far, I can walk. See you tomorrow in school" I said giving her a quick hug.

"Ok, see ya!" Abigail answered jumping into the car.

As soon as the car drove off I got a feeling.

The feeling of being watched.

I looked around.

There wasn't as many people on the streets as before.

The sun have disappeared from the sky and it was starting to get dark.

Snow were still falling from the sky, now covering the ground completely.

I saw no one looking in my direction but I still felt like being watched.

I started walking in a quick pace on the sidewalk with the shopping bags in my hand.

My blood went cold the moment I heared heavy footsteps walking behind me.

I looked back, but there was no one there.
Am I really loosing my mind?

I started jogging, my heartbeat raising.
The footsteps followed.

I looked behind me, without slowing down.

There was someone following me. The person was wearing a black hoodie.

I started running, as fast as I could.
I could hear my heart beating loud.

While running, I looked behind me again.
Clearly that wasn't so smart, because I suddenly krashed into something hard.

I dropped my shopping bags, again, and fell on my butt in the cold snow.


Before I had time to even look around what I crashed into, someone from behind took me roughly around my shoulders and lifted me up.
I tried to fight myself loose, the person holding me only laughed.

A black SUV suddenly drove up next to the side walk.
One of the car doors opened. But more I did not see, as I was blindfolded and pushed into the car.

"Please I haven't done anything!" I screamed in panic, realising I was being kidnapped. "You have made a mistake! You have the wrong girl!"

"We haven't made any mistake. We have the exact monster we were looking for."
A dark male voice spat at me before the car door was shut closed and the car started driving to god knows were.

Monster? What did he mean by that?

The things happening; the beast, the mysterious guy and now kidnapping?

Nothing of all this made any sense to me.

"Were are you taking me?" I said trying my best to control my voice.

"You'll see." A new male voice said, his voice sounded evil.

"Pleas-" I started begging before I was interrupted.

"Shut up!" Another man said irritated, it was the same man that laughed at me before.

I started thinking.
How long until someone notices that I'm missing?
What if the kidnappers torture me?
What if they kill me..?

I gave myself a mental bitch slap.

'Don't think like that.' I thought to myself.

I did not say anything during the whole car ride. Whatever situation I was in, I did not want to make it worse.

After what felt like hours, the car finally stopped.


Ok, I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for an update, please don't kill me🙌🏼

It took me long time to write this chapter because I rewrote it since I didn't like how the first one turned out.
So I hope you like this one!

And last but not least;

I can seriously not believe it!!
Also thanks to all the nice comments🙈

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