Pastel Hearts~ Zosan

By erenackerman1225

196K 5.9K 5.1K

Sanji had an abusive father who killed his own wife(Sanjis mum). Whenever he would go to school, he would get... More

Chapter one~
Chapter two~
Chapter three~
Chapter four~
Chapter five~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter eight~
Chapter nine~
Chapter ten~
Chapter eleven~
Chapter twelve~
Chapter thirteen~
Chapter fourteen~
Chapter fifteen~
Chapter siexteen~
Chapter seventeen~
Chapter eighteen~
Chapter nineteen~
Chapter twenty~
Chapter twenty-one~
Chapter twenty-two~
Chapter twenty-three~
Chapter twenty-four~
Chapter twenty-five~
Chapter twenty-six~

Chapter six~

9.2K 314 131
By erenackerman1225

Sanji's pov

I woke up chained to a wall with my hands up, I already knew what happened, I began choking as soon as my neck began stinging.

"I see you woke up.. Sanji~" a voice hummed from the corner of the room,

"H-Huh?" I managed to turn my weak head to in the direction the voice was coming from, it was 'that' man again. I gulped in fear as he walked up to me,

"This won't kill you but it will give you extra pain~" he snag with a smirk on his face that made me shiver, I hissed in pain as he stuck a needle in my arm. He began laughing before opening my chains with a key, he picked me up by the wrists and chained me the other way around causing me to face the wall and my back showing off, he chuckled before ripping my shirt off. It was my uniform from the restaurant, I was only left in my black jeans, I looked over my shoulder as he brought out a whip. My eyes widen in fear as my body began stinging with pain, I bet it was from the needle.
'This won't kill you, but it will give you extra pain~' his words echoed in my head as my eyes began tearing up. Before I knew it, I felt something slap my back as I screamed in pain. I bit my lips as a tear rolled down my cheek. Another whip... And another one.. And another one... It continued until I couldn't hold back my screams of pain and cries. As tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably, blood trickled down my back and into the floor.

"P-Please..." I managed as he only laughed. "What did I d-do? T-To des-serve this..?" I cried between sobs.

"What you did?" He laughed with an amused face. "You're just entertaining us!" He laughed before whipping me again causing me to scream.

'Why am I still here...?'

Someone... Please help..

A few hour later.

I screamed in pain again as he whipped me harder than ever. I felt myself being unchained again as I fell onto the floor on my back causing me to scream again, I managed to turn onto my stomach while I was panting and choking, he just looked at me with an amused face, he picked me up by my neck causing me to choke. He strangled me for a while until beating the crap out of me. He laughed before walking away, he stopped at a door.

"I will come back tomorrow to do the same or maybe I'll figure another torture method." He said before exiting, I noticed he had two keys in his jeans, probably incase he lost one. Little did he knew that he dropped on in the room I was in. I choked blood and cried for a while until I tried to crawl to the key. He was long gone. I finally reached the key, I stretched my hand towards it as pain still flooded my body. I slowly stood up causing me to wince as more tears fell down my bloody cheeks. I slowly limped towards the door, I let my chest lean on it before unlocking it, it was a struggle because of the pain. But I managed, I opened the door to see that it was late night and was raining. I looked to the side to see a jacket. Why is there a jacket? Maybe it was his when he came in. I slowly slid it in me, but bit my lips as soon as it touched my back.

"That son of bitch!" Is hissed before putting the hood up and exiting, I began running, weakly. I ran and ran as far as I could. It was still raining, I stopped at a light post and leaned against it. I didn't know what do to. I had no destination, my stomach rumbled alerting me that it was hungry. I choked a little as that certain pain came from my neck.
"N-not again-! *choking*" I choked as blood splattered out of me and onto the cream coat. I fell into my knees choking uncontrollably.
"GOD! HOW- *choking blood* H-HARD CAN T-THEY-*choking more blood* S-STRANGLE ME?!" I managed before giving up and falling down, I continued to choke, not as much blood but some. I looked around as the rain made its loud 'drip' noise, by clothes still bloody, wet and torn apart. As soon as I stopped. Finally! I used the light post next to me to stand up. My stomach rumbled again, I hovered my hand over it.
"I need t-to eat..." I breathed hardly. I limped slowly to a rubbish bin that was in an alley way. I leaned over it to see a piece of bread. I haven't ate in days. In school that day, I didn't actually have anything. At least Leo is safe.. I reached out for the bread. As soon as I had it in my hand, I pulled it out, I studied its details. It looked as if someone just randomly threw it in today. Glad it wasn't moldy. But I still had to brush off some bits of rubbish since it was in a rubbish bin. After that, I decided to smell it, just incase of having something inside it. It was fine, I took a bite only to spit it all out. It was moldy on the inside sadly. I threw the bread back in bin. All out of a sudden, I felt my back sting again. Obviously from the whipping 'that' man gave me. I began walking again, searching for a destination, looking around and wandering to nowhere. I grew more and more tired as I walked further, each step getting heavier and heavier. Just then... I choked again... Blood splattering on the floor, as my eyes were tearing up again.

'They almost killed me with strangling!' I thought. I fell to my knees again only to make it worse, I choked until I didn't have any air in my lungs anymore. I fell to my side and finally breathed in air. Panting heavily and sweating with tears in my eyes staining my bloody cheeks. My eyes grew weary as I closed them. Before I knew it, I fell unconscious. The last thing I saw or heard... Was a kitten mowing, the last thing I saw... Was Leo and a man running towards me.

?????? Pov

I was in my room trying to calm down the kitten that the blind boy gave me. I saw him in school yesterday, he looked scared during lunch and he wasn't eating. I saw him enter a restaurant too later that day, he then exited not long after with two men who looked pissed. That was all I knew before I left. Today? He didn't come to school... I wonder why. He hadn't come to school a few times. But it makes my suspicious, who were the two men that looked pissed? Why did he look so scared during lunch that day. Why didn't he come to school today? Is something going on? And why was the kitten crying non-stop? It wanted to get out the house as if trying to find someone, I alarmed as he jumped off the window, luckily, my apartment was in the first floor meaning he had no harm. I quickly unlocked the door and went to find Leo. Great! It was raining and that kitten was out! I heard its meowing and went in that direction, I watched the kitten approach a figure in the floor, I couldn't tell what it was, but Leo kept walking around it meowing loudly and crying. As soon as I got closer to the figure on the floor. My eyes widen in shock and disbelief. I began running towards him. I suddenly tripped because of the wet floor, but I quickly got up and ran towards him. I bent down, seeing blood around his mouth, on the jacket and on his bare chest. I knew something was going on! I picked him up bridal style causing me to blush a little. WAIT! WHY AM I BLUSHING?! The kitten ran in the direction of my apartment. I guess he wanted to find his owner, it's as if he knew something was wrong. I quickly unlocked my door and closed it after entering the warm house I set him on the couch near the kitchen and ran in my room looking for a fist aid. I found it under my bed. I quickly took it and ran back to the familiar blond. I looked at him in shock. I carefully took of his jacket revealing cuts, blood, whip marks, deep ones and marks on his neck. My eyes widen. I knew that this wasn't self-harm. He couldn't reach his back, I knew for sure that someone did this...

But who...?

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