Stir Up Drama (an Emblem3 fan...

By zebra311

1.1K 55 4

Julie was on her way to Detroit for a little when she got into a little fender bender. Who she crashed into w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

48 8 0
By zebra311

---Chapter 12---

*Julie's P.O.V*

Jared's coming over at 6:00 pm to pick me up to go on our first "date."

I finish straightening my hair right when the door bell rings.

"Julie, Jared's here!" My mom yells.

"Be right there!" I say spraying on some perfume.

"I'm so happy we moved back now." He says.

"Remember, it doesn't mean anything though."

"I know, but still." He says taking my hand.

"Have fun, sweety." My mom says.

"Bye!" I say as we leave.

"So where are we going for our first date?" I ask as we get into his car.

"Oh, it's a date now?" He asks.

"Uhm, I uh, it slipped." I say.

"Mhm, sure it did." He says, "and just to a café around the corner.

So he drives for another five minutes before pulling into a café.

I never come to this part of town so I never heard of this place before.

*Keaton's P.O.V.*

We just landed in Philly at 6:30 pm.

"Guys, we gotta go!" I yell at Drew and Gabby.

"Calm down, Keaton." Drew says.

"Come onnnn" I complain as we wait for our luggage.

"Here it comes!" Drew says, "go call a taxi, Gabs."

Drew and I grab our and Gabby's luggage and head outside.

We throw the stuff in the taxi's trunk.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Uh, this address." Gabby says showing him the address.

"Okay." He says starting the money meter.

"How much longer?" I ask soon after we left the airport.

"25 minutes." He says.

"Keaton, calm down. We're gonna get to her. Don't worry." Drew says.

---25 minutes later---

"Thank you very much, sir." Drew says paying the driver while I get our luggage out of the taxi.

I go up and knock on Julie's house door.

"Uh, hi, I'm Keaton and this is Drew and Gabby. Is Julie here?" I ask.

"Oh! You must be the Keaton I've heard a lot of! Well, most was about the break-up..." The lady says.

"Haha yes, that'd be me." I say, "I know you're probably mad at me for what I did to your daughter but I'm worried about her. Is she home?"

"No, she's not. Why?" She asks.

"Shit." I whisper.

"I think, we think, she's in trouble. Is she with a guy named Jared?" I ask.

"Yes." She says, "I don't know where they went though. He's driving a silver Toyota Corolla."

"Okay, thank you very much." I say as we leave.

"Wait, you can leave your luggage here." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"Oh and it helps they went to that part of town." She says pointing to the left.

"Thanks!" I say.

So we start walking over towards that part of town.

After 15 minutes of walking, we finally found his car.

"Hi, was there a couple in here on a date?" Drew asks.

"Yes, they just left." The one employ said.

"But his car is still here." I say.

"Let's go back outside." Gabby says.

We were outside for five minutes before here a loud scream.

"What the hell?" Drew asks.

"OWWW!" The person says again.

*Gabby's P.O.V*

"It sounds like a girl." I say.


"Julie." Keaton says as his eyes get bigger.

We all sprint down a block and find an alley.

We peek around the corner.

Julie's bleeding pretty badly.

"What is your problem?!" She asks.

"Keaton." He says before hitting Julie again, "Why do you think I moved back? Because I knew about you two."

"You're jealous of Keaton?! You don't even know him!" She says before spitting on him, making him even more mad.

He starts throwing punches at her left and right.

"I've had enough of this." Keaton says before running out there.

"Get off of her!" He says jumping on Jared and hitting him.

"What the hell?" Jared asks.

"Julie!" I yell running over to her.

She coughs before saying, "Gabby?"

"Yeah, it's okay. We're here." I say, "Drew help me move her so she can sit."

Drew helps me move her before helping Keaton fight Jared.

"Keaton, let me take him." He says.

"Drew be careful!" I say.

"Don't worry, babe. I got him." He says before throwing a hard punch at Jared.

"Keaton, you're bleeding!" I say.

"Ah, shit." He says wiping blood from his nose.

"What's going on here?" A guy asks.

"Wes...what are you doing here?" I ask, "shouldn't you be with Carly?"

"Drew told me what was going on so I left on a flight right after you guys." He says.

"Thanks." I say, smiling.

"No problem." Wes says going over to Drew and Jared.

A few minutes later the cops came.

"Break it up, guys!" He says breaking the boys up with another cop.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I say as I notice Julie is breathing irregular.

Within five minutes the ambulance was here.

They load her up into the ambulance.

"Can I come with?" Keaton asks.

The lady shakes her head yes.

"We'll be there soon!" I say.

"Alright, you three need to come with us." The cop says.

So we head down to the police station.

Jared walks past us with his hands cuffed behind his back, "I'll get you guys one day."

"Don't worry, he's gonna be locked up for awhile." A cop behind them says, "this isn't the first time he's been in here."

"How much is their bail?" I ask.

"Well since this is there first major infraction, they're free to go." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

We go outside the cop station and just hug, all three of us.

"Let's go check on Julie." Wes says.

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