Cut And Dried

By rutimabe

275K 15.9K 278

The Women of Woodstock (Book 2) Brent Simons the most charismatic Hollywood megastar on the planet today. Top... More

Highlights or Perm?
A British Institution
You nearly Had Your Chips
The Chips Are Down
Wanna Bet
What Have I Done
I'm a Movie Stars Girlfriend
The Works
Gentle Steps
All Dressed Up
The Charity Gala
How To Deal With Stars
Bloody Actors
Damn The Internet
Sod The Media
Going Home
Just The Start
Back To Normal (You Think?)
Help Is At Hand
Kidnapped (Sort Of)
The Parents
Pleased To See Me (Yeah Right!)
Kidnapped Again
What A Bombshell!
Back To Reality
No Way
What Now?
Sheer Madness
Oh What A Night (Pt I)
Oh What A Night (Pt II)
A New Me
Hood Winked
Press Ganged
Collateral Damage
Welcome Home
The Dreaded Visit
You Idiot
This Is War
Back To Work
The Fellowship
Trust Me
All Is Forgiven
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt I)
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt II)
Family Values
Building Bridges
To Little To Late?
Next In The Series

Out In The Open

4.2K 280 3
By rutimabe


"Right Missy, you and I need to talk"

Those few words struck fear right to my core, what does she mean talk, have I done something wrong, shit.

"T,t talk about what" I managed to get out.

"You and my brother" the hard glare I was getting made me grab the glass of water and take small sips as my mind went into overdrive trying to come up with all the different senarios that this talk could lead to.

"What about us" after my fifth sip of water my brain was starting to function.

"How about the truth for starters"

"I don't understand what do you mean the truth" I was starting to get annoyed now, why am I being spoken to like this I haven't done anything wrong.

Claudia sighed and her shoulders dropped.

"Look Chrissie I know that something is not right here, my brother would never go out with a girl like you"

As I was about to let loose about how dare she, Claudia raised her hand to silence me.

"Sorry I didn't mean it the way it sounded"

On hearing this I leant back in my chair and crossed my arms cocking my head to one side and raising my eyebrows, allowing her to continue.

"Chrissie you are gorgeous and real not a fake cow, you are not shallow or bitchy, you are the complete opposite of the trash my brother usually dates"

Wow! Say it as it is why don't you.

"I still don't understand what you are asking of me" my anger having abated and being replaced with embarrassment at the compliments and I still wasn't sure where this was all leading to.

"My brother is an ass when it comes to women, our parents want him to marry some stuck up wealthy snob, so as to keep up appearances in their business world.
Brent hated all the females paraded in front of him by our parents, so he took off to become a movie star, I won't bore you with his story you have probably read and heard it a million times"

"Well actually I have no idea about him at all, if I am to be truthful"

Claudia stared at me with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"Your kidding right, so your not a fan of his films"

"Well I don't own a TV or listen to the radio much, I'm more a reader and walker"

"Surely your friends have talked about him?"

"Oh the girls at work go on about him, But I don't really know what they're on about and I don't really have any friends to speak of " my voice dropping to a whisper as I finished.

Still staring at me in shock, Claudia eventually shook her head.

"You are unbelievable I must say"

Claudia lent across the table and pinched my upper arm hard.

"Oww, why the hell did you do that" I cried out.

"Just checking you were real"

"Course I'm real and that hurt"

"You have no idea have you" she never gave me time to answer as she continued to explain.

"I know my brother extremely well, better than anyone else on this planet, he doesn't date ever, he has no interest in women apart from bedding them and then kicking them into touch, they are all after something, usually fame, being plastic air headed Barbie's they will screw whoever it takes to become famous or wealthy.
Then there is you"

She looked at me as though she was studying a new life form.

"Extremely beautiful"

To which I snorted.

"But won't accept it and hide's it away, fiesty, oh yes definitely feisty, no interest in fame or wealth.
But however you have been Brent's girlfriend longer than anyone else, in fact scratch that you are the only girlfriend he's ever had, he hasn't slept with or has he?"

I sheepishly shook my head no and hid my blush with my hair.

"Another first, so that must mean you are the real deal then, the future Mrs Simons.

"What!" As my head shot up so fast, I nearly got a concussion.

"Are you mad, no flipping way"

"Why not" she asked cocking her head to one side.

"Okay I'll tell you the truth, but please don't tell anyone ever, promise me"

Claudia nodded her acceptance of the terms.

"We're not really dating, it was a drunken bet, when we were in a pub, he bet me I couldn't stand his lifestyle for three months and in that time as his pretend girlfriend I would be helping his image, in return he would get me to see that there was a man out there for me"

I then went on to explain the details and the signed agreement.

"So you see after three months I go back to my life in theory with one million pounds and his image improved, though I would never take his money, it wouldn't feel right and that's it"

"So that explains everything, now I understand"

"You do?"

"Oh yes" she dragged out, with a huge smile spreading across her face.

"Oh boy this is going to be fun, wait til my parents find out about you, they're due in about now" she stated looking at her watch.

"Due in?" I enquired.

"Yep, due in here, LA to visit Brent, they heard a rumour that their son actually has a girlfriend and they need to see for themselves"

"What!" I shrieked alerting half the restaurant to my presence. "I've gotta go, I need to get home, damn you Brent this is all your fault"

"Woah steady on there Chrissie, don't worry it will be alright"

"How can you say that after what you have just told me about them, perhaps if Brent tells them about the bet they'll understand"

"Oh they'd understand alright, I'm afraid it's you that dosen't understand"

"What do you mean, I don't understand, understand what"

"Chrissie, I told you I know my brother and there is no way this is just pretend, I've seen the way he looks at you and I've heard how he talks about you, he is definitely smitten with you and falling deeper day by day"

"Yer right, you are so far of the mark Claudia, he's only doing this for his image and he is an actor after all, so no I'm not buying the whole falling in love with me routine, sorry"

"Have it your way, all I'm saying is wait and see and I will also have a bet with you if I'm right your first girl offspring will be named after me, okay"

"Yeah whatever and what do I get when you lose"

"I will pay your rent for a year, deal"

"That would be great, I could afford some luxuries with the money I save, deal"

And we shook hands.

"But this means you have to stay here in LA so I can prove it to you" she smiled a smile that said gotcha.

Why do I get this feeling I was setup here, but at least this was the best bet I've ever made, I was sure to win hands down wasn't I.

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